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220 B.C.
War is looming over the control of the Mediterranean sea... The second conflict opposing Rome and Carthage is on the verge of breaking out while the strife-ridden Diadochi of the Hellenic world are competing for the hegemony over the remnants of Alexander's empire.
Rule over your empire, make it prosperous and lead your armies on the field of battle. Grab your gladius and and go conquer the world. Alea Iacta Est !
Kind of Map :Strategy Map
Number of Players:1-6 (to be 12 when all factions are finished)
Factions:Rome, Carthage, Greece, Seleucids, Egypt and Pergamon. To come in future versions : Iberia, Dacia, Germania, Iceni, Gauls and Scythes.
Gameplay :The map mimics the gameplay of the games from the Total War series. It is divided into a Campaign map where you move your armies and manage your empire and Battlefield maps where the battles are fought. You will have to seize new lands while making alliances and thriving through sophisticated yet intuitive systems of diplomacy and economy.
How to play ? :If you are already familiar with Total War games, you should simply check the Interface tab below. If you need more information, you should also read the Map Layout tab. It is not needed to know everything to play and enjoy the map; the basics are sufficient. If you want to know more and excel at the game, you should also read the other tabs for extensive tips and knowledge.
Shortcuts & Commands
Choose a Faction
At the start of the game, each player will choose a faction. The remaining ones will be somewhat managed by an AI (not implemented yet).
In the current stage of map development, you may play one of the two nations in conflicts that are Rome and Carthage or one of the Greek Diadochi sharing the remnants of Alexander's empire : Greece, the Seleucids, Egypt or Pergamon.
Future versions will see the coming of Celtic factions such as Iberians, Iceni and Gauls, as well as Dacia, Germania, and the Scythes.
Treasury and Timer
You will earn an Income which is added to your treasury each tick of 3 min (180 sec). The "wood" is that timer, which will also update a number of data such as Happiness and other.
You may check your Income in the Government panel (press F1).
It represents the current strength of your empire. It will increase each time you capture a Town (+1) or a City (+2).
After reaching new tiers, you will get additional Fleets and Armies. You start with 2 Fleets and 2 Armies and can end up with 8 Armies and 6 Fleets with 100 Imperium.
In this example, the faction of Rome has a starting Imperium of 8 which corresponds to 2 Cities and 4 Towns.
Do not forget that if you are lost while playing the game for the first time or even if you want some more advanced tips, you may check the Info tab (F9) which provides all kind of information.
When you select this "hero" (shortcut F1), a panel will open with general information about your empire :
Your Capital : this is where your armies will respawn if destroyed. It will move to the most your most populous City if taken.
The Faction Leader : no impact for now
Your Culture : this is the primary culture of your empire. Seizing towns in Province with different cultures will reduce happiness. A few buildings permit to convert a Province to your own culture over time.
Total Population : the sum of the population of all your towns.
Total Income : how much will you earn each tick (3 min). It is divided into Wealth which is what your towns produce and Trade which is the exported luxury goods. There is also a base income of 1000 for each faction.
This "hero" also allows you to have access to the Trade ('T'), Geopolitics ('G') and Innovations ('I') panels (see below).
Note that you can open/close any panel by pressing the Escape key.
When you select this "hero" (shortcut F2), a panel displaying the worldwide diplomatic links between the factions will open. It also allows you to have access to several diplomatic options :
Alliance : mutual defensive and offensive pact. You also share vision (this is deactivated for now due to some bug that need fixing).
War/Peace : allows to attack other factions and ask for peace.
Trade Treaty : allows to create trade treaties to sell you luxury goods.
Non-Aggression Pact : prevents two players from attacking each other for 5 minutes.
The diplomatic options are detailed in the Diplomacy tab later.
Trade & Geopolitics
When pressing 'T' or 'G' after selecting the Government "hero" (F1), you may access the Trade and Geopolitics panels :
Trade panel : it displays your export capacity and the price of each luxury goods on the market. The Trade is detailed in the Economy tab later.
Geopolitics : it displays a number of data on the current status and data of the entire world as well as interesting stats on the other factions. (not totally finished yet)
Not yet implemented. It will be the research your faction may conduct to improve your economy and your troops.
Open/Close panels :Escape key
Cycle through Battles :F8 ("idle villager). Press it several times to cycle through the occurring battles and quickly manage your troops.
Go to Capital : double press F1 (or F2)
Go to an army : double press F3 for the first army, F4 etc...
Formations : on the field of battle, some units are much more effective if they use a special formations (e.g Testudo). Press F to trigger them.
If you master these 5 shortcuts, you will play flawlessly and be able to manage different battles + your empire. Real-time strategy games can be challenging in term of management; you should should use them extensively.
Change the height : type -very far, -far, -med or -min to change the height of your camera. "Very far" is the standard setting.
Custom height : type -set # to choose your camera height (scale from ~500 to 3500).
Army names : type -name # to change the name of the selected Army or Fleet.
The map contains Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, part of the Middle East and Northern Africa.
There are three dominant biomes on the map : Temperate in the North, Mediterranean around the sea and Arid in the most desert areas.
It will determine the Battlefield on which your armies will fight.
Effects on Armies
The different environments will have different effects on your armies marching around on the campaign map : (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
Forests : they will slow down your armies, reduce their line of sight and increase the rate at which they lose stamina (mana, which represents their speed). On the other hand, they will grant them invisibility and the ability to detect other armies hidden in the forest.
Note that the Germans don't have any malus in the forest.
Mountain Passes : they greatly reduce the speed and increase the stamina loss but increase the line of sight.
Deserts : they increase the stamina loss but also increases the line of sight.
Note that the Egyptians don't have the malus in deserts.
