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Making Signatures

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Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
After reading some blood effect tutorials, blood texture tutorials and testing them out, i think i got it pretty good on the blood-effect however the scars were done using the blood technique aswell, so if u dont like them i can redo them so their a lil more scratch/scar coloring instaed of the blood. also if u want any other changes to it let me kno, ill see what i can do

[End Result]




The background image is of new york, so i gave u kinda a "mob boss" kinda like thing lol, seemed to fit well with what u wanted
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Well.... I suggest going to deviantArt and dowlading some Bloodspatter brushes. Then zoom in and try to color in those stray yellow pixels around the blood.
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
hmm, i can zoom in and color them in pixel by pixel, i didnt notice them until u said something rath ill fix it up!

fixxed, reuploading sig now
reupload done; should be fixxed now [note: if pic aint showing up correctly, clear ur cache n reload page :p usually works for me]
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
Photobucket -- Like i said, clear the cache that your web browser has [cache is what is stored, pages, files, images, everything, used for faster access] below you can find out how to clear cache for FireFox and Internet Explorer. Once you clear the cache the picture should be re-loaded just fine but note: everything images, others signatures and all of that will be re-loaded into cache aswell, so page may load a bit slower than normal.

also palin, its kal plz, not kalb, thxs

Heres a way to clear cache for FireFox
Tools -> Options -> Privacy Tab -> Cache Tab -> Clear Cache Now -> Ok -> Press F5 [reloads page]
Heres a way to clear cache for Internet Explorer
Tools -> Internet Options -> General Tab -> Delete Files -> Ok -> Ok -> Press F5 [reloads page]

Edit2: Besides whats above i changed the wording in original post to make it more clearer for some people
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Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
that sig would look nice with the warrior armor's blue face in the pauldron to be animated. just use adobe image ready that comes with photoshop check some animaton tuts, i can't really teach w/o looking at the program.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
To bad I lack photoshop, otherwise I would DENFINETlY add some blue smokey flames coming out of the shoulder pauldron.
Level 2
Jun 25, 2007
I havent put used a sig in a while, so i apoligize for this incredibly nooby question, but how to i put Kalbintion's sig he made for me in my sig. By the way thanks alot Kalbintion!
Level 2
Jun 25, 2007
Guys i have a question. When my friend saw all the amazing sigs you guys were making he was very impressed. He's a big mets and rangers fan and if somone could possibly make him a ranger/mets sig he would really be happy. If nobody wants to i also understand, but it would make him VERY happy. Thanks
Oh and his name is Henry if anyone would make it, if you could incorporate that into the sig that would be great
Thanks again (lol)
Level 9
Oct 22, 2006
Thanks Rath, I had a few probs with my computer and the Wc3. It doesn't fit with the description I requested but it's very nice, almost glad you didn't work exactly on the request. Can you pm me the Photoshop ver?

[Plus Reputation]

EDIT: I noticed some "too much posts by certain people", wouldn't call it spam.

EDIT#2: Could you edit the text first, looking sideways and some effect on it if possible.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Hmm well I don't have photoshop... can you convert/open it from a GIMP file?

And yes I can change the text, do you have any specifications? If not I will just make it... fancier. What exactly do you mean by "Looking sideways?"
Level 2
Jun 16, 2007
ok basically i want a woodland backround with a stream running northeast clipping part of the top left corner and a half kender(for images of kender go to the kencyclopedia for kender pics) with a somewhat dirty white robe on and a magical tower in the backround in the half-kenders right hand with his arm slightly forward holding a spellbook with his hood up yet light is still revealing his face showing that hes chanting a spell and in his left hand which is holding a fireball and his arm which is at a near 90 degree angle from his left arm and slung on his back is a staff that looks like a cross between the staff of magius and a hoopak and in a text similar to the kind used by blizzard's logo it says Norava with a sea tealish glow around it

descriptive enough? lol
Level 1
Jun 28, 2007
Hey guys i just started sig making and i have a question. On my sig i have several layers (this is on gimp). Im on the rendering part, but first i have to input an image (im doing jack sparrow) but how do i put the image in the sig? i tried dragging it but that wont work. Please help. (Also could somone give me the link to some good gimp fonts, and plz tell me how to input them?) also some help on rendering would be great lol. Thanks!
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Well let's see here.

In GIMP [which I use], I would open up the other Image file that you want on the sig, resize it to what you need, then drag a selection box around it and Copy-Paste it into the sig.

