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Zerg Campaign: Invasion of Azeroth

Above Char, The Terran and Protoss fire a jointly-developed experimental super-weapon at Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades.

The blast unexpectedly tears a hole in space-time, launching Kerrigan and her Zerg out of the Korpulu Sector.

She's another world's problem now...

Follow Sarah Kerrigan on her new journey as she and her brood wreck havoc on the Warcraft III timeline.


  1. Requires version 1.28 or 1.29 of Warcraft III, which you can find here, under the Game Files tab.
  2. Requires a special War3Mod.mpq file. I cannot bundle that in this post, so you must download it from Mod DB.
  3. Copy War3Mod.mpq into the folder where War3 is installed. If you already have a different mod in there, back it up first.
  4. If you haven't already, download and run this registry fix to fix single-player profiles not being saved.
  5. Copy ZergCampaign.w3n into Documents/Warcraft III/Campaigns.
  6. Run Warcraft III. Single Player -> Custom Campaign -> Zerg Campaign.
  7. If the game crashes when trying to run the campaign, make sure Warcraft 3's graphic settings (Options -> Video) are all on High. If the crash persists, try navigating to the blizzard wc3 campaign screen (Single Player -> Campaign) first and then try again.

Gameplay Videos

Check out the YouTube playlist.

The 'StarCraft Crossover' mod — Multiplayer, Custom Games, and Custom Hotkeys

The Zerg Campaign was developed alongside and sits on top of what I have dubbed the StarCraft Crossover mod (the contents of War3Mod.mpq).

It lets the Zerg branch out from the confines of the campaign and into custom games!

You can play as Zerg in any standard melee maps online with your friends, or against the computer.

Just set your race to Night Elf, and your handicap to 90%.


And you're ready to command the swarm!


This will work on any map that spawns standard melee starting units. So there's no need to to create extra maps, the ones that come with War3 will work out of the box!

Of course, you can only play with people that are using the same version of this mod.

Note that computer players are not currently able to play as Zerg.
Also, maps that run unusual triggers at the start may prevent creep (and therefor Larvae) from spawning properly. If this happens, modify it or pick a more normal map.

https://eurobattle.net/ is probably the easiest way to play online. It supports version 1.28 of War3.

You can add the units and abilities featured in the Zerg Campaign to your own custom maps via the World Editor, without having to import anything!


Note for any potential developers: As far as I know, if you want to reference any of the functions or variables from the mod's Blizzard.j script in the World Editor, you must copy scripts\Blizzard.j from the mod into War3x.mpq.

Want to change the Zerg hotkeys to suit your playstyle? Included in the Mod DB download is a text file called SC-CustomKeysSample.txt that will help you do just that!
Copy its contents into Documents\Warcraft III\CustomKeyBindings\CustomKeys.txt and make any changes you like.


Then make sure Custom Keyboard Shortcuts is checked under Options -> Gameplay.


This project began by combining the efforts two ill-fated StarCraft-themed projects in an effort to fully realize the Zerg in Warcraft III.

Warcraft vs Starcraft was used a starting point for core Zerg functionality, such as Creep, and how units are produced via Larva, as well as some of its assets.

Assets were then imported from Project Revolution, because I prefer Brood War over StarCraft II. They weren't 100% complete, and I had to add sounds to them, but they look the part well enough.

Additional asset credits

Asset credits that contain spoilers

Patch History

2022-06-12 - Patch 1.0

Known Issues

- As with all custom campaigns, when clicking Continue after completing a level, the difficulty will change to whatever difficulty you last selected on the Blizzard War3 campaigns, regardless of the difficulty setting you chose when starting the Zerg Campaign. Be sure the difficulty setting in Single Player -> Campaign is the one you want.
- Queen's Parasite cannot target Cyclone'd units.
- Zerg ready sounds will play even if you have 'Unit Responses' turned off.
- Zerglings and Defilers can't be clicked on while burrowed. Their burrow hole also persists for a while when killed while burrowed.
- Nydus Canal and Defiler Mound models lack team color.
- Spiked Barricades does not appear correctly on Lair or Hive, although it will still damage enemies.
- 'Summon Kukulza' isn't carried over to Chapter Seven when learned.