The map is divided into 12 provinces : Italia, Africa, Greece, Asia, Egypt, Iberia, Anatolia, Dacia, Germania, Britannia, Gaul and Black Sea.
All the cities owned by a single faction and belonging to the same province will share some attributes such as Happiness; each cities will influence each other.
The Culture is also shared between all cities in a Province, but are not faction specific.
In this example, you can see all the cities and towns belonging to the Province of Italia.
The Towns are the smaller kind of settlements. They are less defensive than the walled Cities but have access to specific buildings that the latter cannot construct (such as Farms or Granaries). They are also the only settlements that can produce luxury goods that can be traded with other factions.
In this example, we can see the Town of Consentia which belongs to the Roman faction (shown by the red color of its name and the banner floating above). The roman number next to the name informs of the Development Level of the settlement (explained below). We can also see that it is located in the Province of Italia and that it can produce Olive Oil as a luxury ressource with the icon on the left.
The Cities are the walled more defensible settlements which are initially more populated than the Towns. It is where you can build the other kind of buildings. They nonetheless share some building possibilities with the Towns.
In this example we can see the City of Roma which also belongs to Rome and to the province of Italia and which is a city with a Development Level of III.
Information Panel
When clicking on a Town or City, this panel opens. Note that you may open/close it automatically with the Escape Key. It displays all kind of important data :
The information related to all the other towns of the Province (of Italia in our example):
The Happiness which is shared between the towns owned by Rome only and in the province of Italia only. It shows the current level of happiness (-2) and how it will change on the next tick (each 3 min) (-2.4). Happiness ranges from -100 to +100 and affects the wealth bonus of your cities (from -40% at -100 to +20% at +100).
The Culture of the Province which is shared between all the cities regardless of the owners. Your own culture is always displayed first with the other 2 other predominant ones after. They impact the happiness.
The information only related to the city :
The Population, of which the Growth is depending on the buildings present in the Province.
The Garrison Tier which represents the strength of the garrison which will defend the city if attacked. It depends on the town Level (III for Rome) and on the military structures of the town.
The Total Wealth which is what the city produces as an income each tick (each 3min). The wealth of a city is divided into 4 categories which can each have different bonuses depending on the Happiness, on buildings etc... (detailed in the Economy tab later).
Each city has a limited number of slots that can be improved in different kind of buildings which can have military, economic or cultural purposes.
Each kind of building have 3 tiers and may only be upgraded if the Development Level is at least at the tier you aim for.
-In this example, we may also see the Development Level of Roma which is highlighted. The name of this Development Level for a City is called a Municipium at level III. It determines the base wealth of the city (subsistence of 250 here) and has other effects such as unlocking 4 slots for buildings. Each City or Town may be upgraded if they reach a certain amount of population :
5 000 for level II
10 000 for level III
20 000 for level IV
-The other buildings of Roma are a Barrack, a Siege Workshop, an Entertainment Building and Sanitation. All the buildings are detailed later.
-The roman helmet logo in the bottom right allows you to display the exact composition of the city's garrison and its strength (losses) when clicked.
Mana : it represents the current Stamina of each army. When your armies are moving around, it decreases with the speed of your armies. If they stand still, it will come back up gradually. Remember that terrains such as Forests may affect the speed at which it decreases. To be noted that an army which disembarks from a navy will loose half its stamina.
"Armor" : it represents the number of regiments present in an army. It may be wise to check the one of an enemy army before engaging.
Leadership :not yet implemented : it will the morale of your units (if the morale system is implemented; may be changed)
Logistics :not yet implemented : it will increase the Replenishment rate
Stamina :not yet implemented : it will increase the maximum mana
When an army wins fights, it gains XP and when reaching a new level can choose to increase one of the three traits. (Not yet implemented either)
When clicking on an Army (as when you click on cities), this panel is displayed :
Replenishment : it is the rate at which your regiments will replenish their forces each 50sec. It may be increased by building Granaries (bonus Province-wise), by putting an army in garrison in a city or by increasing its Logistics trait.
Composition : it displays the kind of troops present in the army and their strength (the green health bar turns red when there are losses). Note that in this example, the cavalry unit (Equites) has 12 units while the other foot infantry units have 20. The massive units regiment such as chariots and war elephants have 5 and the siege weapons have 3. Note than an army cannot exceed 8 regiments.
You may also see the Army's name which can be customized. (Not yet implemented)
Recruitment : permits to recruit troops if your army is in the vicinity of one of your cities (see below for more).
Garrison : select one of your cities to put the army in garrison (1 per city max). An army in garrison have a better base replenishment rate (from 4 to 6%) and cannot be attacked directly by any other armies. If the city is attacked, the army will deploy alongside the garrison army of the city.
Exchange Troops : select an other army to exchange regiments between them. (Not yet implemented)
Composition : allows you to remove damaged or obsolete regiments and to combine two of them if they are damaged and of the same kind. You will have to use your arrow keys to do that; it is explained when the ability is triggered.
If an army is within a reasonable distance from a city, it may recruit the unit types which are unlocked by ALL the buildings of each city present in the local Province. Read this sentence once again and you will understand : ). For instance, an army next to Consentia may recruit the units unlocked by the Barrack present in the city of Roma and all other cities in the province of Italia.
There are 5 families of units :
"Sword" Infantry : the classic units with a normal attack type.
"Spear" Infantry : the units bearing spears which are effective against cavalry.
Ranged units : firing at a distance; their effectiveness is lessens by the shielded units.
Cavalry : fast units which can charge and outflank.
Siege Weapons : with a very long range.
Each faction is somewhat specialized in one kind of units and may recruit 8 different unit types + the 2 common Ballistas and Onagers. Each faction also has a special elite unit for a total of 11 regiment types. Here, the Roman army can recruit Praetorians (note the different icon with the helmet) which are the quintessence of the heavy infantry.
