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Jungle Dungeon v4.09


Image by Dennis Chan


Created by


Jungle Dungeon is a co-op PvE adventure located in a large jungle, with epic Boss-fights and selectable PvP Arena Battles. Inspired by the raid format in World of Warcraft. You progress through the dungeon with your companions, growing stronger by time and reaching checkpoints. Strategy, teamwork and communication is key. You are in for a true adventure...

Will your team be able to make it all the way?

  • 18 Selectable Classes - Each class has different traits (Tank, DPS, Healer or Support) and 5 customized spells each, presented in polished tooltips.
  • Alignments - Every class can choose one of two alignments. All alignments: Holy, Heroic, Barbarian, Hunter, Shadow, Unholy, Templar, Voodoo, Elemental and Dark.
  • Races - Each class belongs to a race: Human, Night Elf, Orc, Undead or Blood Elf.
  • Epic Boss-Fights and Battles - 8 unique boss battles and many other mob battles.
  • Arena Battles - Togglable 2v2 PvP Battles, happens a few times during the run.
  • Life Difficulty - Selectable amount of lives for the run - Easy (20 lives), Normal (10 lives), Hard (5 lives) or Hardcore (1 life).
  • Modes - You can either play on Normal, Restricted or Challenger Mode, if you would like more of a challenge.
  • Adaptable Creep Difficulty - Can be changed at any time. Difficulties - Classic (3 players), Expert (4 players), Master (5 players), Ancient (6 players) and Divine (7 players).
  • Checkpoint Rooms and Chapters - The dungeon consists of 4 Chapters. Each chapter has a few checkpoint rooms where you can heal up and buy items.
  • Item Progression and Rarities - Every new chapter provides a new shop with stronger items. There are 4 item rarities - Basic, Rare, Unique and Legendary.
  • Item System with more than 150 Customized Items - There are 5 different types of items - Weapon, Armor, Accessory, Spirit and Consumable.
  • Loot system - Bosses, Crates, Critters and Treasures have a chance to drop certain items.

  • Beginners Guide - A guide for new players progressively introducing the maps mechanics.
  • Repick System - Every player has one chance of repicking into another class before reaching the first checkpoint room.
  • Damage- and Spellcast Display - Live indicators on damage dealt and the name of spell being used.
  • Advanced multiboards - Change between showing (Class, Role, Race, Alignment, Difficutlies, Modes, Time) or showing damage (Dealt, Tanked, Healed).
  • Quests - Optional ways to challenge your companionship.
  • Reward System - If you play the game on a higher difficulty than recommended, you get bonus rewards.
  • Rolling System - Opportunity to "roll" a number between 1-100. Useful in deciding who gets what while looting.
  • Recall System - An ability given to every player, making it able to teleport to the last checkpoint room.
  • Shared Gold - Every mob kill grants the same amount of gold to all players.
  • Shortcut System - A shortcut opens when entering a Boss room, which can take the player back to the room quicker.
  • Weather System - Random weather system that changes over time, can be turned on/off. There is also an ability to skip a certain weather condition.
  • Give Gold System - A more convenient and easy way to share small amounts of resources.


The Land of Jungle Dungeon (v4.05)


Picking area (v4.02)


Picking area (v4.05)


Dungeon setting (v4.05)


Setting from above (v4.05)


Checkpoint Room (v4.05)


Respawn Room (v4.05)


First Boss (v4.05)


Early Encounter (v3.17)


About to fight "Dino" (v3.17)


Map Overview (v3.09)


First Shop (v3.09)


First Combat (v3.09)


Late Game Progression (v3.09)


Second Boss Perspective (v3.15)





Intellegence based Healer/Support. A knight, wielding his great hammer and holy magic.
Spells include: Hammerforge, Holy Light, Storm Hammer, Inner Fire and Greater Bash.
Race: Human
Possible Alignments: Holy/Heroic



Strength based Tank/Support. An experienced captain wearing strong armor. A true leader of the companionship.
Spells include: Execute, Command Aura, Relocate, Heavy Armor and Leadership.
Race: Blood Elf
Possible Alignments: Templar/Heroic



Agility based DPS. A quick fighter, slicing his sharp blade in and out of enemy bodies dealing a lot of damage, whilst combining it with other ways of weakening his foe.
Spells include: Acid, Critical Strike, Shuriken, Alacrity and Bladestorm.
Race: Orc
Possible Alignments: Hunter/Barbarian



Strength based DPS/Tank. A barbarian, crushing enemies with his great axe and brute force.
Spells include: Ground Smash, Rage, Warcry, Cleave and Crushing Blow.
Race: Orc
Possible Alignments: Barbarian/Heroic



Agility based DPS. A mysterious elf, with increadible precision and focus.
Spells Include: Track, Arcane Shot, Evasion, Marksmanship Aura and Splitshot.
Race: Night Elf
Possible Alignments: Hunter/Dark



Strength based Tank. A hunter in the night, stealing the life of the living and crippling them with fear.
Spells Include: Full Moon Armor, Thirst, Devil's Grip, Bite and Reversed Lifesteal.
Race: Undead
Possible Alignments: Unholy/Hunter



Strength based Tank. A huge creature with stone skin, hitting hard whilst being resistant.
Spells Include: Howl, Hurl Boulder, Stomp, Hardened Skin and Grow.
Race: Night Elf
Possible Alignments: Elemental/Heroic



Intellegence based DPS/Healer. A female wizard, making elements of ice and fire into both direct and AOE damage.
Spells Include: Frostbolt, Flamestrike, Ignitable Slow, Healing Rain and Polymorph.
Race: Human
Possible Alignments: Elemental/Dark



Intellegence based Healer/Support. A death worshiper, weilding magic of death to provide and enhance the living.
Spells Include: Banish, Spare Parts, Mana Essence, Impale and Death's Apprentice.
Race: Undead
Possible Alignments: Unholy/Dark



Agility based DPS. A swift thief, surprising her foes from the shadows.
Spells Include: Pickpocket, Fan of Knives, Stealth, Duelist and Combinations.
Race: Night Elf
Possible Alignments: Templar/Shadow



Intellegence based Healer. A witch doctor, wielding voodoo to bring his companions together or control his foes.
Spells Include: Healing wave, Hex, Shackle, Forked Lightning and Healing Ward.
Race: Orc
Possible Alignments: Voodoo/Shadow



Intellegence based Healer. A master of natural medicine, wielding nature through his staff.
Spells Include: Entangling Roots, Rejuvenation, Cyclone, Tranquility and Nature's Touch.
Race: Night Elf
Possible Alignments: Voodoo/Elemental/Holy



Intellegence based Support/Healer. A blood elf hybrid mage, wielding magic to become more durable.
Spells Include: Mana Burn, Motivation, Mana Drain, Knowledge and Mana Shield.
Race: Blood Elf
Possible Alignments: Holy/Shadow



Intellegence based DPS/Healer. A demonic wizard, raining chaos upon his enemies.
Spells Include: Rain of Fire, Summon Imp, Firebolt, Meteor and Unholy Frenzy.
Race: Orc
Possible Alignments: Unholy/Voodoo