Please let me know if you encounter any issues, or have ideas you want to suggest.

Thank you.

Zerg Campaign (Campaign)

It looks really neat, mostly in theory, however. What it needs is: a proper story and cinematic driven campaign (I actually had a similar story idea but with terran :p); there's no real character interaction (later on, it kind of tries to happen but...


Level 4
Mar 17, 2021
To be honest, I'm already sick of "explosions of time spaces". Of course, I will look at the campaign, but I doubt that I will see anything new there, judging by the screenshots, these are just the main campaigns of Warcraft 3, only you play for zerg.
Level 8
Dec 1, 2021
I confused where to put the .mpq file and then this issues occur


  • Screenshot (9).png
    Screenshot (9).png
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Level 4
Mar 17, 2021
I watched the gameplay of the campaign and what I want to say:
Why zerg from sc1? Their icons, models, animations in Warcraft 3 stand out too much, hurt the eye and sometimes cause twitching.
Well, as it should be: in the campaign, maps from the main campaigns or generally from standard maps for battles. I have nothing to praise this project for.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I watched the gameplay of the campaign and what I want to say:
Why zerg from sc1? Their icons, models, animations in Warcraft 3 stand out too much, hurt the eye and sometimes cause twitching.
Well, as it should be: in the campaign, maps from the main campaigns or generally from standard maps for battles. I have nothing to praise this project for.
Dawg, if your eyes are twitching from this you gotta go see an optometrist, I worry about you.


Level 4
Mar 17, 2021
Rating solely only by watching rather than actually playing to give proper feedback is not only lazy and inappropriate but mean.
I advise you reconsider.
It was enough for me to cringe in the campaign with the video, and after that I still have to personally play in order to completely go blind?)
When I try to play it, I have 2 problems:
1. Under Mac, I did not find Warcraft 3 patch 1.28.
2. The file for the mod completely refuses to be extracted from the file.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

It was enough for me to cringe in the campaign with the video, and after that I still have to personally play in order to completely go blind?)
When I try to play it, I have 2 problems:
1. Under Mac, I did not find Warcraft 3 patch 1.28.
2. The file for the mod completely refuses to be extracted from the file.
Sorry but this is not a constructive feedback to the author of this project. Rating resources 1/5 without any proper reason helps no one. Further more, you rated it after watching a video. Seriously? Have you even considered asking for help in order to play it or anything? I have removed your unfair rating.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Main issue I'm running into currently is 1.28.5 seems to not know where to look for profile data when I boot it up after the first time. My profile is there and new ones get created, but when I exit and restart the game, it forgets what directory to look in and I cannot continue with progress in the game. I've also tried copying my save profiles into a legacy Save folder in the install directory.

EDIT: fixed, ran the SP Profile registry fix on the patch page here
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Level 2
Feb 22, 2021
Main issue I'm running into currently is 1.28.5 seems to not know where to look for profile data when I boot it up after the first time. My profile is there and new ones get created, but when I exit and restart the game, it forgets what directory to look in and I cannot continue with progress in the game. I've also tried copying my save profiles into a legacy Save folder in the install directory.

EDIT: fixed, ran the SP Profile registry fix on the patch page here
I have the same problem too so i play all campaign by once
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Finished playing this, showcase starting this week. Ultimately, I was pleasantly surprised with how this campaign unfolded. Purely from a total conversion mod perspective, this is incredibly done, it truly does feel like playing a StarCraft race in Warcraft 3, well done! The cost and balance changes seem quite meticulous to accommodate for the fast unit attack speeds and I am glad you did not compromise on the attack speed front because that is what makes it feel like a StarCraft faction still.

Re: the campaign, your confidence and ability to make an engaging story and map certainly increased over time, with the first couple maps pretty much being copy/pastes of original campaign maps. As time goes on, even though melee maps are used, the actual map events seem more fun and intricate. I guess it makes narrative sense to have the whole faction unlocked on mission 1, but a tech progression would do a lot to make this feel a lot more like a campaign that progresses.

Further, I am not a fan of the big spawned junk at the end of the final two maps. They function as big 'gotchas' and players can be completely screwed thinking the map is ending then suddenly a 100 supply enemy army spawns right on top of their army or base and forces them to replay everything. I think these elements could be handled better to feel less random and abrupt.

