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T-Virus Zombies

"What's your name? No, don't bother telling me. Soon, you'll be dead. Just like all the others."
- RPD Police Chief, Brian Irons

This pack includes
- Male Civilian Zombies
- Male Police Zombies

Coming Soon!
- Female Zombies

Keywords: Zombie, Resident, Evil, 2, RE, Undead, Ghoul, Virus, Tyrant, T, -, Virus, Biohazard, Raccoon, City, RPD, Police, Department, Outbreak, Infected, 3

Recommended Walking Speeds
Art - Animation - Run Speed ( 125 )
Art - Animation - Walk Speed ( 80 )

- Fixed Cameras (Whoops)
- Lowered HP bar
- Fixed floating dentures on decay bone
- Added death alternate sound
- Fixed decay bones
- Added vomit attack
- Attached arms to torso
- Added cannibalize sounds
- Added cannibalize blood effect
- Updated all portrait animations
- Updated attack animation
- Updated ready animation
- Ears are now 3D

Zombie - Male 1 (Model)

Zombie - Male 2 (Model)

Zombie - Police (Model)

Zombie - Police Hatless (Model)

General Frank
Great ResidentEvil/Biohazard inspired models. Work in-game. Good job.
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
Zombie women are next in the oven, I might make a zombified version of Sherry or Rebecca if there's room left on the skin


Should I remake William Birkin with a custom skin?
I considered rendering him with more in-game textures, but the geoset count and simple texture-hunting is starting to drive me insane x_x

*Edit 2

If anyone has any tips for making shoulders not stretch/compress when they are connected to the body and bend, please let me know - that's the main reason I've got the arms as separate pieces right now :\
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Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
If anyone has any tips for making shoulders not stretch/compress when they are connected to the body and bend, please let me know - that's the main reason I've got the arms as separate pieces right now :\

I would say: Look at the World of Warcraft Human Model and you will find an extra set of Vertices and Faces between Body and Shoulder/Arm.


The Body stays the same and the Shoulder stays the same. Just not this extra space.
Level 14
Apr 30, 2018
These are great!

A few suggestions:

-Could you make blood drop from his mouth in Stand channel cannibalize animation? Kind of like that: Skaven Clanrat
-In Zombie version 1, maybe a simple change in UV Mapping on one of the arms so the blood on them don't look like that they spread in the same way

Should I remake William Birkin with a custom skin?
I considered rendering him with more in-game textures, but the geoset count and simple texture-hunting is starting to drive me insane x_x
If you'd do that, do consider making it in a different version, since the current one is very good as is.
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
I would say: Look at the World of Warcraft Human Model and you will find an extra set of Vertices and Faces between Body and Shoulder/Arm.
Perfect, I'll make the adjustments and update the pack :)
Thanks Mr. Haudrauf!
+2 rep

- Could you make blood drop from his mouth in Stand channel cannibalize animation? Kind of like that: Skaven Clanrat

-In Zombie version 1, maybe a simple change in UV Mapping on one of the arms so the blood on them don't look like that they spread in the same way

If you'd do that, do consider making it in a different version, since the current one is very good as is.
Unfortunately I don't know how to animate the blood :<
I can't tell where it starts, how it falls, whether or not it leaves a splat, etc
I'll send a message to Gluma asking how he did it

I think you're right about the arms, I had them like that because in RE2 both arms had the same splatter-pattern and I was making a remake of them - However, I think they did that because it was a limitation of the PS1, and since I can make it more detailed/varied with Warcraft-- I'mma do that :>
Thanks for the suggestions SonsOfSami!
+2 rep
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
Okie-dokie, I've got the blood effect now, added cannibalizing sounds, and I've added a vomiting animation for ranged attacks (Attack Two)

However, attaching the arm to the body has proven-- challenging.


I need help with this x_x

This is a problem I've had with arms since day 1, but I was always able to obscure it with shoulderguards, hair, etc - now that I'm working on this guy-- I can't hide the clipping/warping, and arms are an important part of a zombie

Some have recommended adding an extra joint/segment to the shoulder, but all that happens is it breaks in a different way. Instead of stretching and shrinking, it clips and dislocates like a lego minifigure.


