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Lordaeron's Legacy

Footman16 Presents

The First Campaign in the Tales of the Alliance
Major Update: Two versions are included, one for patch 1.31 and one for the latest Reforged patch. The reforged version is updated with improved AI, maps and overall experience.

The Setting
Set between the events of The Wrath of The Lich King and the Cataclysm, Azeroth has changed much since the Third War. Stormwind are now the primary Human Nation with all the other Seven Kingdoms either destroyed, lost or a shell of their former selves. Lordaeron is split between many factions from the ever expanding Forsaken to the noble Argent Crusade to the Scourge Remnants still clinging to their last holdings.

The Characters


Lord Candor was once a prominent Lordaeron Noble who ruled his lands sternly but fairly with an unyielding loyalty to his people and the Kingdom of Lordaeron itself. He has been biding his time and power in the Court of Stormwind waiting to launch a bid to retake his ravaged homeland.


Vanndar Stormpike is the beleagured yet dedicated Commander of the Stormpike Clan leading the offensive in the Northern Eastern Kingdoms against the Horde, They have met stiff resistance and he is running out of options.


Sylvanas Windrunner is the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken her reach is long, her power is growing and her ruthlessness is legendary. She will spare nothing from the living.

The Campaign's Features
The Campaign has 5 playable missions and 2 interludes. It isn't the longest campaign but I have tried to make it as Blizzard quality as possible. There is a working Game Cache. Lord Candor features a new skillset and the Human tech-tree has been slightly changed. There's also some custom enemy tech-trees and enemy heroes have some custom abilities to fight against.

YetAnotherYoutuber, a youtuber (surprise surprise) was kind enough to play and record my campaign fully. His commentary is humourous and insightful and shows a lot of what the campaign has to offer. The version he played is an old one so bugs will have been updated since then. I highly recommend people give his channel a watch.
Since I last updated this campaign, two more youtubers have been kind enough to give this campaign a playthrough. JayborinoPlays (Jayborino) who spurned on the most recent update has some entertaining commentary and is great fun to watch.
And also ImMike Gaming who I didn't know had played through the campaign until recently, but I'm glad I found it as his playthrough was also entertaining to watch and has given me an insight into where there could be some improvements.
I've also found a couple more youtubers who have been very kind in playing and uploading videos of their playthroughs of this campaign: Silent Viper and Palnai who are both smaller youtubers but who make Warcraft 3 content and are both well worth a watch!

Another YouTuber called WanSaweR has done a story review/breakdown of Lordaeron's Legacy for those who wish to find out the story without necessarily playing it.
A Spanish Youtuber called Nekurrot25 has release a Spanish commentary playthrough of the campaign which is linked below for those from the spanish speaking community.

The first video in each of the youtubers' series is linked in the hidden tag below:


Mr. Goblin
Uljimasa Hojo
  • If I have missed anyone please inform me and I will rectify it asap!

Reforged Version
  • All Cinematics now skippable
  • New Forsaken tech-tree closer to Lordaeron's Destiny
  • New spells for Lord Candor
  • New spells for enemy Heroes
  • Mission 2 and the Interlude re-terrained
  • New AI for most enemies
  • Revamp of Mission 3's defence, including a new Ogre base
  • Bug fixes and improved cinematics
  • New music during missions


Lordaeron's Legacy (Campaign)

Lordaeron's Legacy Reforged (Campaign)

Actually had time to start it. First off I LOVE the Cata touches of the storylines. Twilights / Dragonmaw/ Ogres. GOOD! Ok terrain is good. Pretty damn GOOD secondly story actually seemed decent now that I did more then browse the final level...
I have just finished the campaign and I liked it even though it was short an a bit fast-paced but the story is extraordinary The only thing I didn't like was the terrain I think its very normal and nothing special just like a normal Warcraft campaign...
chap1: -there's a purple coloured Mountauneer to the left of Modi -Spearmen and Brigands look alike -night elves in the Twilight Hammer? -increasing the damage of allied troops doesn't mean base melee damage as the Noble Aura description says for the...
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I gave this campaign a try, but genuinely can't finish it. I've suffered through a lot of insane unit spam type maps, but the Ogre holdout is truly bizarre. I'm not sure if it's been updated since getting feedback about it, or if there is some hidden Hard difficulty setting I have set, but it's basically impossible to survive the Ogre attack wave on my base and the spawned garbage from the cave that attack at the same time at the second attack wave. It's like 40+ enemy Ogres barreling down on me before I can make a single thing. The player's base is not set up initially so they can't even make units.

Map 2 had a similar problem, though I had the endurance to plow through it even though the enemy has a severe tech advantage with their magic immune Dreadguards that attack every few minutes with basically no reprieve, while you're stuck on +1 Footmen.

Perhaps this is a really uncharitable interpretation, but it seem to me that you got some feedback that the holdout was not hard enough so you arbitrarily added units to the attack wave scripts, didn't test it, and fired the updated version off. I can't make a series of this and that's the first time I've had to make that decision since I began making videos. If the issue is on my end, please let me know as I'd like to continue! Is it possible that playing on a higher patch level (1.31) breaks the AI scripts in some way?
I gave this campaign a try, but genuinely can't finish it. I've suffered through a lot of insane unit spam type maps, but the Ogre holdout is truly bizarre. I'm not sure if it's been updated since getting feedback about it, or if there is some hidden Hard difficulty setting I have set, but it's basically impossible to survive the Ogre attack wave on my base and the spawned garbage from the cave that attack at the same time at the second attack wave. It's like 40+ enemy Ogres barreling down on me before I can make a single thing. The player's base is not set up initially so they can't even make units.