Otherwise, fantastic work porting this over such that it's not just a complete gimmick, but a fully functional and fun faction that actually has better QOL than it's original iteration in SC1 by allowing multiple Hatcheries to be hotkeys and built from at the same time. The infested enemy heroes and town halls was a clever idea and I like how each ones gives specifically curated things rather than an overload of options.

Ultimately, I'd give this a 3.5/5 if only because I think the campaign itself could use a bit of polish, but for the sake of Hive ratings, this is a solid 4. Thanks for your work!
Level 2
May 29, 2022
Ok. I tried to launch first mission and loading stops after half bar game freezes and then closed. Can someone say what i do wrong?

EDIT: Fixed problem. Campaign is fine. For me it lacks of secrets/quest. And mission against night elfs have annoying attack trigger when you attack main base. With some polishing it will be solid custom campaign. Keep going)
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Level 11
May 31, 2019
Ok. I tried to launch first mission and loading stops after half bar game freezes and then closed. Can someone say what i do wrong?

What operating system are you running? Someone else on windows 10 reported this same issue. Since I don't have win10, I can't say for sure if this is the culprit. One thing you could try if possible, is to set the compatibility mode of Warcraft III.exe to windows 7 or 8, and see if that helps.
Level 2
May 29, 2022
.What operating system are you running? Someone else on windows 10 reported this same issue. Since I don't have win10, I can't say for sure if this is the culprit. One thing you could try if possible, is to set the compatibility mode of Warcraft III.exe to windows 7 or 8, and see if that helps.
Windows 10. Problem stop occured after i tried opening original campaign screen and my cursor swaps to SC 1 cursor. After that worked perfectly.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Just finished your campaign on Hard, and despite a few issues, I had a very good time. I'll drop my review here.

  • This campaign has SC1 Zerg units with voice sets (and Kerrigan's juicy wing slap sound), and I do not want to imagine the length you have to go through to make functional Zerg Larvae/Select Larva, Zerg Eggs/Cocoons, Lurkers' attack, Queens' Infest Town Hall, unit balancing etc... It feels like I'm actually playing SC1 Zerg in Warcraft, and that is ust beautiful.
  • As for terrain however, many chapters are too similar to melee maps which is acceptable (since I'm also bad at terraining), but a bit boring. And random loot pool from creeps makes it really hard for me to min-max my Heroes' items.
  • A bit nitpicky, but some active abilities/upgrades don't have the WC3 icon borders and it messed up my brain.
  • Some infested units are just recolors, and are not infested-looking enough, with protruding tumors and tentacles and all that. And too few custom abilities. Vanilla abilities with a twist are the best, such as Infested Hippogryph Taming.
  • During my playthrough, I committed to using Mal'Ganis and Cairne in every chapter, even after I had Kael, Azgalor, and Gazz. The reason behind this was that when they are spawned, they retained their items and levels from the previous chapters, which can make quite a difference during the brutal early game attack waves with mixed enemy types. Maybe assign a stash that to each Infested Hero, which stores their item, and put them near the main Hatchery upon entering each chapter. When a Hero is spawned, the items from their respective stash will be transferred to them. Kinda like Rexxar campaign.
  • Speaking of Heroes:
  • Mal'Ganis and Cairne, despite their mostly vanilla skillset, are just on crack. In here (like any other campaigns), AoE damage is king, and they provide just that with an Aura on top. And their AoE abilities don't force them to stand in one place.
  • Kerrigan's worst ability is Consume, but despite that, she's still top tier. She has TWO AoE abilities, and one of them is super spammable.
  • Rexxar is just sad. Summon slightly stronger Zerg units with long cooldown, skill points become useless after level 8, weak AoE, and not even available in Chapter 7. His existence makes Tyrande seems like a viable Hero choice.
  • Azgalor and Maiev are fine, but he can use some more custom abilities. Meanwhile, Gazz can turn into a Siege Tank with 250 chaos damage. (Also, Engineering Upgrade is known to cause some issue when loading the Hero from cache, so something to look out for.)

- Chapter 1:
  • A bit boring, due to the lack of an opening cinematic and an empty bottom right section of the map, with an uncontested fountain.
  • Many units are available too early, mainly spellcasters and air units, which trivializes the chapter, and the one after too.

