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Round Table of Arkain

Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
The big armies of the Golden Guard always had a timer on them as that army would make
attacking their bases a painful chore.
So are they supposed to attack beyond the demon slave bases they spawn in ? I tried again, this time using shades to make sure the vision cheat isn't messing with the ai and they still remained in place on 1.29.2.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
An idea I had for the big army and the big army only is that they'll have the Life Regeneration ability from the regular Fountain structure, only with negative values (and based on flat values, if that option exists as far as I recall).

That way, they get to go out in battle, dying to the demons (actually the game nerfing them).
If we're gonna do the passive flat damage over time, Building Damage Aura will do the trick, since like Shar said, Life Regeneration Aura won't work on full HP units.
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
So are they supposed to attack beyond the demon slave bases they spawn in ? I tried again, this time using shades to make sure the vision cheat isn't messing with the ai and they still remained in place on 1.29.2.
View attachment 451951
As I said, I've ran into this exact problem. The battalions are supposed to attack the demon bases, but they don't do that on some versions of Warcraft 3. Try using 1.31.1.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
As I said, I've ran into this exact problem. The battalions are supposed to attack the demon bases, but they don't do that on some versions of Warcraft 3. Try using 1.31.1.
I'm using 1.31, and as I remember, it works fine also, so highly recommend for non-1.29 user.

But maybe, just maybe, those belong to a different player, and not the actual Battalion. As such, they are ordered with an Attack-Move To, instead of by a more sophisticated A.I.

The thing is, the order can be disrupted for many reasons, plus the fact that it may work slightly differently between WC3 versions as well, which causes this rare bug, I guess.

Hmm, didn't consider that ability. Good to know.

To add, maybe an immersive way is to implement the DoT ability into gameplay is to add it to a new, experimental Demon structure to show that they've been researching as well. But then, the humans swooped in, spotted it, destroyed it, it exploded, ruining the research but killing a ton of soldiers in the process. Could be fun, or not.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
So are they supposed to attack beyond the demon slave bases they spawn in ? I tried again, this time using shades to make sure the vision cheat isn't messing with the ai and they still remained in place on 1.29.2.
No. They can be lured into the Demons by AI shenanigans (either through player or the AI being the AI)
but they are not ordered to attack anything beyond the bases they take.
I could've prevented their ability to move out any further but decided not to.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
What happened to Lord Veringar?
Like what happened to the Imperator and Flors de Yutub, thrown into the trash bin of scrapped characters.

But unlike the Golden Guard brute and the Dwarven warrior, he was demoted, from a playable character, to an Ejara hero on Death's Approach. Because of Sir Edoarus the Executioner took his place.

Also, I want anyone who had YouTube explain the Iceberg I created, and I will watch it if they do.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Van Durce Family: YOU KILLED EDWARD!!!!
Gardon: No he is alive but-
Guys, I've put Edward in jail, what do I do with him?
View attachment 452488
It takes whole farms to jail some important figure in Arkain, it seems.
Let him tire of valiancy, I say!
I remember trying the same thing when the chapter first came out, although it didn't go so well. Glad you did a better job than I did.
Fyi the van Durce dialogues refering to Edward only trigger if he is actually dead. :p
You people didn't believe I didn't think of that, now did you?
Level 5
Jun 13, 2016
Ugh, excuse me if it already was answered for thousands of times, but...

Is there will be no choices in the True Story like in the Books?
Ugh, excuse me if it already was answered for thousands of times, but...

Is there will be no choices in the True Story like in the Books?
There are no major story choices, but I recall some minor choices exist, though they are not significant story-wise iirc
Level 5
Jun 29, 2021
Damn, each time I refresh the download section it makes me excited when there is a new updated number.

In any case, idk if it was ever asked or said, is there going to be ever Demon campaign? Or they are always enemies exclusive race?
Level 5
Jun 13, 2016
Damn, each time I refresh the download section it makes me excited when there is a new updated number.

