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The Lonely Nightstar


This campaign was made by Flower Fairy. She is the author of this campaign. The campaign is being posted on HiveWorkShop on her behalf with her express permission.

The campaign was originally posted here:

花季的阴影V2.0 - 自定义战役系列地图讨论区 - 游久社区 - bbs.uuu9.com


The Lonely Nightstar
The Lonely Nightstar
This campaign tells the story of Maiev and the Night Elves' fight for freedom against the various factions that seek to oppose them. The campaign is comprised of 11 playable missions and 9 cinematic missions, and follows the style of the Blizzard campaign with RTS-style missions as well as RPG-style missions.

Due to the conversion tool used to convert the campaign to the standard world editor, it is recommended to play the campaign using the most recent patch.

List of Flower Fairy's Campaigns
List of Flower Fairy's Campaigns


Maiev: The main character of the campaign, and the leader of the fugitives. She was once a boy, but for unknown reasons she had her friend He Xiaoshu change her into a girl. No one else knew she changed into a girl besides He Xiaoshu. Everyone else still thought she was a boy, including her romantic admirer Jaina. Maiev is cold, elegant and independent. She has a sense of righteousness and yearns freedom. When Jaina sacrifices herself for her, she gives her emotions away to Valkyire in order to revive Jaina. Her pain while staying in Lordaeron compelled her to feel the shadow of death during her wonderful youth. For this, she thirsts for vengeance more than at any other time, even to the extent that she has no scruples taking advantage of her allies. In the end, after being alienated from everyone, she persists in her vengeance and goes through the completely unknown portal.

Jaina: A child who has had a tough life. She lost her parents when she was very young, and is in love with Maiev. In order to gain her acceptance, Jaina even sacrifices her own life. Even though she is ultimately revived by Valkyire, she chooses to stop following Maiev. She knows she will feel guilty for a long time...

Malfurion: An old friend of Maiev's who flees Lordaeron with her. He is very loyal to Maiev, but in the end he chose to not help her along with everyone else. This caused Maiev to become angry with shame, and she cut off relations with Malfurion.

Shandris: A highly skilled ranger who is tough and suspicious. She is Tyrande's and Jaina's friend. She knows that the sacrifices that arise from Maiev's vengeance are foolish. It is she who convinces Tyrande to abandon Maiev.

Illidan: An old friend of Maiev's who was cursed along with his followers upon the arrival of Balnazzar and Mannoroth. He swore to make them pay for what they did. In the end, he abandoned the endless chase, and cut off relations with Maiev.

Tyrande: A cowardly leader who commands Ashenvale to resist the lordaeron undead invasion while the leader of Ashenvale is absent. In the end, she chooses to preserve her remaining warriors, which causes her to have a falling out with the vengeance-seeking Maiev.



Message from Flower Fairy (creator): This campaign takes some inspiration from Tomoraider and Sclammerz.

These are the hiveworkshop resources in use, based on the automatic credit generator:
Resources in Use by The Lonely Nightstar | HIVE

Bymighty, Rightfield, Kuhneghetz, General Frank, Darky29, frostwolf, jetfanginferno, vile, Lord_T, BloodY_turds, donut3.5, infrenus, kitabatake, assasin_lord, shadow_killer, thrikodius, supertoinkz, sellensiko, -grendel, power, hexus, Wandering Soul, Kellym0, jesushipster, Andrewoverload519, ebuz, john_drake, nightskyaurora, kangyun, matiS, Krysis, darkholme, 67chrome, Daenar7, Blizzard Entertainment, Kyzerdrood32, darkfang, crazyrussian, cloudwolf, palaslayer, hellx-magnus, orthon, Peekay, zbc, nelsonlaje, heinvers, blazecraze, the panda,

Special Thanks

Message from Flower Fairy (creator): This campaign takes some inspiration from Tomoraider and Sclammerz.

