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Kixer's Spell Factory

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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Kixer's Spell Factory
Welcome to my spell factory!
I am currently taking spell requests of any type, so feel free to ask for a spell you can't do yourself.
All spells that are made as a result of this thread will be:
-100% MUI
-Written in Jass
-Will follow the JESP Standard
-Will use KaTTana's Local Handle Vars.
-Will use my Spell Map Template.


All good things have regulations :
- Spells may not be based on anything you've seen in Dota
- Requests must give the following information: Spell Name; Spell type ( Target Unit, Channeling ect ); a spesific description including damage and effects.
- Going offtopic or not laying out your request may result in your request being ignored or pushed to the back of the que.
- You must give credit.

Speed and Order

I cannot promise speed. A good spell takes time to make and I have a busy schedual, I am doing this as a side project.
As far as the order in which spells are done I will usually do spells in chronological request order, but I might jump the que and do an easy spell.
I do not have the internet at home so spells may take awhile to upload.

Finished Spell
Here are links to all the finished spell.
frankie11's Create Potion
Kidd|WhiteHeaven's Multiple Effects
FunkyDude44's Spoiled Food
Stars-Zombe's Headshot!

Request away! But please follow the rules.
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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Done, didnt bother to make a test map or do in full JASS it was so simple. Heres a easy GUI trigger that works well. It has some JASS in it and is MUI.
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
  • Conditions
    • (Ability being cast) Equal to Your Ability
  • Actions
    • -------- Required Variables --------
    • -------- - AntiLeak_Point --------
    • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
      • If - Conditions
        • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
          • Conditions
            • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot 1)) Equal to Your Item
            • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot 2)) Equal to Your Item
            • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot 3)) Equal to Your Item
            • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot 4)) Equal to Your Item
            • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot 5)) Equal to Your Item
            • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot 6)) Equal to Your Item
      • Then - Actions
        • Set AntiLeak_Point = (Position of (Triggering unit))
        • Item - Create Your Potion at AntiLeak_Point
        • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_AntiLeak_Point)
        • Hero - Give (Last created item) to (Triggering unit)
        • Custom script: set bj_forLoopAIndex = 0
        • Custom script: loop
        • Custom script: set bj_forLoopAIndex = bj_forLoopAIndex + 1
        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
          • If - Conditions
            • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot (Integer A))) Equal to Your Item
          • Then - Actions
            • Item - Remove (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot (Integer A))
            • Skip remaining actions
          • Else - Actions
        • Custom script: endloop
      • Else - Actions
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Well that can be done by simply adding an ability whos effect you want to your unit and waiting until the unit no longer has the beserk buff and then removing the ability.
Make sure you're effect ability is an item ability so it does not show.
Heres a GUI trigger, i think it might leak but im not sure :
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
  • Conditions
    • (Ability being cast) Equal to Your Ability
  • Actions
    • Unit - Add Your Effect Ability ( Item ability ) to (Triggering unit)
    • Wait 0.10 seconds
    • Wait until (((Triggering unit) has buff Your Buff ) Equal to False), checking every 1.00 seconds
    • Unit - Remove Your Effect Ability ( Item ability ) from (Triggering unit)
I dont recall seeing the Unit - Add Your Effect thing in the trigger. I reaalllyy cant remember though i was just editing my map yesterday now that im not at work... i cant lol.Thx anyways.
Hmm i asked my friend to make a spell for me, he never got started on it, but it was supposed to go like this:
Hero casts the spell
Blood appears in a 500 radius of hero
Blood turns into 3 stones around the hero
then the stones explode when an enemy makes contact with it(is also a monster lure)
explosion damage i will do on my own.
Thats how its supposed to go.
Can you do that?
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
No the problem is that when you enter the script "loop" and save the map, WE looks for the script "endloop" and if it cant find it it crashs.
Finish the whole spell before saving.
@kidd - Please tell me about your request in more detail. Maybe a clearer definition of things like "blood","stone" ect.
@ the both of you, if you want me to i will write out a JASS script for both spells that will allow them to work better and be much more flexible. If you would like me to just say the word.
Level 2
Jun 16, 2007
Oh, this is your spell factory!

Well i want to make it so that a person throws a grenade (Model) then it explodes after one second, with flame strike buff and visual.

