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Xetanth87's Campaign Splitter - Turn Custom Campaigns into separate Maps (now with Archon Mode)


Turn Custom Campaigns into separate Maps (now with ARCHON MODE)

It can split campaign files (w3n) into separate map files (w3m/w3x) and add all the campaign data inside the map files. It can be used to make Custom Campaigns playable in CO-OP. You could even create your own Custom Campaigns in the Reforged World Editor, and the players can split them on their own computer. Everything from the campaign is merged correctly into the map files: custom data (units, items, abilities, upgrades, etc.), gameplay variables, custom interface, imports and strings!

Maps have their titles changed to campaign button titles and have an added index at the start, so they may appear in order in the Custom Games interface.

There is an option to add a difficulty selector to the extracted maps, since you can't select the difficulty in the Custom Games menu. Selecting the "Smart" option is recommended, because it will only add it if the campaign author chose the "Variable Difficulty" setting when making the campaign. The text inside the difficulty selector is localized to the language of the player.
There is an option to replace the map preview with the campaign preview, hiding the minimap.

There is an option to show the name of the next map upon victory. This is very useful for campaigns with branching paths, because map transitions are not possible in Reforged. The text inside the message is localized to the language of the player.
There is an option to add Legacy Assets (Reign of Chaos models that were removed in Reforged).

Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne models and icons in 1.31.1 (Classic)

Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne models and icons in 1.32 (SD Reforged)

Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne models and icons in 1.32 (SD Reforged) with Legacy Assets enabled

Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne models and icons in 1.32 (HD Reforged) with Legacy Assets enabled
There is an option to remove Upkeep from all extracted maps.

Archon Mode is an option in my Campaign Splitter that allows maps to be played in 2+ player CO-OP with full shared unit control. This enables almost any Custom Campaign to be played in CO-OP.

You can support this feature by becoming my Patron on Patreon!


Every selected unit has player-colored arrows above it, which show which players are selecting it. The arrows are transparent and become more opaque when multiple players select the same unit.
Any player can select an option from dialogs. The game is paused while the dialog is displayed, like in Singleplayer. A message is printed on the screen to show what option was selected.

One thing to note is that splitting the campaign will copy all imported assets, making each map file quite large, so you will need to be careful to delete the map files whenever you don't want to play them, and re-split the campaign when you do. If you have a directory named "temp" inside the folder where the extracted maps are placed, it will be deleted along with all its contents.

Requires Java SE 17 (minimum) - https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/
Download Java Runtime Environment installer for your Operating System (most likely Windows x64) and install it. Now you can run the jar file.

How to use:
You can use "CampaignSplitterGUI.jar" to open the GUI that lets you select a campaign.





- Does not work on all versions.
- Some classic maps can break if you are playing them in HD.
- Maps played in HD in 1.32 will have mute units if they are using SD models. This was fixed in 1.33.
- Localization is not treated yet.
- Lua maps can't get script modifications to allow some features.
- Can't split campaigns with readonly/protected maps.
- Split maps can only be played in Reforged.