These people helped in various ways in bringing the campaign to hiveworkshop.
Ghostwolf- YDWE conversion tool, Wareditor + Quinten- map description title picture, Deepstrasz- various things, Naruto- helping contact the author, Tuwnew- map template.

Change Log

H-Soy-v0.01- Initial Upload

H-Soy-v0.02- (chapter 1) strange dog unit name translated, bandit name translations fixed, circle for bomb name translated, main quest message translated. (chapter 3) Undead Necromancer named translated, double optional quest fixed
H-Soy-v0.03 tidal market + naga royal guard tooltip, map05 orange's armour reduction aura buff tooltip, map05 green abomination boss name, map06 interlude "Our Goals", map09 "shatter Archimonde's", map10 Satyr boss sound bites, map11 abomination unit in second undead group encountered name, "build troll hut", Rokhan " you will breathe", map12 "cold polar region", map13 Gazlowe "yeah", map13 Goblin acid bomb tooltip, map14 "place them (land mines)", map14 invulnerability potion tooltip,
H-Soy-v0.04 keeper "blood cry" debuff, sylvanas + muradin remaining item tooltip +name, map17 village leader name, fel orc crossbowman name, infernal machine name, black mouse name,
map18, orb of vengeance without blink toolip, easter egg rune stat boost included tooltip, fel orc shaman + elite frosty wyrm + kazzak +abomination name, lok tar/life for life line swap,
H-Soy-v0.05 Two preplaced shadow troll priests removed and the unit itself removed from tech tree on map 11 (temporarily, it causes auto crash to warcraft 3)


The Lonely Nightstar (Campaign)

Indeed, part of the Warcraft III story has been badly altered but by no means does this campaign deserve 1 star. It has gameplay value. Not only is it unfair disdain but it is not even criticism, it's unjust accusation. You have provided no arguments...
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
From what I read above, I understand that soon you will publish unprotected versions. And I can translate them. So?
I could get in touch with the original author, but I don’t know his language at all and therefore I contacted you.
The author (flower fairy) gave you permission to translate them (Nightstar/Crimson/Evil). Since she allows me to upload the unprotected version to hiveworkshop, I will replace the current protected versions with the unprotected versions as soon as I can access my thumb-drive storage device, hopefully by this friday night.

The Maiev-Vengeance campaign author (summer flower) also gave you her permission to translate her campaign.

Keep in mind, english versions will have been saved on 1.30.4, so in theory you will need to use a version equal to that or above.

Maybe, when you are finished with their translations, leave a link so those 2 authors can see where you upload their work on your russian Wc3 website?

In addition, Flower Fairy let me tell you about that she is grateful to you for your selfless dedication.
The campaign fans on hiveworkshop really appreciate Flower Fairy allowing her campaigns to be shared with everyone.

Besides, Flower Fairy asked her another friend to send her fourth campaign called "逐梦之歌" to you. You can play it when it is convenient for you.
Yes, he sent her 4th campaign 1 or 2 weeks ago. It was really enjoyable! I am sure Hiveworkshop players will also really enjoy playing it.
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Level 1
Sep 15, 2019
The campaign was good but some of the grammar is wrong also instead of saying the word 'ok' they should change it in 'Okay' feels (weird for me) and some of the response of the character is not good/inappropriate. The story is quite good we still see/saw and predicted the same old maiev that we know. It's quite hard and challenging that make the game good but in my opinion they should use another story instead of alternating the universe of world of warcraft.
I have just downloaded this, and I can see some problems with cinematics being unskippable, at least across chapters 1 to 3 (from experience).

As for the third chapter:

The whole level seems unplayable from the start. Attack waves come in at the same time, the only source of healing is in the enemy base, and they send four carrion swarmers at a time with full upgrades just for that final touch of "fuck you personally".

Not only do those carrion spammers mess your army up, they are quite bulky as well, taking 3 crushing waves (your carrion swarm derivative) to the face and still stand up. This is actually more difficult than the boss fight to an extent, as they have the home terrain advantage (fountain of health, along with two towers guarding a chokepoint with a lot of guards, and carrion spammers).