(Its simple, but i need help with it...)
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
You Kixer, my Ascendancy buddy, well actually you're not really my ascendancy buddy we're kind of dicks to eachother but I still love you and would like to make love-to you woman! Anyways buddy ol pow, I need a:
1.Drumroll so this request will get going
2.A spell for my Brother's Requested Map (Civil War Map)
3.A reasonable way to tell you what spell I want
4.Here it is: A sort of shrapnel spell, yes I know the bouncing spell for the Night Elf Whore Rider or w/e exists but I need a sort of critical strike abilty where it has a 5 percent chance of having a bouncing attack (shrapnel) and kills all who get hit by it (which for now should be a maximum of 3).
5.A way to give you +100,000,000 rep because your the best whore on THW!
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
@pyritie -
Yes, that would work, you just have to change the missle arc as well so that it goes up and not straight at the target.
Also feel free to ask for something hard, im looking for a challenge.
@frankie -
Im half way through makeing you a JASS spell which would only require one copy and pasting of a trigger.
@Kidd -
Im still not 100% sure what ur asking for?
@Scyth - :smile:
Hmmm ok, i'll see what i can do, do you want it to hit only creeps or do you want it to hit heros as well?
Level 4
Jun 16, 2007
im not sure if it requires many triggers
itd be called headshot
but i need something that works like critical strike, it has a chance to do activate
if the spell activates while attacking a certin unit (zombie) it will instantly kill them and then display HEADSHOT in floating text over the zombies corpse
also when it dose happen id like tons of blood to fly out from the zombie

uhh yes, thanks.
Level 8
May 13, 2007
if i dont disturb, can u make me a spell (any spell) that when you cast it , it will show on the screen the mana spent for the spell and the damage (or bonuses it gives ) like floating text, that will dissappear seconds later.

Practically i mean something like this :

(Doesnt it look really noobish XD ?)


    21.8 KB · Views: 258
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Create Potion v1.1

Ok here is your spell frankie11.
The map is attached.

Create Potion

Updated : 25/06/07

Edit : Sorry problems uploading on the Hive, here is a temp link to the file.

I am almost finished with Kidd|WhiteHeaven|'s 1st request and will be uploading it soon.

Next I will be moving on to Scyth-Master's spell because I cannot understand Kidd|WhiteHeaven|'s 2nd request.

In the mean time i will be updating my list and working through it in my spare time. I am about to start exams please be patient.

All the best
- Kixer


  • Create Potion.w3x
    80.3 KB · Views: 119
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Level 7
Feb 4, 2005
Although my department is triggers exactly, I will request something hard that I can't do or not that special:

Spell Name: Equipment Transformation
Spell Type: Single Target, no missile, casting range 2000, mana : no matter, and one NOTE: usually if you select your spell to be 'Required Level: 6 or more' since Im using it for a unit-hero, with this requirement you can cast it on any unit that has spell immunity like spell breaker/dryad (as it is considered ulti if req lvl 6+) but you can't take damage to the unit with spell immunuty and I dont need it to take dmg anyway,so make this requirement too.
Effect: The caster to transform to the target unit of ability being cast. Tough eh? That's why I request it. If it were to transform to several types I would use levels but I need to the target, as the target can be 200 types of units. Also: Conditions: Target unit of ability being cast is a building equal to false, is summoned equal to false, is air equal to false, is mechanical equal to false, is a destructible equal to false.Hmm and any other thing that ofc is silly to transform like a tree or a building.

Don't worry, I'm not testing YOU if you can do something I couldn't, I needed that so it is not just a test. Well I left it after not being able to do it.
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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Your spell is impossible without making an increadable basic system and forcing you to set the mana cost, damage ect for every level of every spell in your game >.<.
@Impac7 - hmmm, not too hard, you want the hero to become another unit. So you want a hero to become say a dryad. Do you want the hero to become the same unit exactly ( same mana + health? ), and for it only to last for a certian time.
Btw the hero will lose his hero status, and im thinking that Im going to make the spell buff orientated ( aka you lose the buff, you switch back ).
Level 7
Jun 10, 2007
Heres one I've wanted for awhile but lack the skill.
Basically it acts like chain lightning but with one difference. If it can find no targets in range then it will bounce around on the ground (staying generally near the caster, like a locust would) until it finds a target, where it will continue bouncing. it will need the option to change how many bounces it must make before it can hit a unit twice (As in if it hits a unit, it has to bounce X more times before that unit becomes a viable target). It also needs to be able to change the distance between bounces, damage, damage reduction after each bounce, number of bounces (counting ground bounces),and damage. Heh...
Level 8
May 13, 2007
Ok, so if my spell is hard, can you make a spell that when casted, it shows (with floating text always) bonus damage from an attribute ? plz ...if u cant do this too, at least someone teach me how to make floating text THAT DISSAPPEARS !!!! i tried everything ... even variables and stuff and nothing ... plz help ! (the last part should have been posted in the World Editor help... but anyway ...)
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Multiple Effects V1.0

Ok heres your spell Kidd|WhiteHeaven|
The map is attached.