2024-02-29 - Version 2.3
- Fixed an issue that made maps unplayable in Singleplayer.
- Fixed an issue with some import paths.
2023-12-13 - Version 2.2
- Fixed an issue with arrays and constants.
- Fixed an issue with maps that don't have titles.
2023-09-25 - Version 2.1
- No longer changes game speed during pauses.
2023-09-23 - Version 2.0
- Added Archon Mode!
- Fixed a lot of bugs.
- Improved interface.
- Optimized modified map script.
- Submaps are no longer ignored.
- Added multiple localizations to the tool: English, Spanish, German, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese.
- Corrected error message when the selected file isn't a campaign.
- Added HD legacy assets.
- Added "legacyHD.zip" archive.
- Improved error messages.
- Added new icon.
- Fixed multiple import issues.
- Fixed out-of-bounds exception that happened to users with specific localizations (Chinese and Taiwanese).
- Difficulty selector and next level messages are now localized.
- "Default" difficulty selector option renamed to "Smart".
- Periodic and elapsed time events now start after one of the difficulty selector buttons has been clicked.
- Uses "Documents/Warcraft III/Maps" as the default browse path if it exists.
- No longer prints a new line at the bottom of the display area.
- Added next level message option.
- Added legacy assets.
- Added "legacy.zip" archive.
- Added the exception stacktrace to the UI.
- Added an error message that appears when readonly/protected maps are encountered.
- Added an option that removes Upkeep from each map.
- Game is now paused and pitch black during difficulty selection.
- Added an option that allows the campaign preview to replace the minimap preview of each map.
- No longer shows warnings about files not found as error messages.
- Added map counter messages.
- Difficulty Selector option is now a radio group with 3 options: No (Don't add), Default (Only add if the campaign has the "Variable Difficulty" setting), Yes (Add).
- Added tooltips to explain the radio choices.
- Campaign skin/interface strings are now offset as well.
- Fixed skin offset method to use any non-numerical delimiter.
- Improved error messages.
- Temporary files are now removed when the splitter is stopped or when an error is encountered.
- Fixed loading screen being changed to melee.
- Script files that appear in the "scripts" folder will now have the difficulty selector added to them as well.
- Fixed imports with backspace character.
- Campaign files are only extracted once.
- Added progress bar, output display area and time of conversion.
- Fixed a problem when a map imports an asset with the same path as an imported asset from the campaign.
- Removed CampaignSplitterCLI.jar.
- Added a checkbox that can be used to enable a difficulty selection dialog in each of the extracted maps.
- The splitting process can now be stopped.
- It is now more clear when the splitting process is running. You can tell by the button colors.
- When the splitting process stops, all temporary files are removed.
- Browsing when the path is set to a folder leads to that folder instead of its parent.
- The title of each map is now changed to match its respective button. An index is also included at the start of the title, so they are shown in order. Zeroes are added at the start of numbers to enforce this order. ("9" would go after "10", but "09" goes before "10").
- Backspace character in Import files now correctly treated as "\rwar3campImported\\" instead of "\r".
- Fixed parsing "\u001D" in Import files.
- Fixed some map unit data not being added to the exported map.
- First Release

JMPQ3 Library - https://github.com/inwc3/JMPQ3
Wc3libs MPQ Parser - https://github.com/inwc3/wc3libs
Retera - Inspired me to code a Wc3 tool in Java.
StormKnight - Campaign Splitter logo, Archon Mode logo, tool icon
Tamplier - HD Ballista, Catapult and Gyrocopter models, HD Ballista and Catapult icons
TriggerHappy - Codeless Save and Load (Multiplayer)
Xetanth87 - HD Steam Tank icon, Archon Mode Transparent Arrow

Campaign Splitter feedbackOutsiderXE, Awell, tulee, Zakcrust, mayuko
Archon Mode testingSalendious, StormKnight, OutsiderXE, Adiniz, BogdanW3, Godspeed, blazemarshall
Scripting helpBogdanW3, Water, Rayman.90, StormKnight, MayDay, insanity_ai
LocalizationSaelendious (Russian), SynergySC2 (Spanish), tulee (Simplified Chinese), Xetanth87 (Romanian)

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8flW32H3ocaTlU3bf14BEw
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/J5guv3BHVc
If you want to support this tool, you can help me by becoming my patron on Patreon.
Alternatively, you can donate through BuyMeACoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/xetanth87

XT87CampaignSplitterGUI.jar (Binary)

It's very nice to be able to play custom campaigns in Reforged. The tool worked for most maps but did give me some issues on a couple, namely: Thievery Campaign and The Chosen Ones Also, a nicer folder browser dialog would be very nice to have, the...
Level 3
Dec 30, 2015
I tried your tool using Jeopardy of the Horde (Turnro), and it looks normal. Even though, the campaing can be played using the reforged graphcs (awesome!). Even the units talks in Portuguese (my version's language), if we think that turnro created the campaing using legacy version (english).
But, i tryed Rise of the Blood Elves (tomoraider) too, and it's funny how 50% of everything is in reforged mode, and 50% is in legacy mode. I don't know if its a bug, or if its supposed so be like that xD. I thought that if something could not load as reforged, the game was supposed to crash or something. But the two versions are existing at the same time.
In Rise of the Blood Elves, Aewynne makes the labial's moviments very close to what she really speaks, even thought that's a custom voice line
I didn't play the full campaing, but I will problably try to test them!