Due to immense burst damage, a recommended strategy is to just mass Naga Royal Guard (at least 5 will do), and starve them of their units.

Fifth Chapter:

*Shudder* Whose idea was it to just continuously attack the Ashenvale base without so much as a break in the early parts of the mission? Starfall, being very crucial to the defense thereof, is admittedly an eyesore to look at, and has an unfairly high cooldown relative to the attack waves that march in tow. "whosyourdaddy" in this mission is almost a necessity to successfully defend the base.
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Level 2
Oct 22, 2019
BRo I need to say that mission five have something wrong with hard mode that cant even hold Ashenvale base there are out of number attack one by one and there is just only tyrande has AOE skill
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
the fifth chapter onwards becomes ridicolously hard even on easy mode.

I forgot which mission where you haveto protect the world tree but Archimonde shows up on the 10th minute mark has almost 100,000 Health and can revive endlessly is such massive bullshit for me.

Not only that his 2 lackeys's as well can revive endlessly. Its sad too because that was on my favourite missions with protecting 3 bases and being attacked. But 6 heroes its doable and very fun. and than fucking archimonde shows up.

Finally the last mission you shouldn't lose if one of your heroes die. Because no matter what tactic i've used At least one dies.

Finally if your going to have the unskippable cutscenes at least make the dialogue good. It was like reading a badly written manga.

But besides these flaws this series Hits home on so many levels. Though the whole gender swap was completely unnecessary.

Overall 3/5. If you make the cutscenes skippable i'll bump it to 4/5 (thats how much the dialogue sucked tbh)

P.S. where is the rate button?
Level 3
Sep 25, 2018
A bug report here...

The chapter 10, even when i wipe out the undead, the mission never finish... and the optional quest never appears, or its me that im doing something wrong...
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
A bug report here...

The chapter 10, even when i wipe out the undead, the mission never finish... and the optional quest never appears, or its me that im doing something wrong...

Your supposed to kill every single undead on the map including every ghoul and everything....

i have no idea about the optional mission though
Level 3
Sep 25, 2018
Your supposed to kill every single undead on the map including every ghoul and everything....

When you mean: "EVERY SINGLE UNDEAD", you also mean Sylvanas army? in other words i have to betray her?

i have no idea about the optional mission though

Theres an optional quest according to the mission tab but this one never appears, atleast not for me...
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
When you mean: "EVERY SINGLE UNDEAD", you also mean Sylvanas army? in other words i have to betray her?

Theres an optional quest according to the mission tab but this one never appears, atleast not for me...

I mean i never figured out the optional mission easier.

Not the sylvanus army. Just Every Enemy Undead
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
I did, but still nothing happens, the mission never ends...
Maybe use flying units to check if any orc towers are alive on the hills. I think Flower Fairy made the fel orcs brown, so their colour blends into the minimap. Unless you changed the minimap so all enemies are shown in red, it might be difficult to see those towers on the hills.

Perhaps if you post a screenshot with all enemy set to red colour, with "iseedeadpeople" activiated, then other players can look at your minimap and tell you if you are missing anything.
Level 3
Sep 25, 2018
Maybe use flying units to check if any orc towers are alive on the hills. I think Flower Fairy made the fel orcs brown, so their colour blends into the minimap. Unless you changed the minimap so all enemies are shown in red, it might be difficult to see those towers on the hills.

Perhaps if you post a screenshot with all enemy set to red colour, with "iseedeadpeople" activiated, then other players can look at your minimap and tell you if you are missing anything.

I used the "iseedeadpeople" cheat code but never the color change option of the minimap, so maybe you right, ill try again then ill let you know if everything is ok...


Ok, after use the "map color" i manage to kill all the undeads and pass the mission, so thanks everyone...