- Chapter 2:
  • The left section of the map is also quite vacant.
  • Fun chapter that introduces the Infest Town Hall mechanics.

- Chapter 3:
+ Grom is a pest, but also too easily countered. When his pathing is blocked, he just stands at the cliff outside the main base with his health slowly being chipped down by a Sunken Colony.

- Chapter 4:
+ I feel like this is when the difficulty spikes up in a good way, since it requires map knowledge. Destroying one side, and using the Gold Mine advantage to push to the middle base and camp there so that Maiev's troop can't pile up was the way I beat the level.

- Chapter 5:
  • I like killing stuffs, and maps that encourage aggressive plays. Which makes this chapter my favorite.
  • I also encountered the Larva crash when building Hatcheries in the destroyed Human bases.
  • Kael and Baelgun has horrendously low movement speed for whatever reason.

- Chapter 6:
  • Fun arena zone. But the best thing about this map is purchasable Sobi Mask, which allows Kerrigan to beat every opponent without hiring troops.
  • The second section is painful however. The attack waves are one thing, but holy shit, the spellcasters are overpowered (with Rune and Shield spam) and extremely, annoyingly noisy.
  • Grom is here again to snatch my items, but if I don't kill creeps, thus no items dropped, then he won't do anything. Once again, so easy to counter, but so tedious. He ruins the flow of gameplay.
  • Speaking of gameplay flow (applies to chapter 7 also), I feel like some upgrades and Infested structures should be available from the get-go to encourage more risky, crazy strats. The lack of time and resources in the early game makes me feel pressured to build the strongest units which can get boring after a while.
  • And speaking of easy to counter but tedious, the last part of C6 and C7 introduces these fuck-you moments at the end which can be debilitating if all resources were already used for the final attack. And the solution to that? Spawn camping. I feel like those attack waves should be foreshadowed with dialogue and/or should come out from the top side of the map when the enemies' bases are already weakened, not at the very end.

- Chapter 7:
+ Not much to say, except that this is a very hard chapter. A test for both micro and macro, which makes for an epic conclusion of the first Act of the campaign.
Level 2
Jun 5, 2022
Hi, having some issues with launching the mod.

So, I downloaded the mod and followed the installation guide to the letter, didn't skip or leave a single step out. Yet, when I launch the first mission of the campaign, the loading bar progresses to roughly halfway before the game either crashes or freezes entirely. Not sure what's going on, launched in compatibility, reinstalled several times (including the game itself) and the problem persists.
I'm running the correct game version, 1.28.5. And have installed the most recent war3mod file.

Please help,
Level 11
May 31, 2019
Finished playing this
Just finished your campaign on Hard, and despite a few issues, I had a very good time. I'll drop my review here.
Thank you. Lots of well though-out points. I am working on an update that will hopefully address much of your guys' feedback.

Hi, having some issues with launching the mod.
Sorry to hear this. I just want to make sure --
  • Are all of War3's graphics settings on High?
  • Are you able to go to the Sentinels (Night Elf Frozen Throne) Campaign screen, see the cursor change to the StarCraft cursor, and then try to load Zerg Campaign again?
  • If it still crashes after checking the above, could you also try running in compatibility mode with Windows 8 or lower, and running the game as admin? I have no idea if those would solve it, but couldn't hurt to try.
Level 6
Jul 27, 2013
Great campaign, I played through it twice and had a lot of fun. The Zerg feel very faithful to their Brood War incarnation, and the additional infestations are great too. My favorite thing about this campaign is how you must adapt your strategies and unit choices to counter the Warcraft 3 races, and you can't just play exactly like StarCraft 1.