I get all my fonts at dafont. When you download the font it will be in a font format (changes for Windows/Mac), unzip the font zip file that you downloaded, then open up the Control Panel and go to settings, under the Display menu there should be a folder somewhere on the left (for XP) that says Fonts, if you Drag-an-Drop the TrueType file that you Unzipped into the font folder, you should get and "Installing Font" popup loading bar, when this is done, save your work and re-start GIMP, the next time you open it It should have the font in the font menu.

I think that about covers it. Please consider Private Messaging one of the sig makers next time you have a question, I mean I don't mind, and I don't think Herio does either, but this thread is getting a little..... posty?
Level 7
Feb 19, 2005
posty? lol, btw knuckles & norava, your sigs im still workn on, i unno how much longer

knuckles: heres your requested sig, after i spent 3 hrs deciding on a font out of my collection lol.... also this is an animated sig, gasp >.> prolly one of the few ill ever make it rotates from "GO RANGERS" TO "GO METS" and it loops

behind the icon of the team, theirs the home field of the team, rangers has a night-time view while they play a game, mets have a day-time and i didnt see no game going on. Any mods u need post in "Kalbintion's Request Thread" plz. Ty!

Norava, can u give me some base images im ahving trouble finding some, thxs


  • Sig004.gif
    67.8 KB · Views: 134
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Level 9
Apr 4, 2004
I'd like to post a request for a signature, obviously:

I'd like the size to be 390x130
I'd want this picture included. Picture.
I'd want the color theme to be blue/white as stated on the picture.
As for any text wanted to be included there's nothing really I want on it.
A border/frame would be appreciated yes.

Thanks in advance.
Level 6
Apr 21, 2007

Here you go Darkey. Use if you want or let me know if you need something changed.
Level 6
Apr 21, 2007
yeah the right hand effect is just from a tribal tattoo brush set. the left hand is a 3d tattoo of a grim reaper but i havent figured out a nice way to sign my signatures. The reaper will have to do for now.
Level 1
Jun 28, 2007
Hey zieg did you draw that? Can one of you masters teach me the ways of the sigs! Mine are bad... Help me masters...!
Level 6
Apr 21, 2007
i do have my own custom brushes that me and a buddy who does tattoos made. i dont offer them to the public, but you can go to deviantart to find other tribal brushes. herio says its fine that i help with new requests.
Level 9
Apr 4, 2004
It's nice, but think you could get the background and Grimmjow a little sharper? Looks a little too blurry to me. :)
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
my own request

hmm you know what, rath i like your stuff ecspecially since now you got some brush practicing. i always liked renders and brushes mainly. So if you would like could you do my request i made a new one.

Border just around 3 pixels but the looks of it is up to you
Pictureshttp://s44.photobucket.com/albums/f5/sixtynineeye/?action=view&current=Moonknightrender.png (be off to more one side whole image a little faded)
http://s44.photobucket.com/albums/f5/sixtynineeye/?action=view&current=Dark20Dude.png (This on other side of first render)
(Also you just got 2 get rid of names on renders, planetrenders.net great render site.)
Color scheme Mainly black, some whites a little bit of red to go with the blood.
Themegrungy "evil" looking lol
Text WIP: Twinblade Arena (make this faded like matching more of bigger picture and mainly black hopefully metallic looking text like cast iron or metal with those "dots" that are like metal spikes u see on structures(only if possible circles can b made my circle brush))
Palin_twinblade (same as other except not faded and some reds in the text to match more the smaller pic.)
AvatarMatching Avatar too plz just croped from sig where the smaller render is 100x100 and just add a 1px border plz

Hope it has enough detail =P
Level 6
Apr 21, 2007

Tried making the avatar.
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Level 6
Apr 21, 2007
i didnt make the sig, i just made the avatar and put an abstract brush behind it to make it. I would try the actual sig but i figure you wanted rath to do it.
Level 5
Jun 3, 2007
well ive only seen1 of ur pieces so I wouldn't know if i'd like your stuff or not. other forums used to requesting from one person =P kinda just stuck wit me. you could try it you like It may even be better than raths I wouldn't know!?
Level 6
Apr 21, 2007
i wasnt trying to take your light rath. i have a sig request thread on another forum and not getting anything. i just need the practice. besides i just wanted to try it. the avatar i made turned out fairly well. if he doesnt use it i will.
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