And about the optional quest here's the thing, after the runestone gives you the "hint" and using the "iseedeadpeople" cheat code, in the south-east part of the map (in the very border) if you see well you can see a "black mouse", in order to reach it, you must use the Malfurion ability to summon trents to destroy the trees (siege weapons cant destroy the trees, dont know why), then use the blink skill of Maiev to blink and reach and kill it and take the cheese and bring it back to the runestone, after that, the runestone will "summon" an enemy, kill it and take the reward...
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Level 3
Aug 30, 2017
So, I just saw the russian translation of Flower Fairy's campaign being played on youtube.
I was watching the first mission, it seems very popular, the first mission itself even has 74 comments! (Most are asking about the gender of Maiev ! ! !)

Here is the link:

If you want to see the other videos of the missions, click on the youtuber person's account:ARROW'S PATH

Then type this into the "search" form on his video section: ОДИНОКАЯ НОЧНАЯ ЗВЕЗДА

That key word is "Lonely Nightstar" in russian I think. Then it will show you all the missions he plays of Flower Fairy's campaign.

Also, why did the Russian translator not post the link to the russian translation yet? This russian youtuber played Flower Fairy's russian translation campaign almost 3 months ago. I even see the Russian translator in the comment section of the youtube video, so obviously he shared it with the youtuber, but he did not post the link here on hiveworkshop. . . . . . . .

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Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Andreiki is probably the only person who can answer that question.

Ok, took a quick look at the "VK" link posted on the description of that youtube video you posted.



Interesting observation:

First read two comments from the person helping Andreiki with the translation and the google translation:






The comments made by the helper (Andrey Fatakhov) indicate that they are editing the cinematics for Flower Fairy's campaign so that the timings are longer for the dialogue by characters in cinematic mode.

There are two issues that arise from this:
First, it seems this translation is moving away from the "realm" of translation, and moving into the realm of "editing". Perhaps Andreiki should speak to Ren&Yi person for permission for this editing? (that person seems to have direct contact with Flower Fairy)

The second issue is that the YDWE conversion turned all cameras triggers into JASS. Since they will in theory need to also change the camera timings if they are indeed changing the dialogue timings, it is possible to create unintended bugs if the jass code is messed up (at least with GUI, even though it is slow, you cannot bug a camera trigger, since you can only type the number of seconds into 1 place, but it is possible for this to happen if you are directly altering jass code).


But this is all speculation. Still need Andreiki to comment.
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Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Russian version release!
Одинокая Ночная Звезда - WarCraft 3 / Модмейкинг - XGM: eXtreme Gamedev & Modmaking
I just added triggers on the wait time in front of the replicas, as for Russian there is a lot of text which is impossible to have time to read

When I was reading the google translation of the map description you wrote for the character descriptions on the russian page (which I think is based on what Flower Fairy herself wrote), it reminded me of a question I always had--- Why she (Flower Fair) chose to reveal the campaign ending/plot in those character description. Just in the description for "Maiev" alone, it reveals the sacrifice of "Jaina", losing her emotions, and even the epilogue of walking through the unknown portal.
Level 6
Sep 16, 2019
Hello. I just finished the campaign. A lot of clever staff and custom features. Story telling is lucking that inteligence, so i would consider asking help in that department. It was really frustrating trying to make sense of the story so i tried to skip everything but what a treat... i couldnt skip it. Overall i appriciate the effort but plz consider spenting some time on the dialogue.