I've encountered some minor issues that don't really impact the experience in a significant way, but you might want to know about nonetheless:
  • In chapter 6 when you acquire a base after the arena segment, there is a buried drone near the extractor that doesn't get rescued, and it just stays there buried for the whole game.
  • Also in chapter 6, when the Protoss appear, their units and especially buildings seem to sometimes forget to turn on their energy shields.
  • In chapter 7, there appears to be some randomness as to which infested heroes join with Sylvanas. When I tried to beat this mission for the first time, it was infested Mal'Ganis that betrayed me, but when I replayed this mission afterwards it was infested Tyrande instead. This is a rather strange choice, as this randomness can massively alter the difficulty of the mission depending on which heroes leave you (the version where I had Mal'Ganis with me was a lot easier).
  • Finally, I've encountered an issue where marines from the terran faction in chapter 7 would sometimes reapply stim after every shot, rapidly draining their own hp.
Hope I'll see a sequel to this campaign one day!
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Not much to say, except that this is a very hard chapter
I take this back, because Gazz is too overpowered, and even more so when paired with attack/attack speed buffs (Gloves of Haste, Trueshot Aura, etc), and he still retain his Tinker Form's air attack even when in Siege Form. Melee heroes like Garithos or Mal'Ganis are supposed to counter him, but a Pocket Hatchery is enough to distract them, not to mention that those Clockwork Zerglings benefit from upgrades, unlike vanilla Clockwerk Goblins.

Also, is there a way to stop Sylvanas from infesting Garithos? I tried killing Garithos and destroying his Town Hall before Sylvanas did, but she still infested him anyway.
Level 11
May 31, 2019
I take this back, because Gazz is too overpowered, and even more so when paired with attack/attack speed buffs (Gloves of Haste, Trueshot Aura, etc), and he still retain his Tinker Form's air attack even when in Siege Form. Melee heroes like Garithos or Mal'Ganis are supposed to counter him, but a Pocket Hatchery is enough to distract them, not to mention that those Clockwork Zerglings benefit from upgrades, unlike vanilla Clockwerk Goblins.

Also, is there a way to stop Sylvanas from infesting Garithos? I tried killing Garithos and destroying his Town Hall before Sylvanas did, but she still infested him anyway.
Since Gazz is the only hero that you can potentially miss out on, I wanted to make him 'extra' good. In the last version in the Map Development forum, he was quite pathetic, but I admit I might have over-corrected a little :p.

Sylvanas' AI was designed to have Garithos infested. It would take a lot more time to design and test an extra version of her ai without him and balance accordingly, so I just left it as one infestation that you can't stop. If it helps, you can think of it like she'd already infested him earlier, and later was just showing off to Kerrigan.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
It looks really neat, mostly in theory, however. What it needs is:
  • a proper story and cinematic driven campaign (I actually had a similar story idea but with terran :p); there's no real character interaction (later on, it kind of tries to happen but it's weird that's it's abrupt and overall it doesn't make sense, as if the maps until then are not finished or something)
  • original and fitting terrain
  • by level/chapter techtree advancement (I know Kerrigan was blasted with a lot of her zerg techtree there but new infestated and DNA splicing mutations could be developed throughout the campaign on Warcraft units)
  • chapters should load automatically one after the other
  • a scene where Sylvanas gets infested would have been immersive; sadly, there's no difference between this version and Arthas' conversion; same spells; likewise: Mal'Ganis
  • could have made an interesting link between psionics and magic; why Kerrigan would be able to use/understand magical items/things etc.
  • infested units being unique with their own abilities, not just copies of former units
  • an odd thing is infesting undead; that's kind of like either a paradox or maybe a pleonasm

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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Level 11
May 31, 2019
It looks really neat...

Thank you.

Alas, coming up with a lot of new units/abilities and then making sure they're actually fun/interesting would take a lot more time than I have. Same goes for making more cinematics.
Tbh I'm not sure why chapters weren't advancing when you clicked Continue. For me it works without issue. :peasant-confused:
Level 11
May 31, 2019
Version 1.0 is out!

This update addresses much of the player feedback to improve the campaign, as well as fixes many bugs.

Check out the full patch notes here!

Both ZergCampaign.w3n and War3Mod.mpq have been changed, so be sure to copy over both files before playing the updated version.

I've also uploaded a new YouTube video showing off some 2v2 gameplay.
Level 3
Oct 25, 2018
Finally beat the campaign! I wrote something about each mission after I beat it (and revised some sentences afterwards). Some things are abit ranty and some are just me having fun writing. I also added some suggestions or general observations in there.

