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ReAnimated Albatross V291

A relatively simple model in design, classic to Warcraft3's low poly art, I noticed one day that the in game version did not have a proper attack animation, that one walk was derpy, and the death animations particles were buggy. so I went about fixing that.

similar to my crabs in spirit and goals, I re built most of the animations from scratch due to faulty blizzard key frames that ruined my experience on this model, forcing me to restart it from scratch (twice)

the idea was an amphibious flyer, something that could walk along land and swim in the sea, but take to the air in the alternate animations.

due to limits in war craft 3 you require triggers to get morph animations to behave properly when morphing from the water to the sky, no model editors could help me solve this issue.

so besides one faulty animation error this models complete. use in the following ways for functionality:

the alternate animations are flight, the non alternates are the land and sea animations.

keep the unit types separate, one for land and sea, one for the air. trying to use bear form to use the alternate animations work fine on land, but do not function properly trying to launch from the sea. some kind of hard code error. for what ever reason when you mess with the obsidian destroyers flags and movement types set to amphibious, his animations work just fine. but mine don't.

any way he functions as I had wanted him too (mostly) if any bdy figures out why my model suffers this one issue please do freaken tell me!

but other wise enjoy another High Quality Critter courtesy of the mur'loc god.

the animations are as follows:

walk alternate
walk alternate -2
stand alternate -1
death alternate
attack alternate
morph alternate
stand -2
attack slam
stand swim-1
walk swim -1
attack slam swim
attack swim
spell swim
death swim
walk -1
spell alternate
morph swim alternate
morph swim

show me your loyalty to the mur'loc god by placing a mur'loc somewhere in you're map and calling it ''kellym0 god of the mur'locs''

have fun with it.

Bird, Flyer, Critter, Albatross, Re-Animated, Animal, all hail the murloc god

ReAnimated Albatross V291 (Model)

13:56, 31st Mar 2016 HappyTauren: So apparently kellym0, god of the mur'locs decided to take it upon himself to reanimate an albatross, and not in the undead kind of a way. I went through all animations and they seem to work very well in wc3, if...




13:56, 31st Mar 2016
HappyTauren: So apparently kellym0, god of the mur'locs decided to take it upon himself to reanimate an albatross, and not in the undead kind of a way.

I went through all animations and they seem to work very well in wc3, if you trigger transitions properly (and you have to, since wc3 engine sucks with morphing and such).

So I will approve this pretty weird and niche looking resource, that's still very interesting and unique.
they where my attempt to make things work. I spent about 100 versions and over a year trying to make the take off from sea to air smooth and flawless.

for what ever reason, instead of going into flying mode when he takes off, such as he does fine on land, he instead stays in the swim animation sets while flying way up in the sky...

its super derpy as crap and I was bullied into trying to fix it for over a year by my obsession for perfection and detail and finally gave up. and forgot to delete the nulls.

they help me make animations by each playing the role of a different key frame.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
I really like the effort you put into your models and the thought behind them. Just the fact the you attempted to get this to function similar to the actual bird (meaning different surfaces it can use and land on), as opposed to the well static in comparison Blizzard model is great. Even if everything didn't go as intended, it is some solid & good work.
Level 12
Jan 25, 2017
Finally found it (again)! I thought I remembered a walking/swimming/flying bird but couldn't remember the 'albatross' part. Thankyouuuu Murloc God.

(now to reanimate a lot of it - the walk needs work haha- and then c&p animation set for all sorts of birds... wish me luck)
ahhhh yes, this one was semi abandoned, lol...

I advise, if you are going to edit it, to change it into 2 different models, instead of all 3 animation types together like I tried to do, one with the walking/swimming and a second one for flying, that being said, it was meant to be small, so don't waste too much of your own time animating it lol.

but sure of course feel free to do whatever you like to it, lol.

rather then copy pasting animations for all sorts of birds, I advise you simply change the same model for each type of bird, so for example, once you feel ''albatross'' is ''done'' simply change its file name and start wrapping another texture, like say, vulture, the next closest one in shape to the albatross, third would probably be the ''crow'' texture, or night elf druid of the claw ''raven'' texture. I had plans to do more kinds of birds, based off this one, but never did due to the hard coded animation bugs with morph abilities on water.

Good luck! and thank you! fellow mur'loc cultist