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New Content Discussion [SPOILER]

Level 12
Dec 19, 2022
Great to hear from you again! I prefer a bigger piece of lore.
My guess for next one is Age of Wonders 4. Did play all of AoW3 multiple times and like it.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Damn... and three years after the second Void war. I wonder how his search for the grail was going. For now, we only know the movements of the big nations after the Void war (Cold war in zyainor and kerrel, isolationism for dwarves... etc) but we're pretty clueless on the fate of the unaffiliated characters like Praxeus, the golden guard remnants, Aedale...
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
The scale will differ from what you have seen in Warcraft 3, yes, but there is no need to worry, it will not become miniscule by any means. ;)

I do want to use the new environment to its fullest advantage however.
Well, considering that, according to the tales of arkain, the second imperial invasion doesn't happen until 17 years have passed at least, the change of scale is quite appropriate. Though it would be funny to just still have enormously large battles while the various rulers insist the war is over ^^
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Whatever new platforms that are used for new Arkain's gameplay, I sure hope they will have enough models accomodate the growing roster, with new Dominion and Zyainor units, and even Marin's mechanized angelics if possible.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I guess if the new platform still follows the rts type gameplay, we might expect a Rexxar to tame a land (kinda-ish) type of gameplay. When its more about the micro and the buddies we make along the way, than grand scale battlefields.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Hehehehhe, i would say after having so many secondary characters that i rooted for being killed left and right getting the official confirmation that The Bastion is gonna be the main dude of the new setting does put a smile on my face, RIP Lera the Huntress you were taken away from us to soon!
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015

it's just 7 Logan clones
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Damn, now that's an interesting company :
  • Darkan Hammerfall : So an exiled dwarf ? I wonder what made him leave. Did he disagree with the decision to cut off all contacts between the dwarves and the humans after the second void war or was it before that ?
  • Calere : Amusingly, she seems to share some traits with the late Sir Bubblerino. At least, I believe he was a bard before becoming a Paladin. However, she seems to be more of a mage. I would believe her to be a surviving member of one of the many lost Orders in the war, but she apparently has never attended a magic academy of the Kingdoms. Maybe an imperial, or even a runaway demon slave, who knows ?
  • Morkin : I wonder whose side he fought for in the war. He settled near Kerrel and Zyainor, so it seems unlikely he was among the regiments and I doubt there were many golden guard survivors in the area, which leaves either the Royal armies or the Ironfist. Depending on which, his "interest" in Boranel's goals might not be so innocent.
  • Grazaz : Damn, from Zyainor to Salria, Boranel's in for one hell of a journey. This Grazaz must be quite the soldier for surviving being both in the armies battling the dominion and joining them.
  • Orkar : So an old Ironthunder veteran. Makes me wonder if Boranel's gonna have trouble with Inara. If either his quest, or his identity is revealed at any point, Zyainor will be very interested.
  • Nysara : Obviously, she's going to stay in the background. I wonder what her interests are in Boranel's quest. Also makes me wonder if either of them will come into contact with the remnants of the golden guard. Though maybe Valerie would be able to pierce Nysara's disguise.
Level 2
Apr 17, 2024
Ok, I've finished the whole True Story, that was amazing, now I'm planning to do the Books, just to see the differences (I've played the human one until Genethas VS Gardon, I was surprised to see Zoia in the True Story, since she wasn't the Human Book so far).
Now I have to read the stories too!
So, I'm not sure about it, but does Inara is Zoia's pet? I mean, the Wolf Regiment broke her mind, and Zoia said that her "toy" would do ANYTHING for her, and was in the upper class of the Dominion. But, Inara didn't seemed to act in Zoia's favour. I mean, she had multiple occasions to betray Amari and everyone else, and every murder she commit seemed to be done on her own behalf, not some way to inder the Dominion.
It's cool to see the focus on our Bastion boi for the next adventure.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Ok, I've finished the whole True Story, that was amazing, now I'm planning to do the Books, just to see the differences (I've played the human one until Genethas VS Gardon, I was surprised to see Zoia in the True Story, since she wasn't the Human Book so far).
Now I have to read the stories too!
So, I'm not sure about it, but does Inara is Zoia's pet? I mean, the Wolf Regiment broke her mind, and Zoia said that her "toy" would do ANYTHING for her, and was in the upper class of the Dominion. But, Inara didn't seemed to act in Zoia's favour. I mean, she had multiple occasions to betray Amari and everyone else, and every murder she commit seemed to be done on her own behalf, not some way to inder the Dominion.
It's cool to see the focus on our Bastion boi for the next adventure.
Congrats on finishing the True Story ! Hope you have fun exploring the choices of the books.

