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Successful and productive map making.

Level 6
Apr 20, 2007


This tutorial isn't about triggers, jass, modeling etc. It's about productive map-making. What's that? Productive map-making is working with heart, not like a machine. It's when you really want to make a make, work with it, not because you need, but because you want. Be sure, otherwise your map is ruined.

So how to have a productive map-making? These are my tips, so that map-making won't get bored soon, or if so, how to make it interesting again. Hope it will help you.

Warning ! So much text, you could build another great china wall !

1. Listen to Music

Music is a wonderful thing. It can change your mood, even fill your blood with adrenaline. It can encourage you, make things you thought you can't. But you must make the right choice. Listen to music you like, but also ,that was created with heart. The whole techno thing (in my opinion) is worthless. It was created using machines (computers, synthesizers etc.) Professional music, such as rock (which I prefer), is much of a worth. Rock is really fiery music, emotional. It can be :
  • Alternative;
  • Hard;
  • General;
  • Grudge;
  • Rock&Roll etc.
Though rock is quite dead right now. Not many people listen to it.
  • So, I would encourage you to try some of the old ones, such as Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd.
  • If you want somewhat modern or relaxing music, you can try Coldplay.
Or if you want something heavier, try Nirvana or Mettalica.
Just try. One or all. Of course, you can listen to the music which you like the most , it's just my opinion, In my personal experience, music can encourage to work or change your mood (to the good side). Mood changes productivity , and that's what we want , isn't it ?

Examples of Music:

2. Make Pauses

We are human beings - living ones. We have lifes, friends, parents, brothers, sisters... We are living. Not machines. If you get tired of map-making don't work against your own will. That's not productive or quality map-making. Sounds more like a slavery. Make a pause. Play Warcraft III , go out, watch a movie , anything. After that, you'll be full of new ideas to your map and eager to continue. Make pauses. You can make from 5 minute to 1 or 2 hour pause. Don't work against your will. Be a human.

3. Be Original

How many AoS clones there are? Or Vampirism, LoaP? I bet you don't have enough fingers on both your hands and feet to count. Be original. Maybe while walking the street back home you saw something interesting. Maybe in a history lesson you read about some great battle and "*Sight* It must have been a great battle... Wait a sec... No one made a map about it.. Maybe I should make one ?". Maybe while just looking through window you saw something interesting. In example, I live a bit far from the city, so one time I saw a pack of wolves. That was my muse. I started to work on map about controlling one wolf in a pack and surviving (go ahead , create one !). I didn't finished for some reason. Maybe you saw your muse in a book ? A film ? Or just watching through a window? Maybe by just thinking? Don't make a clone, be sure to be original. It adds productivity, really.

4. Working in Team

Working alone can be tiresome, boring work. It may be slooow. And one of solutions may be finding a friend in real life or in the internet, work with him. Friend can push you to work, though not against your will (it may seem now :)). Working in a team kinda' makes map-making your another job - you must do it, no matter how lazy you are. Otherwise the team will leave you (if you're leader) or kick you out of the team. That's not productive, isn't it ?

Why you should work in a team , and why not.

Of course, working in has it's own cons. The map your team is making may not be the one you like, while working you can discover that your partners are lazy and don't do anything at all, and it may be hard to organize them. They can think that you're idea is stupid, that they don't like you (which results in leaving (couldn't guess that, right)) , they can not work, do something wrong. To be a good leader, you have to have one thing in you - leadership.

What are those ?

Some people cannot control a 5 man band while others can easily control 100 man army. What's that ? Charisma and leadership. People are born with more or less charisma, they maybe natural leaders. Don't know if people can "make" or learn more charisma (which sounds stupid to me), but those people tend to work with others ... easier. Charisma and leadership helps organizing a large group, somewhy. Still, you might try. It's just easier for them, not impossible for you. So, organizing.

How to do that ?

