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The Last Paladin

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
The Last Paladin
Created by AlmightyWarrior

Map Info(Story)

The Kul’ran people were the most powerful tribe of humans. Under the rule of King Menar they united the rest of the human tribes and created the great kingdom of Menar. Years later, Menar divided into the three human kingdoms: Manyoren, Dezarde, and Kul’ran. They say the Lion of Kul’ran, Granor Whitehammer was the last best warrior of King Menar. It’s true. For when First war started he is killed 1000 demons and demon leader. When Menar died, he went to Marolyn Castle. In Marolyn Castle, he has helped people and teached art of sword to knights. Many years later he has had a clever,strong student. His name was Tyron Black. He was different from others. If Granor Whitehammer dies one day he might be Last Paladin…

And one day they were attacked by mystery army…And story begins here…

Races :

Humans – Orcs - Demons


11 maps, including 5 Chapters - 5 Cinematics(Interlude) and 1 Credits
Note that this is how many maps the campaign will have when it is
finished.The campaign currently has 10 maps.

Screenshots(I upload pictures coming soon)

Custom heroes and custom skills

In this campaign you use many heroes.They are :
Tyron Black – Student of Granot Whitehammer
Polar Jay – King of Helmdeep
Blenor – Mage of Zaron
Mrano Kul’ran – King of Kul’ran
Linen – Tyron’s Best Friend(Wolf)
Orzan Lightspell – Holy Mage
Axo’naran – Mystery Warrior
Manox – Mystery Mage

Skins and models which added by me

I added too many skins models and icons. You can see in last chapter. “Credits”

Play through a variety of map types

Different gameplay types include RPG, Altered Melee, Strategy, and Tower Defence missions.

Variable difficulty levels

You can choose to play the campaign in either Normal or Hard version. This allows you to choose the difficulty of the gameplay appropriate to your skills.

Other campaigns include:

The Last Paladin - Available
Brotherhood of Demon Hunters - Yet to be made


This is my first Project. I hope something that is you will have fun.

Also sorry for my bad English. I hope you won’t have any problem about game. If you find any bugs or have idea tell me.

For reports and balanced suggestions [B][email protected][/B]

v.01 Bugs

- "Intro - Fall of the Lion" have skippable.
- Chapter One "Last Cinematic" have skippable.
- Chapter One - Chapter Two fixed.

My pc crashed i can handle it weekend.Greetings.

the last paladin

The Last Paladin (Campaign)

18:14, 5th Dec 2010 ap0calypse: Closed due to reports of stolen material.




18:14, 5th Dec 2010
ap0calypse: Closed due to reports of stolen material.
Level 4
Oct 11, 2010
i play the chapter 1 and i can say good job , just a little things ; i cant escape cinematic and i have a green icon ( pliz fix it) ...i continue the test ....
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
There's something familiar about that Chapter 2 (see here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...prev=of=downloads&order=DESC&t=43&d=list&r=20 The outro cinematics).

Now, I know that you gave me credit but it would've been nice of you to ask first. I don't really remember any conversation where I agreed to giving up maps of mine. I usually give up any kind of resource (as none, except for maps, are created by me any way) but maps inculding their triggers are something I hold dearly to.

This map wasn't that big of a deal to make, as it was only used for cinematics and was created partly of other maps of mine.

I will allow its existence in your project but I want to know what you were thinking when using it for your project.
Level 3
Nov 19, 2010
There's something familiar about that Chapter 2 (see here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...prev=of=downloads&order=DESC&t=43&d=list&r=20 The outro cinematics).

Now, I know that you gave me credit but it would've been nice of you to ask first. I don't really remember any conversation where I agreed to giving up maps of mine. I usually give up any kind of resource (as none, except for maps, are created by me any way) but maps inculding their triggers are something I hold dearly to.

This map wasn't that big of a deal to make, as it was only used for cinematics and was created partly of other maps of mine.