Death Knight

Strength based Tank/Support. A forsaken lord, tearing the bodies of the living apart with the ice of Northrend.
Spells Include: Frost Strike, Death Coil, Frost Armor, Bloodbath and Snowstorm.
Race: Undead
Possible Alignments: Unholy/Barbarian/Dark



Agility based DPS. A bloodthirsty headhunter, sacrificing himself to unleash his rage.
Spells Include: Bloodlust, Poison Spear, Flaming Spear, Animal Instinct and Troll Regeneration.
Race: Orc
Possible Alignments: Barbarian/Hunter/Voodoo



Intellegence based Healer. A religious cleric, hiding in the shadows of the holy light.
Spells Include: Arcane Blast, Holy Nova, Dispel Magic, Guardian Angel and Shadow Embrace.
Race: Blood Elf
Possible Alignments: Holy/Shadow/Templar



Agility based DPS/Healer. A lonesome hermit, controlling energy through his body with acrobacy.
Spells Include: Rythm, Punch, Kick, Meditate and Focus.
Race: Human
Possible Alignments: Elemental/Templar


In Jungle Dungeon their are 5 different item types with 4 different rarities. Most items are bought from shops or dropped by bosses. You can only have one item type at the same in your inventory, except from consumables - where you can have as many as you like at the same time. Rarities give you a sense of how good the item is in comparison to other items, but don't matter in any other way. Some items can only be acquired through drops.

Some items give extra stats if the wearer belongs to the same race as the item. Item races are the same as the races for classes: Human, Night Elf, Orc, Undead and Blood Elf.


Weapon: Offensive items - (Swords, Daggers, Staffs etc.)

Armor: Defensive items - (Shields, Helmets, Cloaks etc.)
Accessory: Property/Active items - (Emblems, Tokens, Objects etc.)
Spirit: Aura items - (Brilliance, Devotion, Endurance, Unholy and Vampiric)
Consumables: Consumable supportive items - (Potions, Scrolls etc.)


Basic - First Item Tier (Chapter 1)

Rare - Second Item Tier (Chapter 2)
Unique - Third Item Tier (Chapter 3)
Legendary - Fourth Item Tier (Chapter 4)


- Find other players to interact- and play the map with -
- Post your achievements to earn ranks -
- Know when the map gets hosted -
- Leave feedback, suggestions and report bugs -
- Get sneak peaks and test new patch updates before release -


- Total Units: [399]

- Doodads (Trees/Destructibles): [2524]
- Doodads (Other): [5903]
- Regions: [153]
- Triggers: [587]
- Variables: [227]
- Sounds: [112]
- Custom Objects (Total): [167 Standard, 692 Custom]
- Custom Units: [23 Standard, 221 Custom]
- Custom Items: [13 Standard, 154 Custom]
- Custom Abilities: [99 Standard, 295 Custom]



  • New Lives Difficulty: Very easy - 50 lives


  • New Spells:
    - Vampire: Received "Thirst"
    - Paladin: Received "Hammerforge"
    - Some new specific alignment spells
  • The following classes have received an additional alignment option:
    - Druid: Holy
    - Priest: Templar
    - Berserker: Voodoo
    - Death Knight: Dark
  • "Veterans" now gets recognition at the start of the game.
  • Looping custom music


  • Spells:
    - "Helping Hand" has been removed from the game
    - "Devour Magic" has been removed from the game


  • An issue where you could not read the entire information about all alignments.
  • The right Monk icon is now displayed in the multiboard.


  • Spell Reworks:
    - Frostbolt and Firebolt buffed by 33% increased dmg. (Also applies to alignment improvements)
    - Forked lightning nerfed cooldown from 6 to 8 seconds.
  • Item Reworks:
    - Cloak of Flames nerfed aoe damage from 10 to 5 per second.
    - Lightning Shield nerfefd aoe damage from 25 to 15 per second.


  • Quests now display what gets rewarded upon completion.
  • An option to play a final arena battle after completing the game.
  • New command: -clear (clears the screen from game text messages) (does not include chat messages)


  • The awarded 10 gold from arena battles have been removed. It can now be considered an activity only for fun and to enhance the gaming experience. Hence it now does not matter if you play with arena turned on or off.


  • Some descriptions.
  • Evasion button no longer shows up with extra bonus stats on thornmail (hopefully).
  • Vampiric Aura 2 no longer costs only 25 gold (now costs 50).


  • Lifedrain buffed with +1 hp drained exponential per level.
  • Rain of Fire nerfed: Cooldown increased from 11 to 15 seconds.
  • Base attackspeed for agility based heroes have been reduced from 1.5 attacks/sec to 1.75 attacks/sec. (This was due to many agility based heroes hit maximum attackspeed to quick with items, now they become more lategame oriented when it comes to basic attacks and hopefully scales a lot better).


  • The Giant can now use the spell "Hurl Boulder".


  • The spell "War Club" have been removed from the game.


  • A bug where you would get the bonus from the item race when you picked up the item - whilst already having an item of the same category in your inventory.


  • Remake of the alignment [Shadow] for Battlemage - it now makes knowledge give bonus stats in strength aswell, and it also exchanges "Mana Drain" for "Life Drain".
  • Mana Burn now also turns 50% of the Battlemages Current Mana inte healing for himself when used.


  • Race system: Every class now belongs to a race that gives certain extra stats if you carry items that belong to the same race. There are 5 races: Human, Night Elf, Orc, Undead and Blood Elf.
  • Alignment System: A huge update where you can choose a certain path for your class. Each class can choose one of two alignments - improving and changing some spells. The class also gets a new model and name, depending on the chosen alignment. Possible alignments vary from class to class, but in total there are 10 different alignments: Holy, Heroic, Barbarian, Hunter, Shadow, Unholy, Templar, Voodoo, Elemental or Dark.
  • Two advanced multiboards. One for showing the composition and one for showing damage calculations. You can swap between them with commands.
  • Minor boss story textlines.
  • 7 new Quests: Duo, Solo, Overkill, Anihilation, Challengers, Playtester and Firestone.
  • New item: Life (gives the team 1 more life) (This can also overload the starting ammount of lives).
  • Hotkeys for giving gold via command center


  • Manual of health is no longer in the game.


  • You can now repick into a charachter that was picked by a leaving player.
  • A bug with cleave effect
  • Some description polish


  • Remade exp balance so the map now is possible to play as 1 or 2 players.
  • Maximum level increased from 30 to 35.
  • Following face-lifts have been made:
    - New Models: All Alignments, Monk, Berserker, Priest.
    - New Skins: All bosses now have customized skins.
  • Spell Rework:
    - Harpoon
  • Item Rework:
    - Devotion aura nerfed from 5-10 armor to 4-7 armor.
    - Vamp aura buffed from 3-5% to 4-7%


  • Challenger Mode now randomly removes 50% of the classes, so you are not able to pick them.
  • Critters can now drop items
  • New Quest: "Animal Saver" - Complete by not killing a single critter.
  • New Ability: Impale has been added to the game (Necromancer)
  • Blood splatter effect when a unit dies


  • The ability "Spawn Tentacle" has been removed from the game (Necromancer).


  • Selling lvl 2 spirits now gives the right amount of spirit essence back to the seller
  • When a boss dies it automatically resets the speed of units nearby to default. (Will fix most of the issues with characters being stuck in slow motion) If not the "-debug" command is still left in the game.
  • Many misspellings (especially the spelling of "Strenght")
  • Classes, Bosses and some trees/destructibles now cast more realistic shadows.