The three kind of building unlocking new unit types are :
Barracks : unlocks the "Sword" and the "Spear" infantry.
Camps : unlocks the Ranged units and the Cavalry.
Siege Workshops : unlocks the two siege weapons.
Each building having 3 tiers of upgrade, each tier unlocks the units whose icon has its tier. For example, a level 2 barrack (for the faction of Rome) unlocks the Velites (I), the Hastati (II) and the Triarii (II) (spears).
Level I units are really weak, level II are normal and level III are usually expensive elite units with heavy armor and fancy abilities (the Legionaries (III) here for Rome).
You start the game with 2 Fleets. They work exactly like Armies, but have restrictions on what you can attack. You should use them extensively to move your armies around and reinforce coastal Town battles.
Fleets can attack other fleets and destroy the transported Army, but they cannot START a Town battle. You must engage with an Army first, and then rejoin the fight. Some ships will provide extra troops that can disembark while others with siege weapons will assist the army. The ships doesn't count for the end of the battle and may escape a battle which is lost.
Note that an Army disembarking from a Fleet will loose half its stamina (mana).
Battle Types
Troop Movement
When engaging an other army on the campaign map, a battlefield will be chosen according to your location which corresponds to a biome.
The terrain can have cliffs, so be careful with where you put your range units which can miss their targets if firing uphill as you can see on the top left of the picture.
Other terrain complexity will be added in the future (mostly with shallows and forests).
Town Combat
If you attack a non-walled Town, you will have to fight through narrow streets. Try to maneuver around the main pass. You will fight the garrison provided by the town in addition with the possible garrisoned army.
To be noted that Navies will be able to attack coastal Towns when implemented and merge with land battles.
City Combat
You should bring larges forces to attack the well-defended walled Cities. The walls create narrow choke-points and ranged units can shoot from above while your troops will miss them (as if they were on a cliff).
Deployment Phase
When engaging any kind of combat, your regiments will spawn at an edge of the picked battlefield. You and your opponent then have 30 seconds to carefully position your troops in the deployment area highlighted by the purple glittering effect on the ground.
You may also rotate them and change their formation as explained below.
After the deployment, you may move your units around. When several units are selected, they will move in formation as shown in the picture (the blue dots are the indicated future locations).
It is sometimes wise to move one unit at a time to maneuver with ease.
A good way to engage in combat is to attack-move (A + click) at a location, but an other way is described below.
These two points are important to understand to improve your efficiency on the field of battle :
-When told to attack a specific regiment (right click on an enemy regiment (flag) as shown in the picture), the melee units will attack-move in the direction of this regiment. It is a quick and easy way to attack, but your troops may hinder each other.
-On the other hand, if told to attack a specific regiment, each soldier of a range units regiment will be told to attack a random unit from the targeted regiment. This was made so that your range units don't attack the closest units but the unit of your choice.
For instance you may want to attack a unit without shields and with a low armor versus piercing attack, or a regiment that has its back face to you (additional damages are dealt in the back).
Rank Formation
In order to move smoothly in narrow places or to cover more grounds, you can tell your regiments to increase or decrease the number of rank.
In the example, you may also see a unit of Legionaries which used its ability "Testudo Formation" which also decreases the space between the units.
Some specialized or elite units have some specific abilities. Most of them like the Pilum are automated, which is highlighted by the fact that the icon is black and just informative.
On the other hand, there are activable skills such as the Testudo Formation which appear with a red icon.
To be noted that the Charge ability of the cavalry units has a red icon and can be triggered at any time but is also automated.
An important ability to highlight is the Shield, which a lot of units posses. It reduces by 33% the damages dealt by piercing damage.
The Pilum ability is also quite common. Each soldier of regiment carries a limited amount of ammunition; some units may have only 1 while some others up to 4. These Pilum thrown at a low range will damage the target while also breaking its shield, making it easier for your range units to damage them. The shield is actually visibly broken which is noticeable on the battlefield.
Not yet implemented. It will be shown through the mana of a regiment.
Trade Treaty
Non-Aggression Pact
After accessing to the Diplomacy "hero" (F2), you have access to diplomatic options that are detailed here.
You can ask for an Alliance to :
Players only; the AI don't do any diplomacy for now.
Players that are not allied with an enemy.
As a consequence :
If a player is declared war on, his allies will have the choice to enter the war at its side or break the alliance.
You have the choice to call your allies when declaring a war. They may not follow you and break the alliance if they don't. If they are also allied with your enemy, they will choose a side or remain neutral and break both alliances.
You may break an alliance at any time you want. If an alliance is broken in any way, a 5min truce prevents the players from declaring war on each other. This was made so people cannot easily betray an ally: the alliance is mainly a protective mean towards allied factions.
You can declare War on :
Any player or AI.
The target must not be an Ally.
As a consequence :
You now may attack his cities and armies.
Beware, its allies may come to his aid.
If you had a Trade Treaty with him, it will be broken.
You can ask for Peace :
Players only; the AI don't do any diplomacy for now.
Only if you don't have a battle occurring which involves this enemy. Finish it first.
As a consequence :
You will have a 5min Truce with the player but can already ally him.
In the future, there will be some options to ask for or offer a tribute when asking for peace.
You can ask for a Trade Treaty :
Players only; the AI don't do any diplomacy for now.
At least two of your towns must be "adjacent". Maritime connections do not have an infinite range. If this connection is lost, the Treaty is broken.