Nevermind, I've fixed it (somehow) and once I finish swapping the hats and clothes textures, the pack'll be updated :)
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Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
Yep, here are the models I plan to add to the Zombie Pack
(Colour coated to show which ones'll be added in at a time)

Resident Evil Zombie Pack
- Female Zombie 1 (Black tank-top, blue shorts)
- Female Zombie 2 (Red Tank-top, green shorts)

- Scientist Zombie (Torn lab coat, melted face)
- Hospital Zombie (Torn up scrubs, melted face)
- Plant Zombie (Scientist, but with plantmatter growing out of him)

- Test Subject Zombie (Naked, melting skin)

Resident Evil Mutant Pack
- [ RE2 ] Licker (Classic)
- [ RE2 ] Evolved Licker (Black, pointy claws)

- [ RE1 ] Wall-hugging spider licker thing that killed me
- [ RE1 ] Hunter (Green)
- [ RE: Outbreak] Aquatic Hunter (Blue, frogmouth)

- [ Code Veronica X ] Bandersnatch

Right now I'm working on the female zombies, their skins are going to be easy to render in HD, but their meshes I see being a bit of a pain, especially around the mouth/eyes x_x
After that I'm going to take a break to plan out how I'm going to render the zombies with the labcoats, because those are always a wonder to animate.

^The reason I'm devoting time to that is I'm considering releasing a PS1-themed William Birkin with a custom texture, so Birkin will have the grey/red skin of old and have the red eyeball with the green ring and that weird T shaped opening.
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
Probably not, mainly because I'm not the most amazing UV wrapper on the Hive and I'd drive myself crazy trying to get all of the mouths to gnaw and jibber at different rates x_x

I think the most advanced model I'll probably do is the 4th mutation of William Birkin, but that'll be like-- my crowning model when it comes to sheer complexity
Level 5
May 23, 2015
Looks cool, is there a map of RE2 ???

Or something close, what maps using this? Really got urge to headshot it!
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
There are a few RE maps out there, but none that I know of that use these zombies

I'm considering making a Resident Evil-esq map based loosely off of RE:Outbreak called "The Plague Cometh"

Players have 3 days to gather what they'll need (and get to level 2) before the Outbreak
Players can be arrested for attempting to steal from Gunshops or assaulting civilians
Players can be sent to Prison where they'll have to wait in a cell for the Outbreak to happen.
Players can be knocked unconscious and sent to the Hospital until the Outbreak occurs.
Players can be stabbed to death or shot by thugs before the Outbreak even occurs. (Avoid certain areas of the city early on)
Players can team up to rob stores/shops if they get desperate and cannot afford to buy any more supplies.

The Outbreak
~1 day in, NPC police will round up NPC survivors and rally at "safe points" which will only last for a little while without the player's assistance.
~3 days in, some of the Zombies will start mutating into crimsonheads and lickers
~5 days in , Umbrella will drop Tyrants after players who are doing particularly well (Level 6+)
~6 days in, H.U.N.K. and Nemesis can be found as random encounters on the map, both hostile.
~7 days in, Umbrella's Hive will become accessible via the sewers, releasing mutants, giant spiders, etc
~10 days in, Military forces will come in to quarantine the city and will open fire on survivors (timed event)
~11-15 days in, a Military tank will spawn as a boss, signaling that Military forces will stop spawning on the edges of the map
~20 days in, a cure can be developed by players with a high enough intelligence stat in the labs of the Hive
(Cannot cure players/NPCs that have already turned)

Players can become infected with the T-Virus, this is a permanent debuff that can only be removed with The Cure.
The Virus will deal 1-3 points of damage every second until the player dies or is cured.
Players who succumb to the virus drop all of their gear and reanimate as zombies (unplayable)
Reanimated zombie players will randomly mutate as time passes (Plant zombies, Lickers, Chimeras, etc)
Players who die will respawn at level 1 with an empty inventory at the nearest safe point.
If no safe points are left, the player is completely dead

Players will be able to save and load their survivors from session to session
Players will (hopefully) be able to combine herbs to save inventory space
Players will be able to equip unique weapons, such as Nemesis' Rocket Launcher or Barry's Colt Python

Known Enemies
- "G"
- T-Zombies
- Zombie Dogs
- Lickers
- Crimson Heads
- Hunters
- Giant Spiders
- Carnivorous Plants
- Tyrants
- Crows
- The Leech Man
- Umbrella Spec Ops
- Military Quarantine Soldiers
Level 5
May 23, 2015
There are a few RE maps out there, but none that I know of that use these zombies