In any case, idk if it was ever asked or said, is there going to be ever Demon campaign? Or they are always enemies exclusive race?
Technically speaking, there was one mission where we play as Demons.

Though, I'd also like to have some proper Demons chapters. Shar can compensate Demons' lack of Race properties (workers, upgrades, etc) with the Demon Slaves. Plus their POV might also be interesting.
Level 5
Jun 29, 2021
Just reborn Blenn as a demon and make his nature carve different path for demons. Aedele would for sure flock to his side as when it comes to Blenn she seems stronger then her Lisara side. (I call I side even tho supposedly Aedele and Lisara souls were merged)
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
My difficulty tier list, these aren't really organized within each tier though.

I'll probably make a video for this once the last few maps release. Fresh Breeze is dependent on NOT playing Undead. End of the Invasion is post-patch. Siege of Kome I've discovered is mostly as hard as it is because hitting the AA towers pulls the main base defensive force to you from across the map lmao. Rise of the Clans is dependent on playing as Deathbreeze where Lokar "goes easy on us".


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Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
I've had the idea of this list at the back of my head for a long while, but only now I'm reminded of it. Damn.

Still, I need to beat Dead Forest on Hard to form a proper difficulty tier list, since I've been too lazy to do that.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
I've finally done it, using everything in my arsenal, even Acolytes to beat this. With every mission beaten on Hard, I think I'm now qualified to make a mission preference tier list.

Idk if some of this is considered controversial or downright fucking stupid, but here it is.


I'll try to explain some of my ratings in the highest and the lowest tier as brief as possible.
  • A Fresh Breeze: Really fun missions, with three factions, a lot of routes to go, and even fun for challenge runs, like no air units, no sea units, no Heroes, etc... Even after Shar no longer let possessed workers build their respective techtree, it's still fun nonetheless. Very memorable too.
  • Rise of the Clans: Goldaxe is meh, but Deathbreeze and Darkmind are fun, with a Goblin Merchant to stack up on good loot too. Plus, the behind-the-scene triggering must be painful, so I appreciate the efforts.
  • Secret in the Dark: Humans, Orcs, Undeads, Demons, Shadows... Everyone is here. A brief but flavorful micro mission.
  • Pride of the Empire. A clusterfuck that can be pushed in your favor, by obeying the tempo of the map. Just push whereever the orcs are winning, and you'll win as well. Fun and memorable.
  • Rebellion: I'm a masochist. I enjoy the slow push through the mountain pass.
  • Forged by Iron and Blood: Unique loot, unique gameplay. Not much else to say.
  • End of an Uprising: Power fantasy level that can be played out in many different ways, like that one time I cleared using Ironfist only. Very fun and memorable, also.
  • Hunter and Prey: Not much to say, just really fun gameplay that I enjoy.
  • A Dish Best Served Cold: A power fantasy that makes you work hard to earn, with an unexpected twist in the form of the Wolf Regiment's ambush. Love this mission.
  • Dead Forest: A'ight. Hear me out. Everything in this mission is pure pain, but it pushes me to use every trick in the book. I have to use spellcasters for crowd control, air units for AoE damage and building lockdown, Assassins to cheese one of the early game battalions, using my own expansion to bait the Demon Slaves, training Acolytes as cheap melee units, combining Avatar of Vengeance with Exhume Corpse,... It's just so satisfying when you finally win.

  • Dark Secrets, Rise of the Dead, Death's Approach, Menace Below: They're just kinda boring to me. Can't explain, but something just doesn't click. Maybe the paces are not what I'm used to.
  • The Exiles, King of the Dead, Night Hunt: The maps seem to be simple on purpose to use as plot devices, so the gameplay doesn't click either. Just streamlined micro maps.
  • Burning Homes is tragic. It could have been in okay-tier, but the removal of Dripping Venom from Oneeye removed most of the fun from the map.
  • Wrath of the Darkmind: Invinclble Paladins with Orb of Frosts. 💀
Level 9
Sep 28, 2015
My favorite missions:


Possession and Roars i only beat them with cheats, specially Roars because it's unplayable with being attacked behind without heal. And i hate playing agains three bases of strong dwarfs (Very very very strong) using Krom that is useless and Meya that is also useless dying fast

Missions that have massive battles and armies clashing each other, with GREAT ally is A-S to me.
Level 12
Dec 19, 2022
Possesion is gimmicky but I cant understand why people put it on the same lvl as Burning Homes that feels like a puzzle that requires a walkthrough.
Spamming spirits to get as much good stuff as you can before they kill your stuff isnt nearly as hard as some other maps.
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Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Here's my ranking on the missions of the True Story (my objective is to rank based on gameplay and nothing else)
I might have gone a bit crazy under the spoiler tag so check at your own risks ^^

  • Pillage (B) : Quite straightforward. Bits of interesting micro with the shamans but not too difficult.
  • Hunt for Riches (C) : There's only so much you can do with basic orc units + adept shamans and by the time you get to the dwarven base, it usually gets pretty old.
  • Rise of the Dead (B) : Nice "collect your units" mission. The final orc base is challenging enough. Could have used a bit more custom units from the nexi.
  • Nightmare (C): Very creative mission. But big caveat: the first fight is extremely hard when you don't know what your units do and you can't afford to lose even one.
  • Clash in the Forest (A) : Probably part nostalgia, but it's the only mission you get to play the wolf regiment and firemages are extremely fun to use.
  • Dead Men March (B) : Quite a fun mission. First choice between nexi, lots of humans to kill/reanimate. Split bases is cool, only problem is that the latter base (with only Krom) gets much more aggression despite having only one hero and less time to prepare.
  • The Wolf and the Bull (A) : First real large scale battle of Arkain. The more enemies, the more firemages are fun.
  • Rescue (B) : Pretty standard mission. Defending the Darkmind is interesting and great mission for Warlocks.
  • Allies (C) : The lack of healing is extremely brutal, especially on a no-build mission.
  • Slaves of the Demons (B) : Pretty standard fun mission. The shrine secondary quest gives it a bit more originality.
  • Rise of the Clans (A): Not really a fan of the Rangul path, but Rath and the Goldaxe's conflict over minor clans during the huge war is very fun.
  • Defense of Home (A): The main objective is pretty standard, but the many secondary quest, especially the ireonbarks gets it to A.
  • Dark Secrets (D): Most of the mission is fine, the gerrazar units + paladin are fun to have. But I can't get over the difficulty of the final boss. Between the meteors, the novas, the summons, the revenants and the freaking ice golem, it's one of the most painful boss fights of Arkain.
  • A fresh Breeze (C) : The different factions are all fun (especially since we don't get to play most of them usually) but the purely naval objective limits how much fun you can get from these factions.
  • Terror of Old (C) : The lack of healing means a lot of back and forth to the healing fountain. Otherwise ok no-build mission.
  • Siege of Kome (A) : Slam a huge armies in the outer defenses then establish a siege camp to attack inside, with access to all orc casters. Pure fun.
  • Purging the Pearl (C) : Combination of lack of healing and absurd boss fight (though not as much as Rahandir, especially thanks to Death and Decay)
  • Night Hunt (D): No real gameplay other than go to the chieftain and kill them. The lore is interesting but I don't take it into account for ranking.
  • Death's Approach (B): Fun mission for a bit of orc vs undead. Not really much specific other than that.
  • Secrets in the dark (B): Nice no-build mission. You have plenty of healing. The orcs are a nice addition. The secondary objective makes exploring fun and the boss is very reasonable.
  • Bloody Uprising (C): Feels like it lacks a bit of things to do. Destroyer only has net. Ressources are never really a problem so the goldaxe/undead chieftains don't really feel rewarding.
  • Possession (A): Really fun mechanic. Though it can be a bit tiring by the time you finish the level. Stil, between runesmiths and earthmages, you have many fun units to use.
  • Green Wave (B): Very fun mission but can be extremely hard if the elves don't cooperate in protecting your base.
  • Pride of the Empire (S): Simply unmatched. The huge armies colliding continuously in a giant tug of war all with custom units is a joy to behold (and participate in)
  • Betrayal (A): Very nice mission. Only thing holding it back is the Grey guard roster which is very limited.
  • Bloodbath (A): Very fun mission. A bit too one dimensional with only one enemy directly in front of you, but the different undead rosters and heroes easily make up for that.
