• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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This is a stalker model i did for a starcraft project earlier; the map was intended to be released before the beta, but was unfortunately stalled, and it's release has now lost some of it's exclusiveness.
None the less i think it is a great model that should be shared to the hive community, it is entirely custom made based on early screenshots from SC2 (which is why the mesh is somewhat inaccurate) and not ripped in any way.
Mesh was made in 3ds max 5, textures in Photoshop CS5.

Some notes:
*Teamcolor is included
*The decay animation is merged to the death sequence, so make sure to set the unit to "can't raise, does not decay"
*The spell animation is missing, and should not be used. it shows only a fraction of a second where the unit stands frozen with it's weapon lit.

have great fun with it and remember to give credit, should you ever use it in your map.

Starcraft, SC2, stalker, protoss, machine, robot,

Stalker (Model)

17:54, 24th Jun 2010 DonDustin: really awesome. I would give this model a 5/5, but the attack & the spell are both a bit too simple to me and under your capabilities. Improve them and I will change my rating
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
I dislike stalkers for one reason, they replace the protoss dragoon from starcraft 1. But concerning the model, its definately a 5/5.
It is? :O
I never saw it!
Now i have to go and look, lol.
Just too bad Blizzard got greedy and implemented that silly anti-pirate system that neglects you to even use the editor without entering your b-net password. Sucks for us who have limited access to internet, and i'm completely sure it will have impact on how much i'm going to work in it.
Also there's the fact that the galaxy editor is packed with bugs and randomly crashes or unloads dependencies every now and then.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
they may, but the dragoon is in the starcraft 2 editor

Yeah, I knew that. But it's still anoying how you can't see them, reavers, corsairs, arbiters, shuttles, or dark arcons in the campaign or custom games, as well as many other buildings, and stuff on the other races. They have either been replaced or removed. Starcraft 2 is still a pretty cool game though.:thumbs_up:
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Level 2
Aug 24, 2010
wow. nice. was just wondering... can u make something like a.....voidray? :D
this thing is just plain epic. rep!

edit: i really, really like the animations--ur good at animating

9.0/10 its amazing, about all thats wrong with it imo is the one in sc2 seems a bit (A TINY BIT! NOT MUCH! JUST A BIT!!!) brighter around the knee caps, blue hero-glow like glowing or small partical emitters on the knees might make its awsom shuffling even more shiny and awsom. just a thot

other then that the areas of dark blue around the knees caps cud be (A TINY BIT! TEENY WEENY EDDITY BITTY BIT BUT NOT VERY MUCH! NOT VERY MUCH AT ALL) lighter blue, as it is the knee caps dont match (NOT 100% ONLY 90% MATCH) the lighter blue streaks in the upper body, thats pretty much it tho you nailed it 95% on and i havent even seen a model this funny in a while so good job!

and i cant model edit like you can so really these are just really super anal observations
The reason the blue is different at the kneecaps from the strokes on the plate on his back is that the kneecaps, the "hanky" infront of his face, and the blue crystals on his left and right shields are teamcolor, while the strokes are just plain texture. I don't believe they are similar on the real model either, and in either case, it is very hard to make them so.
I would also like it if i could make all the crystal parts unshaded (self-illuminated) since that is how they looks in starcraft, but that means i would have to increase polycount to crop them out and give them a separate material and that is just not worth it.

I will not make any further changes to this model.
Level 11
Jul 4, 2016
A truly great model. I will definitely be using this. Btw, does anyone have working link to the rest of Fingolf's sc2 models?