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What will happen to Arthas?

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Level 7
Jun 20, 2007
After the lich king dies what do you think will happen to Arthas and Nerzhul? Will arthas be redeemed or killed?

Personally i think redeemed because theres a blond ghost child quest giver at northrend who knows alot about arthas and his name is an anagram for arthas menethil.

So i belive that Arthas is not in the lich king. His body is but his spirit has been ripped out by nerzhul and that Arthas himself will appear as a ghost and deliver the final blow to nerzhul.

Any other ideas of what might happen? I wanna hear Em!
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Lich King dies, Arthas dies. The little blond kid ghost already died when Arthas's frozen heart was destroyed by Tirion Fordring in a quest. Hell before destroying the heart Tirion said that Arthas was beyond redemption.
Level 6
Sep 17, 2004
So i belive that Arthas is not in the lich king. His body is but his spirit has been ripped out by nerzhul and that Arthas himself will appear as a ghost and deliver the final blow to nerzhul.

Uhhh... Did you play Warcraft 3's campaigns at all? Arthas went evil of his own will. He became the Lich King of his OWN will when he put on that helmet in the end of Frozen Throne. Like the poster said above, he is beyond redemption. He willingly chose to throw his own soul for power.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Uhhh... Did you play Warcraft 3's campaigns at all? Arthas went evil of his own will. He became the Lich King of his OWN will when he put on that helmet in the end of Frozen Throne. Like the poster said above, he is beyond redemption. He willingly chose to throw his own soul for power.

Yeah, by trying to save his own people, he becomes the very evil they tried to stop.
Level 6
Nov 10, 2006
If you have bought and read the latest WOW Arthas storybook, arthas repelled and betrayed Ner'zhul which is the Lich King and all along, he was playing with him in order to have power. He's just a evil antagonist but still have some raw feelings inside him.
Level 9
May 10, 2009
"Playing with him". Is that kind of character in a WarCraft game? One of the campaigns have Arthas choose to get people to kill him, lol. AS In, the custom campaigns on this site, not Blizz ones, rofl.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
And to believe the Lich King is an Orc.

Yeap, Kil'jaeden had formed Ner'zhul to his Lich King for disobeying his orders, but his consciousness was powerful enough to control and send messages to others.

Eventually, Arthas was hit as his target after holding a powerful sword Frostmorne, and eventually fallen into the Lich King's hands.
Level 1
Jun 20, 2009
Arthas is going to get killed by a random team of 10-20 people either from horde or alliance...again and again...
and thats it. He'll be nothing sometime from now. A new expansion, and northrend will be empty.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Raids will try and kill the Lich King, but he'll actually be impossible. He will wind up killing everyone and WoW will end. Whenever you log on, there will be undead everywhere that will swarm and kill you.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Its much like AQWorlds, what Gilles said only it was 1 million goblins or something like that. It won't be much fun if the Lich King did really take over the whole game of WoW. I wonder why Blizzard couldn't just end it like that if it seems repetitive, or is it for their continuous budget.

I'm sure they are extremely wealthy, and with Starcraft II coming it will be a blast.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
actually in whe blizz's new novel 'bout arthas, it is stated, that Ner'Zhul's spirit is 'killed' by Arthas. so, when we kill Arthas, it will be his spirit trapped in Frostmourne and the helm. However, the raid will have no DPS DK/Pala/Warrior present, and both artifacts will be shrded along with Arthas' spirit...
Level 6
Jul 22, 2008
I'm guessing some big shot from the warcraft lore will come and open a can of whopass on the Lich king. Just as with Illidan; It wasn't us that killed him, but Maiev.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
problem is, that Illidan was a mortal, and was killed by a bunch of mortal heroes and mortal maiev. Arthas, on teh other hand, is immortal and insanely powerful. Even if Tirion kills him with Ashbringer, Arthas' spirit will survive in Frostmourne, Helm and Armour. I doubt even Ashbringer can destroy them. IMHO, only Kil'jaeden/Azshara/Malfurion would be powerful enough to destroy Lich King for good, but any of thea aren't likely to appear. Illidan is dead, Yoggy and C'thun dead too, other 3 Old Gods are imprisoned, Deathwing is missing, so is Nozdormu, Malygos dead, Ysera is sleeping, Sargeras missing too. And I doubt that Alextrasza has the power to destroy the Lich King's artifacts.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
'immortal, but not invincible' sounds nice =DDD

i'm still sure arthas will be killed by hogger... 'cos hogger isn't immortal... but he IS invincible =DDDD
Level 7
Jun 20, 2007
He'll be killed each week and drop legendary items like Frostsmourne and Ner'zhul's helmet which mysteriously enough doesn't steal the wielder's soul as it did with Arthas.