About your question, at this point, Inara is almost certainly Zoia's spy (well at least I don't see another candidate). Zoia most likely didn't order her to act against Amari because it would squander her value. Sure, she could do a bit of damage before going down, but having her as a trusted ally of Amari is much more beneficial in the long run. It means Zoia can get all the information she could ever want and also that Inara pretty much has free rein to accumulate more power right under Amari's nose (like she did by gathering the remnants of the Darkmind, the Ironthunder and most of the other orc clans). We don't know how exactly Inara got them to obey her, but it's quite possible that, if there ever was conflict, they'd follow Inara against the dominion, which Amari doesn't fear because Inara never gave her a reason to distrust her.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Zoia mentions in the epilogue that she was going to trigger a betrayal during Risen Resistance, but the Undead arriving screwed up her plans and she backed down. I suppose there is a tiny, bizarre chance it could somehow be Vanessa, but Zoia mentions how her spy enjoys assassinating people so it seems like there is no way it's not Inara.

I'm interested to learn more about how Zoia controls her and if that is an avenue for an Inara subplot to try to deprogram herself, or if she'll always be a double agent destined to destabilize things. Thinking super long term, a neat idea would be Inara deposing Amari and then Amari having a gritty revenge story. Arkain always likes a good revenge story, though I guess she already got hers starting from Hunt for Riches.
Level 2
Apr 17, 2024
Finally finished the first book of the 3 factions so far.

I helped Gardon with Salana, managed to not kill her apprentice during the Elven demonic revolt, didn't attacked the Golden Guard hidden troops, AND PRESERVED AEDALE FROM CORRUPTION (saving Salomar by extension), I still helped Gardon with Blen, wasn't very fond of helping Genethas knowing the truth about him. So, there is A LOT of human characters missing, like Zoia, adding them in the true story was a good idea.

I'm amazed by Amari's absence in the first Orc book, or the fact that's more of the choices seems to revolve around NOT bonking humans. So, 'cause I like Vanessa, I did my best to reduce humans destruction. I'm amazed by the fact that Sas' was less a douchebag and a coward in this first book than in the True Story. I'm intrigued by the feral Orcs, or the fact there was Moghtar on the Orc Islands.

Undead book... There's less choices, but I guess it's because of Aridon's global control of the situation.

Here comes the 2nd book, I'll start with the Human one. Here goes the "Golden Guard is a bunch of arrogant assholes". Let's hope Aedale and Blen won't end up in prison this time since I did my best to not giving reasons to emprison them.
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
Hmm, there's more GG family story this time since "lost family members" is mentioning. This archduke has no idea what it means to set foot on Arkain...
I wonder what Gardon's reaction might be to seeing more family coming from across the sea, IF he or his lackeys know of their presence when they disembark. Will they find the Highlord's children and Marin?
If they found them, and Marin finished to research Valerie's angelic potential, the GG would have a weapon against Gardon's dark kingdom. Only time will tell.
Last edited:
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Hmm, there's more GG family story this time since "lost family members" is mentioning. This archduke has no idea what it means to set foot on Arkain...
I wonder what Gardon's reaction might be to seeing more family coming from across the sea, IF he or his lackeys know of their presence when they disembark. Will they find the Highlord's children and Marin?
If they found them, and Marin finished to research Valerie's angelic potential, the GG would have a weapon against Gardon's dark kingdom. Only time will tell.
I mean... couldn't it be Redfist family business ? While Volarian's first wife was from the Kingdoms, he was a noble of Rodan. Especially since they are an archduke, while the Redfist we know was a duke (though Van Durce probably had something similar in the tens of titles he had).
Also, this Archduke apparently chose to leave before the imperial court decided what to do with Arkain, while we know Catherine, Van Durce's remaining daughter, travelled with the official imperial punitive expedition.