As a consequence :
You have access to his whole population to sell your luxury goods (automatic process). Each 1 unit of a kind of luxury good produced in your empire can be sold if you have access to 10K population within all your partners. If your partners altogether have 70K population and you produce 6 Wine and 12 Spices : you'll be able all your 6 Wine but only 7 of your Spices. All of this is summurized in the Trade Panel (F1 + T) and better explained in the Economy tab.
It also grants you the worldwide benefits given all the ressources he produces. For instance, producing Wine yourself or any of your trade partner will give your Provinces a +1 Happiness per tick.
You may break these Trade Treaties any time you want (and if you declare war on a partner). It may be useful if you don't want a player to earn too much money with its booming Trade Income (which can be checked with F1+G).
You can ask for a Non-Aggression Pact :
Players only; the AI don't do any diplomacy for now.
Non allied players (as a Non-Aggression Pact is automatically triggered when an alliance is broken).
As a consequence :
You will have a 5min Truce with the player but can still ally him which will "break" the Pact.
Unit Stats
Damage & Armor Types
When recruiting regiments, you may check their stats (these stats are also displayed on the field of battle) :
Requirements : in order to train Praetorians, you need to have a tier III Barrack in the Province where your army is recruiting. As this is the unique elite regiment of the Rome faction, it can only be recruited in your home region (the Province of Italia).
Class : summarize the kind of unit it is.
Training : the time required to hire it. 80 seconds is very long; a classic time is around 30 seconds.
Weapon : the damage type (detailed below)
Armor : the armor type
Equipment : extra stuff your unit may carry like shields, a number of pilum or second weaponry type.
Strength and Weaknesses : gives a general idea of the unit aswell as its abilities (Testudo Formation in this example).
Damage Types
Normal Damage
Average versus infantry and bad against cavalry. Spear Damage
Very effective against cavalry but weak against infantry. Heavy Damage
Very effective against highly armored units and average against the others. Very few units have this damage type (Chariots, Ballistas, 2 Handed Weapons and War Elephants) Piercing Damage
Rather good versus any Armor Type but its effectiveness is reduced by the use of shields (-33%). Bad versus Wood Armor. Fire Damage
Very effective against Wood Armor (siege weapons and wooden structures). Siege Damage
Good versus Rock and Wood Armored structures aswell as versus Heavy Cavalry. Onagers are the only units having this attack type.
Armor Types
Light Armor
Very bad against normal damage and average versus spears. Medium Armor
Can handle average damage from any kind of weapons. Heavy Armor
Heavily armored units only fear Heavy Damage. Cavalry Armor
Cavalry units take less damages from regular weapons but are very weak against spears. Heavy Cavalry Armor
Better than the classic Cavalry Armor and taking less damage versus spears, it is nonetheless more damaged by Heavy Damage. Very few units have this armor type (Chariots, Hellenic Cataphracts, Pergamenese Noble Cavalry and War Elephants) Wood Armor
Only Fire, Heavy and Siege damages are effective versus Wood. Piercing does almost no damage to it. Rock Armor
The biggest structures are made of Rock and can only be damaged by Onagers. (Defensive structures have not been implemented yet).
Possessed by a lot of units : reduces piercing damage by 33%.
Some units may have a number of Pilum (from 1 to 4) that they can throw at the enemy dealing 30 armor piercing damages. In addition to that, if the target possesses a shield, this one is visibly broken and your archers are more effective against it. You may also see the remaining ammunition of Pilum in the back of your units.
This ability is automated.
Every non-ranged cavalry units have this ability (chariots and war elephants aswell). During the duration of the charge, the units have +30% attack and movement speed boosts for 12 seconds. The ability has a 50 seconds cooldown.
This ability is triggered automatically, although you may trigger it any time you want in order to simply sprint around the battlefield.
Charge Spear
This ability is the one of the cavalry units bearing spears (chariots aswell). As long as they are charging, they deal +8 armor piercing damage. As the Spear Damage is not very effective against foot infantry, it may be wise to cycle your charges (wait for the charge ability to recharge).
The War Elephants will damage all enemies nearby their target with a 50% reduction. Chariots also trample, but only when charging.
Ballista Shot
All units behind the target are also damaged on a distance of 250 and a width of 60. (area of 15000)
Onager Shot
Onagers have splash damage in a radius of 150 with gradual damage reduction. (area of 70650)
Hoplite Formation
The most common formation. It reduces piercing damage by 10%, increases damage by +3 and increases armor by 2 but reduces MS by 50%.
Phalangite Formation
It is the formation of the phalanx-like units. It increases damage by +6 and armor by 3 but reduces MS by 50%. Phalanx units are pretty bad until the formation order is given : don't forget to activate it !
Testudo Formation
Unique ability of Roman elite infantry (Legionaries and Praetorians) : reduces piercing damages by 80% but also reduces the MS by 65%.
Shield Wall Formation
It reduces piercing damage by 40% and increases armor by 2 but reduces MS by 50%.
Allows some ships to ram other ships dealing 200 damage to the hull.
Disembark Troops
Allows some ships to send troops on the ground. The boat is then immobilized on the shore and the troops can move around like any other regiment.
Unique Elite Unit
Strong and heavily armored sword infantry. A lot of units possess Pilum. Unique ability : Testudo Formation which decreases piercing damage by 80%.
All Roman regiments are slower and more expensive (but stronger) than other faction equivalents. Access to only one regiment of spears. Their only long range units are the weak slingers.
Praetorians : the most heavy sword infantry of the game with 4 pilum.
Strong elite spearmen and cheap pikemen (longer reach). They have access to War Elephants which can tear apart enemy ranks if well maneuvered. A lot of units also possess Pilum (less ammunition than Rome).
They only have access to one type of sword infantry and don't have access to any long range units.
Sacred Band : they compete with the Royal Spartans for being the best Heavy Spearmen with 3 pilum.