Map 2 had a similar problem, though I had the endurance to plow through it even though the enemy has a severe tech advantage with their magic immune Dreadguards that attack every few minutes with basically no reprieve, while you're stuck on +1 Footmen.

Perhaps this is a really uncharitable interpretation, but it seem to me that you got some feedback that the holdout was not hard enough so you arbitrarily added units to the attack wave scripts, didn't test it, and fired the updated version off. I can't make a series of this and that's the first time I've had to make that decision since I began making videos. If the issue is on my end, please let me know as I'd like to continue! Is it possible that playing on a higher patch level (1.31) breaks the AI scripts in some way?
So the campaign in general is intended to be hard however I dont think I've had anyone have an issue with the difficulty in mission 2.

The Ogre mission however was definitely hard to tinker with the difficult and has had the attack waves edited multiple times. That said it is definitely do able as I have played through the campaign multiple times as have other people who have videos on YouTube of them doing so. Therefore I'm not really sure what to suggest in this case. When I reforged the campaign I edited the missions a lot to make the difficulty (especially in the ogre mission) a lot more of a gradient however obviously that doesn't affect this version. You see one of the problems with the Ogre mission was youd reach a point where you would stabilise and it would become a waiting game.

I'm sorry to hear you're having such difficulty with it when you've been able to beat things like the legend of Arkain :/

As for the patch thing I've not a clue, I can't remember what the last patch was when I updated this. However, at some point I may revert my editor and update this classic version.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I'll try again, I suppose I was taken aback by the timings of the attacks. I found another playthrough where the attacks were offset and different than what I'm seeing, but I can try a few more times. I didn't say map 2 was too hard, but I did comment on the difficulty in that it's balanced in a way where the enemy attacks at insufferably short time intervals with enormous groups that outtech you with magic immune units. Challenge is not about reducing attack timing cycles and adding more crap to the waves, then copy/pasting said waves, in my opinion. More diversity with how the enemy attacks you and a ramp up period would help immensely, especially when there's so much to explore, and It actively disincentivizes the player from bothering to look for anything when the only thing that would end the torment is completing the main objective. Map 3 shares this pain where the attacks do not change in any way, it goes from 0 to 100 insanity and seemingly if the player survives wave 2 then that's the hardest it gets. I see you mention adding a gradient in the Reforged version :) It's true that I have beaten many difficult things and perhaps my patience gets thinner as I become an old curmudgeon.
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I'll try again, I suppose I was taken aback by the timings of the attacks. I found another playthrough where the attacks were offset and different than what I'm seeing, but I can try a few more times. I didn't say map 2 was too hard, but I did comment on the difficulty in that it's balanced in a way where the enemy attacks at insufferably short time intervals with enormous groups that outtech you with magic immune units. Challenge is not about reducing attack timing cycles and adding more crap to the waves, then copy/pasting said waves, in my opinion. More diversity with how the enemy attacks you and a ramp up period would help immensely, especially when there's so much to explore, and It actively disincentivizes the player from bothering to look for anything when the only thing that would end the torment is completing the main objective. Map 3 shares this pain where the attacks do not change in any way, it goes from 0 to 100 insanity and seemingly if the player survives wave 2 then that's the hardest it gets. I see you mention adding a gradient in the Reforged version :) It's true that I have beaten many difficult things and perhaps my patience gets thinner as I become an old curmudgeon.
Hmm that is strange, tbf I may be misremembering some things about this version as I worked on this campaign a bit more after Reforged and updated it a lot including the AI and attacks which I never updated here since Reforged campaigns aren't backwards compatible so this version here is probably quite old by now. So you're probably right that whatever version this is that's still here is overly tough. Also it's kind of funny cos I always thought the time between attack waves was quite long in map 2 but like I said maybe this in this version they were quite rapid.

As for mission 3 the attacks do ramp up quite quickly and like I said it's something that has been changed a lot in more recent versions. So one thing I'd recommend is that if you wait a little bit I intend to roll back my WE copy over as many of the Reforged updates to the classic version including things like the improved AI and then once it's updated you could try it again. The Reforged version also changes the layout of map 2 quite a bit so it might be worth it. On the other hand I don't know how long that would take so if you don't want to wait I guess you'll just need to suffer :p

As for the challenge, that was kind of the whole idea of the cave attacks to distract and split your attention since defending a single angle is too easy. In the Reforged version the ogres attack from 3 directions but are maybe a bit easier in terms of actual wave strength.
Level 16
Feb 2, 2009
This campaign is amazing, from start to finish. I absolutely loved how necessary microing your units was from the beginning. The setting is fantastic, the focus on Lordaeron after its fall under forsaken occupation felt very realistic in light of how the forsaken would function. The diversity of enemies from the twilight cult to the forsaken and beyond just lend itself more to the experience of exploring a land with understated elements creeping out from under the woodworks.

Overall a truly wonderful experience and I am looking forward to the remaster!
I've been thinking, why not Havenshire or New Avalon since Tyr's Hand was reclaimed by the Argent Crusade in Cataclysm
They're a bit far away. Lordaeron's Destiny is 3 maps away from being finished, so once it is, you'll be able to see how the story ends and where all the characters end up :)
Level 1
Jun 7, 2021
I gave this campaign a try, but genuinely can't finish it. I've suffered through a lot of insane unit spam type maps, but the Ogre holdout is truly bizarre. I'm not sure if it's been updated since getting feedback about it, or if there is some hidden Hard difficulty setting I have set, but it's basically impossible to survive the Ogre attack wave on my base and the spawned garbage from the cave that attack at the same time at the second attack wave. It's like 40+ enemy Ogres barreling down on me before I can make a single thing. The player's base is not set up initially so they can't even make units.