I will allow its existence in your project but I want to know what you were thinking when using it for your project.

if you open campaign editor you see your name. and i add you on credits.(last map)
Level 2
Feb 12, 2009
if u escape cinematic how you undestand the story? :D

what is this ? i mean green icon

I agree with you that its good to watch the cinematics in order to understand the story, but imagine that we lost certain chapter once and we will try it again or we are just playing it for the second time for some reason. There's no need to watch the cinematics all over again, don't you agree?
Btw, will rate it when I finish it.
Level 3
Nov 19, 2010
There's something familiar about that Chapter 2 (see here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...prev=of=downloads&order=DESC&t=43&d=list&r=20 The outro cinematics).

Now, I know that you gave me credit but it would've been nice of you to ask first. I don't really remember any conversation where I agreed to giving up maps of mine. I usually give up any kind of resource (as none, except for maps, are created by me any way) but maps inculding their triggers are something I hold dearly to.

This map wasn't that big of a deal to make, as it was only used for cinematics and was created partly of other maps of mine.

I will allow its existence in your project but I want to know what you were thinking when using it for your project.

I know you man you are big editor i didint steal your map just taked one part cinematic i said before if you open with editor you can see your name its already your map : ı have mistake because i didn't ask you i know im sorry Not: my english bad. Sorry for all.. :(
Level 4
Oct 11, 2010
I have a bug with 1 cinematic( after helping the healer when your heros look the city ) she re -started all the 2 second and i cant continue ...
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
if you open campaign editor you see your name. and i add you on credits.(last map)

I'm not angry. It's been a long time since I created this map so I think this map has done its share of work to make Day of the Dragon the campaign it is. I also think it's kind of an honor to want to use my stuff.

I just want to let people know the value of maps. Map-design and map-based-triggers aren't like spells, icons, models or skins. They aren't part of any system. They are the core of what makes a game.
Level 1
Sep 17, 2009
I think he say "while you are playing again , you will know the story but you won't skip the cinematic". Right ?

I will play it and i will tell my opinion.
Level 4
Dec 10, 2008
Typos everywhere! This is spart.... no no, insane...
I can help with the translation, but only if you speak french, portuguese, or spanish.

You can't skip the cinematics, that's annoying, I agree with you, you have to see them to understand the story, but just once...

The first map is... mmm... scary? The map is extremely big, and the hero is incredibly small, I know you didn't use all of it, but that's the point, you should try to make it smaller, that would reduce not just the size of the minimap (Believe me, seeing a minimap of that size with such a small hero and more important, in a campaign, is not good at all), but the file as well.

Other than typos and terrain issues the campaign is great. I'll make the full review when I finish it, oh, and by the way, I'll have to do the first level all over again, See why is good to have "skippable" cinematics? It takes a lot of effort, but is a nice option to have.
Level 2
Apr 3, 2010
In the end of chapter 1, the cinematic just repeated twice and after that the chapter 2 didn't show up......My version of war3 is 1.24e and I think it's a bug.

I spent long time finding the mystery wood but only found nine. :(

Just a recommend, could you reduce the mana cost of spells? The second spell cost too much mana.

I'm not a native English speaker, and I hope you can understand my meaning. :)
Level 3
Nov 19, 2010
In the end of chapter 1, the cinematic just repeated twice and after that the chapter 2 didn't show up......My version of war3 is 1.24e and I think it's a bug.

I spent long time finding the mystery wood but only found nine. :(

Just a recommend, could you reduce the mana cost of spells? The second spell cost too much mana.

I'm not a native English speaker, and I hope you can understand my meaning. :)

I'm fixed. You can escape last cinematic(ıf don't work again)

The same happened to me, you really need to fix this.

Okaayy :D
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Level 4
Nov 14, 2005
In the end of chapter 1, the cinematic just repeated twice and after that the chapter 2 didn't show up......My version of war3 is 1.24e and I think it's a bug.