Level 1
Feb 14, 2020
Recommended shows what patch the campaign/map is made on. This is because some patch broke stuff that can cause a map or campaign to be unplayable. It's good news that 1.26 is compatible with this campaign.
ok bang daffa :)
Level 4
Feb 19, 2018
The campaign is fun when it comes to gameplay but...
The story is the problem here. Why are you using names of Warcraft characters?
Also the actions made by the characters are questionable... Archimonde is the headmaster of a college lol
I will give this campaign 3/5.
Level 3
Jul 15, 2018
The campaign is fun when it comes to gameplay but...
The story is the problem here. Why are you using names of Warcraft characters?
Also the actions made by the characters are questionable... Archimonde is the headmaster of a college lol
I will give this campaign 3/5.
Well the original Chinese version does not use Warcraft names, it just use original Chinese names or some original English names. I suppose the translator want to make it easier for you to understand, thus the change of name.(For example "Maiev"'s original Chinese name is Guo Huanqi) But you are right, Archimonde and a bunch of Dreadlord, Pit lord in charge of a college filled with humans and elves? That is weird as hell, even without warcraft names.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Two years ago, you (bdbxwz) made a comment that caused many people to think the translator had changed the names without permission of the author (flower fairy), which caused many many players to become angry at the translator.


Now, two years later, you are making the same comments again?

I already explained in those past comments that the name changes were according to the request of Flower Fairy.

When you say the translator changed the names to make it easier for the audience to understand, there is an implication in that message that the translator made that decision in a way like he was purposely changing the names for his own purposes. This is incorrect. When you made this comment the first time, I can understand it was an honest mistake. But if you are here 2 years later still making this same remark, then you need to go back and read page 2 of the comment section. I think it is unfair if you continue to write these posts.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Below is a message from Flower Fairy regarding the names of characters/places in her campaign. The message has also been pasted on the first comment of each of her campaigns. In addition, at the bottom she has also provided 2 pictures, if players are interested in her 5th campaign.

When I was still a primary school student, I would often fantasize about making my own map. When I was in my first year of middle school (2014), I was influenced by older creators such as Tomoraider and Turnro, and my plan of making my own campaign became firmer. In 2015 (my second year of middle school), I began the slow process of making a custom campaign. Even though during my self-study period in 2014 I made a few crude Azeroth fanfiction maps (Like the Forsaken v Scarlet Crusade + Burning Legion, Uther’s son, who followed Jaina, leading Humanity to retake Lordaeron), I still wish for my campaigns to be based on an adapted Warcraft Universe, as in this way I could integrate more personal ideas. This is how I came to make custom campaigns.

In 2018, a player called Tulee wanted to translate custom campaigns from the Uuu9 website over to hiveworkshop. I knew about hiveworkshop. It was a war3 website favoured by map makers. For this, I actively signed my campaigns up to be translated. But I must admit, the four campaigns up until now have more or less contained some detail issues. In addition, when initially making campaigns I did not plan to set up cinematic skip triggers (in my opinion this is the core issue with the first four campaigns), since many players have been troubled by this. But after knowing players’ comments, I do not think my campaigns are terrible. Some players even like them greatly. This invigorates me.

But the most prominent comments concern the names of the characters. I realize I must express my personal view on this matter.

Tulee is not the first person to translate my campaign. Before him, a player translated my first campaign for me and posted it on hiveworkshop. It was only after she finished the translation that she informed me that she had changed many of the character names in my campaign to names of characters in the Azeroth Universe. She had edited some models and icons, and had even changed my campaign’s name from “Shadow of Youth” to “The Lonely Nightstar”. But at the time, I was good friends with that player. I knew translating a campaign was difficult, so I agreed with her idea. Later, due to various reasons, the initial “The Lonely Nightstar” was forcibly removed. I am not very clear on what happened at the time, but there were still many players who had played my campaign.

I have practically never seen a campaign where the characters’ names were altered. I think this is very rash, and really don’t like this. This is also why I hoped Tulee would still translate some names of characters and places into the corresponding names for Azeroth when translating my campaign. After all, many players had played my campaign. Also, I think in this way the immersion will be greater for players at hiveworkshop. In reality, when designing some of the characters, I referred to some settings of Azeroth characters, but many original characters like He Xiaoshu without any references are directly translated. Players must understand this is an overhead universe adapted from Warcraft, even though this world has some similarities with Azeroth. I have even given this world a name: Alysisy. This special name will be emphasized repeatedly in my 5th campaign. For this, I feel strange when I see some players think Tulee changed the character names in the campaigns. The requirements of the translation were set out by me personally. It was not Tulee who decided on his own. I hope players can understand this.