Map 2 had a similar problem, though I had the endurance to plow through it even though the enemy has a severe tech advantage with their magic immune Dreadguards that attack every few minutes with basically no reprieve, while you're stuck on +1 Footmen.

Perhaps this is a really uncharitable interpretation, but it seem to me that you got some feedback that the holdout was not hard enough so you arbitrarily added units to the attack wave scripts, didn't test it, and fired the updated version off. I can't make a series of this and that's the first time I've had to make that decision since I began making videos. If the issue is on my end, please let me know as I'd like to continue! Is it possible that playing on a higher patch level (1.31) breaks the AI scripts in some way?
On which patch do you play on? I have tried this campaign on 1.31 and it was very difficult for me on the second mission. Then I saw a playthrough on an older patch on youtube and the attack waves are far easier on that patch. So I have tried on 1.26 patch, and it was far easier, the attack waves are the same as on the youtube playthrough (but even on this last mission seems like hell for me). I think there is a patch problem right now with this.
Level 4
Jul 13, 2017
On which patch do you play on? I have tried this campaign on 1.31 and it was very difficult for me on the second mission. Then I saw a playthrough on an older patch on youtube and the attack waves are far easier on that patch. So I have tried on 1.26 patch, and it was far easier, the attack waves are the same as on the youtube playthrough (but even on this last mission seems like hell for me). I think there is a patch problem right now with this.
I played on 1.30.1 and it was not that hard once you know the strategy.

What I did was quickly accelerate the construction of the TH and then train 5 peasants for gold, 6 for lumber and 2 for repairs and tower building.

Immediately blockade the cave with guard towers, about 12-16 is enough to defend that side, but 8-12 is enough for the first attack. Focus on completing that task first. The rest of your army can hold on to the main ogre wave. And then leave the 2 peasants to autorepair the towers on the cave side. Now you should have easy time to focus on upgrading and training units, while you build more towers for the main ogre attack.

Towers are the most cost-effective defense units in these situations. They are cheap and stronger at zonal defending compared to mobile units.
Level 4
Jul 13, 2017
Fun and promising campaign but it has many weak points. Though this hasn't been updated since 2017 so I doubt my review is useful but here goes..
Before that, I am playing on version 1.30.1, so maybe that has an effect on the gameplay.

Here are some about each maps:
1st and 2nd map is okay. I feel like the author really put into good work on these maps. It can be even better.
3rd map design is too simple and bland. And the ogre's base is basically unconquerable because the structures are invulnerable. The ogre's hero is also passive, not joining the attack wave. Literally played no part at all in the map. This map is basically just defending from Ogre attacks, but the story from here becomes dull.
4th map is okay I guess, but I think the map is a little plain. Also, the AI of your ally is poor. Literally useless, their attack party consists of like 4 footmen and 2 priests. Sometimes, 3 footmen, 2 priests, and 2 spearthrowers. They also rarely attack. Maybe 5 footmen, 5 riflemen, 3 priests and 1 mortar team would be better.
5th map is okay for its mission but it is similar to 4th map so quite plain too. The attack waves are literally spawned, not trained. This is totally bad in my opinion. Even if all enemy bases are destroyed, an attack wave just spawns out of the air in their base.

Try to improve the unit's progression. Add a variety of newer types of units so it feels like you're playing something new. The only custom unit was the spearthrower it has a really bad skill upgrade, a defend(like the footman) skill that is useless throughout the campaign.

Add more types of upgrades and skills. Lord Candor is the only unit that has custom skills, and in my opinion, they're all good except his lvl6, which is practically useless. Sorry. It was only worth learning it at lvl10, +20 armor for 30 seconds isn't appealing for an lvl6.

Quests in general including side quests are good! Job well done on that part.
The story is promising in the beginning but became dull from chapter 3 onwards. There are only few playable maps so it's quite unclear how you can make the story better. You need more maps with more missions and improve the story to be more unique. A lord that tries to become king isn't that unique and creative to me.