  • Carnage (B): The map is really nice, with fights going on left and right. Participating in these, while fun, is not really impactful though.
  • The Exiles (C): Lack of healing unless you happen to start by the path leading to a fountain. It makes the multiple paths more of a weakness of the level than a strength.
  • Burning Homes (Sas): Insanely inconsistently hard. I can make it through the map without too much issue, or die repeatedly in the very first engagement. I feel like a few more potions for oneeye would be nice.
  • The Bootlicker (B): Rather standard no-build mission, except for the objective to get the goldies killed. Makes it interesting and prevents it from being too easy.
  • Wrath of the Darkmind (B): Nice fun mission. The Darkmind roster is nothing new but Inara and dealing with the Redfist make it more dynamic.
  • Siege of the Dead Mountain (C): Nice mission. My only problem is with the secondary objective. The only way to triger it below hard seems to be to destroy the citadel yourself. Waiting will only get Urshan to start attacking, making the offensive much harder.
  • Dark Blades (B): Fun smaller scale mission. Nice to see some humans vs demons gameplay.
  • Dark Depth (C): The lack of healing isn't as impacting as in other missions, but it still makes it unconfortable to play (especially since your enemies can create attacks waves indefinitely.
  • Between a Rock and a Hard Place (C): Nice level but held back by the difficulty and completely reliant on dealing with the royal army quickly and cleanly.
  • Elves of the Deep (B): Rather simple but sextremely enjoyable corridor fights, especially with the heroes' aoe and necromancers to plug gaps.
  • Rebellion (B): The whole "clearing the pass" gameplay is very unique, and not that tedious thanks to the hawks. But the enemy teleporting holds it back by making reinforcements extremely awkward (though I understand that pathing would probably have issues otherwise)
  • A Matter of Faith (B): Nice interesting level. Harvesting lumber to end on a defense mission is really unique. Only caveat is that, between the dark elves and the cave orcs, it can be easy to suffer attack after attack without being able to make any progress.
  • Forged by Iron and Blood (B): The initial attack on the nobles is neat, especially since you can choose your composition, however, this level's strength is in the defense segment. You can get any defensive position you like and it's fun.
  • Lord of Shadows (B): Playing around with Elites is fun and unique and the level doesn't outstay his welcome.
  • Roars in the Forest (D): Combination of no healing source and infinitely respawning attack waves without allies is way too brutal.
  • End of an Uprising (A): Very nice level with a lot of players. You have a lot to manage but the food limit and the fact that you're familiar with both the tech-trees and the map makes it manageable. Whitefield also stops the player from being blocked at the first choke point.
  • Hunter and Prey (A): Very fun map. Gives a lot of liberty between a stealth path or just slaughtering everyone in a big melee.
  • A Dish Best Served Cold (A): Great large scale battle with the help of reinforcements.
  • Dead Forest (B): Love the map and the final golden guard siege. But can't get past the incredibly difficult start.
  • Burning Forest (C): Just not a fan of the water aspect and of the Terror blasting my stuff to smithereens.
  • The Southern Realm (B): Solid macro mission. Nothing to add.
  • Long Live the Queen (A): Really gives a sense of civil war with all the betrayals. Lots of heroes, allies and knights of Kome.
  • Horse and Rider (A): Lots of enemies and allies for big battles. What more could you want ?
  • Rise of the Guardian (B): Nice micro mission with good heroes.
  • The Legion (A): Nice macro mission. ogres and Dragons are really fun to use.
  • Army of Bones (C): Gameplay gets a bit tedious by the time you finish the Salrians.
  • The Great Hunt (B): Nice simple gameplay loop that doesn't outstay its welcome.
  • Lords of the Golden Guard (A): Really enjoyable gameplay with a lot of allies and powerful tools.
  • Dogs of War (B): Can get a bit too grindy for my taste if you can't destroy an enemy base with your first assault, but otherwise fun mission with new units.
  • Utter Destruction (B): Nice macro mission with many enemies. Final boss isn't too difficult or tedious.
  • Menace Below (A): Very enjoyable. Tons of new units and reinforcements and enemies to use them on.
  • Dark Sea (B): Clearing the sea can be tedious but the landing and assault of the bases is fun.
  • Last Stand of the Golden Guard (S): Tons of allies, units, dragons and heroes.
  • Risen Resistance (S): Pretty much same as the above.
  • Blood and Soul (A): Very fun mission with allies and fully powered Kezzar nexus.
  • End of the Invasion (B): Well executed defense mission. Just not that much to do beside that.
  • The Bloody Sharpshooter (B): Good macro mission. It's fun to encircle and eliminate these dwarves.
  • King of the Dead (C): Not that much going on beside the boss fight. The boss itself is well balanced though.


