I have no imagination so I simply picked the name of a band I liked back when I made the acc.
You know we love it
I was asked this question when I joined, it seems like forever ago.
It's very simple really.
My name is Brad.
I'm a dude.
My favourite number is 03.
That's it. When I originally came up with the name (I must have been about 10 or so, it was my first sn, stfu
I didn't know about underscores, so I used . instead)
When I got wc3, I was like 12, so I was still usingthe handle.
By the time I had joined the Hive, I had several other sn's but I still used my brad.dude03 account for Battle.Net, so I decided that when I joined the Hive (to make it less confusing for everyone) i'd keep my sn the same.
I've wanted a name change ever since
My present handle is Mctwist (for all those who have my msn, you should know by now
This name has a very simple meaning too, it's an awesome skateboarding move. I was going to go with Mcdude, but it wasn't original enough
Now, after seeing Superbad, I wish I had chosen Mclovin.
And that, ladies and gents, is all there is behind my name