Cinematics are good but on the 4th and 5th map it is quite disappointing. It feels rushed and without any other points apart from talking about the next forsaken attack.
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Fun and promising campaign but it has many weak points. Though this hasn't been updated since 2017 so I doubt my review is useful but here goes..
Before that, I am playing on version 1.30.1, so maybe that has an effect on the gameplay.
So I did work on the campaign more before RF. However after RF came out, I worked on it and saved it it was stuck in 1.32 version and since RF has no CCs I see no point in uploading the RF version atm. Although I might see about getting the latest version working with the Quenching mod. So yeah the current version on this site is quite old by now and has a lot of bugs that were fixed.
Here are some about each maps:
1st and 2nd map is okay. I feel like the author really put into good work on these maps. It can be even better.
3rd map design is too simple and bland. And the ogre's base is basically unconquerable because the structures are invulnerable. The ogre's hero is also passive, not joining the attack wave. Literally played no part at all in the map. This map is basically just defending from Ogre attacks, but the story from here becomes dull.
The Ogre base is not intended to be attacked as this is a defence mission after all :p
Also the issue of the Hero not attacking was fixed for the latest version :) I'm sad you found it simple and bland, I do agree it is simple but I wouldn't describe it as bland personally I thought it was quite exciting with a different defence objective than most defence maps. I also find it sad you find that the story becomes dull from this point considering the interlude that comes immediately after lol.
4th map is okay I guess, but I think the map is a little plain. Also, the AI of your ally is poor. Literally useless, their attack party consists of like 4 footmen and 2 priests. Sometimes, 3 footmen, 2 priests, and 2 spearthrowers. They also rarely attack. Maybe 5 footmen, 5 riflemen, 3 priests and 1 mortar team would be better.
Yeah Mission 4 is maybe a bit big in terms of map size for the amount to do. As for the effectiveness of your ally, they're not meant to be powerful; they're more useful than the allied players you get in the Blizzard campaigns but yes your AI ally won't be able to win on its own otherwise you the player would be redundant although they can help out :)
5th map is okay for its mission but it is similar to 4th map so quite plain too. The attack waves are literally spawned, not trained. This is totally bad in my opinion. Even if all enemy bases are destroyed, an attack wave just spawns out of the air in their base.
The spawning attack waves was changed for the latest version. Also you really shouldn't be able to destroy the enemy bases without cheats which makes me think you've used cheats to play through this?
Try to improve the unit's progression. Add a variety of newer types of units so it feels like you're playing something new. The only custom unit was the spearthrower it has a really bad skill upgrade, a defend(like the footman) skill that is useless throughout the campaign.
It's funny you mention this since one of the key things I wanted to do with this campaign was leave the Human tech-tree as unchanged as possible lol. I can appreciate that people like to explore new tech-trees and the sequel campaign does feature a very different tech-tree but for this one I like the vanilla, familiar tech-tree.
Add more types of upgrades and skills. Lord Candor is the only unit that has custom skills, and in my opinion, they're all good except his lvl6, which is practically useless. Sorry. It was only worth learning it at lvl10, +20 armor for 30 seconds isn't appealing for an lvl6.
Fair enough, you are right that Candor is probably not the most exciting Hero to use I agree.
Quests in general including side quests are good! Job well done on that part.
The story is promising in the beginning but became dull from chapter 3 onwards. There are only few playable maps so it's quite unclear how you can make the story better. You need more maps with more missions and improve the story to be more unique. A lord that tries to become king isn't that unique and creative to me.

Cinematics are good but on the 4th and 5th map it is quite disappointing. It feels rushed and without any other points apart from talking about the next forsaken attack.
I'm not sure what you want from the story tbh, it is a short story and that was intended but I don't think it's particularly boring, although you are correct that it is simple. Then again even simple stories can be entertaining; if the story wasn't your cup of tea that's fine I wouldn't expect everyone to like it.

Overall I'm glad you enjoyed it in spite of the criticisms and the Reforged version of the campaign is probably a lot better in some regards so hopefully one day I'll be able to upload that. I also tried to see about updating the Classic version but there were issues of applying the Reforged changes to the old version so that's on hold whilst I work on the sequel to this campaign which is much longer and hopefully more exciting!
Level 4
Jul 13, 2017
So I did work on the campaign more before RF. However after RF came out, I worked on it and saved it it was stuck in 1.32 version and since RF has no CCs I see no point in uploading the RF version atm. Although I might see about getting the latest version working with the Quenching mod. So yeah the current version on this site is quite old by now and has a lot of bugs that were fixed.

The Ogre base is not intended to be attacked as this is a defence mission after all :p
Also the issue of the Hero not attacking was fixed for the latest version :) I'm sad you found it simple and bland, I do agree it is simple but I wouldn't describe it as bland personally I thought it was quite exciting with a different defence objective than most defence maps. I also find it sad you find that the story becomes dull from this point considering the interlude that comes immediately after lol.

Yeah Mission 4 is maybe a bit big in terms of map size for the amount to do. As for the effectiveness of your ally, they're not meant to be powerful; they're more useful than the allied players you get in the Blizzard campaigns but yes your AI ally won't be able to win on its own otherwise you the player would be redundant although they can help out :)

The spawning attack waves was changed for the latest version. Also you really shouldn't be able to destroy the enemy bases without cheats which makes me think you've used cheats to play through this?

It's funny you mention this since one of the key things I wanted to do with this campaign was leave the Human tech-tree as unchanged as possible lol. I can appreciate that people like to explore new tech-trees and the sequel campaign does feature a very different tech-tree but for this one I like the vanilla, familiar tech-tree.

Fair enough, you are right that Candor is probably not the most exciting Hero to use I agree.

I'm not sure what you want from the story tbh, it is a short story and that was intended but I don't think it's particularly boring, although you are correct that it is simple. Then again even simple stories can be entertaining; if the story wasn't your cup of tea that's fine I wouldn't expect everyone to like it.

Overall I'm glad you enjoyed it in spite of the criticisms and the Reforged version of the campaign is probably a lot better in some regards so hopefully one day I'll be able to upload that. I also tried to see about updating the Classic version but there were issues of applying the Reforged changes to the old version so that's on hold whilst I work on the sequel to this campaign which is much longer and hopefully more exciting!
Thank you for your reply. Reading back my comments, I kinda feel it was rather rude😅. Sorry bout that. I didn't mean it. Should've put some smileys in there. I hope you don't take this offensively. cheers..