The conversation also seems to imply they really have no idea what happened to the family members they talk about, whereas the Golden Guard's fate must be quite widely known (though the remnants' whereabouts aren't). Meanwhile, the Redfist children's fates are more private. Aedale's corruption and escape must not have been public knowledge (and what happened after that is only known by Ornasion). Cora and Orie's fates are unknown to any human, and Vanessa's ancestry was never revealed to the Dominion (if the Archduke even knows of her existence to begin with)

One thing that I wonder is... who is this Archduke ? Is he the father of Volarian ? Wouldn't that make him extremely old to lead such an expedition ?
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019
I mean... couldn't it be Redfist family business ? While Volarian's first wife was from the Kingdoms, he was a noble of Rodan. Especially since they are an archduke, while the Redfist we know was a duke (though Van Durce probably had something similar in the tens of titles he had).
Also, this Archduke apparently chose to leave before the imperial court decided what to do with Arkain, while we know Catherine, Van Durce's remaining daughter, travelled with the official imperial punitive expedition.

The conversation also seems to imply they really have no idea what happened to the family members they talk about, whereas the Golden Guard's fate must be quite widely known (though the remnants' whereabouts aren't). Meanwhile, the Redfist children's fates are more private. Aedale's corruption and escape must not have been public knowledge (and what happened after that is only known by Ornasion). Cora and Orie's fates are unknown to any human, and Vanessa's ancestry was never revealed to the Dominion (if the Archduke even knows of her existence to begin with)

One thing that I wonder is... who is this Archduke ? Is he the father of Volarian ? Wouldn't that make him extremely old to lead such an expedition ?
maybe the archduke is a brother a of volarian?
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
maybe the archduke is a brother a of volarian?
I thought about it too, but his whole spiel about letting one's children go free, while still treasuring them and wanting to protect them would feel a bit weird if he's got no direct filiation in the matter.

Also, I read the story again and the soldier says that "his other children" wish to come with him. So no matter who it is, one of the people involved is his son or daughter.

Based on that, I wanted to make a list of the imperials that died, disappeared or ended up in weird circumstances during the second void war and see who fits the criteria :
  • Blen Greymoore : his father (if he's alive) wouldn't have the ressources to put such an expedition together, even if he became a noble with his son. (And I doubt Zoia's family cares much about him)
  • Dobric Berengar : Seems too old. He trained Blen, Selior and Fergon. His father is probably dead.
  • Van Durce : Same thing. He's the emperor's uncle, that would imply the emperor's great uncle is still alive and kicking.
  • Genethas : Same.
  • Kenos Harron : Since he's most likely immortal, I doubt he still has family.
  • Sir Lerrig : The tale mentions several family members "gone missing" in Arkain. Technically, Lerrig married into Van Durce's family, but I'm not sure it qualifies.
  • Lord Marin : Family completely unknown.
  • Merlon Seabright : Not even sure if he's imperial or royal. Still, considering his parenting skills, I doubt this archduke is his father.
  • Commander Daric : Not sure if he's imperial or royal. But his family isn't nobility either way.
  • Ramerius Prideblade : His father is retired but not technically impossible. Still unlikely (and no idea who else could be of his family)
  • Selior : Father dead.
  • Sir Praxeus : Ancestry unknown. To hang out with Gardon and Aveen, he must have been of relatively high birth. He also seems relatively young, enough that his father could still be alive. But we now nothing of family members of him who would have gone missing in Arkain.
  • Aveen Elvir : Actually quite possible. She's a distant relative to the emperor, meaning that the Van Durce and Gardon are technically her family. We don't know her parents, but her mother forbid her from hanging out with Gardon so they must be of some status (the Archduke's spiell about letting one's children go and live their own life also seems quite fitting for Aveen who seemed to seek that in the Falcon Regiment)
  • Duke Volrarian Redfist : We aren't sure of his age... if he was extremely young in his first marriage, that seems technically possible, if dubious, for his father to be alive. And plenty of his family did go missing in Arkain. Still, his character sheet mentions him being of lower nobility, with him eventually becoming duke after his first wife died. So it seems unlikely that his father would be an archduke.
Overall, I find myself doubting more and more my initial hunch for Redfist while Aveen fit the bill way more than I expected.
Though I am basing my asumptions on the idea that a) The archduke is a character's father and not just in their family and b) The other family members gone missing are known to us.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019
I thought about it too, but his whole spiel about letting one's children go free, while still treasuring them and wanting to protect them would feel a bit weird if he's got no direct filiation in the matter.