Every one has to have a work station. You can't make one make some mapping and then go to do some texturing. Every team has to have Mappers (or a mapper, if your map is small), which are the main ones. Mappers can be splited into three groups :
  • Terrainers;
  • Triggerers;
  • Jassers.
Map may be big, so you might want to tell the terrainer's how you imaginate the map , split the map in four or more/less , so that every Terrainer would have work (having more than one terrainer may be a bit complicated, if you're making a multiplayer map (not campaign, as you can tell them to do different maps).
As for Triggerers and Jassers, you must tell them what systems, events you want in game, what units (in my opinion Triggerers should also create units) and structures you want. They may not work at first, 'cause they won't have anything to do, but later... So the guys who work on the editor have they're stations. That leaves Model Designers/Texturers if you have any. Less work for you with them. Simply tell them the models/skins you want. That ain't hard.

How to keep people working ?

If you know them in real life, and they're near you, simply visit them (which will result in getting them mad maybe, still give it a try :) ), see how they progress.
Otherwise, it may be hard for you , especially with people you don't even know or trust. If you happen to be the "Charismatic one" it will be much easier to motivate them, otherwise, you should ... well motivate them, but try as hard as you can.
  • Speak of glory (nothing glorious in that, but no one banned brain-washing)!
  • Say a bunch of lies! Speak how famous they will (may) become! That even be true.
  • Use any means necessary to get them productive!
Thing is, lazy people tend to get bored quickly. You can kick them out and search for another, but if you're a .... merciful one as I am, you should try to speak some work into them, threat them that you'll kick them out of the team.
It's also hard to make sure that they don't do anything you don't need, so ask them to update you with map or models frequently, so you can see the progress. Of course, it differs from what your position is. That's all tips I can think of, so if you like solo work, keep it, if you don't, make a team of mappers and designers, venture into the dangers of organizing them (which may break you kinda' fast). If you're new at Map Editing, you should try solo first.

5. Don't be afraid of Big Maps

When you want to make 256x256 map (epic), you see how much you will have to terrain, you hit the little X on the upper right corner of the screen, don't you ? That's not working, really. You shouldn't be afraid of big maps, if you want, you can make 64x64, terrain it, when you finish you can add more, so it wont look so intimidiating. Big maps mean a lot of work, but the more you work, the better quality map you make, don't you?

The End

So, I guess I finished on this one. Can't think of more, that I personally use to make my map-making not boring. So, uh, I know it won't get to the real tuts, still, feedback will be accepted, positive or negative.
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Level 20
May 26, 2006
The whole techno thing (in my opinion) is worthless. It was created using machines. Professional music , such as rock (which I preffer), is much of a worth. Rock is really fiery music , emotional. It can be alternative , hard , general , gruge etc.

You generalize huge group of music kinds. I like Trance and mostly listen to it while working on map, and belive me it is professional... Some may listen to hip-hop or any other music kind. You cant judge any kind of music just because you dont like it.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
That's the point. Most of my friends listen to techno , in which I don't see anything good , but they do. It's in my opinion. I don't say that you should change your opinion about music. And by saying techno I mean the music created with computer , synthesizer etc. , not the real instruments.

Perhaps that`s one of the problems this tutorial faces : Some things in it is your opinion rather than facts, and thus provides unreliable information.
The "don't work alone" section needs improvement : One of the reasons many projects fail is exactly because of not working alone. Provide information on how to work in a team, how to keep things organized and people motivated.
Second thing : being original is not necessarily the key to success. Biggest example being WoW : everything in wow probably was done before already. They just did it all together and made sure the final product had good quality.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
So much text :slp:

Tip: Read the rules ;)

Uh... Which one I broke :cry: .

Perhaps that`s one of the problems this tutorial faces : Some things in it is your opinion rather than facts, and thus provides unreliable information.
The "don't work alone" section needs improvement : One of the reasons many projects fail is exactly because of not working alone. Provide information on how to work in a team, how to keep things organized and people motivated.
Second thing : being original is not necessarily the key to success. Biggest example being WoW : everything in wow probably was done before already. They just did it all together and made sure the final product had good quality.