Anyway, I played this campaign twice, first without cheats and then with cheats just to get a better review of the campaign.
So uhh, here's some suggestion:

Spearthrowers defend skill change to envenomed spears to replicate the bandit unit.
Lord Candor lvl6 change to resurrection or AOE armor increase, something fit for his position.
Improve the ending a bit, like instead of suddenly declaring himself king (arrogant) without consultation.. make himself virtuous, or maybe just declaring himself the protector of the land.
Map3 can be improved. Maybe add a sidequest that will block the passage of the other ogre attack (from cave).
Map4 is actually good. Just improve the AI a bit. Add a bit of doodad and cluttering to the map.
Map5 is good. Maybe give the player a chance to eradicate one undead base as a challenge to stop the attack wave it. Increase food limit too.
And maybe at least 7-8 playable maps. The story is promising and fun. Could have made it better with more playable maps.
Finally, the cinematics could add a few interesting points/story, like Lord Candors background and his reasoning for his endeavors.
Thank you for your reply. Reading back my comments, I kinda feel it was rather rude😅. Sorry bout that. I didn't mean it. Should've put some smileys in there. I hope you don't take this offensively. cheers..

Anyway, I played this campaign twice, first without cheats and then with cheats just to get a better review of the campaign.
So uhh, here's some suggestion:

Spearthrowers defend skill change to envenomed spears to replicate the bandit unit.
Lord Candor lvl6 change to resurrection or AOE armor increase, something fit for his position.
Improve the ending a bit, like instead of suddenly declaring himself king (arrogant) without consultation.. make himself virtuous, or maybe just declaring himself the protector of the land.
Map3 can be improved. Maybe add a sidequest that will block the passage of the other ogre attack (from cave).
Map4 is actually good. Just improve the AI a bit. Add a bit of doodad and cluttering to the map.
Map5 is good. Maybe give the player a chance to eradicate one undead base as a challenge to stop the attack wave it. Increase food limit too.
And maybe at least 7-8 playable maps. The story is promising and fun. Could have made it better with more playable maps.
Finally, the cinematics could add a few interesting points/story, like Lord Candors background and his reasoning for his endeavors.
Nah I didn't read it as rude at all, it was all constructive feedback which is perfectly alright in my book :)

As for the suggestions, I'm not really sure how many of them I'll implement tbh as some of them just aren't what I was intending for the campaign thanks.
Level 2
Dec 17, 2021
I like everything except chapter 5. I think you went too far, I watched other gamers playing in on youtube and all I could see is how to lose this chapter even with often save&load. I would like to know what is the total army cap of the enemy? is it 300, 400? You should do something to ease up a little, increase army cap and/pr grant all upgrades to max from the start. Please someone share how to beat this chapter without cheating.
I like everything except chapter 5. I think you went too far, I watched other gamers playing in on youtube and all I could see is how to lose this chapter even with often save&load. I would like to know what is the total army cap of the enemy? is it 300, 400? You should do something to ease up a little, increase army cap and/pr grant all upgrades to max from the start. Please someone share how to beat this chapter without cheating.
Build Cannon Towers, the enemy don't use much air IIRC :)



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
It's a nice classic Blizzard style campaign, rather high quality one. Terrain is also quite pleasant to the eye. Well, I don't have much to say besides that it's well made and I enjoyed playing it, so here are a few thoughts about gameplay.

Chapter 1
1) Candor's 2 skill is tricky. 20% for 40 damage block is, in a sense, mostly wasted - most enemies don't deal that much damage per hit, and Candor has pretty high armor so he's quite tanky even without that damage block. Also tooltip says it can't lower damage below 3 points, but it actually can. So it's essentialy just Demon Hunter's Evasion with 10% lower chance. And when it does proc, there isn't really much benefit, as it allows to mitigate like 10 damage at best (meaning, that's the damage that Candor would receive without the proc, after his armor's reduction). Candor and Vanndar had roughly the same survivability. Increasing the chance of proc (possibly even making it guaranteed) with lower damage block could be more useful. So basically mountain giant's hardened skin.
2) Candor's 4 skill is basically just a buffed mountain giant's taunt, which is ok, but rather boring.
3) Sasquatches near second murlocs group have too long aggro range - they attack as soon as you just get close to those murlocs.
4) After killing Firelord the rest of the mission got permanently slowed, as during his death animation. Even save-loading after that doesn't fix the slow.
Chapter 2
5) Side quests are meant to empower player to make it easier to complete the main quest, but simply doing the main quest first is easier than doing the side quests while defending from waves sent by the main base.
Chapter 3
6) Why are the guard towers at the entrance to ogre base are invulnerable? Ogre hero even drops talisman of evasion, so presumably the should be an option for the player to destroy the enemy base or at least lure out and kill enemy hero. Yet those invulnerable towers...
Chapter 4
7) Better to keep heroes bound to the same hotkeys, that is for 3 chapters Candor's hotkey was F1, and now suddenly it's F2 - rather disorienting. Especially since it's F1 again in chapter 5. Though it's probably just a bug.
Chapter 5
8) Way overtuned enemy waves. No way to beat it without abusing mechanical critters, unless you have 4 hands (had thousands of resources and no time to meaningfuly spend them). Perhaps it wouldn't be so hard if enemy didn't have disease cloud, so priests could actually heal someone instead of wasting their mana. Or if dreadguards weren't magic immune.
It's a nice classic Blizzard style campaign, rather high quality one. Terrain is also quite pleasant to the eye. Well, I don't have much to say besides that it's well made and I enjoyed playing it, so here are a few thoughts about gameplay.