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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Possesion is gimmicky but I cant understand why people put it on the same lvl as Burning Homes that feels like a puzzle that requires a walkthrough.
Spamming spirits to get as much good stuff as you can before they kill your stuff isnt nearly as hard as some other maps.
I've replayed Possession recently and legit think it is the hardest map of the whole effin' thing, but this sort of stuff is subjective. There are VERY small windows between the enemy attacks to ever get to Brown and you have to do so through a small canyon where you get slaughtered trying to move into the base. The Hammerfall hero is legit the hardest hero in any map given your relative tools IMO. Basically, the timings are incredibly tight to make any sort of move when all three bases are up and the most intuitive first base (Brown) is very difficult to break, even on two gold mines.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
I've replayed Possession recently and legit think it is the hardest map of the whole effin' thing, but this sort of stuff is subjective. There are VERY small windows between the enemy attacks to ever get to Brown and you have to do so through a small canyon where you get slaughtered trying to move into the base. The Hammerfall hero is legit the hardest hero in any map given your relative tools IMO. Basically, the timings are incredibly tight to make any sort of move when all three bases are up and the most intuitive first base (Brown) is very difficult to break, even on two gold mines.
I never realized people struggled that much with this map. I mean, yes, it's incredibly difficult, but I would put other maps at the same place. Guess it really depends on the person.
One thing I've found is that a big cluster of Cannon and guard towers at the base entrance along with half a dozen ghosts tends to sort most attack waves. Once their armies are possessed, heroes are still a problem, but by the time they finish to kill the possessed units, you can get back into position. Problem is it can be really demanding on micro since you need to handle every attack while your army is away.
Though yes, Brown is tough nut to crack. Usually I manage it by grinding them down (sending waves of rock golems at them with possessed earth mages, waves of ghosts to take their bear riders and waves of mortars to destroy buildings) I can't do it in one push but at some point, they can't produce enough units.

using Krom that is useless and Meya that is also useless dying fast
Personnally, I love Krom on this mission. His death grip at level 3 can basically incapacitate any hero's attack so he gets better as the enemy heroes get stronger... though I agree, except for healing Krom, Meya isn't at her most useful there. (It's quite ironic that, despite being the leader of the Rohir Nexus, because of her death coil, she gets significantly less useful when combined with possessed units)
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Personnally, I love Krom on this mission. His death grip at level 3 can basically incapacitate any hero's attack so he gets better as the enemy heroes get stronger... though I agree, except for healing Krom, Meya isn't at her most useful there. (It's quite ironic that, despite being the leader of the Rohir Nexus, because of her death coil, she gets significantly less useful when combined with possessed units)
Meya's ult should be Charm since she is so beautiful. And yeah, Death Coil is not a great fit, especially on that mission.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019