Chapter 1:
- This badly needs a intro cutscene. More dialogue or a cutscene of Kerrigan taking over Silvermoon or infesting Sylvanas(golden opportunity: sylvanas being like "Not this again!!!" on the place of the map, since its the same map as the arthas scene in roc)
  • Sylvanas is just there with no introduction.. Would be cool if she had some kinda entrance.
  • All "elven" towns around the map look the same with 1 high elf lady in there, maybe switch it up a little.

Chapter 2:
  • Random Sylvanas is infested... Please see note on chapter 1 about this.
  • I liked having the Arthas speech that he obtained frostmorne while im just minding my business. Gives abit of tension since most people who play this know whats going on between Arthas and Mal'Ganis.
  • Witty dialogue and very good last cutscene of Jaina teleporting Arthas+Frostmourne away.
  • I was pleasantly suprised that I can take over Undead Citadel with Zerg Queen to gain more Technology later on!
  • What would have been nice is some chatter between Sylvanas and Kerrigan during the mission. Some passive agressive or annoyed back and forth about Kerrigan ordering Sylvanas to do something and she responing with something funny. Maybe that she has no time for games. ;)

Chapter 3:
  • Nice little intro but sadly this mission is only amassing an army and kiling everything. What would have been funny is more dialogue.
  • Also maybe something thats triggered when a kodo beast is devouring a zergling or hydralisk and it vomits them out again lol. What was funny to see is the zerglings all killing themselfes against the spike armor of the orc bases.
  • Grom could have been made more annyoing by leveling him up or giving him some better items. Maiev in the next mission is way more annoying and a pest
  • No ending cutscene :(

Chapter 4:
  • A wild Maiev appears! :O Nearly killed Kerrigan. Also big wave of Nightelf ladies approaching!
  • I like the spike of difficulty in this chapter, seems that there are more attacks.
  • Cairne aura + crack zerglings are crazy.
  • I actually had to restart this mission because I got swarmed by alot of units. Its doable with Kerrigan+Cairne 10 Ultras and 12 Hydras tho.

Chapter 5:
  • Cutscene time!! This mission looks familiar! It also seems to be also pretty hard.
  • Do I have to give this campaign a 5/5 because Hydralistks can mount Hyppogrphs?! WAT
  • Had some trouble taking the Orc base with mines plented before it AND enemy beastmaster ultimate.
  • Pretty hard fight at the nightelf base too with Illidan porting in and everything.
  • The bases in top left didnt need to be destroyed for the mission requirement. Unsure if that should be needed. Kerrigan and Sylvanas dialogue and maybe some foreshadowing?...
  • FINALLY some sylvanas and kerrican dialogue in the end <3 <3

Chapter 6:
  • Very good change in tempo, arena was fun and the last wave was pretty hard, had to reload 2 times. Kerrigans 2 AOE abilities + invu potion + mana potion can deal with the enemies easily tho... After barely beating last wave i got demolished by the demons who rush into the frey tho so I had to reload another time. I like when it's challenging like this. Also a welcome distraction from the weary base building of the last missions
  • Eyes of Killrog should have less HP. Like 50 or so,not 500
  • Random taverns do not seem to fit
  • The hit sounds of the enemy factions sound abit out of place.
(After asking pies for abit of advice I finally was able to raze the top left base. Thanks!)
- Oh yea the brotoss arrived but they were nothing against my army. Might of the Swarm emerges victorious once again.

Chapter 7:
  • That intro <3 Big kerrigan and sylvanas action!!! Really well made and smart use of the wc3 voices.
  • Hardest mission yet with the highlevel enemy heroes and the many attacks on my bases. I had to switch my difficulty to easy at this point because it was becoming too hard for me.
  • After amassing some mega-buffed ultras and some hydras I was finally able to take out the Sylvanas bases.
  • Really liked the final showdown. Sylvanas giving her all and even having a second phase. And her "heroic" last stand.