  • Item stacking system improvement: You can now purchase all consumables from the shop even if you have a full inventory at the time. (Still does not work for giving or picking up items from the ground, but this fix will hopefully make you less dependent on dropping and picking up items from the ground).
  • Remade Boss reset system: Bosses and nearby mobs are now instantly moved back to the center of the current Boss region when reset triggers. The reset now triggers both whenever a player or the boss leaves the Boss-area (if the Boss-area contains no players).
  • Turnrate have been increased for all classes from 0.4 to 2.0. This means you accelerate faster while turning and moving at the same time - making room for swifter and smoother movement management.
  • Following face-lifts have been made:
    - New Models: Necromancer, Warlock
    - New Icons: All classes except shaman now have at least 1 custom icon ability.
    - Animations: Polished all ranged units attack animations - including projectiles art and placement.
  • Spell Rework:
    - Harpoon: Is now named "Flaming Spear"
    - Poison Spear: Duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds. Initial damage now = damage per second
    - Bloodlust: Is now a toggle ability where you loose 5% of current health per second when activated. Increased attack speed bonus from 10-40 to 20-80.
  • Item Rework:
    - Molten Dissector: Increased attack speed from 15% to 20%.
    - Tribal Claws: Critical Strike damage reduced from 2x to 1.5x damage.
    - Amulet: Cooldown of the spell block reduced from 20 to 15 seconds.


  • 4 new classes:
    - Death Knight (Tank/Support)
    - Berserker (DPS)
    - Priest (Healer)
    - Monk (DPS/Healer)
  • Following items have been added to the game:
    - Tome of Experience
    - Attack Scroll
    - Restoration Potion


  • Anti-Magic Potion has been removed from the game


  • Triggered spell damage no longer goes through invulnerability
  • Minor tooltips polishing
  • All quests now gets marked as completed when they are done


  • Vampiric potion now costs 30 instead of 50 gold.
  • Spell Rework:
    - War Club: Siege damage now does 200% dmg instead of 150% and cooldown reduced from 45 to (26-14) seconds.
    - Full Moon Armor: Armor increased from 6-30 to 6-36.
  • Item Rework:
    - All weapons/armors in the basic shop now gives additional, more playstyle specific stats.
    - Phoenix Reaver: Attack reduced from 60 to 55, but now has 30% cleave.
    - Burning Gloves: Now also gives +12 attack damage.
  • Boss Rework:
    - Botan: Attack speed increased from 1.35 to 1.2.
  • Barrel drop rate further increased from 22.5 to 25% (due to the addition of Tome of Experience)


  • Text message when quests are being updated or new requirement is met.


  • [Temporary] The slow from one of the bosses abilities did not remove itself properly occasionally. So now there is a debug command "-debug" that will fix that issue if it happens again. (working on another solution)
  • Now all spells that are supposed to target air, can target it.
  • A few description polishing


  • Spell rework:
    - Combinations: increased duration for the stacking agility from 3-6 to 4-10 seconds per level.
    - Pickpocket: CD decreased from 120 to 60 seconds. Gold received reduced from 3-9 to 1-7 per level.
  • Reduced Hydra hatchlings HP by 1000 on all difficulties (ex. 3 players before 3750, now 2750)
  • Increased Boss spawnrate of mobs from 20 to 22 seconds.
  • Final Boss attack damage decreased with 50 on all difficulties.
  • Increased Barrel drop chance from 12.5% to 22.5%.


  • A character now drops its items if the player leaves.
  • A lot of terrain polishing - now with environment enhancing custom models.
  • Added cooldown time to all description in need of it.
  • Reward System: If you defeat a boss on a higher difficulty you will receive 1 extra drop and double the amount of gold from it.
  • All classes with a main trait as "Tank" have received some kind of taunt.
    - Commander taunts via "Leadership"
    - Vampire taunts via "Bite"
    - Giant taunts via "Howl"
  • Give Gold System: Added two command centers where you can easily trade small amounts of resources between players.


  • Unnecessary things that got left in the editor, for example overflowing abilities and other objects.
  • Challenger Mode no longer makes you lose gold when you die


  • Trade icons in the shared resources section so they now match the intended resources used


  • Looted Gold Coins now gives 3 gold to all players, instead of 5 to the character that picked it up.
  • Descriptions of the classes are now more visually detailed - Showing a "Main"- and a "Semi" trait if that is relevant for the class.
  • Spell balance:
    - Motivation: cd increased from 6 to 8 seconds
    - Healing Wave: cd increased from 3 to 4 seconds
    - Entangling Roots: 50% increased damage
    - Rejuvenation: 25% inreased healing
    - Acid: Increased armor reduction per level from 1-4 to 1-7
  • Boss abilities remake:
    - Bosses now have a set of 3 extra random abilities that fire during boss fights. One is active at a time.
    - If you are playing in "Challenger Mode" all 3 abilities are active at the same time. (Bosses casts 3 times more spells)
  • Some name changes:
    - "Aggro" is now called "Relocate"
    - "Howl of the Valley" is now called "Howl"
    - "Roar of the Mountain" is now called "Grow"


  • New Mode selection: "Normal" or "Challenger". In "Challenger Mode" you lose 50% gold upon dying and the bosses have extra abilities.
  • Descriptions now shows if the ability is passive or not
  • More detailed descriptions of classes in the "Class Information"
  • A new command for Arena for (Player 1 red): -arena end. It kills random unit in the arena and it can be used during the fight. Useful if a fight is taking for ever or if people are trolling.
  • Shortcuts for mini-bosses.
  • Added quest rewards
  • Added the ability "Leadership" to the Commander.
  • Mini-Bosses now have proper names: Hilda, Dino, Aegir and Botan.
  • Added the "Map in numbers" section to the map description.
  • the quest "Underdogs" now include beating mini-bosses on higher difficulty aswell.


  • More than 50% of Barrels, so you don't have to kill so many and get too much loot.
  • Removed Commander "Spell Steal" ability


  • The spells Warcry and Full Moon Armor no longer removes each other.


  • Increased the guard- and return distance of mobs on the map. Making it harder to pull and leach them.
  • Starting gold increased from 15 to 20.
  • Tome of retraining now costs 30 gold instead of 50.
  • Increased Sorceress slow cd from 7 to 10 secs.
  • Decreased the Druids rejuvenation cd from 7 to 5 secs.
  • Nerfed Bloodmage mana shield: It now blocks 10% less damage and cost 1 more mana per hp blocked.
  • Commanders aggro aoe increased from 300 to 375.
  • The end screen last for 5 minutes instead of 2.
  • Accessories now give balanced health/mana for it's rarity.
  • Changed the Vampires "Full Moon Armor" so it now only affects himself + visual upgrade.
  • The mini-bosses "Hilda" and "Dino" now has 5/10 less base attack damage.