My tier list of the missions, Everything on S, A or B tier was amazing for me, the ones in C and D are good too but the others were better.
  • The wolf and the Bull was a direct improvement on that early battle were you clash with the darkmind clan with a exposition of the imperial regiments most actives (since both phoenix bear and Falcon were absent for most of the campaign anyway)
  • Rise of the clans allow you to play with 3 different clans, especially the goldaxe clan that was a strange way to win but fun nonetheless.
  • Siege of Kome... no explanation needed.
  • Bloody uprising. DESTROYER IS IN THE HOUSE
  • Possession have an unique gameplay since you have to defeat dwarves in the tunnels with ghosts and has our lovely Sir Ross in there.
  • Pride of the empire was the best of the 3 major battles on the first books, with tons of factions clashing against each other and the orcs finally doing their best, screwing up the humans.
  • Lord of Shadows is the beggining of Zyainor, the only regret is that we couldnt play with the undead saving the humans before.
  • Dead forest was crazy hard but watching the undead elves being useful for once in the entire story was great.
  • Long live the queen, the ironfist triunvirate getting their time to shine and having the ironbarks join the ranks of ironfist, a pity that we couldn´t play them more times.
  • Horse and Rider was a direct improvement from the SOB, letting you play with a battalion of Murlocs and bearmen together :)
  • I have no doubt that i´ll love the red day, dominion vs the Father of the century (still think that redfist should have won)
  • Last stand of the golden guard or the story of how Gardon the kinslayer became the most powerful human army of the continent, with all your allies there clashing against Van Durce´s family.

A TIER couldn´t make it to S tier but i´ll gladly play any of this maps again.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I've read Roars in the Forest and "no heal" a few times now despite the fact that there
is a Fountain of Healing not that far into the map.
Did you just forget about it or did all who wrote that just miss the fountain and never knew it was there?

Whether or not you like the mission is up to you but that being the reason is frankly incorrect.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
I've read Roars in the Forest and "no heal" a few times now despite the fact that there
is a Fountain of Healing not that far into the map.
Did you just forget about it or did all who wrote that just miss the fountain and never knew it was there?

Whether or not you like the mission is up to you but that being the reason is frankly incorrect.
I thought I mentionned it in mine but turns out I forgot.
The healing fountain is really nice (I mean, I really can't see how to finish the level without it). The problem here is mainly that the fountain is only a safe healing source when you're in very close proximity to it.
Obviously there's no reliable healing before it. And once you get past it, because of the wildlife attacks in your rear you can't send your wounded to it since they would get picked off (that's the main difference with terror of old for instance). And these attacks are so brutal that, if you send your whole army back to the fountain to get patched up, by the time you get back to where you were, you already took back the damage you healed.

Indeed, "no healing source" was misleading, sorry for that :peasant-bowing: , but what we are refering to are the two long moments where healing is unavailable (before the fountain and then after until you get the Bearmen) and damn if those critters aren't able to take advantage of it.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
tyranny of the stars.png

Missions that beat me
-Green Wave (2014 Original) Fuck you too Rath
-Last Stand of the Golden Guard (Pre-release)
-Defense of Home (2014 Original)

I want to choke slam a character
-Siege of Kome (First versions) Spell immunity and more resurrections than you can throw a Sauron at.

Why did I do this to myself
-Possession (FUB) -Hard- With no actual possession.
-Lord of Shadows (SHB) -Hard- Killing AI ally so all fights are done by me.
-Green Wave (FHB) -Hard- Elves? Who needs em
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Level 9
Sep 28, 2015
Possesion is gimmicky but I cant understand why people put it on the same lvl as Burning Homes that feels like a puzzle that requires a walkthrough.
Spamming spirits to get as much good stuff as you can before they kill your stuff isnt nearly as hard as some other maps.
I really hate that mission, specially because the dwarfs are strong, with that heroes give me headache. And Krom isn't the best hero in abilities let's be honest.
Level 5
Jun 13, 2016
Regarding the recent post about.

Has Shar considered splitting the True Story in parts? Or the issude is the sizes of maps?