I have also seen some comments that have left me with a deep impression. Some players think many plot points of my campaigns draw from the Blizzard campaigns.

In my opinion, the plot and gameplay of campaigns complement each other. For example, in A Song of Dream Chasing, Thrall becoming acquainted with the Tauren and Trolls of the Barrens is an inevitable outcome, as in the techtree I set up, the Orcs’ allies are still the Tauren and the Trolls. If I had to be different from the Blizzard campaigns, then I would be forced to design new units, such as harpies or quilbeasts or even centaur? But such a techtree would then coincide with the Legends of Arkain. If I were to design it like this, then the campaign plot would need to be greatly changed again. So, I will draw on some plot and settings from the Blizzard campaign. I myself like the traditional style of the Blizzard campaigns. I do not think this is a very, very bad thing for this.

My 5th campaign, Guangying Xiangsui, will have nothing to do with the Blizzard campaigns in many areas. At the same time, I think this will be my best, and longest custom campaign. So, whether or not I can finish it by July-August is still unknown. But I will do my utmost to make it good.



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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Commenting to rate. It's already been said that the cutscenes move at lightspeed and I understand that it's because English speakers are not the initial audience for this campaign. As such, I wouldn't hold that against the campaign at all, but of the text I could read, it's a pretty bizarre one regardless of whether the Warcraft names are used or not. Initially, I thought the foundational concepts of the downtrodden Night Elves and a transgender Maiev being discriminated against would be really interesting, but the rest of the campaign did not really expound much on that theme. At the end of the day, I think a lot can always be lost in translation, so I am not quick to count the inconsistent (translated) story against a rating, but I also can't really count it as a positive either.

At the risk of sounding pretty terse, the maps are 'fine', as in middle of the road for the most part. To go deeper, I quite like the unique upgrades structure and I also like the custom melee frontliners the Sentinels get. I struggled to enjoy the maps where I had to work with/defend fairly inactive allies against strangely balanced attack waves, though my understanding is that Map 3 is due to a bug when Shandris switches factions, so that's alright and stuff like that slips through sometimes. I found the World Tree defense incredibly odd with the Runestone rewarding mines that had 5 times the radius and giving "tips" to the player to go nuke the Undead bases if they got the plant trivia right. I get the impression the map is MASSIVELY harder if none of the bases are nuked and made near negligible if even one is. Just seemed like a strange mechanic. All of the preplaced bases were very spread out - I'm not a huge fan as it feels like it stretches out any offensive, but admittedly I'm just not used to it so it is more a preferential thing.

At the end of the day this campaign is certainly... unique. Not unique in like a Thievery campaign sort of way, but unique in that you'll be sort of confused through most of it. This is a bit of a harsh review to ultimately give three stars. Nothing is overtly broken affecting much gameplay, which is where I'd start looking at 2 stars or less, and I'd recommend the translated story dialogue basically be ignored, so what is left is a bundle of decent maps that result in a milquetoast 2.5/5 from me that I will charitably round up to a 3/5.
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Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
This is a weird good campaign. Even though it changed the original characters dramatically and their allegiances, it still works. However, I'm not a fan of Maeiv being the main character. Never was. It always ends with her losing control cuz of vengeance and becomes an emotionless buffoon. Nonetheless, didn't take away my enjoyment at all.
Didn't encounter any bugs at all, but the campaign is quite unbalanced. In domination missions, all the enemy bases attack you at the same time, with an army of 300-400 food cap. Had to use the power of Whosyourdaddy to survive a few times and win later on. The difficulty is inconsistent and needs some rework.
4/5. Very good and enjoyable campaign.
Level 4
Mar 31, 2021
this campaign is impossible to beat on chapter 5

i manage to beat it on 1000000attempt somehow idk how i did it does anyone beat it in hard mode
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Deleted member 304046