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Level 29
May 14, 2021
I tried your tool using Jeopardy of the Horde (Turnro), and it looks normal. Even though, the campaing can be played using the reforged graphcs (awesome!). Even the units talks in Portuguese (my version's language), if we think that turnro created the campaing using legacy version (english).
But, i tryed Rise of the Blood Elves (tomoraider) too, and it's funny how 50% of everything is in reforged mode, and 50% is in legacy mode. I don't know if its a bug, or if its supposed so be like that xD. I thought that if something could not load as reforged, the game was supposed to crash or something. But the two versions are existing at the same time.
In Rise of the Blood Elves, Aewynne makes the labial's moviments very close to what she really speaks, even thought that's a custom voice line
I didn't play the full campaing, but I will problably try to test them!
Just to let you know, some assets are only compatible with the legacy versions of Warcraft 3, which makes using Campaign Splitter (or even Quenching Mod) literally meaningless. I heard that older campaigns such as Resurrection of the Scourge refused to load with this mod (Varimathras and custom spells are shown as green icons) because that campaign only works for non-Reforged Warcraft 3.
Just to let you know, some assets are only compatible with the legacy versions of Warcraft 3, which makes using Campaign Splitter (or even Quenching Mod) literally meaningless. I heard that older campaigns such as Resurrection of the Scourge refused to load with this mod (Varimathras and custom spells are shown as green icons) because that campaign only works for non-Reforged Warcraft 3.
Excuse me what? The only assets that are only compatible with legacy are the 3D custom campaign screens. This isn't a mod, but an external tool that doesn't interact with the game. Resurrection of the Scourge is protected by its author, so it can't be opened by map editors. How is using Campaign Splitter and Quenching meaningless when loads of people that don't own a CD-key can play custom campaigns using their Reforged installation?
Level 3
Dec 30, 2015
Just to let you know, some assets are only compatible with the legacy versions of Warcraft 3, which makes using Campaign Splitter (or even Quenching Mod) literally meaningless. I heard that older campaigns such as Resurrection of the Scourge refused to load with this mod (Varimathras and custom spells are shown as green icons) because that campaign only works for non-Reforged Warcraft 3.
I'm testing Jeopardy of the Horde
While I was playing in reforged mode, the game crashs. But while playing in Legacy mode, it works perfectly, soo clean.
I'm going to play and test if it works perfectly till the end
I think that Jeopardy was made for older version, but can still be played on new versions, even if it is Warcraft III Reforged
Since Blizzard is reimplementing Custom Campaigns into the next patch of Reforged, the Campaign Splitter has become obsolete. With that said, I want to announce that the Campaign Splitter is getting a new feature that will give it a new purpose that no patch can replace.

- What is it?
A new option of the Campaign Splitter that will add more player slots to each of the extracted maps.
This will enable any splittable campaign (like Warcraft III Alternate, but also other people's campaigns) to be playable with other people.
There will be a slider with numbers from 0 to 23.
The default option will be 0. Selecting this option will keep the campaign maps single player.
Selecting any other value will add that many players to each map.

- How does it work?
All players will share the units and resources of the main player: coordinate what units each player should control!
All players will have the same experience: everyone will see the same cinematics, will hear the same transmissions, and will be able to interact with the game the same way the main player does!
Heroes with their stats, items and skills, as well as other data will be transferred between maps, without the need for players to copy codes, using a custom saving system.
Any splittable campaign will automatically be playable in co-op: Do you find a custom campaign to be too hard for you? Why not play it with a friend?

- What does the playable experience include so far?
Sharing units and vision
Sharing resources and food
Sharing victory and defeat
Giving units hired by a secondary player to the main player
Enabling secondary players to see cinematics and cameras the same way as the main player