  • The map now has an official discord channel


  • Some "camera pan" triggers that might be causing desyncs


  • PvP Arena Battles now starts disabled (can be turned on via commands)
  • Added mana/hp reg to the basic pendants, and they now cost 15 gold
  • Rescaled the new casters mob abilities
  • Further polished map description


  • 6 new drop only items
  • Info pedestals in the picking room, so you can read about the different classes traits and spells
  • Weapon/armor drop to first mini-boss
  • Some new abilities to "caster" mobs
  • Sound effects to mini-bosses


  • Some more unnecessary mob groups
  • Some sound effects


  • Remade Life lost system - now works if you die simultaneously as someone else
  • Fixed the "explosives" quest so you can now actually find all the barrels
  • Some item description has been rewritten


  • Many visual text message effects, so they look more polished
  • Further polished some terraining
  • Further reduced the boss abilities, so they won't hit you as hard if you get unlucky rng in boss battles
  • Polished the map description on the website


  • Custom UI for game panels, exp- and hp bars
  • New Quest: Explosives


  • Some unnecessary mob groups
  • Unnecessary floating text in hero picking room after a while


  • Altars in respawn room no longer gets you stuck
  • Some text and messages issues
  • Some sound issues


  • Opened up the map layout around bosses and mob-groups so it don't feel as cramped
  • Polished terraining - especially with rock and grass.
  • Balanced boss fights - reduced the flamestrike ability damage and decreased the mob spawn rate
  • Various Icon changes - including the change from lumber to "spirit essence"


  • Added Mini-Bosses
  • Remade loot drop system
  • Reduced number of non-boss mobs
  • 18 new items - only available through boss drops
  • Added classes Warlock and Battlemage
  • Hud for showing lives (instead of food)
  • Quests
  • Further Terrain facelift
  • Shortcuts from checkpoint-rooms to bosses, when the particular boss room is reached


  • Reduced number of non-boss mobs
  • Removed following items: Diamond
  • Removed all custom models


  • Mini-Bosses can no longer be pulled, they will reset like regular bosses.
  • Scaling and balance on some of Commander, Warrior and Paladins abilities


  • Difficulty adapt system is now manually handled by host (Player 1 red)
  • Scaling of boss abilities and spells increased
  • Returned the XP balance system to the previous for balance




Been working hard on this map over the last couple of months, testing it regularly and this is what i have got done so far. Feel free to leave feedback, rate and comment. Open for suggestions on improvements :) See you in the dungeon! /JohnnyBoy


Jungle Dungeon v4.09 (Map)

Please specify all names of people whose resources you've used, not two names and then dots. You can use this to write a proper list: Resources in Use by Jungle Dungeon v2.04b | HIVE Awaiting Update. If you want more reviews, you should participate...
Level 6
Jul 11, 2010
Played this map a while back few times. I really liked it. It is pretty simple in some matters, like Hero design or items but I liked it since it was well made. Enemies are really hard in my opinion so it´s a challenge dungeon (I would call it a Raid from WoW for 3-6 players) where individual player mistakes usually cost the lives of group.

Arena fights happen like events during dungeon and it is really cool.

There are some things i disliked: I would like to see more DPS/Healer classes and maybe reduce the cost of Tome of Retraining (It was 50g if I remember).
And maybe more paths, some more freedom in movement (I mean possible direction/paths of exploring), I dont know.
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
Played this map a while back few times. I really liked it. It is pretty simple in some matters, like Hero design or items but I liked it since it was well made. Enemies are really hard in my opinion so it´s a challenge dungeon (I would call it a Raid from WoW for 3-6 players) where individual player mistakes usually cost the lives of group.

Arena fights happen like events during dungeon and it is really cool.

There are some things i disliked: I would like to see more DPS/Healer classes and maybe reduce the cost of Tome of Retraining (It was 50g if I remember).
And maybe more paths, some more freedom in movement (I mean possible direction/paths of exploring), I dont know.

Thanks for the feedback BotLoot! Really appreciate it. :)

I want to adress some of the things you commented on.

- More characters is something i would like to implement and something that is valuable for making the game unique over many playthroughs.

- The explanation for Tome of retraining costing "a lot" is that i want players to think about the points they put into certain skills. Not just be able to switch in between certain paths of skills at any time without paying for it. 50 gold might be overkill overall, but not when you consider lategame. I want the retraining to be a chance to change up your gameplay not feel like the skillpoints placement don't matter. But thanks for commenting on it and i will have it in mind for the next patch.

- About the pathingsystem: I know it's not a labyrinth by definition and it is very "guiding" in it's layout. The problem is that the way it is made right now is integrated in the way the map works. If i open other paths you still have to kill all the mobs before the next checkpoint room. Also I'm aware that the map is quite cramped right now and i would have liked to give more space for exploration. The problem you are adressing, that i also see is that exploring is not free here, it's exploring a certain path, and im not sure i will be able to solve that without some bigger changes to how the map is played. But i will have it in consideration and think about ways to enhance the "exploring factor" within the gameplay as it is. It might not be paths in particular, but maybe something else? open to suggestions and glad you liked the map in generall :)



Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Please specify all names of people whose resources you've used, not two names and then dots. You can use this to write a proper list: Resources in Use by Jungle Dungeon v2.04b | HIVE

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage

  1. -the optional quests title cannot all be seen.
  2. -you should make a way for players to know about a hero before choosing one. Either by text message when you gt near or even better by making the heroes be shared with all players so they could just look through their ability menu and read about them.
  3. -that gate takes almost forever to destroy.
  4. -why two identical shops near each other? You could just make items have more stock instead.
  5. -you should/could hide the hero selection zone after everyone chooses a hero (ingame player number dependable). Also, the floating text should also disappear.
  6. -funny thing: you've used the lobster (makrura) model for a creature named crab instead of using the crab model. The little neutral passive unit which has a crab model is also named crab.
  7. -Bite can be used on gates/destructibles :D
  8. -does lumber serve any purpose? If it is still lumber, why change the icon; if it's something else why let it called lumber? Alright, it's after you kill bosses. You should rename it to boss points or something.
  9. -you could have changed the entire UI too if you decided to change the command card icons; just saying.
  10. -is it supposed to be constant night where creeps sleep and can be taken by surprise?
  11. -the fact that you can return to heal each time before the next "waypoint" makes the game somewhat duller considering the whole map looks the same and the game is pretty much an old style Warcraft III RPG where you kill units on the map during their sleep.
  12. -for 7 players it's cluttered even with two-three tanks and the rest ranged. I mean movement is like trying to traverse a tight catacomb tunnel.
  13. -not entirely sure but I destroyed a treasure destructible and think there was a tome of strength +50 that actually gave 5 or so.
  14. -Devil's Grip actually teleports than pulls the target or the vampire has such a pulling force that the targets reach the speed of light.
  15. -enemies are pretty much Warcraft III creeps.
  16. -Bite stuns even if for mere milliseconds.
  17. -avoid playing music tones through the sound channel. Use Play Music instead of Play Music Theme.
  18. -it was written that after every boss you get better items but in fact you start getting them after the second boss (Jaws). Or the pre-bosses are mini-bosses?
  19. -since the creeps sleep at night, they might drawn out and some of them remain sleeping farther form the initial point.
  20. -interestingly, no ultimates.
  21. -I guess, during a boss fight, some heroes can go back to heal and return while others exchange the boss arena?
  22. -do boss items drop for each player or for all at once, it being one loot?
  23. -quests are actually achievements.
  24. -after killing the murloc commander there appeared a green magic shield FX like on dead bosses but there was no loot.
  25. -reaching the two murloc commanders the green magic shield FX appeared on them when my hero got near but they were still sleeping. The FX remains on them (their position?) after they die.
  26. -reaching the three murloc commanders only the one in the middle had that FX after it was killed.
  27. -you can use the legendary accessory relic on any item accidentally. A floating text with the line Scepter of Healing appears instead of the items name.
  28. -what's the point of the endmap boss loot?
  29. -no max level?
  30. -I doubt my mom would be happy I finished any computer game.
  31. -you could change the colour of the "deals n damage to summoned" to something else than yellow so it won't look awkward with the level x nearby it.
  32. -ambient sounds are quite loud.