Deleted member 304046

While I got the impression that this campaign (along with the others created by Flower Fairy) got a mixed reception here at Hive, I personally enjoyed both it and the following parts of the story. I liked the idea that the humans were an antagonistic force and that Night Elves being in the Alliance was presented a bad thing (as someone who does not like Night Elves being in the Alliance, it was satisfying to see this). I enjoyed seeing Maiev (and Jaina as well) fighting alongside Rokhan, a Darkspear character associated with the Horde, and Thrall in Crimson Tides (though Maiev was a darker character after losing her emotions, she did not hate Thrall and the Orcs, and worked well with them; a refreshing take on the Night Elf-Orcs relations; the same goes for relations between Orcs and the Draenei). I loved Maiev as an isolated, lonely, embittered and hurt, yet deep down a noble, honorable and determined character. The questions with runestones were also a nice touch.

So yes, this campaign, perhaps understandably, can come across as somewhat weird and uncanny, but it was in-line with my personal tastes and had certain aspects that appealed to me.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
And so. The first thing I have to say is that I understand every single campaign or map as 100% original author's work. And here, as in other types of creativity, the creator expresses some part of his inner world through his work. Two stories unfold here: one of Maiev and the other of the World Tree. The result is a wonderful campaign that is a big mess typical of the East Asian region: gender reassignment, emotional issues, demons, orcs, elves, humans, Warcraft, World Tree, Balnazar and Manorot teachers and friends with Maiev and Arthas, etc. Everyone lives in peace until Maiev notices the conspiracy and leads the disaffected to Liberation, and yesterday's good Balnazar and Manorot become bad because they are conspirators.

After many years and many campaigns an overlay of the images of Balnazar, Manorot, Arthas, Maiev, Illidan, etc. in which each of them was where they should be and did what they should In relation to classic Wc3, a big contradiction arose in me. This feeling is reinforced even more by the fact that even the characters themselves look the same. Therefore, following the idea that this is an original work revealing the personal vision of the creator, the names of the main characters should be changed. Will they be names typical of region of East Asia or typical of the Western world is irrelevant. It may even just move the letters.

Regarding the idea of presenting the game as suitable for the Western user: 1- the names; 2- The other thing Flower Fairy is worth thinking about is where in all of Warcraft's history is there a change of gender to interweave this with demons, undead, elves, humans, etc. Why should this be brought to our knowledge? In this line of thought, if the campaign follows the East Asian idea, i.e. it remains as it is, only a slight change in the names is necessary to be 100% original author's work. Otherwise, if the names are kept the same, there is a big contradiction and the whole story will need to be reworked in some places to make it more suitable for the Western user and be in the context of classic Warcraft. So what we have right now is neither a 100% original work nor a game presented in a more appropriate way for the Western consumer. We have a mess again.

Some other things:
  • It would be great if we had more time to read everything in some places. That will us provided a more comprehensive understanding and enjoyment of the game.
  • No skippable cutscenes: this is always a problem with frequent level restarts. It is clear how this shortcoming can be circumvented, but it remains an inconvenience.
  • Good to see that the Wc3 v.1.26 crash bugs have been fixed.
  • These Runestones proved to be quite a challenge for me, except for one.
  • Here, if you have to revive Malfurion, he will remain locked in the trees.
Warcraft III Screenshot 2023.06.11 -