Thanks for tips , I will update it. And , plain facts makes my skin crawl.

About the map WoW , how could be interesting to play something you already had ? Im not talking about the ones who don't play , but if the team would create original RPG (in my opinion) it would be much more interesting.

While , if you mean the MMORPG WoW , then yes , a lot was made before , and what made it popular was a lot of ads and popularity or the real warcrafts.
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Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
I don't think he meant the map

I think he was talking about WoW as game separate from Warcraft, was completely un-original, but scores of people play it for more than 3+ hours a day

Some of this stuff is very good, although some of it could go both ways

I often have my radio on (yeah, who has radios nowadays?) when I do my map-making, and sometimes I zone out, well actually I zone out like crazy, but I tend to get invovled with the song rather than mah game, a bit of a distraction. I have found that a good song to listen to must be very mellow, but still of a genre you enjoy (for me, just a rock song that happens to be somewhat boring)

Working w/ other ppl, most of the time I hate trying to organize with other people, big pain in the ass that seems almost unnecessary to me. If you were to add tips on organizing a group I'd very much appreciate it (you should probably include a bit on manipulating the midns of men)

When you take a pause, it needs to be a genuine break where WC completely drifts out of consciousness, otherwise you find yourself constantly zone-ing out

The bit about the ideas is very very good, that's where I have gotten all of my really great ideas from, although I also happened to drop them all ><

The bit about coming from the heart, as gay as that sounds, is 100% correct. If your REALLY into it, you will get ridiculous amounts of insane work done, otherwise, you might get decent just "OK" work, in maybe a twice the time
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
I think he was talking about WoW as game separate from Warcraft, was completely un-original, but scores of people play it for more than 3+ hours a day

Some of this stuff is very good, although some of it could go both ways

I often have my radio on (yeah, who has radios nowadays?) when I do my map-making, and sometimes I zone out, well actually I zone out like crazy, but I tend to get invovled with the song rather than mah game, a bit of a distraction. I have found that a good song to listen to must be very mellow, but still of a genre you enjoy (for me, just a rock song that happens to be somewhat boring)

Working w/ other ppl, most of the time I hate trying to organize with other people, big pain in the ass that seems almost unnecessary to me. If you were to add tips on organizing a group I'd very much appreciate it (you should probably include a bit on manipulating the midns of men)

When you take a pause, it needs to be a genuine break where WC completely drifts out of consciousness, otherwise you find yourself constantly zone-ing out

The bit about the ideas is very very good, that's where I have gotten all of my really great ideas from, although I also happened to drop them all ><

The bit about coming from the heart, as gay as that sounds, is 100% correct. If your REALLY into it, you will get ridiculous amounts of insane work done, otherwise, you might get decent just "OK" work, in maybe a twice the time

I didn't thought that something coming from heart may sound gay... :) .

On the note of good bands; muse is very good

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Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
New tutorial, how to motivate your friends to work faster than slugs! 8/

I thought this tutorial was great overrall except the working with friends part. I got 3 friends and none of them ever want to work on probably the greatest project ever thought up!!! I mean they all agree it's absolute genious that has never been done before. I've already set up all the primary systems for the map and they still wont do a thing 8/ It's like trying to motivate a slug to go faster.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
I suggest you don't play with Music because the music makes you sing. And not work. =0

Than why not sing a bit ? :)

Do you know how I know your gay, you listen to Coldplay.

Jokes, jokes I had to say it ><

+rep this is an excellent tutorial I will try and use more of these methods when mappin.

I recommend them to people who want relaxing music (imo) and I didn't say I listen to them , though I do have a few songs.