It's a nice old fashion Warcraft III RPG with some new systems in but in the long run it's the same thing repeatedly especially the map layout.

Last edited:
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
Please specify all names of people whose resources you've used, not two names and then dots. You can use this to write a proper list: Resources in Use by Jungle Dungeon v2.04b | HIVE

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage

  1. -the optional quests title cannot all be seen.
  2. -you should make a way for players to know about a hero before choosing one. Either by text message when you gt near or even better by making the heroes be shared with all players so they could just look through their ability menu and read about them.
  3. -that gate takes almost forever to destroy.
  4. -why two identical shops near each other? You could just make items have more stock instead.
  5. -you should/could hide the hero selection zone after everyone chooses a hero (ingame player number dependable). Also, the floating text should also disappear.
  6. -funny thing: you've used the lobster (makrura) model for a creature named crab instead of using the crab model. The little neutral passive unit which has a crab model is also named crab.
  7. -Bite can be used on gates/destructibles :D
  8. -does lumber serve any purpose? If it is still lumber, why change the icon; if it's something else why let it called lumber? Alright, it's after you kill bosses. You should rename it to boss points or something.
  9. -you could have changed the entire UI too if you decided to change the command card icons; just saying.
  10. -is it supposed to be constant night where creeps sleep and can be taken by surprise?
  11. -the fact that you can return to heal each time before the next "waypoint" makes the game somewhat duller considering the whole map looks the same and the game is pretty much an old style Warcraft III RPG where you kill units on the map during their sleep.
  12. -for 7 players it's cluttered even with two-three tanks and the rest ranged. I mean movement is like trying to traverse a tight catacomb tunnel.
  13. -not entirely sure but I destroyed a treasure destructible and think there was a tome of strength +50 that actually gave 5 or so.
  14. -Devil's Grip actually teleports than pulls the target or the vampire has such a pulling force that the targets reach the speed of light.
  15. -enemies are pretty much Warcraft III creeps.
  16. -Bite stuns even if for mere milliseconds.
  17. -avoid playing music tones through the sound channel. Use Play Music instead of Play Music Theme.
  18. -it was written that after every boss you get better items but in fact you start getting them after the second boss (Jaws). Or the pre-bosses are mini-bosses?
  19. -since the creeps sleep at night, they might drawn out and some of them remain sleeping farther form the initial point.
  20. -interestingly, no ultimates.
  21. -I guess, during a boss fight, some heroes can go back to heal and return while others exchange the boss arena?
  22. -do boss items drop for each player or for all at once, it being one loot?
  23. -quests are actually achievements.
  24. -after killing the murloc commander there appeared a green magic shield FX like on dead bosses but there was no loot.
  25. -reaching the two murloc commanders the green magic shield FX appeared on them when my hero got near but they were still sleeping. The FX remains on them (their position?) after they die.
  26. -reaching the three murloc commanders only the one in the middle had that FX after it was killed.
  27. -you can use the legendary accessory relic on any item accidentally. A floating text with the line Scepter of Healing appears instead of the items name.
  28. -what's the point of the endmap boss loot?
  29. -no max level?
  30. -I doubt my mom would be happy I finished any computer game.
  31. -you could change the colour of the "deals n damage to summoned" to something else than yellow so it won't look awkward with the level x nearby it.
  32. -ambient sounds are quite loud.

It's a nice old fashion Warcraft III RPG with some new systems in but in the long run it's the same thing repeatedly especially the map layout.


Thanks for the indepth analysis and for trying the game out. Happy for all the feedback, even though i some time dont know what you mean. So i decided to give my comment/respons on the things you mentioned that i hope you can elaborate on or explain to improve the map. (i suppose you tested v3.09 - the current version)

1. For me, i see all the Quest titles (fully), if there is not something im missing.
2. This is actually intended, to make people curious about playing other classes. Not to able to check everyone out before the game even starts. Also a reason why there is only one repick available. The floating text gives a hint, and you can repick ones if you dont like it untill checkpoint-room 2.
3. The Gate takes ''for ever'' at first so players dont rush away to fast before the rest of the players have done their picks. Pretty fast you have higher dmg and kill gates faster.
4. Im guessing you are saying that about the arena setup room? It was my solution to tight space and limited radius on the shop range (due to the same shop is used in check-point rooms. Nice input though, never thought of that before.
5. Thanks, i was thinking of doing that. I don't know what you mean by "(ingame player number dependable)" however.
6. Yea the other crab model is so bad xD. Makura looks nicer, guess i could call them lobster or prawn instead, just never thought of it. Nice input.
7. Thanks il fix that.
8. Nice idea, but it works as lumber aswell right? or is it really unappealing because it is called lumber?
9. I don't know how to do that (never thought of it), just thought the command buttons were fitting, so i added them.
10. The night is intentional. I want players to be able to "setup" before a fight start, so everyone can be in position when it begins.
11. Well, would you like it more if i made it impossible to get back and heal when you entered the room? Never thought of that.
12. "traverse tight catacomb tunnel" - Kinda the feeling im looking for. Jokes aside, yea, its cramped. Tryed resolving it by reducing model size and collision. Thanks for pointing it out.
13. It was most likely a "manual of health +50"
14. Yes, im not that experienced in making custom trigger spells. Should i rename it teleport instead? Just wanted it to fit the class.
15. Yes. Would you like anything else instead? suggestions?
16. Yes it's based of storm bolt, will be removed, thanks for feedback. (same goes for some other spells that i will fix.
17. So music theme goes thorugh sound channel, did not know that. Thanks.
18. Yes it's a mini-boss, will clarify that (every mini-boss is followed by a Boss)
19. Dont know what you mean by this? The probably aggrod from the other side of the wall? or got replaced when you toggled difficulty?
20. Yes. (technicaly Ranger has a "ultimate") Not sure if this is good or not, but thats how it is. Interesting indeed.
21. Thats true. If you feel like leaving the boss fight and leaving you friends alone with it, go ahead. The shortcut is mainly used for people not having to run all the way back to the Boss after dying or recalling. Since you stil loose lives i dont think this is a huge issue. More of something luxury for the player.
22. The mini-boss/Boss drops 1 item (weapon/armor) once. Not for everyone. That would be very imbalanced. Then i could delete all the shops. You give the item to the person it fits the best or "-roll" about it if more people want it.
23. Which is stated above the "quest/achievements". (Couldn't you say it's the same thing to some extent?)
24. Because they are not bosses. It is their magic shield, which goes away when the unit decays.
25. Same as last, it's trigger based and gets put on them when you target them with an attack.
26. I have no idea why that is.
27. Fixed. Thanks.
28. Rewards i guess. Would feel bad not giving anything other than a portal key after the FINAL Boss is defeated. But you are right, it might be unnessesary.
29. Max lvl is 30 (can see in hero picking room). Which is rarely reached.
30. She might be happy you got out of your room being social :) Atleast my mom used to like that :S.
31. Did not think of that, il look into it.
32. True, i think my sound settings are pretty low when i test. Il tune it down a bit.

