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  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
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You ask, we'll answer!

Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
If you got any questions related to this project, this is the place to ask them. My team and me will do our best to answer them.

Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Yes, Goldendemon. He is german like me and will work on the terrain and as a moderator for this forum.
Level 2
Jun 11, 2008
Since it appears you have a great capacity for editing in warcraft - why emulate concepts from other games when you could create something new?
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Cause I simply LOVE warcraft and it's universe :) But nevertheless there are some parts I dislike. And by creating this project I'll try to remove those annoying parts. Further I do this as a kind of training for my studies. I'm studying mediainformatics. Creating a complete game will comsume much more of my time. And that won't be good for my studies *g*
Level 9
May 10, 2009
What features will it contain? I will join the team, but I'm not German. That will save you trouble from the map or campaign being rejected due to accidental German in there.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Will you make your graphical interface systems public?

I won't release a system to public before the entire project have been finished.

And even then, it will require a lot of work to get those system easy to use for custom mappers. They require custom models, textures and a huge amount of coding. And they were made to fit into this map. First step into that direction was, that I switched from pure GUI to vJASS/JASS and redid everything.

Nevertheless you can send me a PM and ask question. Most time I'm willing to help, but I won't give away the unique features.

I think I'll release an opensource version one day, but not now :)
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007

I see you answered the next question I was going to ask, about the scripting language used here.

vJASS and JASS are cool.

One more thing:
Is your map running an internal core?
I mean... triggers that permanently supply the actions in game...

Oh and one extra thing:
Are you going to make this a campaign one day?

This project seems the best here at hive. But that's just the appearence. I can't wait to see it.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
vercas; said:
One more thing:
Is your map running an internal core?
I mean... triggers that permanently supply the actions in game...

I'm not pretty sure, if I understood you right. But there is kind of ingame intervall that checks for different events like camera adjustment, movement, selection etc.

vercas; said:
Oh and one extra thing:
Are you going to make this a campaign one day?

The map will come along as a kind of campaign. It will contains several submaps connected to eachother, so if you enter a dungeon, an extra map will load. By that way we can make better use of the limits of doodads etc. And the laoding times will be reduced, cause no need of a 480x480 map if you can have several 128x128 ones. I'm pretty sure, that after the main game is finished and the bugs have been removed, I will add some kind of addon.
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
I do not recommend using vJASS in campaigns.
Of course, you can use it but it's hard, and you can sometimes fuck up a whole campaign with this.

For the doodads limit... Use JNGP's Grimoire Remove WE Limits feature.

For the internal core stuff, take a look at this example: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=87027
This map runs an internal core, a vector system.
Things like that. ^_^
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
vercas; said:
I do not recommend using vJASS in campaigns.
Of course, you can use it but it's hard, and you can sometimes fuck up a whole campaign with this.

I'm pretty sure we'll figure out how we prevent the map from getting corrupted by the use ov vJASS.

vercas; said:
For the doodads limit... Use JNGP's Grimoire Remove WE Limits feature.

I allready use JNGP and all its subfeatures. The limit isn't that problem. We'll trying to keep the amount of data that needs to be loaded for a mp to a minimum. So having more maps with less filze is better than having one very huge one.

vercas; said:
For the internal core stuff, take a look at this example: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=87027
This map runs an internal core, a vector system.
Things like that. ^_^

I make use of variations of the famous DGUI, MATH and CAMERA system made by ashujon. I adapted them for my needs. So yes, this project uses internal core/s.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Manoo; said:
Hi, :) i have a question your models have World of Warcraft animations or it's your created?

All custom models you see in the videos and screenshots are scratchmade by me. No imports, no edits. Same for the used textures.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
For sure it will be in english, but I thought about an option for german subtitles as well.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Like I said, it will be in english, but maybe we'll add an option that will enable german subtitles.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Your hero will have a skill called Interface or Inventory. By clicking that button the fullscreenmenu pops up. The ESCkey will be usd to exit the menus and skip cinematics as well as textmessages etc.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
In the first release there will be only one race: human. And that only in its male version. In later version I will add a female version too. There is no need of classes, cause you can chose your class yourself by spending your talentpoints and training your favorite weapons/armourtype. 6 different talenttrees with a total of 67 different skills and 29 points to spend in each tree will offer enough options I think.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Slaydon said:
will you need an Inventory + Merchant template for each map? or will it be in one,

I'm not completly sure, what you meant with that question. You know the inventory. And the merchants are NPCs that wander around the map or sell out of shops.