Dreadnought[dA];579334 said:
New tutorial, how to motivate your friends to work faster than slugs! 8/

I thought this tutorial was great overrall except the working with friends part. I got 3 friends and none of them ever want to work on probably the greatest project ever thought up!!! I mean they all agree it's absolute genious that has never been done before. I've already set up all the primary systems for the map and they still wont do a thing 8/ It's like trying to motivate a slug to go faster.

It also depends what people you are working with.
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Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
I have a horrible voice.. That makes me sad. I might even break my monitor. :)

Just sing along.... Don't think about it , that's all :) . There's no such a thing as horrible voice.

Im tired of waiting really. When it will be thrown into trash bin , or maybe there is a chance that there is a chance that it will be accepted into Misc. tuts ?
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Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
Insert road block on way to trash bin with a section on, Dividing up work with friends. Usually tutorials with pictures get higher scores too. But anyway here's how you can divide up work.
You can have 2 people working on object data, but it usually doesn't work. So 1 person working on object data, 1 person working on terrain, 1 person working on triggers. If your lucky then you can also have somebody making models, icons, and other things for your map as imports. Explain why they need to be divided up and how to lead a team effectively. That would make this even better.
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Eh, team leadership is a tough and rare skill to come by

About 99% of the time its just the people whom have been brought together are compatable, and won't cause any destruction amongst eachother, and apathy won't settle in

Btw, you aren't paying them, so they really need a lust to make the map work, as well as you

I highly suggest the part about having somebody do the imports, as you really can do each one completely seperate from the map

I have heard of splitting up the triggers and the terrain from alot of people, but I don't see how you can, between the terrain and triggers, there is quite a bit of interactions (some cases not so much)

I s'pose you could do them both at the same time and constantly switch maps back and forth
But then you'd need to worry about both ppl hosting, or some efficient way to send back and forth that you both agree on (please don't reply to this with 100000x sites that you can do that on, I am well aware of them)
[I personally use epicwar when I can't host]

The object data could probably be done without the other stuff, although the units are really the heart and soul of the map, and should definitely be brainstormed multiple times, this is also where I'd expect some arguments over what which unit should do/be

I choose to work solo, so I have complete control of the outcome, and I usually come here for my imports, or if I can make them myself, I would just do that
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
Eh, team leadership is a tough and rare skill to come by

About 99% of the time its just the people whom have been brought together are compatable, and won't cause any destruction amongst eachother, and apathy won't settle in

Btw, you aren't paying them, so they really need a lust to make the map work, as well as you

I highly suggest the part about having somebody do the imports, as you really can do each one completely seperate from the map

I have heard of splitting up the triggers and the terrain from alot of people, but I don't see how you can, between the terrain and triggers, there is quite a bit of interactions (some cases not so much)

I s'pose you could do them both at the same time and constantly switch maps back and forth
But then you'd need to worry about both ppl hosting, or some efficient way to send back and forth that you both agree on (please don't reply to this with 100000x sites that you can do that on, I am well aware of them)
[I personally use epicwar when I can't host]

The object data could probably be done without the other stuff, although the units are really the heart and soul of the map, and should definitely be brainstormed multiple times, this is also where I'd expect some arguments over what which unit should do/be

I choose to work solo, so I have complete control of the outcome, and I usually come here for my imports, or if I can make them myself, I would just do that

To be honest , I don't think working in a team , except when you can meet them in real life , is possible. Quite simply if someone doesn't want to work he should be kicked out ASAP. Warcraft mapping isn't about money , nor it will ever be. So yea , I prefer solo too.
Level 4
Jul 23, 2007
My brother and I 'take turns' working on my project. I'll get burned out and send him the map and he'll work on it for a few days and then send it back to me for me to resume working on it. We think similarly enough that it isn't hard to keep track of changes the other made.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
My brother and I 'take turns' working on my project. I'll get burned out and send him the map and he'll work on it for a few days and then send it back to me for me to resume working on it. We think similarly enough that it isn't hard to keep track of changes the other made.

