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How to add or change footprints - Warcraft 3 Reforged

Tutorial level: Beginner

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Retera Model Studio (RMS). I'm using version 0.04 for this.

So you have created an awesome model out of, say, the batrider's bat rider. Or you have imported a walk animation from another model. Or you had to delete your footprints for reasons unknown.


Now, how would be give this nice fella some foot prints?

1. First of all, make sure that your model has footprints (usually named FPTxFPL0 [leftfoot] and FPTxFPR0 [right foot]). They're found in the nodes subsection. If you don't have them, copy them from a model that has similar feet.
When you have pasted them in the model, go to the walk 1 animation, remember WHERE the feet touch the ground (usually it's on the middle, but not always) and move both nodes to that position in the T-pose (not in the animation tab).


2. When you have set the nodes, save the model as a .mdl


3. Open the .mdl model in RMS, save it again (sometimes it's buggy if you don't) and open the .mdl with notepad. Don't close RMS, you're still going to need it.
You'll see a bunch of letters and numbers. You don't mind them, you just neet to click search (ctrl+F in English computers) and search for FPT.


4. Open the tab of RMS with the model. Go again to walk 1 and find WHEN the model treads on the "floor". In my case, it's in the frame 133100 (FPT Left) and in the frame 133500 (FPT right).


5. Remember your numbers, or write them somewhwere. Remember which node is which.

6. Go to the .mdl. Change the frame numbers of the event track for the numbers that you've picked right before.


7. That's it, save the .mdl. Open it in Retera. Save it as .mdx. Make yourself a nice cup of coffee while you enjoy your creation. Test it ingame. Rage because it doesn't work. Try it again. This time you notice that you deleted a semicolon and now it works. Sip your coffee.
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I feel like the structure would hurt if the tutorial was longer.
But, since it's short and simple you get away with it, yay!

A tad niche but, that's true for many tutorials.
Yeah, I found that I'd have to explain this several times, so I made a foolproof and easily followable tutorial for those interested. It is incredibly niche, but since event nodes usually bug when importing new animations, it's quite a common issue in reforged.