Xezko; said:
Ok, first version: human.
So, you plain to add some other races? :x

The story will take place in a human dominated world. And to fit into the plot the race will be human. Maybe in some future addons there will be additional races to chose from.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I meant the hidden area on the map, will you create alot of those or just one ?

There is no other way to use this this system I made without having such an area in every map. So in every map that contains an fullscreenmenu there will be such a hidden area.
Level 4
Oct 7, 2008
Just curious, any vague guess on when the demo will be released? In three months? Maybe even a year?
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I've done with my exams. That means I have a free time of about 2 months.We will work during this time and try to complete as much as possible. I won't give out a fix release date at this very moment cause it only will stress me up^^
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Nice to hear that.

I have two months left of vacation.

I have some questions...

Are you going to have more towns in the world?
If the hero dies, he will revive, right? If yes, is there any cost?
Will the NPC's be interactible? Like you can talk to them and get quests. Trade and stuff.
Pets? Mounts? Flying Mounts? All of them? It would be nice.
Will the map(s) be protected or open source?
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
vercas; said:
Are you going to have more towns in the world?

Yes, there will be several towns, villages and regions in the game.

vercas; said:
If the hero dies, he will revive, right? If yes, is there any cost?

That depends on what side you on. Basically reviving won't cost anything. But you might will be ask doing a favor for your revivor.

vercas; said:
Will the NPC's be interactible? Like you can talk to them and get quests. Trade and stuff.

Yes, the NPC's will be fully interactable. That means, you'll can talk to them to hear the newest gossips and ask for quests or information. You can trade with traders and try to pickpock people. Some special NPC's will offer special actions.

vercas; said:
Pets? Mounts? Flying Mounts? All of them? It would be nice.

Mounts will be in the game. Flying one only in lategame or even in the first addon. Pets would be fun, so i set it on the wishlist^^

vercas; said:
Will the map(s) be protected or open source?

The maps will be protected. After the game is complete we'll release a unprotected version. But during the creation process there won't be unprotected maps.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Funny, I've never played Gothic III ^^ I'm simply annoyed of that fast mad rpgs. And I want to try out how far you can go using the WC3 engine.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Kind of mountain region with forest. Don't know the needed words in english to describe it correctly ^^
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
So far, all you've done with your project is absolutely mind-blowingly incredible. I have a question, though: how is the combat going to be? Are you going to make a new combat system for this mod?

Also, will there be voice-acting?
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I)eadnerzhul; said:
So far, all you've done with your project is absolutely mind-blowingly incredible. I have a question, though: how is the combat going to be? Are you going to make a new combat system for this mod?

The combat system is quite simple. Its like the normal one in wc3. I wrote a damage detectionsystem to make things like dodge, block, parry, miss crit and resist work. An additional feature is that different weapons effect your dmgoutput and the animations of your hero. Another difference is the focus target / spelltarget feature. You'll be able to launch your spells on your stored spelltarget without having it to reselect. And I think I don't have to point on the actionbar once again^^

I)eadnerzhul; said:
Also, will there be voice-acting?

For the cinematics there will be voice acting. To give every NPC in the world a voice it will require around 30 people^^ So that has not such high priority.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
The combat system is quite simple. Its like the normal one in wc3. I wrote a damage detectionsystem to make things like dodge, block, parry, miss crit and resist work. An additional feature is that different weapons effect your dmgoutput and the animations of your hero. Another difference is the focus target / spelltarget feature. You'll be able to launch your spells on your stored spelltarget without having it to reselect. And I think I don't have to point on the actionbar once again^^
It sounds good, but I suggest you atleast make the attacking in the game Diablo-style, where you have to click an enemy each time to attack him instead of automatically attacking them. Makes the game more interactive and fun.

For the cinematics there will be voice acting. To give every NPC in the world a voice it will require around 30 people^^ So that has not such high priority.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
You have to set up the texture destructables as "destructables", not as "pathing blockers". And warclub can only target trees. So the destructables must be targeted as trees ingame not as decoration. I changed it.


  • DGUI_v1.00b(2) FIXED.w3x
    76.7 KB · Views: 105
Level 8
May 15, 2008
Sweet thanks. Now I could finish the inventory system.+rep.

EDIT: Why do they have like half of the texture gone? Like the button you click, it has random lines and thats it.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
The replaceable textures used by wc3(31-34 for the different trees) are mostly transparent. Further you have to unwrap the texture cortrectly on the models. If the model is a square and the texture a rectangle, it won't be completly shown without correct unwrapping.