That's a good idea , if you have a brother who plays Warcraft 3. My bro doesn't... He only plays sport , some strategy (non-fantasy) , Civilization , ad WWII shooters such as MOH. So , uh , this isn't possible for many people. But still it's a good idea , i'll add it when i'll have time :).
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Yeah that sounds like an extremely rare situation, as well as one that you can't really re-create if you wanted to ><
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Well, I say extremely, because I have 2 brothers, and firstly they would both need to like + play wc3 as much as I, secondly I/you would need to not hate them, and be very brotherly, and lastly, they would also need to be competent, where my younger brother is too young, and my older brother can't always keep up
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
Well, I say extremely, because I have 2 brothers, and firstly they would both need to like + play wc3 as much as I, secondly I/you would need to not hate them, and be very brotherly, and lastly, they would also need to be competent, where my younger brother is too young, and my older brother can't always keep up

Yea... Trust me , I understand brothers relations :).
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
I like the improvements, but I think it could use a little more, I really don't know how, would require some innovative thought ><

I might take a look at it later and make some suggestions on visual and comprehensive improvment, but I am extremely lazy, and chances are I won't
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Here we go --

This tutorial isn't about triggers, jass, modeling etc. It's about productive map-making. What, you ask, is that? Productive map-making is working from the heart, not like a machine. It's when you really want to make a map, work with it, and not because you need to, but because you want to. Be sure to do this, otherwise your map is ruined!

So, how to you map productively? These are my tips, so that map-making won't get boring soon, or if it has, how to make it interesting again. I hope it will help you.

  1. Listen to Music

    Music is a wonderful thing. It can change your mood, even fill you with adrenaline. It can encourage you, allowing you to make things you thought you couldn't.

    However, you must make the right choice. Listen to music you like, but also music that was created with heart. The whole techno thing (in my opinion) is worthless - it was created using machines, while professional music, such as rock (which I prefer), is much more worthwhile. Rock is really fiery music, and very emotional. It can be
    • alternative
    • hard
    • general
    • grudge
    etc. Since rock is quite dead right now, and not many people listen to it, I would encourage you to try some of the older bands, such as Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd. If you prefer somewhat modern or relaxing music, you can try Coldplay. Or, if you want something heavier, try Nirvana or Metallica.

    You can, of course, listen to the music which you like the most - these suggestions are simply my opinion. In my personal experience, music can encourage you to work or change your mood (to the good side). Mood changes productivity, which is the entire goal of this tutorial.

    Examples of Music:

Try to do this sort of thing with all the sections
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
By the way, Dumblor, one thing to note: punctuation only has a space after it ("hello. goodbye"/"hello, goodbye"/"hello; goodbye", etc), but not before it (not "hello , goodbye"/"hello . goodbye"/"hello ; goodbye", etc)
I am going to edit as soon as i get a new kboard ;) , bcause i am using on-screen keyboard , which sucks.

Led Zeppelin you say? Bravo sir!

well , it's my favorite so far ;).

UPDATE : I have the bloody keyboard , but now I'm out of time, got my hands full of work , so I can only edit it after a week or less. Sorry :).
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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Alright, some things.

-Rather than using white 'o's for lists, use list tags:





  • element
  • element
  • element

Also, there's still some spelling and grammar that needs corrections - I suggest you use FireFox or Microsoft Word for a quick and easy spellchecker.

Finally, punctuation only has a space after it, not before it (Hello, goodbye and not Hello , goodbye).
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
Alright, some things.

-Rather than using white 'o's for lists, use list tags:





  • element
  • element
  • element

Also, there's still some spelling and grammar that needs corrections - I suggest you use FireFox or Microsoft Word for a quick and easy spellchecker.

Finally, punctuation only has a space after it, not before it (Hello, goodbye and not Hello , goodbye).

Okay, I'll fix all that. and punctuation... Yeah , I learned about it after I wrote this. Nevermind that. I will fix it during the weekend.