Strong spearmen and phalanxes. They have access to the very effective long range Cretan Archers.
They only have access to one type of sword infantry and only one cavalry unit.
Royal Spartans : they compete with the Sacred Band for being the best Heavy Spearmen with 3 pilum.
Very strong phalanx and heavy cavalry (Hellenic Cataphracts). They also have a very light and quick cavalry which is the only one which can throw pilum.
They only have access to one type of sword infantry and their only long range units are the weak slingers.
Indian Elephants : they are the most powerful elephants of the game with a very high armor. Note that this is the only "Warcrafty" model and will require tweaking ^^
They have access to the versatile Egyptian Chariots which have heavy attack and trample while charging and can switch to fire arrows to silence siege weapons. They also have access to the effective long range Egyptian Archers.
They don't have a powerful spear unit and have no access to powerful low range units like the other factions.
Hellenic Royal Guards : the best phalangite unit of the game.
They have access to very powerful low range units and to cheap range cavalry to harass the flanks while having good phalanxes.
They only have access to one type of sword infantry and don't have access to any long range units.
Pergamenese Noble Cavalry : the best cavalry of the game with a heavy armor and very strong charges.
Culture & Happiness
Common Buildings
Unlocks Sword and Spear infantry. Adds a Garrison Tier per tier.
Unlocks Range and Cavalry units. Adds a Garrison Tier per tier.
Unlocks War Ships. Adds ships as garrison.
++ Happiness
+ Culture conversion
City Buildings
Siege Workshops
Unlocks Siege Weapons. Adds siege weapons as garrison. + Industry Wealth
+++ Industry Wealth - Happiness
Slave Trader
++ Commerce Wealth -- Happiness ++ Industry & Agriculture bonus in Province
Trade Port
++ Commerce Wealth
++ Commerce bonus in Province
+++ Happiness
+ Happiness +++ Local City Growth
++ Research Rate
+ Culture Conversion
Town Buildings
++ Growth in the Province + Agriculture Wealth
Herding Grounds
+ Growth in Province ++ Agriculture Wealth
Fishing Dock
+ Growth of Towns only ++ Commerce Wealth
++ Commerce Wealth
+ Industrial & Commerce bonus in Province
+ Agriculture Wealth
+ Agriculture Bonus in Province ++ Troop Replenishment in Province
Goods Production Buildings
Grain Estate
Produces Grain + Agriculture Wealth + Growth in Province
Iron Mine
Produces Iron ++ Industry Wealth
Produces Wine + Commerce Wealth + Happiness
Olive Press
Produces Grain + Agriculture Wealth + Growth in Province
Pottery Kiln
Produces Pottery + Industry Wealth
+ Commerce Bonus in Province
Spices Plantation
Produces Spices ++ Commerce Wealth
Leather Workshop
Produces Leather ++ Industry Wealth
Logging Camp
Produces Lumber + Industry Wealth
+ Industrial Bonus in Province
Marble Quarry
Produces Marble ++ Industry Wealth
Gold Mine
Produces NOTHING +++ Industry Wealth + Local Town Growth
Wonders (not implement yet)
The Great Pyramid
The Great Lighthouse
Statue of Zeus
Mossoleum of Halicarnasus
Hanging Gardens
Circus Maximus
Wealth is the income provided by all your Cities and Towns. It is divided into 4 categories :
Subsistence : base income provided by the Development Level of the town
Agriculture : provided by farms, herding grounds, granaries etc...
Industry : provided by manufactures, workshops, mines etc...
The wealth is then multiplied by modifiers based on other buildings present in the Province and by your Happiness in this Province. This is what you can see in parenthesis next to each wealth type. The happiness will decrease wealth by -40% at -100 and increase it to +20% at +100.
When developing a Province, it is more optimized if you focus one type of wealth and the buildings providing bonuses for this type of wealth.
The Culture is a very important factor as it will decrease happinessby -1 per 10% of your non-primary culture in a Province. When playing Rome, a province with only 35%Roman Culture will add a -6 modifier per tick to your happiness.
In order to convert the population of Province to your culture, you may just conquer more cities in this province (each controlled city increases the conversion); but you can enhance the rate at which it changes by building and upgrading Temples and Akademia.
The Happiness change per tick (each 3min) is affected by :
Buildings : may be beneficial or not. You may want to replace a Slave Trader by a Temple if you have severe happiness problems.
Culture : as seen above. To be noted that the Scythes don't have a lesser malus due to culture difference.
Capture of Towns : each time you capture a city, a base happiness malus will be added depending of the culture of the Province and your own culture. If you 'liberate' a town from a foreign culture while the province major culture is yours, you'll only suffer very little unrest. On the other hand, if as a Roman you capture Athens, you'll have a major unrest. This unrest will decay by +1 per tick until it reaches 0.
Global Modifiers : some global modifiers such as the access to Wine (as a ressource you produce, or simply if a Trade Partner does) will increase your happiness. Some Wonders also do.
Worldwide Bonus
+ Army Replenishment
+1 Damage for melee soldiers
+ Happiness
Olive Oil
+ Agriculture Wealth
+ Trade Income
+ Commerce Wealth
+1 Armor for melee soldiers
+ Industry Wealth
Unlocks Wonder constructions
Each faction has special perks and bonuses (not implemented yet).
Whole Map
Ammonium Oasis
Celtic City
Troop Movement
2 Armies
All in 1
Temperate Town
Arid Town
Rome & Carthage
Factions and Provinces
Faction Flags
Greek Shields
City Walls and Pathing
Incoming Features
The map in number
History and Approximations
Why not playing the real R2TTW?
How Unit Models are Assembled
My Other Maps
Monuments : (as the 7 Wonders of the ancient times) giving bonuses faction-wise. They require access to Marble to be built.