Multiple Effects

I will be moving on to Scyth-Master's spell next and will probably be done soon because of the simplicity of the spell and the amount of time I now have due to the fact that my exams have bben prosponed due to the Public servants strikes happening in South Africa.

Shortly following that will be STARS-ZombE's request.

And then FunkyDude44's Request.

All the best
- Kixer


  • Multiple Effects v1.0.w3x
    82.4 KB · Views: 78
Ok, so if my spell is hard, can you make a spell that when casted, it shows (with floating text always) bonus damage from an attribute ? plz ...if u cant do this too, at least someone teach me how to make floating text THAT DISSAPPEARS !!!! i tried everything ... even variables and stuff and nothing ... plz help ! (the last part should have been posted in the World Editor help... but anyway ...)

Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
Could you make black hole/void spell that doesnt lagg, doesnt leak, is mui, looks cool and is gui. This spell should draw enemies in the hole or something like that (and damage them)..maybe also use custom mdl to make it easier?

many requirements but if you can plz do it.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
+ Rep ( helpful link )
Your spell sounds very much like "black hole" from Dota, and as the rules state I will not be remaking any dota spells.
I will however over look that because it is a commonly used spell.
The major problem with your request is that you want it in GUI, as the 1st post clearly states all spells will be scripted in JASS due to its functionality.
I am prepared to do this spell but only in JASS.
Level 7
Feb 4, 2005
@Impac7 - hmmm, not too hard, you want the hero to become another unit. So you want a hero to become say a dryad. Do you want the hero to become the same unit exactly ( same mana + health? ), and for it only to last for a certian time.
Btw the hero will lose his hero status, and im thinking that Im going to make the spell buff orientated ( aka you lose the buff, you switch back ).

Hmm you know, maybe if I seriously started looking into it, since I'm good at triggers, I could have made it myself, but I'm busy so I will be happy if you do it for me (+even the best thing I make has bugs that need to be fixed like if you pump too much the h-key or if you are in the air etc, will need to be fixed so I hope you have in mind the different situations that may cause bugs).
You may not have read but, I said my hero is a unit - not a hero with experience bar and levels actually, since I'm doing it SCII related, the hero is like a unit. I can directly help you not to miss something. With me good at triggers let me ease you about what I want:

- the ability can be like that (since it is buff oriented):

E: Starts the effect of an ability, conditions I mentioned
Actions: (let's say my hero is called Hero and I'm targeting a dryad)
You will prolly do:
•create 1 (unit type of (target unit of ability being cast) in our case a dryad) at position of Hero,
•hide Hero.
•Set life of (last created unit) to life of Hero
•Set mana of (last created unit) to mana of Hero
•add Inventory (hero) to (last created unit) -my hero is a unit but has hero inventory so you dont need to add inventory to Hero back.
Now I'll need an ability to transform back to Hero, you will prolly add an ability as event: starts the effect of ability, ability equal to,... actions:remoev buff (buff of the Hero;s ability), you may have done a trigger: every second has buff(ofHero) equal to false
- set life&mana&items to the same life&mana&items in the inventory, remove last created unit, unhide Hero(prolly stored with a set variable X=| TransformedUnit=LastCreatedUnit).

BUT: Here comes the hard part: Can you make every if the dryad dies, Hero dies too (unless you are using a way to transform other than creating a new unit).I've done a Bag Ability all on GUI, so the hard thing is the inventory to be transferred to the unit and to Hero each time transformation occurs and if he dies, drop the items

The hardest is : Imagine if a dyad transforms to another unit then to another?? It won't remember the original unit, Do not allow a dryad to be able to transform to ghoul and a ghoul to an archer- its only ability apart from the rest I will also add with triggers is to be back to Hero. But do add other abilities with Hero and make sure you do transfer with abilities as well as mana&life and inventory. Fix problems that may cause weird transformations or bugs. And use units, my hero is a unit, not a hero with experience bar, he only has inventory hero otherwise uses norma abilities, use them as well. Fixing is the hardest. Yes, you can also allow my unit to transform to a hero.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Thank you for the detailed layout,
although a JASS spell is structured differently it still cleared alot up.
Just two things i still need, a demo map with your bag system so I can cheque for conflicts and just to clear up the ability transfers.
Do you want the "hero" to have only his abilities ( minus the morph ability ) and non of the units defult abilities? If so that might be a problem.
You seem to be a good triggerer, I was wondering if you had ever considered JASS? If so i suggest you at least try learning it.
Its very useful.
No further Requests will be accepted at this time.
Once I have shortened the list you may begin requesting again.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2004
Ok, i need a spell like Permanent Invisibility, that gives a buff after becoming fully stealthed. The time it takes to become invisible needs to be 8 seconds. Also there should be no icon on the heros abilities [not sure if that made sence...but the ability should not be seen, just the buff]

opps sorry, i just read that you are canceling request.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
If your refering to Impac7's request it is possible Pyritie because i think were looking at pacentages. But if not tell me Impac7 because i can use the actual health and increase the new units max health + mana to the origionals.
don't worry I invited you here your request has been accepted.
@Kidd - Im still not 100% sure what ur asking for?QUOTE]