Major flaw aside, this is a great and smooth campaign with plenty of dynamism. One of the few campaigns I've played with more than 10 restarts on some levels :psmile: .Thanks to Flower Fiary and Tulee for translating the entire series. Played on 1.30.
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Level 4
Jun 2, 2018
The only real issue I have with this campaign are unskippable dialogues.. and there are a lot of them, especially the interludes. It's so annoying.
Level 3
Aug 24, 2023
Pretty nice gameplay, the only downside is the highschool soap opera type story that sucks hard even when translated.
Just a few tips :
  • Starfall is your best AOE, save it for the really tough times.
  • In order to disable a faction ( color ) you need to kill their base and all their workers.
  • In the Archimonde mission on hard you need to use the Rogues to infiltrate the undead bases and jump on them with Jaina inbetween Black Citadel and Goldmine. After jumping open your ults, kill the workers / Black Citadels and get out immediately.Repeat for 3x Undeads + Demon Gate.If you dont do it, you lose ( hard mode ). The timer moves to 10 mins after the disabling.
  • Ths disabling tactic works on other missions also.

Level 3
Oct 16, 2023
In fact, the use of character names from the wow universe makes the story seem kinda more reasonable.
This is the original text of some of the names of characters and places in the campaign:
"Balnazzar" : Wang Xiangying 王 祥英 (meaning: lucky + hero/flower, very common name)
"Mannoroth" : Tan Lijuan 谈 丽娟 (meaning: beautiful + beautiful, common name, and only as a female)
"Archimonde" : Principal 校长
"Lordaeron" : Yucai Academy 育才学院 (meaning: nurturing talent, a common Chinese high school name)
These aren't names that a villain would normally have in a story, but names of realistically older people (i.e., probably bad teachers). I don't think it's a good thing to make it very easy to realize this, but the author may see it differently.

Like Blizzard's MoP, many names in it also look awkward to people who can read Chinese:
Examples: Mogu=Mongol, Jinyu=Goldfish, Kunchong=Insect, Hozen=Monkey, Jiangshi=Zombie, Chi-Ji=Red Chicken
Blizzard may thought that most of the players really can't read Chinese, and used these very simple "Chinese-looking" words to create a "foreign" atmosphere.
This campaign was actually made by a Chinese author(i.e., the author fully understands the meaning of these names) is what confuses me.

"Maiev" is set up as a trans, and I hope that this plays a role in the development of the story, and that "we can't love each other" isn't enough. Although Blizzard made Pelagos the Arbiter, maybe I'm asking too much.
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Level 4
Sep 17, 2012
Now here's a campaign that will make you move your fingers!

Hardcore stuff for sure. The gameplay is tough and begs for your attention. I often had to rely on chain-stunning the enemy to avoid defeat.

Get that Healing Staff from Arthas on the first mission. It's a must.

Exploring the maps for treasure and doing sidequests seem mandatory to buff up your
heroes given that the last couple of missions can be quite daunting.

The dispel ability from the spirits Maiev summons is very useful.

On the mission where all the heroes reunite, it's best to take out the green undead base first to keep from being overwhelmed. Take Maiev and Illidan to the other heroes quickly though.

I could only defeat the first undead camp by keeping my units close to the fountain of health
at the beginning of that mission where you control Illidan and Naga. Used mass Myrmidons.

For stalling Archimonde, I tried mass producing ancients to no avail.
Chain-stunning him is the way to go. It's best to kill that phantom hero at
the beginning of the World Tree mission as soon as possible.

The story is corny, yeah (I've always wanted Maiev to change her gender no cap lmao) but it actually kept me wanting more just to see it to the end. I'll just pass it off as a Maiev x Jaina fic. However having such a memorable cast like this was good enough.

As for the final boss battle. I accidentally found a way to cheese it below.
You can use Furion's Force of Nature to destroy the trees next to the wall behind your heroes, and then send them back so that you're not overwhelmed and can take the enemies out more easily with more room to manoeuvre.



I don't know if the author intended this as a safe hidden way to deal with bosses since you can do the same thing in the fight against Xavius in the Corrupted/Felwood forest, but it works and saves a lot of frustration.

Flower Fairy is a f*ckin' legend for making such great campaigns despite all that homework she had at the time.

6/5 Maiev rocks, would play again.

Played with no issues whatsoever on 1.26.:infl_thumbs_up:
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