The complaint about the map progression being linear, and repetetive is something i have been working on during the last patches. Adding Mini-Bosses, item progression, Drop-only items, fissures that shot fire (for the lulz) etc. The problem i'm having is that i cant see any simple solution without completly remaking the design of the dungeon. Which i'm not willing to do, cause i still like the layout now. Some have said try to make more paths and freedom of choice in movement. But you still have to kill all the mobs in room get to the next, does it really matter how you get to them? This way you know you wont miss anyone around a corner.

If you have any suggestions on what i could do to improve the map and not make it feel to repetetive, please do. I wan't to keep the layout with rooms and checkpoints so no huge gameplay changes. Just features, systems, things, whatever.

Thanks Again for leaving detailed feedback!
Hope to hear back from you soon deepstrasz. Your doing the community a favor.
Best wishes /JohnnyBoy


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
1. For me, i see all the Quest titles (fully), if there is not something im missing.
I mean you know the yellow Optional Quests title which you changed to something else. I can only see the first line/row. I'll take a screenshot if we still don't understand each other. Also, I played the map on 1.29.2 so maybe in 1.30+ the UI issue was fixed.
''for ever''
It's actually "forever" :p
5. Thanks, i was thinking of doing that. I don't know what you mean by "(ingame player number dependable)" however.
I mean, after the total number of players in the game choose their heroes. So if only 3 players are playing, the trigger will detect the max as 3 and not 7.
8. Nice idea, but it works as lumber aswell right? or is it really unappealing because it is called lumber?
Yeah, it's a bit confusing especially because you changed the icon. Might be me though. By the way, did you also change the icon to that box when you buy the items? I don't remember.
9. I don't know how to do that (never thought of it), just thought the command buttons were fitting, so i added them.
Here's an example of custom UI: Gothic Minimalistic UI Widescreen
You can find many more here: Skins | HIVE
This one has more details on how to integrate one: Obsidian Desert UI
11. Well, would you like it more if i made it impossible to get back and heal when you entered the room? Never thought of that.
I guess, depending on the difficulty? I mean players should almost like calculate their way through a zone. I think, at least you should not leave creeps with low HP if they are not being damaged anymore, like with bosses.
14. Yes, im not that experienced in making custom trigger spells. Should i rename it teleport instead? Just wanted it to fit the class.
No, it was just a joke. About custom spells: Spells | HIVE
15. Yes. Would you like anything else instead? suggestions?
Well, diversify them more. I think everyone will be tired of killing fish and crustaceans. Try triggering their spells, diversify their spells, don't let most creeps have the same spells like Curse or Slow or I don't know. Be a bit more creative, play some newer RPG maps here or games and get some ideas.
16. Yes it's based of storm bolt, will be removed, thanks for feedback. (same goes for some other spells that i will fix.
Base them on Channel instead. You can choose the order id (which means it can be like a Storm Bolt or Curse, so on) and trigger the damage and FX through triggers.
19. Dont know what you mean by this? The probably aggrod from the other side of the wall? or got replaced when you toggled difficulty?
Ugh, my English sucks sometimes. I meant that you can attack a group of creeps then run away a little while they follow you and it can so happen that some of the creeps don't return to their initial place and start sleeping somewhere on the way back.
21. Thats true. If you feel like leaving the boss fight and leaving you friends alone with it, go ahead. The shortcut is mainly used for people not having to run all the way back to the Boss after dying or recalling. Since you stil loose lives i dont think this is a huge issue. More of something luxury for the player.
I mean it can be abused. A hero goes to regenerate, returns to the boss fight, another leaves to do the same and so on.
23. Which is stated above the "quest/achievements". (Couldn't you say it's the same thing to some extent?)
Well, usually optional quests give you something in return to make your main quest(s) easier.
29. Max lvl is 30 (can see in hero picking room). Which is rarely reached.
I feel as if you lose on some hero spells because of not being able to reach the max level, something like how in games like Diablo II you can only choose some spells and not all because you'd have to start a new game with the same character class to choose the other spells instead.
Some have said try to make more paths and freedom of choice in movement. But you still have to kill all the mobs in room get to the next, does it really matter how you get to them? This way you know you wont miss anyone around a corner.
I think it's about just making the game have more dynamism, you know maybe fight some enemies with siege range and you'd have to move through a field to dodge, anyways, being cluttered all the time, isn't really fun. It's like working in the sewers all day long.
Also deepstasz, was there anything in particular that you liked about the map thorughout your experience that i can bring with me. Seems like the feedback you gave was mostly "cons", not that much "pros". If you have any i would like to recieve them to. Peace! :)
Please use the green Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update.

Hey, I usually write about what needs "fixing" so that creators can improve/enhance their work.
The map is quite fine. What I've learned is that playing other stuff, different than what you ordinarily like or are inclined to, is a key in increasing your creativity and analytic thinking. So, I'd need some time to write something step by step on how/what to implement.
Make use of the space you have, especially the empty one, that which serves no other purpose than to be a waiting time for the heroes to reach their destinations. Make more traps, maybe some mini-puzzles, different type of enemies than creatures or even units (say, you'd have to figure out how to get past a door). Just get inspired and let time give ideas to you. There's no hurry and it shouldn't be because then haste would distort the work.
Level 1
May 22, 2015
please fix the Red ( host ) respawn place if u dont use rally point your hero can get stuck .... recall spell dont work from respawn place so i needed my frend to come and destroy the tees for me in order to get out if not for his help we cud all rmk the game for that reson....
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
I suggest that you make resurrection happens with a trigger so you don't need one altar for every player.

The map seems cool, gonna try it with friends soon!

Thanks for the feedback! That might be a change to keep in mind for upcoming versions. However i think the altars look quite badass, and it shows your teams resources.

Please tell me how you'r experience of the game was if/when you try it. I'd be delighted to hear about it :)


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
5. What trigger in particular? I manually add players to a player gruop variable and remove them depending on how many is playing at the time, but i don't think that's what you are saying.
'm not sure how you're doing it but I was referring to the hero selection zone to become hidden/fog of warred after all players choose their heroes, regardless if they are a total of 3 or 7.
My intended idea was that every character should not have just 1 way of playing it. What i want to achiveve is more versetile classes that can go down different paths depending on how you wanna play it.
Yeah but if you want to max some/certain spells out, then you'll not have a hero with 4 spells.

Also again:
Please use the green Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update.
Site Rules
You can copy from one post to another that way.
Level 6
Sep 15, 2015
Don't know why but this remind me Maze of Minecraft Twilight Forest. :\
You guys surly have to try it.

I don't know why but my three favorite games have craft in their name
Warcraft - Starcraft - Minecraft :\

Edit: You've got different classes in your game i'm suggesting to put different race or skin for each class. That will allow players to pick same class at time.
For example for Assassin you can use:
Warden and Derivatives
Now 4 player can play Assassin at same time. ((Its required MUI spells!))