I'm considering making a Resident Evil-esq map based loosely off of RE:Outbreak called "The Plague Cometh"

Players have 3 days to gather what they'll need (and get to level 2) before the Outbreak
Players can be arrested for attempting to steal from Gunshops or assaulting civilians
Players can be sent to Prison where they'll have to wait in a cell for the Outbreak to happen.
Players can be knocked unconscious and sent to the Hospital until the Outbreak occurs.
Players can be stabbed to death or shot by thugs before the Outbreak even occurs. (Avoid certain areas of the city early on)
Players can team up to rob stores/shops if they get desperate and cannot afford to buy any more supplies.

The Outbreak
~1 day in, NPC police will round up NPC survivors and rally at "safe points" which will only last for a little while without the player's assistance.
~3 days in, some of the Zombies will start mutating into crimsonheads and lickers
~5 days in , Umbrella will drop Tyrants after players who are doing particularly well (Level 6+)
~6 days in, H.U.N.K. and Nemesis can be found as random encounters on the map, both hostile.
~7 days in, Umbrella's Hive will become accessible via the sewers, releasing mutants, giant spiders, etc
~10 days in, Military forces will come in to quarantine the city and will open fire on survivors (timed event)
~11-15 days in, a Military tank will spawn as a boss, signaling that Military forces will stop spawning on the edges of the map
~20 days in, a cure can be developed by players with a high enough intelligence stat in the labs of the Hive
(Cannot cure players/NPCs that have already turned)

Players can become infected with the T-Virus, this is a permanent debuff that can only be removed with The Cure.
The Virus will deal 1-3 points of damage every second until the player dies or is cured.
Players who succumb to the virus drop all of their gear and reanimate as zombies (unplayable)
Reanimated zombie players will randomly mutate as time passes (Plant zombies, Lickers, Chimeras, etc)
Players who die will respawn at level 1 with an empty inventory at the nearest safe point.
If no safe points are left, the player is completely dead

Players will be able to save and load their survivors from session to session
Players will (hopefully) be able to combine herbs to save inventory space
Players will be able to equip unique weapons, such as Nemesis' Rocket Launcher or Barry's Colt Python

Known Enemies
- "G"
- T-Zombies
- Zombie Dogs
- Lickers
- Crimson Heads
- Hunters
- Giant Spiders
- Carnivorous Plants
- Tyrants
- Crows
- The Leech Man
- Umbrella Spec Ops
- Military Quarantine Soldiers

Man I love Resident Evil OUTBREAK, it is the most freeing game in Racoon City, wich is the best city for zombie stuff, sadly it is just a radiactive crater now, and no monsters can come out radioac... oh WAIT!

I love the first level of Outbreak it feels as the most realistic, the rest the Characters are just Rambos experienced on killing Tyrants. The Bar is just too good.

Looking forward to your map, also your World War map.

Edit: Also man please make the mutants playable, maybe a couple of slots for playable zombies that evolve after they eat like 10 humans (Zombie>Crimson>Licker>Tyrant>Super Tyrant>G), if they eat a player it counts as 10 npcs, and when they turn intu Tyrant make a side mission to get the G-Virus to evolve further, could also make Umbrella pay human players to get it, so they have to fight for it.

And same as human death, if Tyrant die he revives as level 1 Zombie!
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Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
EULA and a financial pinch that might cost me my home :peasant-shocked:

Thanks to everyone on the Hive who donated, you guys helped me keep my power on and get Duke Energy paid off
If I can tackle the HOA, then I should be able to negotiate down the medical costs enough to resume normal life :peasant-thumbs-up:

Model-wise, I have been modeling for folk here and there for helping me with Duke Energy and the HOA (felt bad to not give anything in return)
As for the female zombie; the groundwork for the female is already laid out, I just haven't had time to expand on her any further.
Level 3
Jun 9, 2021
I'm your fans now~~well.I just like the Zombie model very much .you made my dream.please made more kind of Zombie model.Please....I hope...
Level 3
Sep 25, 2020
I hope this was not abandoned, The author said something about a female version of the zombies
Level 3
Sep 25, 2020
Thank's man,Made me remember Resident Evil 3 back year 2000, Pretty cool model. I can't use the Vomit animation though. I already used Range attack, Pulverize skill and Alternate required skill animation.