- What's next?
The feature that I'm currently working on is saving and loading heroes and data between chapters.
After that's done, I'm going to test some campaigns to spot issues that appear.
And eventually, the Campaign Splitter tool's page on HiveWorkshop will be updated to include this feature.
Level 1
Dec 28, 2022
I'm getting a javaheap memory error when i try splitting Curse of The Forsaken and Malfurions Quest. I then tried splitting Curse of The Blood Elves and it worked. Curse of The Blood Elves has a much lower file size than Curse of The Forsaken and Malfurions Quest, which makes me think that file size is the problem. Not sure how to fix this or if I even can, and I have seen no mention of it on this forum. This is the specific error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. I tried looking it up and I just got so confused by it all.
I'm getting a javaheap memory error when i try splitting Curse of The Forsaken and Malfurions Quest. I then tried splitting Curse of The Blood Elves and it worked. Curse of The Blood Elves has a much lower file size than Curse of The Forsaken and Malfurions Quest, which makes me think that file size is the problem. Not sure how to fix this or if I even can, and I have seen no mention of it on this forum. This is the specific error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. I tried looking it up and I just got so confused by it all.
Malfurion's Quest is protected if I recall,. I am not sure for Curse of the Forsaken.

Any protected campaign cannot be split with this tool.
Level 29
May 14, 2021
I'm getting a javaheap memory error when i try splitting Curse of The Forsaken and Malfurions Quest. I then tried splitting Curse of The Blood Elves and it worked. Curse of The Blood Elves has a much lower file size than Curse of The Forsaken and Malfurions Quest, which makes me think that file size is the problem. Not sure how to fix this or if I even can, and I have seen no mention of it on this forum. This is the specific error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. I tried looking it up and I just got so confused by it all.
To be fair, most campaigns that are available on Hive Workshop can be splitted. However, I believe campaigns with high profiles such as Malfurion's Quest, Legends of Arkain, and The Chosen One are fully protected. There's nothing to do for those campaigns.
Not to mention, the author might update this tool because the option to play custom campaigns is now available with the latest Reforged patch (1.35).
When this tool was updated, it only adds the option to play the custom campaigns with more than one player just like the legendary Spoon's 2P campaign maps or Kilmaat's updated Archon Mode.
Level 3
Dec 30, 2015
Jeopardy of the Horde (Turnro) worked perfectly for me.
I played the full campaing, and the only problem was that 90% of the time while clicking on the "continue" buttom, it do not work, so I did it manually.
Jeopardy of the Horde (Turnro) worked perfectly for me.
I played the full campaing, and the only problem was that 90% of the time while clicking on the "continue" buttom, it do not work, so I did it manually.
What do you mean the continue button didn't work? As in it didn't transition you to the next map? That is not possible when dealing with separate maps. That's why I added the message at the end to tell you the name of the next map. You always need to open the next map manually
Who said that the Campaign Splitter is obsolete ? i dont use the new cutom campaign of reforged because we have a amazing option in Campaign Splitter "Upkeep removal" :D

Yeah, you're right. I didn't think about it like that!
Level 4
May 29, 2019
Yes. I wrote about this in the 'Known Issues' section. 256 MB is the maximum filesize a map is allowed in order to be played from the custom games' menu. You can still play it from the editor, which might not be pleasant, but it's the best we got until Blizzard removes/increases the filesize limit (IMO there should be no limit for singleplayer maps). And yes, assets take a large part of a campaign's filesize and since they do get copied to each map, each map will be roughly the size of the campaign.
How does one actually play maps from the editor? When i try loading it, maps with .w3n extension simply do not appear. I also cannot split some campaigns because of an error 'java heap space' which i have no idea how to overcome, but seems to appear for larger campaigns when i try splitting them (e.g. Mathias Chronicles II, Shards of Resistance - Med. Mapguy custom campaigns)
How does one actually play maps from the editor? When i try loading it, maps with .w3n extension simply do not appear. I also cannot split some campaigns because of an error 'java heap space' which i have no idea how to overcome, but seems to appear for larger campaigns when i try splitting them (e.g. Mathias Chronicles II, Shards of Resistance - Med. Mapguy custom campaigns)
.w3n files aren't maps.

.w3m - Reign of Chaos/Frozen Throne map
.w3x - Frozen Throne Map
.w3n - Custom Campaign

You can't open .w3n files as maps. You open the extracted maps in the editor the .w3m or .w3x files in the folder the splitter created, with the same name as the campaign.

The 'have heap space' error happens due to the program not being able to use enough RAM to keep the campaign in memory. The only solution is to increase the allowed heap space of the application (like this). In the future, I'll try to optimize the application, so it doesn't use as much memory.