Chapter 1
1) Candor's 2 skill is tricky. 20% for 40 damage block is, in a sense, mostly wasted - most enemies don't deal that much damage per hit, and Candor has pretty high armor so he's quite tanky even without that damage block. Also tooltip says it can't lower damage below 3 points, but it actually can. So it's essentialy just Demon Hunter's Evasion with 10% lower chance. And when it does proc, there isn't really much benefit, as it allows to mitigate like 10 damage at best (meaning, that's the damage that Candor would receive without the proc, after his armor's reduction). Candor and Vanndar had roughly the same survivability. Increasing the chance of proc (possibly even making it guaranteed) with lower damage block could be more useful. So basically mountain giant's hardened skin.
2) Candor's 4 skill is basically just a buffed mountain giant's taunt, which is ok, but rather boring.
3) Sasquatches near second murlocs group have too long aggro range - they attack as soon as you just get close to those murlocs.
4) After killing Firelord the rest of the mission got permanently slowed, as during his death animation. Even save-loading after that doesn't fix the slow.
Chapter 2
5) Side quests are meant to empower player to make it easier to complete the main quest, but simply doing the main quest first is easier than doing the side quests while defending from waves sent by the main base.
Chapter 3
6) Why are the guard towers at the entrance to ogre base are invulnerable? Ogre hero even drops talisman of evasion, so presumably the should be an option for the player to destroy the enemy base or at least lure out and kill enemy hero. Yet those invulnerable towers...
Chapter 4
7) Better to keep heroes bound to the same hotkeys, that is for 3 chapters Candor's hotkey was F1, and now suddenly it's F2 - rather disorienting. Especially since it's F1 again in chapter 5. Though it's probably just a bug.
Chapter 5
8) Way overtuned enemy waves. No way to beat it without abusing mechanical critters, unless you have 4 hands (had thousands of resources and no time to meaningfuly spend them). Perhaps it wouldn't be so hard if enemy didn't have disease cloud, so priests could actually heal someone instead of wasting their mana. Or if dreadguards weren't magic immune.
Thank you for the very high praise and rating, I appreciate it especially on this first and much older campaign. Looking at it again it definitely has some things that need improving.

I've changed Candor's Armour now to do as you say it now just reduces all attack damage by a fixed amount. His ultimate has also been changed to summoning a Lordaeron flag which bestows various auras. I'll see about porting these ability changes over to Lordaeron's Destiny.

The sasquatches have been adjusted.

As for the Firelord bug that's a new one:
Looking at the trigger I'm not sure what caused that.

The side quests are mostly there for flavour and bonuses that will either make that mission or future missions easier. It will always be faster to just do the main quest but isn't that the point of them being side quests? :p

The Ogre Warchief is supposed to join in on the attack waves but clearly he isn't. Looking at the AI it would appear I made it using the AI editor which is... tragic. I might need to re-write the AI completely using JASS.

I've adjusted it so hopefully Candor should still be F1, it relates to whichever hero the player gets control of first, since Vanndar is already on the map and Candor gets created from the game cache he comes "second". Should be fixed now.

I've been able to beat the last chapter myself when testing. I might need to replay it again and check. The trick is building cannon towers since the Forsaken have no air. I might have to update the Forsaken tech-tree in this campaign since it's a bit shit to closer align with Lordaeron's Destiny.

Thanks for all the feedback!



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
As for the Firelord bug that's a new one:
Well, I'm not familiar with editor beyond fixing text in tooltips, so no idea what any of that means.
Also, I forgot to mention originally that I played on 1.27b. And now you changed the required version to 1.31, which I presume was unintentional?
Anyway, I replayed it now on 1.31 and everything was fine this time. Maybe just a random bug?

The side quests are mostly there for flavour and bonuses that will either make that mission or future missions easier. It will always be faster to just do the main quest but isn't that the point of them being side quests? :p
It depends, so to say. On one hand, yes - side quests can be there just for the sake of their own, like extra content to enjoy. On the other hand, they can also be there to impact current and future missions. If you look at the original campaigns, you can notice that all (well, maybe not all - can't remember them all from get go, but at least most of them) side quests can be done "along" with the main quest. Meaning, it's easier (or at least not harder) to do side quests and then do main ones, often even being able to complete them while doing the main quest. For example, in Terror of the Tides, chapter 2 - you complete side quest without digressing from the main quest (probably even while simply exploring the map), and the reward is already useful in current chapter. So completing side quests first can help to complete current mission. Of course, it doesn't always have to be this way, especially considering that it depends on map design.

The trick is building cannon towers since the Forsaken have no air.
Yeah, maybe my original comment sounds too categoric. It's just that I personally rarely have troubles with completing hard campaigns without "abusing" AI, though I never was that good at microing a lot of stuff, and this mission looks like it needs that more than some clever tactic.
Anyway, my biggest problem is meat wagons, both due to killing my priests and spreading disease cloud. And cannon towers would face the same problem - meat wagons wreck them. So that would require something like a bunch of knights preliminarily destroing them, which also would need to be done on 3 sides. And that is a lot of microing.



Level 4
Jul 29, 2023
Lordaeron's Legacy (4/5)

  • Gameplay
  • Language, Dialogue
  • Atmosphere
  • Easter eggs
  • Story

  • Spell hotkeys
  • No voice acting

Played on reforged

Hope to see some AI generated voice acting in campaigns given how easy it is to make.
Lordaeron's Legacy (4/5)

  • Gameplay
  • Language, Dialogue
  • Atmosphere
  • Easter eggs
  • Story

  • Spell hotkeys
  • No voice acting

Played on reforged

Hope to see some AI generated voice acting in campaigns given how easy it is to make.
Thanks for the review, voice acting may be added at some point. AI generated voice acting is present in the sequel however it is not fit for certain uses/purposes.
Level 4
Mar 15, 2021
Making something EXTREMELY HARD does not make it FUN.