Also, I read the story again and the soldier says that "his other children" wish to come with him. So no matter who it is, one of the people involved is his son or daughter.

Based on that, I wanted to make a list of the imperials that died, disappeared or ended up in weird circumstances during the second void war and see who fits the criteria :
  • Blen Greymoore : his father (if he's alive) wouldn't have the ressources to put such an expedition together, even if he became a noble with his son. (And I doubt Zoia's family cares much about him)
  • Dobric Berengar : Seems too old. He trained Blen, Selior and Fergon. His father is probably dead.
  • Van Durce : Same thing. He's the emperor's uncle, that would imply the emperor's great uncle is still alive and kicking.
  • Genethas : Same.
  • Kenos Harron : Since he's most likely immortal, I doubt he still has family.
  • Sir Lerrig : The tale mentions several family members "gone missing" in Arkain. Technically, Lerrig married into Van Durce's family, but I'm not sure it qualifies.
  • Lord Marin : Family completely unknown.
  • Merlon Seabright : Not even sure if he's imperial or royal. Still, considering his parenting skills, I doubt this archduke is his father.
  • Commander Daric : Not sure if he's imperial or royal. But his family isn't nobility either way.
  • Ramerius Prideblade : His father is retired but not technically impossible. Still unlikely (and no idea who else could be of his family)
  • Selior : Father dead.
  • Sir Praxeus : Ancestry unknown. To hang out with Gardon and Aveen, he must have been of relatively high birth. He also seems relatively young, enough that his father could still be alive. But we now nothing of family members of him who would have gone missing in Arkain.
  • Aveen Elvir : Actually quite possible. She's a distant relative to the emperor, meaning that the Van Durce and Gardon are technically her family. We don't know her parents, but her mother forbid her from hanging out with Gardon so they must be of some status (the Archduke's spiell about letting one's children go and live their own life also seems quite fitting for Aveen who seemed to seek that in the Falcon Regiment)
  • Duke Volrarian Redfist : We aren't sure of his age... if he was extremely young in his first marriage, that seems technically possible, if dubious, for his father to be alive. And plenty of his family did go missing in Arkain. Still, his character sheet mentions him being of lower nobility, with him eventually becoming duke after his first wife died. So it seems unlikely that his father would be an archduke.
Overall, I find myself doubting more and more my initial hunch for Redfist while Aveen fit the bill way more than I expected.
Though I am basing my asumptions on the idea that a) The archduke is a character's father and not just in their family and b) The other family members gone missing are known to us.
i agree that aveen is the highest possiblity here but if the archduke was aveen father then he might be van durce brother as well since aveen is mostly an imperial family member and as much as we know van durce was one of seven uncles to the emperor if i remember and this possiblity is like praxeus possiblity is praxesus possiblity is a bit weaker

on the other hand the archduke might be a father to a character that didn t get much attention like commander tessia who was mostly cleavehand second in command

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I can understand the desire to have more content for the True Story and it only shows how much it is loved and appreciated which is always nice to see.
You have to consider however that Act Nine was fairly long compared to other acts. Having Act 10 would mean 3 more playable maps if both Nine and Ten had seven chapters each, not 7 more.

That being said, no content was cut.
Level 20
Nov 17, 2019
I can understand the desire to have more content for the True Story and it only shows how much it is loved and appreciated which is always nice to see.
You have to consider however that Act Nine was fairly long compared to other acts. Having Act 10 would mean 3 more playable maps if both Nine and Ten had seven chapters each, not 7 more.