It is just an idea :)
Last edited:
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
Don't know why but this remind me Maze of Minecraft Twilight Forest. :\
You guys surly have to try it.

I don't know why but my three favorite games have craft in their name
Warcraft - Starcraft - Minecraft :\

Edit: You've got different classes in your game i'm suggesting to put different race or skin for each class. That will allow players to pick same class at time.
For example for Assassin you can use:
Warden and Derivatives
Now 4 player can play Assassin at same time. ((Its required MUI spells!))

It is just an idea :)

Cool! I have not tried that.

I guess the classes now work more like characters, meaning you can only have one of each in your composition. The reason for that is to make the game balanced and make the player feel like its having a unique role. I like the idea of adding differnt skins and i have been thinking about making each class have a second decision of path. Meaning that an Assassin can choose between(for example) focus more on utility/spells or raw phys damage - by getting Another character of that class with maybe some other skills. Just a thought at this stage though.

Thanks for leaveing feedback! and hope you enjoyed it!
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
So many criteriums to fulfill, uff.. one would be annoyed and not upload anything by this imense amount of guidelines.

To the review itself, played it very often with various versions. A map i always wanted to created aswell, simple and heavy enjoyable.

List of things that could possibly be edited in the future coming soon...
Level 1
Mar 27, 2019
Really nice map, you just team up with people and try to face the dungeon!
Gave it a shot, you will enjoy it 100% Guarantee !!
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
I tried playing it on Bnet.
We played up until 2-3 bosses and we steamrolled everything until our healer left the game and the boss just wrecked us.
I don't think the game was fun to be honest.
My biggest gripe is just how creeps are copypasted, theres only 1 way to go and theres zero room for players to be creative.
I could see why players would leave the game, which ruins the experience for people that actually might want to play it.
You have to understand that games that don't account for leavers will never work in the current enviroment on Bnet.
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
Sorry to hear about your experience Nudl9.

It is a team-based game that requires communication and of course that you have a good setup and that all do their part. However the fact that people are leaving the game can be due to many reasons and i dont think you should draw upon the conclusion of others and speak of their experience. That is not a constructive way of giving feedback. People leave games all the time and there is just that much you can do about it. I have tried to solve it by implementing the adaptable difficulty system so you still can play if people leave if you still have a lineup to progress with, but it is very hard for me to determine who leaves and what not. And to quote you that the map "will never work in current environment on Bnet" is just a hollow statement. I have played many games that worked just fine, i guess this depends more on who you play with not just static statement of "never".

Some creeps are of course copy pasted, since that's how you place units in WE, as you probably know. And creativity in my opinoin lies in the composition, the alignment, itembuilds, what to focus, positioning, how to act, how to skill your abilities and what quests you want to try out. I guess you talk about creativity in relation to "theres only 1 way to go", which is a fact and a game design which i guess some people don't like. I have tried sketching on other plans to make it feel less "linear" but i decided to work around that with other game design choices.

Of course people play this map on different levels of seriousity and it may come with a price to host a full game with complete strangers on bnet. If you are having trouble finding serious players to play with you can always join the discord and play with us there. But i guess that won't happen since you did not think the map was fun and i respect that. Just want to give you a chance to try a map in the way you want to try it. The map can't fix bnet issues. But what map can? Especially when you are looking for serious team-based game.

Have a good one Nudl9 and thanks for the feedback. (Btw i tried you Warcraft Royale map and i hated it. Kappa. It was enjoyable!)
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Most of it is just my personal opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.
When i play games i usually look for ways to express myself and the way i approach things is i try to break games as much as possible or look for interesting ideas.
I just find games that have a linear approach boring there are only one set way of approaching in the problem.
Thats why i chose not to rate the map, since somebody else might find it fun.
I thought i'd be honest with my opinion at least, better to put it out bluntly.

"And to quote you that the map "will never work in current environment on Bnet" is just a hollow statement."
It's not a hollow statement and i'll tell you why. The problem started after the bots got removed, because you can't hold players responsible anymore for leaving. No stat tracking means players aren't commited anymore. So for every game theres minimum 1 leaver per game. Just like in my game, when the healer left the game it completely ruined the game for everyone else in it. It's not just your map, i've played Battleships, Battletanks, Rabbits vs Sheep, Parasite, Tree Tag, RT ladder. None of these games are playable anymore because leavers skew the balance or players are too essential ingredients for the game to work. It's not until i made Warcraft Royale that i discovered that i'd inadvertently had solved a problem i didn't even know was a problem, until i played other games. But it's not appliceable to most maps since most maps are team based. So my advice to you is to make your map as fun in single player as it would be in multiplayer. Focus on the map from a singleplayer perspective. So that when you have leavers it's still fun and not unplayable.
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
So for every game theres minimum 1 leaver per game. Just like in my game, when the healer left the game it completely ruined the game for everyone else in it. It's not just your map, i've played Battleships, Battletanks, Rabbits vs Sheep, Parasite, Tree Tag, RT ladder. None of these games are playable anymore because leavers skew the balance or players are too essential ingredients for the game to work. It's not until i made Warcraft Royale that i discovered that i'd inadvertently had solved a problem i didn't even know was a problem, until i played other games. But it's not appliceable to most maps since most maps are team based. So my advice to you is to make your map as fun in single player as it would be in multiplayer. Focus on the map from a singleplayer perspective. So that when you have leavers it's still fun and not unplayable.

Yes I am aware of these issues but how do suggest to work around this problem then? Not to make team based games? I have actually tried hard to implement a system that can keep you game going when player leaves the game, this will if course not work if for example the most important role leaves the (if that was a healer and the only one you had). Also in this patch desyncs have been a problem i have been facing with this map aswell and been trying to solve ever since the 1.30 patch came out - which was another thing that made me develop the adaptable difficulty system.

In my opinion (which is of course biased since im the creator) i do see this map being a fun experience for a single player in multiplayer. Grouping up with strangers trying to clear a dungeon, discussing strategies, finding out effecient compositions, killing a boss on a higher difficulty for the first time. I have met a lot of new friends through playing this map, that are now active in the discord and we play from time to time - cause the map was inviting communication and strategy between players. Of course you can end up in a bad game. But saying that "I could see why players would leave the game" is just a rude way to give feedback and unethic to say the least, especially from a mapmaker yourself knowing how much effort there is put into maps like these.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
I would design the game up as a singleplayer first and multiplayer second. Since multiplayer can only add to it's value. If the DPS can't heal, let them buy potions. If the healer can't DPS, let them buy summons. Give players options.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but honestly it's better for you if i'm blunt about my opinion. When you're working on a game you're pretty much blinded by your own opinions. I can play my own maps with a glee and think to myself that this is gods gift to earth. But then i let others play it and i get comments like "shit map". You have to distance yourself from your own game to understand. I've been polishing turds before and it's not until now that i understand the phrase: "kill your own darlings". If the concept of your map doesn't resonate with players instantly i would reconsider working on it or change things up, but thats just my personal opinion.
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
I see what you mean but that is also the charm of a game in a way, that you have to rely on other people than yourself. I review your feedback as any other feedback, however you are the first to express such a bad experience in such harsh words to claim the experience what not just your own. Il add this to the list of other feedback i have gotten through out the months on the discord, here and from other people i have played with.