Until the Archon Mode feature is added, there isn't any reason to use the splitter, since Reforged now has the Custom Campaign menu and you can play custom campaigns using that.
Level 2
Jul 7, 2021
If you still can't open the Campaign Splitter (even if your Java is already installed), try installing the latest version of Java (must be 64-Bit). It should work.
I followed your advice and it dosent work still (what app should I use to open Campaign Splitter) because it shows me this when i try to open it
Screenshot (6).png
Level 29
May 14, 2021
I followed your advice and it dosent work still (what app should I use to open Campaign Splitter) because it shows me this when i try to open it View attachment 444116
Try running the file by using this: Right-click -> Open With -> Java Platform SE Binary.
If you still face issues, it could be an issue where .JAR files aren't registered through Shell Extensions.
Level 2
Jul 7, 2021
Try running the file by using this: Right-click -> Open With -> Java Platform SE Binary.
If you still face issues, it could be an issue where .JAR files aren't registered through Shell Extensions.
last question what do you do when this happens.
Screenshot (7).png
last question what do you do when this happens. View attachment 444212
This typically happens when your computer doesn't have enough memory (RAM) to read the entire campaign. You could try doing this with campaigns that have lower filesizes, or play this campaign normally using the in-game Custom Campaign menu. Until I finish the next update for the Campaign Splitter which introduces the Archon Mode, there is no reason to use this tool. I also hope to make the program less memory hungry in the future.
This campaign is optimized. Optimized campaign (like ones from Turnro or Shar Dundred) cannot be splitted by the splitter.
This is not the case. Legends of Arkain is a protected campaign. And so is Turnro's Resurrection of the Scourge. They can't be split.
Turnro's other campaigns (Rowan the Wise, Jeopardy of the Horde, Malfurion's Quest) are not protected. Here's Malfurion's Quest in Archon Mode:
This typically happens when your computer doesn't have enough memory (RAM) to read the entire campaign. You could try doing this with campaigns that have lower filesizes, or play this campaign normally using the in-game Custom Campaign menu. Until I finish the next update for the Campaign Splitter which introduces the Archon Mode, there is no reason to use this tool. I also hope to make the program less memory hungry in the future.

This is not the case. Legends of Arkain is a protected campaign. And so is Turnro's Resurrection of the Scourge. They can't be split.
Turnro's other campaigns (Rowan the Wise, Jeopardy of the Horde, Malfurion's Quest) are not protected. Here's Malfurion's Quest in Archon Mode:View attachment 444222
Thanks for the correction! I'll pay attention next time.
Level 3
Aug 11, 2020
Hi, I tried play this campaing with my friend - Lordaeron's Legacy
In the first mission everything worked fine, and we transferred safes to the second mission.
But when starting the second mission, when cinimatic ends, the game speed become low.
What can be a problem, and is there any way to fix it.
Hi, I tried play this campaing with my friend - Lordaeron's Legacy
In the first mission everything worked fine, and we transferred safes to the second mission.
But when starting the second mission, when cinimatic ends, the game speed become low.
What can be a problem, and is there any way to fix it.
I will look into it. I think I know what the problem is. Thanks for the feedback!
Level 3
Aug 11, 2020
Hello, I have another truble campaign) Paladin

Cant split this campaign, but previous campaigns work good.
Only in Paladin have this error((
Level 3
Aug 11, 2020
Hi, I have problem with one more campaign: Legend of War
But Im not sure, were problem is.
In first mission was quest - destroy 3 orc bases, and when one of Great Hall's was destroyed, all units on map become in pause and mission dont continue.
I check this campaign solo in Custom Campaign and there all work, the mission continued after destroying orc Great hall.
I gues Splitter change or broke some triggers or something, but im not sure.
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Hi, I have problem with one more campaign: Legend of War
But Im not sure, were problem is.
In first mission was quest - destroy 3 orc bases, and when one of Great Hall's was destroyed, all units on map become in pause and mission dont continue.
I check this campaign solo in Custom Campaign and there all work, the mission continued after destroying orc Great hall.
I gues Splitter change or broke some triggers or something, but im not sure.
If you talk about game-breaking issues related to triggers, it's mostly due to the save-load thingy, not related to the Splitter.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
The time and effort Xetanth87 is putting into this tool must be crazy high. But the feature of making any custom campaign into a coop experience with a friend is fantastic. Really hope he gets the recognition he deserves. Fans of Spoon's 2p series should really get into this, since this tool makes every campaign a joy you can enjoy with your friend.