That being said, no content was cut.
We could have had the final Golden Guard level, The Golden Crusade, reworked into fitting the narrative of the True Story. I think it was an interesting map with the oil platforms, and naval combat... but yeah, there wasn't much left for an act 10. However, I think the story could be continued in smaller custom campaigns. It doesn't have to be a True Story length insane project, just a small, 4-5 level mini campaign, for a shorter side-story, like the dwarves, or the "certain people coming to Arkain from a certain other continent" story. I understand, if Shar doesn't want to make another Warcraft 3 campaign though. I have said it before, and I'll say it again, I'll buy a Legends of Arkain book, if Shar decides to write one.
Also, I am interested in what the failed modding project was supposed to be. Which game did it use as a base?
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
We could have had the final Golden Guard level, The Golden Crusade, reworked into fitting the narrative of the True Story. I think it was an interesting map with the oil platforms, and naval combat... but yeah, there wasn't much left for an act 10. However, I think the story could be continued in smaller custom campaigns. It doesn't have to be a True Story length insane project, just a small, 4-5 level mini campaign, for a shorter side-story, like the dwarves, or the "certain people coming to Arkain from a certain other continent" story. I understand, if Shar doesn't want to make another Warcraft 3 campaign though. I have said it before, and I'll say it again, I'll buy a Legends of Arkain book, if Shar decides to write one.
Also, I am interested in what the failed modding project was supposed to be. Which game did it use as a base?
I mean the GG story is carried on through the short stories, i don't think there was much to continue anyway all the content that was esential to the story was extensively covered, the Golden Crusade happens only because Van Durce realises that the emperor of Rodan isn't actually the emperor but a dark entity that has taken hold of the empire. Gardon killing Van Durce means there is no political power (or troops left remember a huge part of them were decimated at the showdown) to conduct the Golden Crusade.

The spin off series idea have been mentioned by Shar plenty of times but from what i am able to understand he might have scraped the idea entierly or put it into hiatsu.
Level 7
Feb 7, 2020
I just read the news on the News thread. I am devastated as many other are probably. I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, and I was certain I would have bought whatever game you modded to continue the campaign. But I can only think about how devastated you yourself must be, so all my thoughts are directed towards your well being in the near future. I hope you didn't lose courage to keep going on whatever channel you will choose. To be honest, some Jayborino rap would be my preference, but heh, you can't always get what you want.

I wondered about something: what are the limitations of WC3 that made you prefer the new platform? the game in itself? Or being fed of WC3 up after so long?

I am sure you explained it in the past, but I searched for previous posts from you, without managing to find all the reasons.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Finally got around to reading the latest short story :

  • Fall from Grace :
This pretty much confirms the dynamic of the new Golden Guard. Richard is barely the leader in title, but Marin takes the decisions, courtesy of Richard feeling like he doesn't deserve his title. Marin's hypothesis makes sense if we assume the Angelic and Vanguard were created the same way. Still, his certainty that he can find a replacement for the Grail is strange, especially with the limited means of the "not so golden anymore" guard. I wonder if he already has an artifact in mind.
I also wonder about Marin's goals. Maybe he wants revenge... but Angelics alone are unlikely to accomplish that, even if mass-produced. Also, he studies a book given to him by a swamp dragon. I doubt Zyainor allowed any swamp dragon to leave alive along with the golden guard so I doubt the two are still in contact. Does that mean that Marin was researching this even before the golden guard's defeat ? It seems weird for him to have taken the Grail at face value without seeking to know more... especially when he has nothing against using magic in his creations. Does he want Angelics to fight Zyainor or is this knowledge important for something else ?

  • A fragment of the Past :
I was so sure Grofzag's monolith memories was going to play a role in the True Story that I had completely forgotten it remained unresolved. I also expected these memories to be of one of the Four (my best bet were Zindrach or Brian), but no, it's of one of the Arkainian gods, that's truly ancient knowledge ! And with it comes a big reveal, a god actually noticed the Four and tried to seek their help, whereas all seemed to imply the Four simply observed and acted (though, in current Aridon's view, it might have happened that way with his magical rebranding and all). Still, while I would like to pin everything on Aridon, it is weird that all the Four were okay with murdering the one asking for their help. Though Aridon is clearly the killer, with the god's heart turning to stone "cold and dark", much like a certain "heart of the dead mountain" whose origin "not even Krom or the Bonelords know", since they would be the only ones to care for what it is.
The interesting question is, who was this god ? He was opposed to the idea of war and did everything to stop it, so he was clearly benevolent (though these are his own memories and we can't be sure how trustworthy they are). The story says that the god's blood was spilled over some parts of the earth. While that would explain the monoliths, it might mean something more. This benevolent god could have been the god of Light whose blood filled the holy grail (though who recovered it is a mystery). This could even be the reason Praxeus eventually goes to Salria, having heard of Grofzag's memories one way or another.