With the exception of the first level in this campaign, you will do better to just build towers and upgrade them, there no other real choice if you want to complete it, which makes this campaign extremely boring, and, if it wasn't for the AI just deciding to completely stop attacking you, it would make this campaign be impossible, I am not surprised Jayborino didn't play this campaign.

The easter egg of the third level is nice I guess.

Errors I found: The secret Grom of the second level is easy to defeat, because its illusions do not share team color. (and they also give gold when defeated)
The armored ogres of the third level are classified as Tauren, which makes no sense.

Editing the videos I recorded from this campaign will be a real pain, i really hope Lordaeron's Destiny isn't more of the same.
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Making something EXTREMELY HARD does not make it FUN.

With the exception of the first level in this campaign, you will do better to just build towers and upgrade them, there no other real choice if you want to complete it, which makes this campaign extremely boring, and, if it wasn't for the AI just deciding to completely stop attacking you, it would make this campaign be impossible,
I'd say only the last mission is extremely hard, maybe you just need to improve your micro etc a little?
I am not surprised Jayborino didn't play this campaign.
What a strange and needlessly insulting thing to say.
Level 4
Mar 15, 2021
I'd say only the last mission is extremely hard, maybe you just need to improve your micro etc a little?

What a strange and needlessly insulting thing to say.
I am genuinely sorry if you found that has an insult, I did not mean it that way, but it's my fault for not specifying what I meant, and using Jayborino name, I meant that the difficulty of some the missions, especially the ogre one, makes that this campaign will only be finished by very few people that manage to find the determination to complete it, as is very demoralizing to have your towers be decimated by an Ogre Lords shocwave.

The last mission I found one the easiest, compared to the third and the second.
Level 11
Jul 29, 2014
I am genuinely sorry if you found that has an insult, I did not mean it that way, but it's my fault for not specifying what I meant, and using Jayborino name, I meant that the difficulty of some the missions, especially the ogre one, makes that this campaign will only be finished by very few people that manage to find the determination to complete it, as is very demoralizing to have your towers be decimated by an Ogre Lords shocwave.

The last mission I found one the easiest, compared to the third and the second.
I agree. I have been having trouble with third mission as well. As a matter of fact, I'm stucked at third mission when the massive amount of ogres charge at my troops. I don't remember the mission correctly, since I've played it last year and I couldn't play due to the busy lifestyle I live, but the mission is very hard at the highest difficulty.
Level 4
Mar 15, 2021
I agree. I have been having trouble with third mission as well. As a matter of fact, I'm stucked at third mission when the massive amount of ogres charge at my troops. I don't remember the mission correctly, since I've played it last year and I couldn't play due to the busy lifestyle I live, but the mission is very hard at the highest difficulty.
I get you, but to complete the mission you just have to spam towers and the moment you see an Ogre Lord, you must FOCUS IT without mercy, also if necessary use the peasants working in the gold mine to repair to towers near your base, and lastly block the cave path with towers and always have at least 2 peasants there to repair the towers you have there.
Yeah the first mission whilst very polished makes terrible use of the map space.

The second missions layout could use a bit of a shakeup to make it more straightforward but also less cluttered without sacrificing the branching paths.

The Ogre mission is perfect map layout wise the difficulty is in making the difficulty consistent. It would either be too difficult at the start only to drop off. Part of the issue is the limited ogre techtree.

The interlude is a bit shit so it was massively improved terrain and action wise.

The last two missions are a bit tougher to improve.
Level 4
Mar 15, 2021
Yeah the first mission whilst very polished makes terrible use of the map space.

The second missions layout could use a bit of a shakeup to make it more straightforward but also less cluttered without sacrificing the branching paths.

The Ogre mission is perfect map layout wise the difficulty is in making the difficulty consistent. It would either be too difficult at the start only to drop off. Part of the issue is the limited ogre techtree.

The interlude is a bit shit so it was massively improved terrain and action wise.

The last two missions are a bit tougher to improve.
Talking about the Ogre mission, they stopped attacking at all when their hero died, the hero also never came back.
Talking about the Ogre mission, they stopped attacking at all when their hero died, the hero also never came back.
I cant quite pin it down but I think AI can act quite differently depending upon game version when this campaign went from 1.27 to 1.31 the level 2 forsaken started attacking like crazy rather than the sporadic attacks.
Level 4
Mar 15, 2021
I cant quite pin it down but I think AI can act quite differently depending upon game version when this campaign went from 1.27 to 1.31 the level 2 forsaken started attacking like crazy rather than the sporadic attacks.
Yeah, they attack with all they have constantly until they run out of resources and units.
Level 2
Sep 27, 2021
Me playing this:

Banner of Lordaeron heals the Ogres in Mission 3.

Armored Ogres and normal Ogre units have no real difference (both have heavy armour, etc.), making the upgraded units redundant other than just adding more damage sponges. Non-visually armoured ogres should have Light/No armour to make unit variety more viable other than just spamming mortars and riflemen.

Mission 4/all the Forsaken tech/the Shrine is busted and causes massive graphical errors.

(war3 ver: 1.36)
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Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
Chapter 3 is completely unbalanced. I'm not sure what happened, maybe the Ogre spawning is bugged. I get attacked by legions of Ogres every wave. My hero is by no means underleveled or weak. I have the strongest of items available in the chapters, I made sure of not missing anything. Maybe if I restart to a previous check point this issue wouldn't occur, but I'd rather just use the cheat at this point.