Chapter 8(?)/Ending
Looking forward to some Lich Queen Jaina action :)

  • Would be cool to have pre-made hotkeys/keybinds for Grid Mode like in Broodwar/SC2.
  • A zerg shop like the other races have with some zerg-themed items
  • Kerrigan run animation is very derpy
  • Better Zerg technology progression during the chapters. From chapter 2 on everything seems unlocked. To explain this to the player you could say Kerrigan got dizzy from being isekai'ed and forgot how to make Queens or something and that she gradually regains her memory and experience. Seeing that she starts at lvl 1 or 2 at the beginning of the campaign (but was isekai'ed from her peak of power in SC1)
  • I would have liked to see less "build base and destroy enemy base" and more like the arena thing in chapter 6
  • It feels like there is an increasing amount of effort put into each chapter. The earlier ones are pretty barebones but later on its getting great. My guess is that you got better and better with using the editor.
  • The last 2 missions more than made up for the earlier ones because you added alot more dialogue and cutscenes! I even felt abit bad for Sylvanas in the end but just a little :p

Rating: I give this a 3.9 out of 5. The start was abit wobbly with missing story/cutscenes/dialogue but the last chapters really made up for it. Great job!

Closing words: Took me like 10 hours in total and I had alot of fun playing some content with my favorite badass Warcraft and Starcraft charaters :). Looking forward to more!

Thank you for making this campaign, PiesOfNorth
Level 11
May 31, 2019
Thanks for your review.

There's a lack of cutscenes/dialogue early mostly because of time and writing ability. Since this was a solo effort, I had to prioritize my efforts on what I felt was most important, which was getting it working at all.

Fair point about the level variety. Initially there were no plans for a 'melee' mode, and so the campaign would have been the only way to have a 'normal' fight between the zerg and the war3 races. It was only after I made chapter 6 that I realized it would be possible to have the mod support custom games. But if it had been planned that way from the start, the early levels would probably have been different.
Level 1
Nov 4, 2017
good idea you just need to work on the lore,you have tunro that good with making campaigns maybe you can learn something from his videos about creating few things and map,that idea sound good
Level 6
Feb 27, 2020
Just finished this one, uploading two last videos.

Several notes.

1. First of all, I suppose, it rather better be called as total convertion experiment in some sort, rather then usual campaign. In this case contras notes and suggestions might sounds and look different.
2. As people already said, using default layout from skirmish maps, or ether campaign, make things just boring and not interesting. It might a way for first try, or for somebody that not much familiar with Warcraft III it be interesting, but, at the end point, not for a something that planning to be significant. So. First four missions in this case is rather blank, while mission 6 and 7 actually has a good fit.
3. Plot... there is basic base for it, but it's rather not exist here in overall. Same goes for the lack of cutscenes.
4. Powerfull units right from the start made me just stick to frost wyrms, while the rest are just weak and useless in most situations, unless mission specifics doesn't allow such strategy. By this reason I've once switched to spiders and ultralisks and, in mission 7, after I've released that usual air is supreme here, while wyrms are weak, switched to them, placing my core buildings on east, where just few enemy air units might appear... or up to zero.
5. Items. it's rather no items at all, or it's just tonns of them, which left directly from skirmishes. Nothing unique. When items appear in the shops I've used them, as I'm usually do.
6. Allies options. Mostly unused here.

So. If you decide to make another campaign in the same style, I might recommend switch to RPG-like scheme. Weak Kerrigan appear in another world. She can have just temporary base of operations and a few units. Slowly gain resources, explore the map, get new unit types, mercenaries, make a fork to which allience to pick with conquences and so on, not just, well, "run and gun, kill everyone", Kerrigan might be way deeper person in that case.

In other words - something similar to original addional orc campaign, but with some melee fragments and other stuff. With combination of Nova like campaign from Starcraft II.

Issues / questions.

1. It seems that the trigger, that makes Silvana appear at the end of the mission 7 was broken in my case first time, or it will work if just a few blue enemy units will remain, in other case it's not. First I didn't figure out it and, after fight at the center of the map, tried to check the map. Then tried to go at the fight directly, which, obviously, just lead to a fail. After I've just got bored and repeated the battle with the cheat and turn off after figuring the thing.
2. Side quest doesn't affect anything, it seems. Moreover, it make things harder if you decide to distract to it, instead of destroying enemy bases.
3. Not remember exactly, around start of the mission 5, I guess, I've got in the fight, save the game and tried to reload it - game crashed. Was not able to load it once again and started the mission from scratch from the menu.

A bit of final statistics (missed a few books on the last map, one been taken by Azgalor).

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Close to the end I've lost all buildings, so main bet to finish the mission was made on the heroes only.

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