Sounds : mostly on the field of battle when charging or changing formation.
Other factions : Iberians and other Celts first. Then the Germans and Dacians and the Scythes to finish.
Time to Complete
2.5 years before the release of the first Beta
On the map
93 different custom Cities and Towns
35 different Battlfields
795 regions
128 units on the map
36 310 doodads/destructibles
3 Models Only
5 Skins
87 Gears to Attach
268 triggers
224 variables
664 imported files
The map is based on how the world was divided around 220 BC right before the Second Punic War. However, there are a lot of approximations and a-historical features in order to balance the factions and make the game more enjoyable; here are the most notable ones :
The Iberians, the Gauls, the Germans, the Scythes, the Dacians and the Iceni were not AT ALL united (and never were through history).
The kingdom of Pergamon was much smaller and a big part of Anatolia was in fact controlled by the Seleucids.
The Colosseum and other monuments that can be seen on the map were not yet built.
The percentage of each culture in each province is pretty arbitrary.
The populations of the towns/cities are also rather arbitrary and balanced between the factions.
The names of many "barbaric" settlements are those given by the romans (we rarely know the original ones).
These are the basic reasons why I made this map, still being a huge fan of the Total War series :
No Total War game can be played by more than 2 players. Here you can play at 12 ! (6 currently)
The AI is terrible in any Total War with very few real interactions. As this map is intended to be only played by players, you don't have this problem. A simple AI will be implemented in the future, mainly to interact diplomatically with the players.
It is in real time ! It changes a lot of things compared to the turn-based Total War games. It is not better in itself but anyway very new and actually necessary with this amount of players.
Warcraft III features such as Heroes will be implemented which will create a totally new experience.
And then well, it is FREE and can easily be downloaded and played with your friends.
Here are the only unit models used in the game. There actually only 3 different models : the Foot Soldier, the Cavalry and the Chariot with 5 different skins. They all have all the different attack animations (activated or not) : sword, spear, javelin throw and archer shot. Then there are two additional Defend animations for sword and spear units (which are different).
Then, I just had to add each gear for each units :
Weapons :14 swords, axes, spears, bows and javelins
Helmets :10
Shields :45
Ammunition :4 : 2 quivers, javelins and pilum (pilum are removed one at a time from the back of the units after each shot to show remaining ammunition)
Banners:12 (for each faction)
Extra : cape
The different possible combinations are quite extensive!
These are added through abilities and easily replaced which is why some gears are randomly generated (mostly the shield) which adds realism and breaks redundancy. It also permit to create "special" units in each regiments like standard bearers.
I would like to thank Fingolfin which made the base foot soldiers and the cavalier and ALL their skins. I simply added the javelin throw and archet shot animations. He also made almost all the weapons, helmets and shields I'm using. I simply changed their skins to make more of them.
I made the chariot by scrapping different stuff, assembling and animating the whole.
I will re-use these models and create new skins to make the remaining Celtic and other units.
This is what is obtained with the random shields and banners. Some shields are team-colored while some other are not.
Models & Skins
Constant yet Annoying Support
Fingolfin :
Base human model, with Roman and Greek skins; Shields; Helmets; Horses
Trees (all of them); tile textures (customized a bit).
Greek buildings
GolluM[KoMe] :
Archer and javelin animations on the base human model; shield skins; Chariot (animated combination of various models); Flags; Trireme (Olofmoleman's version which has been fully animated with TC); Elephants (from online mesh and skin) Desert tile
Incoming : Celtic and other factions' skins
Hatecrew : Celtic buildings (on request) Mike : Battering Ram and Onager Hayate : Ballista Goro : Wooden doodads
GolluM[KoMe] : 188 Custom icons in total
Abilities : from CA R2TTW skins
Buildings: from a Civilization V mod
Armor/Attack types : from online pictures
GolluM[KoMe] : From CA R2TTW skins and online pictures
From CA R2TTW (not implemented yet)
Help from HiveWorkshop members: IcemanBo, Quilnez and TriggerHappy.
You may download the Europe Template I made from the map which is extend to Scandinavia, Urals, Iran and the Arabic Peninsula. It is nonetheless less polished and needs to be tweaked for your map style.
1.0 (Current)
-All the Fleet system has been made. They work like armies with similar ways to recruit, garrison, manage their compositions etc...
-All the naval combat has been made with 4 ships per faction (Raider Ship, Assault Ship, Ballista Ship and Onager Ship), naval and coastal town fights with disembarking troops and a whole new system of management (compared to regular Regiments).
-Towns now also have a naval garrison based on the Shipyard it may have.
-New models for the African and Asian War Elephants : mesh and texture from external source; all the rest (wrapping, animation etc...) was made.
-New set of icons for the new fleets and naval battles.
-The Imperium system has been done with new Fleets and Armies spawning when reaching new tiers.
-New command : -name # : rename the selected army/fleet.
-Models of ballista, onager and archaballista from Mike has been reworked to fit the triremes as "crews".
-The Geopolitics Tab has been finished.
-Units are now invisible during the deployment phase.
-A tooooon of little stuff have been improved but this version needs a lot of testing for the naval battles to be better.
-The battlefield of Carthage is done
-The model of trireme has been fully remade with re-texturing, animations of movement, death and attack and remake of the vertex
-This version is not consequent but a lot of work has been done for the next version for the naval combat
-The bug occurring in multiplayer when moving troops around has been fixed (sorry it took quite some time to figure out how)
-The resource price calculation for trade has been changed, increasing the Trade Income
-Many many minor changes and polishing for the release of the Beta
-New system for regiment movement. If several regiments are selected, they now move in formation to the wanted location like in a real total war game.
