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Protect The House!

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Protect your house from a bunch of brain-eating zombies.
It is advisable to play on "extreme" mode to unlock every elements of the game.

Lumbers are earned through harder monsters and it is used for upgrading to final towers.
Bombs and guns are added to increase your chance in killing each wave.
Different bombs and guns are useful depending on different kinds of mobs.
"Pint of beer" is the usual tome... buying a few of them to increase your damage and hp.
Each level you gain gives you extra hp, damage, mana and attackspeed.

A newly improved map made from Protect The House! by PainRelievers with many more zombies, smoother gameplay and overall a better balance.
Thank you for the custom icons from Huinipachutli, The_Silent, VaLkYroN, oddsocks, Coinblin, SkriK, Palaslayer.

Protect the house, zombie, castle defence, protect, house, protect house

Protect The House! (Map)

06:44, 4th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 14
Nov 2, 2008
Hey cool map.

Though you should take a look at the following:

-> The tooltips of the abilities lack. Its short and rather boring.
-> Special effects are horribly used. Whats with the aura attached to my riflemans weapon?
-> Slightly Unbalanced. Not too bad though.
-> Terrain was dull and dry. You should focus on that.
-> You can use some custom spells. There are a few bomb spells u can use :p

All together it's a rather enjoyable map. 3/5. voted for approval.
Level 2
Sep 14, 2008
The zombies getting stuck is ridiculously annoying. The antistuck towers are not doing their job. It would also be helpful if you had the multiboard list the number of zombies left too.