Scratch that. I just need a spell where the caster uses it on an enemy unit, then the caster attacks the targeted unit in cloud's omnilash attack style, only about 8 strikes, then stops. Preferable for Melee, and if you have the chance, can you do the same for a range? Like it uses the spell on an enemy unit, attacks targeted unit in omnilash style, about 8 strikes, then stop.
Level 4
Jun 5, 2007
Kidd, there are several spell samples of that on this site, just check in the spell section.

Hey, I'd like a spell that works somewhat like this:

You can cast it on a SINGLE target and it will silence it, but its sort of like a channeling spell... and you can cast in on more than one person but you have to cast it multiple times, but casting it on B won't cancel the effects on A. Also, if any of the targets it was cast upon move out of a certain range, the effect will turn off. I would like it to have 5 levels, the number of targets and range the target can get increase:

Level 1, 2 targets, 1100 range.
Level 2, 2 targets, 1400 range.
Level 3, 3 targets, 1700 range.
Level 4, 3 targets, 2000 range.
Level 5, 4 targets 2300 range.

Also, it should have a special effect between the caster and the target using the Mana Drain effect.

MUI isn't absolutely necessary but of course it'd be nice. =D

Thank you SO much!
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Im sorry Zor,
your spell will have to wait quite a while as I am not takeing anymore requests as I have enough to work on.
Dark_Panther -

Does he have to channel the invisibility's effects? Or does he just click on and walk around during the 8 seconds? If it's channeling, then this should help.
  • Trigger 1
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit begins channeling an ability
  • Conditions
    • Ability being cast = Invisibility
    • Casting Unit = YourUnit
  • Actions
    • Trigger - Turn on Trigger 2
    • Set InvisCast = True
    • Wait 1 second
    • If (InvisCast = False) Then (Skip remaining actions) Else (Do nothing)
    • Wait 1 second
    • If (InvisCast = False) Then (Skip remaining actions) Else (Do nothing)
    • Wait 1 second
    • If (InvisCast = False) Then (Skip remaining actions) Else (Do nothing)
    • Wait 1 second
    • If (InvisCast = False) Then (Skip remaining actions) Else (Do nothing)
    • Wait 1 second
    • If (InvisCast = False) Then (Skip remaining actions) Else (Do nothing)
    • Wait 1 second
    • If (InvisCast = False) Then (Skip remaining actions) Else (Do nothing)
    • Wait 1 second
    • If (InvisCast = False) Then (Skip remaining actions) Else (Do nothing)
    • Wait 1 second
    • Set InvisCast = False
    • Trigger - Turn off Trigger 2
    • Game - Send message to blah blah
  • Trigger 2 (initially off)
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit stops channeling an ability
  • Conditions
    • Ability being cast = Invisiblity
    • Casting unit = YourUnit
  • Actions
    • Set InvisCast = False
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Dont worry about Panther's request Pyritie,
Ive already talked to him about it in another thread. And I have the ability all planned out...

I am currently working on Scyth's request.
Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
+ Rep ( helpful link )
Your spell sounds very much like "black hole" from Dota, and as the rules state I will not be remaking any dota spells.
I will however over look that because it is a commonly used spell.
The major problem with your request is that you want it in GUI, as the 1st post clearly states all spells will be scripted in JASS due to its functionality.
I am prepared to do this spell but only in JASS.

oh too bad :<...i dont need it then since i dont understand jass :<
Level 9
Oct 12, 2005
Kixer thanks again for your spell, but I'd like to ask for just one small improvement. Edit, rather. Will you please make it to where if I have a certain herb it makes a mana potion. Like I have the ability: 'Herb-Mixture' and if I have 'Heal Herb' in the slot closest to number one it would use that herb and make it into it's respective potion. Say I have a Heal herb in slot one and a mana herb in slot 4- I click the 'Herb-Mixture' ability and it would replace the heal herb with a heal potion then I click it again and it would make a mana potion. Thanks if you can do this. (Please do this in JASS again)
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Im not quite sure what you mean but all spells will be posted here in the format that I've already started using. In the future the spells might all be combined to make one spell map for the spells section.
Before throwing JASS aside, take a look at some of the spells Ive already done and see how easy it is to edit them. Its your choise to be removed from the list, just confirm that you don't want the spell and I'll remove you.
Ok I'll make some quick changes and post the map ASAP.
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