Zairmak's way of dealing with the memory; just suppressing them, seems weird, but I guess he's the expert. We also see his opinion of the dominion, accepting that change was necessary, but being rightfully wary of Amari and Inara. I wonder whose skull he used to ward the conversation. Many orcs fell during the invasion, but apart from Sasrogarn, I'm not sure that many bodies were recovered.

An interesting theory came to me while writing this. What if the Arkainian god of light could be resurected ? "I see darkness and feel cold. I hear voices but I cannot quite fathom them, as if I was not really there but still somehow present... Then... more darkness and silence. That is a more... recent one but... nothing else happens." The most recent memory seems to come from the Heart Aridon keeps (darkness, feeling cold, not being really there). This implies the god still exists, in a diminutive form (much like the Four after their "death"). On the other hand, if we assume that this god also produced the blood in the Grail, and the Grail can be used to ressurect dead creatures and turn them to the light, what if the Grail was used upon the Heart ?

To go even further, what if Aridon had already attempted it ? We know he's tried to reanimate some of the fallen gods (hence learning his control of Arkainians was limited). Meanwhile, the Heart is, apparently, the only organ remaining of a god. What if Aridon had originally kept the Heart in order to try to reanimate this god ? What if he collected the god's blood in an attempt to aid his ritual ? What if the Holy Grail was Aridon's creation ? This would explain him ordering to capture an angelic, as he tries to understand the magic that brings back the dead in a way he hasn't achieved.

Finally, to examine another's motivation, we know a succubus was the one advising Praxeus to retrieve the Holy Grail. We know this succubus is in Ebira's faction, which seems interested in bringing back the Demon God. The Grail has shown that it can bring demons back from the dead, though in an altered form. What if Nysara's mission was to acquire the Holy Grail in a bid to eventually bring back the Demon God ?

That was more speculation than I expected from two short stories. Can't wait for what's next !
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
It took my time, but I can finally give my review of the two new tales:
Fall from Grace
-So, angelics are brought back from the dead? What kind of Necromancy is this? Surely Aridon doesn't approve of this.
-Marin is playing God if he believes he can create a substitute for this method. Nothing good can come from playing with powers you don't even know where they come from. Perhaps Marin hopes (But I doubt this man have it in the first place) that with this new method, he can defeat Bloodclaw and his dark kingdom.

A Fragment of the Past
So that's why Grofzag doesn't think of this memories during the rest of the war for Salria. I can't blame him for that, the orcs and their allies have more important things during the war, specially when the red crusade of Redfist step on their tails.
-Zairmak, I think Amari already know something of this information. I'm starting to get worried about this, is not my liking to everyone turns into a "deep follower" of Amari by force.

Also, congratulations for the 10th anniversary. Already testing the gift you put on in the news. Can I put the bugs or something relative of it here or in the maps section?
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Reacting to the Arkain Question Time

  • Damn... we lost Kenrad. I had completely forgotten about his existence but he was still a decent guy.
  • I understand why a lot of SUB projects couldn't be made. But Vanessa possessing a fortress would have been so cool ! (I assume possessing as in ghost possessing) Like you could have Rangul going into the fortress, maybe wondering about the bizarre behaviour of the guards before Vanessa greets him like "Hello, father". Vanessa's fate is probably one of the books' "choice" that I absolutely adore both outcomes (despite one never actually making its way into the campaign)
  • I suspected SpellForce might be the game you envisioned for the future of Arkain. A shame it couldn't be done (though I'm not really a big fan of the way it handled its RTS aspect, so I'm not completely devastated either)