maybe they wont because arthas and the lich king is dead then.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
BTW, Arthas may not be a final boss... everyone thought that Yoggy will be the final boss of Ulduar, but it appeared to be some walking bunch of stars...
if Arthas won't be final boss, then my vote for optional superboss goes for... yeah, Hogger... or maybe Gamon?
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
yeah, a terrible abomination sewed of parts Gamon and Hogger... created personally by lich King... when party enters last room, it will see a cinematic of Arthas reviwing Hoggamon and getting kill by it...
oh, i forgot!!! Arthas will add parts of Saurfang the Younger to Hoggamon - so-called 'Saurfang's Genes of Awesomness'...
no that will be a fight...
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Gomon + Hogger + parts of Saurfang Jr. + parts of Bolvar Fordragon + parts of Timmy the Cruel (why not?)
If memory serves me correctly, this picture is from wotlk concept arts, so it only proves my speculations!
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Lol, that Abomination is going to own.

Really, Arthas should launch a firm counterattack on the both continents, destroying the main fortresses of the Horde and Alliance. I'm sure he has the power to do it, but he doesn't uses it. Blizzard is too soft with Arthas, he's an iron genius with a mighty army which could own anyone. One swing with his hand and a creature is vanished, destroyed and wandering as a shade in the Abyss of history.
Bleh, Blizzard won't let him use his power.. that's gay. He could easily provoke the Horde and Alliance for a fullscale war.

Damn you Blizzard, USE YOUR (tactical) BRAINZZ!
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
it's same story as with teh Burning Legion... they start at spawn point waiting for adventurers to come and kill them... keeping in mind, that undead can be re-risen limitless numer of times... god damn those 'gameplay purposes' =)
Level 6
Aug 12, 2008
After the lich king dies what do you think will happen to Arthas and Nerzhul? Will arthas be redeemed or killed?

Personally i think redeemed because theres a blond ghost child quest giver at northrend who knows alot about arthas and his name is an anagram for arthas menethil.

So i belive that Arthas is not in the lich king. His body is but his spirit has been ripped out by nerzhul and that Arthas himself will appear as a ghost and deliver the final blow to nerzhul.

Any other ideas of what might happen? I wanna hear Em!
When Lich King is finally defeated,he will remove his helmet and we will find out that he is a troll.Yogg Saron is a giant mutated troll that managed to transform the Lich King into a troll.Also the Icecrown Citadel instance will have trolls inside it,instead of undead.
All in all Azeroth got trolled

Titans are giant trolls
Level 6
Mar 12, 2008
lol people are stupid... arthas was allready defeated. So this particular arthas can not be defeated... because... let me put this in hidden.. its just too epic.

The lich king is really CHUCK NORRIS IN DISGUISE! HE IS INVINCIBLE, INVISIBLE, AND IMMORTAL AT THE SAME TIME! So dont be confused when u are playing WoW for 3 years trying to defeat the lich king with a group, yet it wont work. Because he is chuck norris in disguise! Until bruce lee bands with all of the WoW players, than Chuck Norris will have a 0.50% chance of falling for every run.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
BTW, Arthas may not be a final boss... everyone thought that Yoggy will be the final boss of Ulduar, but it appeared to be some walking bunch of stars...
The last boss of Ulduar IS Yogg-saron. The walking bunch of stars is Algalon and he is a bonus boss.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Another idea 'bout Arthas' fate...
Palace of Aszhara (somewhere in the next expansion)
"Icecrown Citadel was merely a setback..."
Level 2
Jun 17, 2009
You guys are all world of warcraft nerds... no, To me The Lich King Arthas. Will never die. Some of you are right, Blizzard just kills off there greatest and coolest villans for gameplay reasons, Arthas will live on with us in spirit if blizzard kills him off. But i think blizzard will be crafty with his death and you will see his body covered in ice on the frozen throne again and he will be like ner' zhul and trick another young hero to merge with his soul..ses......... Yeah.... that's what will happen.....
Level 24
Jan 19, 2008
You guys are all world of warcraft nerds... no, To me The Lich King Arthas. Will never die. Some of you are right, Blizzard just kills off there greatest and coolest villans for gameplay reasons, Arthas will live on with us in spirit if blizzard kills him off. But i think blizzard will be crafty with his death and you will see his body covered in ice on the frozen throne again and he will be like ner' zhul and trick another young hero to merge with his soul..ses......... Yeah.... that's what will happen.....


See how stupid you sound now?
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