For anyone who is not sure of how it works, feel free to watch Xetanth87's videos on playing Tomoraider's Curse of the Forsaken + Rise of the Blood Elves coop mode with a friend after using his tool on those two campaigns.
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
I've been looking for a tool like this that would allow me to make 2P versions of Custom Campaigns. Though when I try to open the individual map files on the Editor I'm getting a "Level Info Data Missing or Invalid". For an example, I tried to split the War of Corruption campaign. This only happens after Map 4. Map 2, 3, and 4 works fine and can be opened. Is the tool not meant to be used for the World Editor?


  • World_Editor_Hfbqyvl6xi.jpg
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I've been looking for a tool like this that would allow me to make 2P versions of Custom Campaigns. Though when I try to open the individual map files on the Editor I'm getting a "Level Info Data Missing or Invalid". For an example, I tried to split the War of Corruption campaign. This only happens after Map 4. Map 2, 3, and 4 works fine and can be opened. Is the tool not meant to be used for the World Editor?
The splitter changes the map script (which is only used by the game and is rewritten when you resave the map). If you want to split the campaign to edit the maps, be sure to click this to uncheck all the options. This will make the splitter not modify the map script at all.

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Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
I see. Strangely enough that still didn't work for War of Corruption campaign but it does work for other campaigns. It seems to only work for the initial first four chapters then crashes with that message on the World Editor. Works wonders for the other titles though. Is this a public repository somewhere? I'd love to contribute 🙂
I see. Strangely enough that still didn't work for War of Corruption campaign but it does work for other campaigns. It seems to only work for the initial first four chapters then crashes with that message on the World Editor. Works wonders for the other titles though. Is this a public repository somewhere? I'd love to contribute 🙂
No public repository for the time being
Level 3
Dec 8, 2023
After reading the entire thread and testing out the tool with a friend, shame to see Legend of Arkain doesn't work due to it being protected as I would of hope that amazing campaign would be playable with friends (specially since when I first saw this tool that was the first campaign to pop into my mind). At least other campaigns work, thank you Xetanth for your tool and can't wait to play campaigns like Curse of the Forshaken coop due to it.
Level 1
Jan 27, 2021
Hi, ive succesfully split a map, but when i want to start it in the wc, it cannot be played. the player section is 0/0 and i cant see my name anywhereScreenshot (30).png
Hi, ive succesfully split a map, but when i want to start it in the wc, it cannot be played. the player section is 0/0 and i cant see my name anywhereView attachment 460172
Singleplayer splitting is currently broken, only COOP works
But you don't need to split the campaigns to play them in singleplayer in the latest version 1.36
Just play them like normal, from the Custom Campaigns menu
Level 2
Jun 3, 2023
I have only tested campaigns saved in 1.31.1. The extracted maps worked on both 1.31.1 and 1.32. I'd guess it won't work backwards, but I think it should work forward. If I can play a 1.28 campaign in 1.31.1, I think playing the map extracted from one could work as well.

Sorry for the necro but I did just test this with a sample custom campaign I had made for 1.29 and yeah it gave me error :sad:

Still though, this is really a terrific tool you made. Keep up the good work!
Level 2
Jun 3, 2023
Sorry for the necro but I did just test this with a sample custom campaign I had made for 1.29 and yeah it gave me error :sad:

Still though, this is really a terrific tool you made. Keep up the good work!
For a bit of fun, I decided to do a quick of repack the human campaign of RoC into a custom campaign file, and when the program was processing it, it threw me the following error:


Something about a value being null at the moment of adding the "Next Level" message. Any idea on why this happened? Thanks once again for your hard work!
For a bit of fun, I decided to do a quick of repack the human campaign of RoC into a custom campaign file, and when the program was processing it, it threw me the following error:

View attachment 467775

Something about a value being null at the moment of adding the "Next Level" message. Any idea on why this happened? Thanks once again for your hard work!
Thanks for pointing it out. Can you post the campaign you made and at what line the java error appeared (it is written in the right side)?
Level 2
Jun 3, 2023
Thanks for pointing it out. Can you post the campaign you made and at what line the java error appeared (it is written in the right side)?
Sure thing! Sorry for the delay on my response, I tend to go dark for long stretches often. Here's the window with the line numbers and the campaign file I wanted to split. To reiterate, the message appears when the "Adding Next Level message" shows


For the file though I want to reiterate I put it together very quickly so only maps and buttons are the additions I made


  • RoC_1.w3n
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Level 6
May 13, 2023
I've wanted to make Rexxar campaign playable in Archon mode.
Actually I did it to play Reforged maps in SD mode as an experiment to have a more objective way to compare cinematics and maps.
But when I go to a sub-map, game goes to black screen and I can only Alt+F4 and reopen the game to proceed.

I've figured that the issue is in how Blizzard managed sub-maps. It uses a different action set compared to usual maps - instead of setting next level and ending game, here game after saving cache does this:

  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
      • ZoneSaves[TransitionTarget] Not equal to <Empty String>
      • (The ((ZoneFolder + \) + ZoneSaves[TransitionTarget]) saved-game exists) Equal to True
    • Then - Actions
      • -------- We've visited this map before, so load the last saved-game --------
      • Game - Save game as ((ZoneFolder + \) + ZoneSaves[TransitionSource]) and load ((ZoneFolder + \) + ZoneSaves[TransitionTarget]) (Skip scores)
    • Else - Actions
      • -------- We haven't visited this map yet, so load the map from scratch --------
      • Game - Save game as ((ZoneFolder + \) + ZoneSaves[TransitionSource]) and change level to (ZoneMapPath + (ZoneMaps[TransitionTarget] + ZoneMapExt)) (Skip scores)
I've modified the actions to work with custom campaigns, saved campaign and split it (see screenshot and attached file).
It seems that the Splitter can't detect these actions (Save Game and Change level / Save Game and Load Game), so cache is saved properly but map transition is screwed, and user has to force exit and restart.

Is it possible to add ability to work with these actions to splitter, or mapmakers found a better way to travel back and forth between maps with other actions?

(duplicated to Discord server, and attached are overmap 1 and submap with goblins)

Screenshot 2024-08-24 225459.png


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I've wanted to make Rexxar campaign playable in Archon mode.
Actually I did it to play Reforged maps in SD mode as an experiment to have a more objective way to compare cinematics and maps.
But when I go to a sub-map, game goes to black screen and I can only Alt+F4 and reopen the game to proceed.

I've figured that the issue is in how Blizzard managed sub-maps. It uses a different action set compared to usual maps - instead of setting next level and ending game, here game after saving cache does this:

  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
      • ZoneSaves[TransitionTarget] Not equal to <Empty String>
      • (The ((ZoneFolder + \) + ZoneSaves[TransitionTarget]) saved-game exists) Equal to True
    • Then - Actions
      • -------- We've visited this map before, so load the last saved-game --------
      • Game - Save game as ((ZoneFolder + \) + ZoneSaves[TransitionSource]) and load ((ZoneFolder + \) + ZoneSaves[TransitionTarget]) (Skip scores)
    • Else - Actions
      • -------- We haven't visited this map yet, so load the map from scratch --------
      • Game - Save game as ((ZoneFolder + \) + ZoneSaves[TransitionSource]) and change level to (ZoneMapPath + (ZoneMaps[TransitionTarget] + ZoneMapExt)) (Skip scores)
I've modified the actions to work with custom campaigns, saved campaign and split it (see screenshot and attached file).
It seems that the Splitter can't detect these actions (Save Game and Change level / Save Game and Load Game), so cache is saved properly but map transition is screwed, and user has to force exit and restart.

Is it possible to add ability to work with these actions to splitter, or mapmakers found a better way to travel back and forth between maps with other actions?

(duplicated to Discord server, and attached are overmap 1 and submap with goblins)

View attachment 484674
Submaps are very hard to do in multiplayer. Just take a look at this: 2P Archon Bonus Campaign Founding of Durotar