I spent long time finding the mystery wood but only found nine. :(

Just a recommend, could you reduce the mana cost of spells? The second spell cost too much mana.

I'm not a native English speaker, and I hope you can understand my meaning. :)

I couldnt play the next chapter (in the early version), how can I play the second chapter w/o having to repeat the first chapter again?
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
I played through the first map. Here are my thoughts:

Bad points:
  • Bad grammar
    It's all over the place, sometimes distracting. Every sentence has something wrong.
  • Not so good terrain
    You could use more/better tile variation, custom doodads and overall better doodad placement. I'd avoid using Blizzard cliffs.
  • Troubles with cinematics
    Make the cinematics skippable. Also, the last cinematic is bugged, it starts over and over again.
  • Icons bugging
    The attack icon's disabled version is missing. Command card's disable icons are the standard ones.
  • Skills
    Standard skills, a bit boring. The wolf has too long stun duration, he can stun lock even the toughest units.
  • Map too big
    There's lots of empty space in the map, thus you have to run long distances. You could've packed everything tighter. Still too big is better than too small.

Good points:
  • The story
    It seemed interesting, the presentation was good.
  • Cinematics
    They weren't boring, and generally quite well done.
  • Item attachments
    Who doesn't like those.

Give frogs Locust or make them not collide with the hero.
Make charged items stackable. Just a suggestion.
When starting cinematics, deselect the hero. Sometimes also stop him.
There was no shops to spend gold and sell items.
Make the hero able to carry more than one weapon/shield/armor.
Destroy visibility modifiers.
I could see the ghouls spawning in the graveyard.

It was quite fun and interesting. Good job!
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Level 4
Sep 5, 2009
Is the first map made by you? COz i think i have seen it some time before...

You're right. I've played this map before as well and remember that the "orcs" were not called orcs. They were called giaks or something like that. I'm thinking it was altered and the name giak was changed to orcs in several places, but not all places. Apparently this "author" was not very thorough in the alterations. There is also the wolf companion. There is something in the completion of the optional quests that says the same bonus that you choose will pass to Kima. That was her name in the version of this I played about a year ago. Her name was changed in this one to Linen. I'm thinking this is a fraud.
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
You're right. I've played this map before as well and remember that the "orcs" were not called orcs. They were called giaks or something like that. I'm thinking it was altered and the name giak was changed to orcs in several places, but not all places. Apparently this "author" was not very thorough in the alterations. There is also the wolf companion. There is something in the completion of the optional quests that says the same bonus that you choose will pass to Kima. That was her name in the version of this I played about a year ago. Her name was changed in this one to Linen. I'm thinking this is a fraud.

Yes yes. So far i can remember it was the lone wolf campaign or something this kind.
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
You ripped some of these maps off other campaigns...
Do your own work man, don't steal other maps even if you put credits in. I know for one the creator of Lone Wolf probably wouldn't have let you use it.
Level 3
Nov 19, 2010
Is the first map made by you? COz i think i have seen it some time before...

You're right. I've played this map before as well and remember that the "orcs" were not called orcs. They were called giaks or something like that. I'm thinking it was altered and the name giak was changed to orcs in several places, but not all places. Apparently this "author" was not very thorough in the alterations. There is also the wolf companion. There is something in the completion of the optional quests that says the same bonus that you choose will pass to Kima. That was her name in the version of this I played about a year ago. Her name was changed in this one to Linen. I'm thinking this is a fraud.

Campaing is awsome,but you need to fix some bugs and some things.

You ripped some of these maps off other campaigns...
Do your own work man, don't steal other maps even if you put credits in. I know for one the creator of Lone Wolf probably wouldn't have let you use it.

Yeah it's true.But i didin't steal. Just changed story and maps. I wrote all things on credits. If you hate it Don't play. I'm newbie. Just write a new story and did it.