-Price of economic buildings reduced
-Cavalry HP has been greatly increased
-The population update system has been balanced
-While charging only, the Egyptian Chariots now have splashing damage
-Many minor changes
-4 new playable factions (greece, seleucids, egypt and pergamon)
-The new units created permit to attack greek free cities (such as Massilia and Syracusae) + some neutrals in Egypt and Lybia. These cities are "neutral hostile" owned so you can attack them right away
-The assets for getting access to ressources are done (except the +1armor and +1attack with fur and iron)
-The Info(F10) tab with a lot of information (basic/advanced/commands) was made
-Capitals are now changed when seized (your most populous city becomes the new one; it is were your armies respawn)
-Disembarking from a boat now cuts your army stamina (mana) by half
-The future positions of your units are now displayed on the ground when moving your regiments
-You can now order your regiments to attack to attack an other one with right clicking : a melee regiment will be ordered to attack/move at the regiment position while range soldiers will be ordered to attack a random unit of the targeted regiment
-New battle formations : Testudo, Shield Wall, Hoplite and Phalanx. it will slow the units down but give buffs and tighten the ranks.
-You can no longer Embark garrisoned Armies (yes, that was a thing...)
-Many new tooltips
-Now happiness reduces (up to -40% at -100) or increases (up to +20% at +100) your income in a province
-Culture affects happiness (-1 per 10% below 100% for your primary culture)
-Many "minor" (or boring ^^) changes on Battlefields, Cities, Armies, Battles, Units, Provinces, Visibility etc...etc... I cannot remember everything
Do not forget that to understand [/COLOR]how to play, you only need to read some of the Interface and Map Layout tabs; do not be intimidated by all the features, it comes easily after a few games.
If you want any resource from the map or the unprotected version, just ask![/SIZE]
Any help on bug reports, ideas, balancing and suggestions is most welcome !
If you enjoyed the map, please let me know in the comments and don't forget to rate it, it helps a lot
It's quite an amount of work put into all of this.
Rome Total War, risk and RTS fans would love this.
I don't remember Latin having "j" in their alphabet; referring to: alea iacta est.
It's quite tricky at first to understand every menu and option...
Well, it's a new game; that's why I made this tutorial here (and in the F9). As explained, if you already know how to play a Total War, you simply need to read the Interface tab; otherwise you also need to read the Map Layout tabs.
A Total War game has a quite unique gameplay that you cannot master the first game.
Just two questions : how long have you been playing ? and did you read the tutorial and still did not understand the menus ? (in which case I must rework it)
Just two questions : how long have you been playing ? and did you read the tutorial and still did not understand the menus ? (in which case I must rework it)
It's pretty understandable, however, I gotta read and do every time till I get it right. I'm a mid-slow learner. Anyways, great work! I can only imagine the improvements you could add, maybe even further spice the original game with your own touch.
Yep, now that the base game is done, I'll try to add some functionalities from Warcraft (such as Heroes) to make it more special and add a few ideas of my own while still adding more of the common functionalities proper to TTW games
damn! i was so happy ,a new map by gollum kome,but whenever i do i get fatal errors at the opening of the map, i have tried it with patch 1.26 fatal errors! , and i have manage to successfully patch my old war3 to 1.27 after lots of troubles but that doesnt work, i am relentlessly trying this map but still i have fatal errors when map just open , so what have i done wrong ,anyone could help?
Ouch I did not know people were actually getting bugs... I never had any with my friends. So you have the very last patch and tried it on Bnet and it still doesn't work ?
Ouch I did not know people were actually getting bugs... I never had any with my friends. So you have the very last patch and tried it on Bnet and it still doesn't work ?
For my case: Thanks man but i c'ant get the patch for a reason. if i set a foot on with my Unlegit Frozen throne, i will be kicked very far, and for what i know there is no other mean to get that patch
For my case: Thanks man but i c'ant get the patch for a reason. if i set a foot on with my Unlegit Frozen throne, i will be kicked very far, and for what i know there is no other mean to get that patch
Oh... can't you really afford Warcraft 3 ? And no, you won't be 'kicked' if you set foot on Bnet. Though with the last patches and new Bnet bullshit I don't know if you can DL the patch with a bad serial number key though you should at least try. But come on, I'm sure you can find some 5€/$ versions ^^
But that's definitely why it's not working. Dunno why it became mandatory for the map... but it is
Oh... can't you really afford Warcraft 3 ? And no, you won't be 'kicked' if you set foot on Bnet. Though with the last patches and new Bnet bullshit I don't know if you can DL the patch with a bad serial number key though you should at least try. But come on, I'm sure you can find some 5€/$ versions ^^
But that's definitely why it's not working. Dunno why it became mandatory for the map... but it is
yeah ok! thanks for reply i'll do what i can,but i just feel that blizzard with this campaign of theirs of making new patch for war3(reserved only to users) have found the perfect way to Punish and dividing some's their right though !
This game is absolutely amazing as an avid total war player this game is a wonderful start to getting me into playing Warcraft 3. I thank you for creating this and your Lord of the Rings title from before for they are amazing games. This I give a 5/5 hands down, especially for the fact that everything is relatively balanced along the way of using tactics for survival rather than just charging and face rolling with one particular unit. For those who know the Total War genre well definitely give this a look over for it provided me and my friends hours of friendship smashing enjoyment... SPARTANS!!!
Version 1.0 is out ! (and we finally reached 1000 DL )
Naval combats and Fleets have been done. + the Imperium system is finally set with new armies/fleets spawning when reaching 15/25/35/45/60/100 Imperium (food)
The Celts/Germans/Scythes are coming ! The 6 other factions are in preparation. You can see the new skins that will be coming. I'll also have to make their shields, helmets, weapons etc...