You see that? it's ridiculous


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Chapter 3 is completely unbalanced. I'm not sure what happened, maybe the Ogre spawning is bugged. I get attacked by legions of Ogres every wave. My hero is by no means underleveled or weak. I have the strongest of items available in the chapters, I made sure of not missing anything. Maybe if I restart to a previous check point this issue wouldn't occur, but I'd rather just use the cheat at this point.

You see that? it's ridiculous
Low level Ogres are generally pretty weak, even Mauler's are about the same as an upgraded grunt. Mass towers is a good way to go.

Other people have managed to complete the mission without issue, however looking back a more complete Ogre tech-tree would probably provide a more interesting level of difficulty.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I once again gave this one a shot seeing it was updated and am playing on 1.31.1. On mission 2, I poke out of my base to the first expansion very early and not long after I'm attacked by a very large enemy wave. Like 15+ units in attack wave #1, probably 7-8 Dreadguards, 2 Aboms, Banshees, Archers, and 2 Catapults.

Is this intentional? If it is, that's fine and please correct me. It just didn't seem right, almost like the Purple base defensive force came from across the map in response to me attacking Green, I'm not sure. I'm determined to showcase this and your second campaign eventually, but I'm scared as I try this one out LOL

I will say I've experienced wonky AI emptying their base to come kill me straight away specifically on 1.31 in other projects, but if this was made in 1.31 I'm not sure if it will work in 1.30 either. I can give it a shot and report back on if the same thing happens or not.
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I once again gave this one a shot seeing it was updated and am playing on 1.31.1. On mission 2, I poke out of my base to the first expansion very early and not long after I'm attacked by a very large enemy wave. Like 15+ units in attack wave #1, probably 7-8 Dreadguards, 2 Aboms, Banshees, Archers, and 2 Catapults.

Is this intentional? If it is, that's fine and please correct me. It just didn't seem right, almost like the Purple base defensive force came from across the map in response to me attacking Green, I'm not sure. I'm determined to showcase this and your second campaign eventually, but I'm scared as I try this one out LOL

I will say I've experienced wonky AI emptying their base to come kill me straight away specifically on 1.31 in other projects, but if this was made in 1.31 I'm not sure if it will work in 1.30 either. I can give it a shot and report back on if the same thing happens or not.
Yeah I believe patches have caused weird issues with the AIs, the 2nd campaign was made in 1.31 so should be fine but this one will probably need updated.

I did actually have updates for this campaign in the works but never got around to finishing them.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Yeah I believe patches have caused weird issues with the AIs, the 2nd campaign was made in 1.31 so should be fine but this one will probably need updated.

I did actually have updates for this campaign in the works but never got around to finishing them.
Ah ok, in that case I'm getting more confident it is a 1.31 issue! I saw above that the recommended version is 1.31, but I suspect running in 1.30 would not have the same issue be reproduced. I'll experiment a bit and try to get this one back on the docket sometime along with Lordaeron's Destiny.

EDIT: I see a few posts above pointing out the difficulty of the Ogres coming from caves, which are spawned and wouldn't be a 1.31.1 issue. I think those Ogres were what I posted about way back when also.
Yeah... I really should've updated this campaign ages ago to account for some of the issues introduced by patches and to generally improve the overall quality, like I said it's in the works as the version currently on the Hive is quite shit imo. The Interlude for example was drastically better in the HD version.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
No worries man, I see really good things about Lordaeron's Destiny. I know what it's like when you've moved on/evolved to something new, there's little reason to go back and look at your "starter" project as it were. Plus I see you were working on a Reforged version and lost your progress, which was surely demotivating. I probably ended up here since it's the first in a series rather than just starting with Destiny.
Yeah if people are able to enjoy them I'm not going to stop them. You might have given me the impetus to go back and actually finish the updates I was working on. It made mission 2 particularly a bit more streamlined and layout wise a lot better.

EDIT: I may have found the old version I had worked on, if so, a new update will come a lot sooner :) also let me know if you guys would like AI voice acting for this one to bring it in line with Lordaeron's Destiny.
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Level 5
Jun 18, 2021
I remember playing this back in 2018 and enjoying it, I'm surprised it got a recent update.

The balance issues...I have a bad feeling I might have cheated a bit in some parts because I was not confident in Strategy games like I am now, I have no say on that.

I'm glad to see it's still being updated though.
I remember playing this back in 2018 and enjoying it, I'm surprised it got a recent update.

The balance issues...I have a bad feeling I might have cheated a bit in some parts because I was not confident in Strategy games like I am now, I have no say on that.

I'm glad to see it's still being updated though.
I've play tested mission 3 and 5 with the new AI and Forsaken tech-tree and they should provide enough of a challenge but be do-able, as always towers are key :)
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
I've play tested mission 3 and 5 with the new AI and Forsaken tech-tree and they should provide enough of a challenge but be do-able, as always towers are key :)
I think it's going to be better if you give them AI voice lines. Voice lines can make a huge impact on campaign's. As far as I know the program is not free which is used to do it - based on @Xetanth87 YouTube channel. It seems you updated the campaign, but there is no clue what's updated.
I think it's going to be better if you give them AI voice lines. Voice lines can make a huge impact on campaign's. As far as I know the program is not free which is used to do it - based on @Xetanth87 YouTube channel. It seems you updated the campaign, but there is no clue what's updated.
I have considered this, but I'm in two minds about it atm, one of the issues is I've not really settled on a voice for Candor.

I'll make a basic change log.

EDIT: included some of the biggest changes for the Reforged version.
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