Intro - 1(LoneWolf) 2 - Outro(one part from day of the dragon) 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 7- 8 - 9 - ME 10 - Credits(Blizzard Credits)

Soon i'm release new campaign ONLY MINE maps and MINE Story.
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Well sorry then, but I'm going to have to report this. You arn't allowed to use other people's maps without their permission. Credits isn't enough
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
Yeah it's true.But i didin't steal. Just changed story and maps. I wrote all things on credits. If you hate it Don't play. I'm newbie. Just write a new story and did it.

Intro - 1(LoneWolf) 2 - Outro(one part from day of the dragon) 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 7- 8 - 9 - ME 10 - Credits(Blizzard Credits)

Soon i'm release new campaign ONLY MINE maps and MINE Story.

Hah knew that :ogre_haosis:. You're new so i don't think you know it but it's bad to steal other peoples work. Mopderators usualy give -rep or even a ban. I know that the history is new it fits, but make the maps by your own if not ask someone to make maps for you. And first ask the peoplo who created the maps you used to let them use you their maps.
Level 1
Sep 3, 2010
I am playing through the campaign right now. Halfway through the first mission. I am so far enjoying myself you actually did a pretty good job. The spelling and grammar isn't the best but that's not a big deal :)
Level 2
Mar 17, 2007
I clearly remember that the first chapter is entirely taken from a project called "The Lone Wolf" by Ladislaw Szabó. It was hosted on the Hive and may still be here, but if it's not it's on my harddrive 'cause it was awesome. It follows the events of The Lone Wolf gamebook series, and seeing that only names and some models are changed in this one I'm pretty sure that the creator cannot be the same person under a different alias. Reading the comments I can see that he has taken other things that were not his own. Every chapter could be taken from someone else but even if the rest is his work, the first one cannot be his.
Please see to it that the truth is revealed.
Level 1
Sep 6, 2009
Broken, but good start campaign

For some reason once i beat the first level it takes me back to the main menu.

But all in all I give it a:

5/5 for Creativity
3/5 for Bad Spelling
3/5 for Broken ending of 1st level

Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
The first chapter is really fun, but I read this was one of the ripped-off maps. So can't say much about that.

Found some small bugs though. The optional quest with the wolf won't work. The first healing works, and the wolf moves somewhere down the path. But then it's blocking the way, and it won't walk any further. I tried healing it some more, but I can't target neutral units with that potion (and I can't hit invulnerable units with Healing Wave).

And there are only 8 of those mystery stones, even though you need to find 10 of them.

Edit: And Chapter II won't start. It isn't showing up in the campaign screen neither. Guess I'll have to edit the campaign myself.
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Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
I'm now playing through Chaper II. Found another bug:

The attackers aren't actually attacking your city. After the first few towers are gone, they're all just standing there. All you gotta do is wait for 10 minutes and you're done.
And then after the timer is over, the map suddenly stops. No cinematic. Nothing.

I'm wondering though, how can you notice things like this when you test your campaign? Because you did test your campaign, right?

So anyway, this seems more like a beta than a completed campaign. You really need to fix all of these bugs.

Edit: Chapter V is ripped directly from Blizzard's campaign. And it seems like Chapter VI is as well, looking at the minimap. I'm through playing this.
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Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Lol j/k.

Decided to actually play the campaign, despite it ripping maps off and having bugs.
It's pretty good, and you did say it was your first. I'm still voting for rejection due to the ripped-off maps, but, those aside, I'd give it a 3.5/5
Level 2
Nov 24, 2010
Yeah it's true.But i didin't steal. Just changed story and maps. I wrote all things on credits. If you hate it Don't play. I'm newbie. Just write a new story and did it.

Intro - 1(LoneWolf) 2 - Outro(one part from day of the dragon) 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 7- 8 - 9 - ME 10 - Credits(Blizzard Credits)

Soon i'm release new campaign ONLY MINE maps and MINE Story.

Campaing is awsome,but it doesent wont to start episode 3.