Basic :
Chainmail :
Leather :
Scale :
Lamellar :
Celtiberian :
Naked Warrior : (it's not perfect, but it was not easy, believe you me ^^)
Holy fuck. You released this and it looks spectacular.
I have to try this out, though, I gotta note that your description is extremely overwhelming to the common player.
The map is awesome, I cant wait for the next version to come out.
But could you please fix the unit lag? It is so much pain, and makes it almost impossible to micro the armies during battles.
Yes this is a pain ... But unfortunately I found out that it doesn't come from my code but from warcraft 3's pathing system; Unless W4 comes out, I don't think I could ever find any answer to this crucial problem. That's partly why I'm not some fond of doing the next version with more factions; more players would just bring out more lag..... That's a shame : P Warcraft3 is just not meant to have a lot of units moving at the same time
Ballista ships should have a range indicator. Also, it'd be useful if there was a visible countdown timer that started when attacking a coastal city to know when you can bring in ships.
Yes, a countdown would be great, I might add it eventually. Nonetheless you already get a message and a ping when deployment phase is over and you can bring your ships
Naval combat: Will assault ships be able to board enemy ships (well not actually board, but basically stun both until one wins)? As far as I can tell, their only purpose right now is an extra ram while raiders shoot.
Also, sinking ships make noise after they go down.
Some suggestion to the battle system:
-add an option to retreat from a fight, this way you could end fights that might just slow you or to avoide bugs. Of course that there should be a punishment for retreating, like losing 50% of your current army.
-If possible, add a "Battle History" feature where you can see the stats of each battle (How many died, how many killed, how many each regiment killed) Like in real Total War.
-Like in Total War, add Control Points in battles, and whoever takes these (and holds them for a long duration) automatically wins the battle and the enemy army is retreating. It happens a lot that a player would just camp in one good choke point, usually with a big army and no matter how big your army is you wouldnt be able to destroy him. of course you could use balistas and such as well, but he has them too, and if you lose them somehow during the battle (or just didnt bring any) its lost.
Will assault ships be able to board enemy ships (well not actually board, but basically stun both until one wins)? As far as I can tell, their only purpose right now is an extra ram while raiders shoot.
I don't think I'll ever add that for two reasons : ships move too quickly (compared to a regular TTW naval battle) to make it balanced (too easy to board) + it would be quite a pain to make it work smoothly and visually appealing; there are too many other stuff to be worked on before
They actually have a more power ram ability, better HP and a high resistance to light missile damage with their shielded elite troops. They're like tank units for naval battles and are very useful for landings with high tier elite soldiers.
-add an option to retreat from a fight, this way you could end fights that might just slow you or to avoide bugs. Of course that there should be a punishment for retreating, like losing 50% of your current army.
Yes, I've put a lot of thought for retreats possibilities but it adds a lot of hard-to-solve problems with the fact that it's a real time game. I'm sure there are nice ways to make it work but it's not the priority right now (there is actually a hidden variable of morale which has no effect for now but I don't think I'll ever implement it for complexity purposes)
-If possible, add a "Battle History" feature where you can see the stats of each battle (How many died, how many killed, how many each regiment killed) Like in real Total War.
Yes that would be great ! that one has also been on my mind for some times; a small leaderboard would appear whenever a player would move his camera above a battlefield; I think a dynamic one which updates during the battle is better than an end-battle one as it may distract you if it pops up and you're doing something else.
-Like in Total War, add Control Points in battles, and whoever takes these (and holds them for a long duration) automatically wins the battle and the enemy army is retreating. It happens a lot that a player would just camp in one good choke point, usually with a big army and no matter how big your army is you wouldnt be able to destroy him. of course you could use balistas and such as well, but he has them too, and if you lose them somehow during the battle (or just didnt bring any) its lost.
Yep, the stacking of army is a big issue and you already found out how to counter it (I think onagers are the best). I will probably add those control points in cities, but most probably not in regular battles (it would demand a lot of work whereas everything has already been prepared for it in cities).
Thanks a lot for your reports guys, I really appreciate it ! I don't have much time these days due to a new job/apartment etc... but I'll try my best to go back to the map ASAP when I'm settled
Epic!!! perfect gameplay! Really resembles a Total War, but more reduced and simplified, my congrats. This Mod in an HD-Reforged version would be even better.
I never thought anyone could achieve this style around here, I've seen similar things even with the Heroes of Might and Magic attempt here by Hive.. lol
And this multi-unit selection format, creating large armies, I've always looked for it for WC3, but I've never found something so well done and functional. Best of all, it is apparently possible to have different types of models composing the same selection of units, would it be possible to just compose different "Skins" in the same army (as an example of the different shields) or can we have different models also within the same selection?
This selection format is very reminiscent of BFME2, one of the best RTS I have ever seen. Is there any specific system available here at Hive for this style of selecting and moving multiple units ??
He's work perfectly, unfortunately the amount of armies in the fields seems to be too limited, maybe if you reduce the scale, you would get an even bigger map (further recalling the Total War environment) , with more diversified types of units and possibilities to enlarge the armies in the battles. If it were possible to release the map for customization in WE, it would be great to test this selection method for the movement of large armies, maybe this will help to reduce the amount of movement collisions between units, which would allow a greater amount compared to the default limitation of the WC3 engine.
I don't see a lot of interactivity from AI, maybe there was a need for better work on them.
There is a very well done attachment job and let's say even ingenious, you could explore more the variation of models (within the same army/ if it is possible) to bring more realism.
After a few long minutes of gameplay. I found that when starting an invasion, there was a deadlock in the moment before the battle, the armies are stopped and the battle no longer starts, even if a new leader (army) is inserted in the battle, the progress of the battle no is started, it remains eternally still.
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