Finally a reminder to you - please think constructive when you give feedback. Maybe you don't care, but usually the person receiving it cares a lot. And there is no excuse to say "you need to hear it like this". Pros and cons, suggestions and explanations. Have a good day!
Level 1
Mar 30, 2017
Hi, just played 4 games with randoms, solid map! Really enjoyed the hero choice, alignment system and weapon synergy.
Unfortunately feels a little boring after couple of runs. I would like to share my suggestions to make already good map more interesting.

1. Additional pathways. It would be great to have multiple choices how to came up to the boss, because every time the path and mobs spawns are identical this really feels boring after couple of runs. So adding multiple ways/tunnels with different mob spawns could give a sense of choice.
2. Collectibles spawns in different places. Dynamite barrels could spawn randomly, after couple of games you already know where they are.
3. More Random optional stuff. There could be some optional quests like escort npc/arena/maze - anything. The quests can be accessible in a camp/village and ideally should required teamwork, as a reward it might be additional life to a team or some item with aura/buff :). The idea behind that is to give players more ways to gain gold/rare items.

Definately recommend this map to try out!

Looking for updates,
Best regards.
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Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
Hi, just played 4 games with randoms, solid map! Really enjoyed the hero choice, alignment system and weapon synergy.
Unfortunately feels a little boring after couple of runs. I would like to share my suggestions to make already good map more interesting.

1. Additional pathways. It would be great to have multiple choices how to came up to the boss, because every time the path and mobs spawns are identical this really feels boring after couple of runs. So adding multiple ways/tunnels with different mob spawns could give a sense of choice.
2. Collectibles spawns in different places. Dynamite barrels could spawn randomly, after couple of games you already know where they are.
3. More Random optional stuff. There could be some optional quests like escort npc/arena/maze - anything. The quests can be accessible in a camp/village and ideally should required teamwork, as a reward it might be additional life to a team or some item with aura/buff :). The idea behind that is to give players more ways to gain gold/rare items.

Definately recommend this map to try out!

Looking for updates,
Best regards.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoy the game. I am aware of the points of improvements you point out. This project is currently on hold, since i have been working on another one for the last couple of months. Join the discord if you have not already.

Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
Hey, hatte eine e mail zu deiner Map bekommen, dachte ich schau mal wieder rein
Spielst du noch?

Does someone know if there is any new "World Editor" info about the "Warcraft 3 Reforged" version out there?
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Small review

- Crates and critters drop chance of tomes is too low.

- I think regular creeps should drop tomes/pots as well with a low chance.

- Lots of text has those dark colors like purple,brown,etc. which are really hard to read, i suggest changing them to a brighter color.

- Because the map is based on those square shape zones and all the mobs are pretty much in the same place everytime the map can get a bit boring/stale after a while, i suggest changing up the pattern a bit including a larger variety of mobs/mini bosses for each "level/zone" and changing their places as well.

- Since this is a "dungeon" type map, i expected to find more secret/hidden places, but there doesn't seem to be any. Since the map is already pretty finished and full i suggest implementing some hidden portals in some corners similar to the explosive barrels, these portals will teleport you to some other optional mini boss / boss / game rooms for exemple, giving the dungeon more of a magical/mysterious vibe to it and it will make it less stale.

- U can kite bosses out of their zone with the spell "Devil's Grip" from the vampire class, (therefore abusing the war3 system and the boss won't reset).

- The dragon boss and other bosses that have a damage spell can be abused as well, using 1 dmg spell on them (without attacking) the boss will use his own dmg spell in return and then go back to sleep/remain in his spot, using this method all bosses can be soloed without even stepping in their zones, (but will take a lot of time to kill them tho).

- "Bone armor" item seems to have a 5 sec. cooldown in the tooltip, even tho the item has no active spell, clicking on it doesn't do anything.

- The "Full moon armor" spell effect from the Vampire seems a bit over the top for just a simple armor buff, i suggest changing the animation to something smaller that doesn't blocks the vision too much.

- Each class should have atleast 1 spell that scales with their main stats, because in late game the spells fall off pretty hard, especially the damage ones.

- Even tho this is supposed to be a dungeon like adventure map, i feel like most of the corridors are too narrow in my opinion.


- I like the different models of the heroes/bosses and some of the critters, they look pretty awesome.

- The Hero spells seem to have a strong theme to them and are very unique as well, the are pretty balanced too.

- I like the fact that there is a description for every boss, some of them were really funny.

- The boss fights are decent, probably impossible to solo some of them on the hardest difficulty (without abusing the war3 system).
Level 7
Feb 10, 2011
I have just finished playing this map with my friend. We had two runs - in the first one we played as the Commander and the Sorceress, but it didnt work out and we RMK'd.
In the second run he went the Giant and I took the Priest and it was quite easy, we didn't get any events or anything like it, the bosses were quite simple and overall we had no problems whatsoever (till the point that we stopped paying attention, which got one of us killed :D ) but still, we made it to the final boss with about 15 lives left and the boss was impossible. Not because the boss would have too much damage, he managed to tank it well and I healed him enough so that the boss would eventually go down without either of us being in danger, but these damn hydras he kept creating that would hit the Giant once and then go straight at me. I, being a Priest, had only 300 hp, so three hits from them would result in my death, healing pots and spells would not be enough and this resulted in the hydras massing up and eventually killing the both of us.

I think it was too easy for most of the dungeon, some fights with the hydras being exceptionally long because of their spawning of lesser hydra upon death. I think that this should be made a bit harder so that it won't become as boring as quickly.
I also noticed that most spells have melee buffs on them (Priest's Guardian Angel had the Rejuvenation buff on the target).
And last but not least is the quest reward. It's nice that there are miniquests along the way but I saw no point in receiving 25 gold just before the final boss. That was just too low of a reward.

Overall - I dunno about the score :D It was nice, it was well done, but I can't say I really enjoyed it too much, because the fights took too long with too little action and it was too repetitive.
Level 1
Sep 30, 2019
Very nice game :D had much fun griding the Duo Challange. Game is hard but its doable after you played a few times. For people who like dungeon crawling type of games -> Jungle dungeon is a must play !
Level 5
Jul 4, 2007
5/5 fun map. Some minor spelling issues found, for example: The map says "Muliboard" instead of Multiboard :)
Uo instead of You, etc. Mostly in hints and quest texts.

Really liked the map in numbers section!
This map does indeed have: 399 Units, 2524 Doodads (Trees/Destructibles), 5903 Other Doodads, 153 Regions, 539 Triggers, 227 Variables, 248 Functions, 112 Sounds, 859 Objects: [167 Standard, 692 Custom] 244 Units: [23 Standard, 221 Custom], 167 Items: [13 Standard, 154 Custom], and 394 Abilities: [99 Standard, 295 Custom].

Oh, and 3 songs: Heart Of The Tide, Post Apocalyptic Conversation, and Unknow Watters by Antonio S. Ribeiro from "Music Contest #11" (Double typo not mine, copied song title straight from ID3 tags...) Correct spelling would be Unknown Waters.

Plus, two illegal imported files with colon in their name:
Image - Console Texture 4: HumanUITile04.TGA
Image - Game Menu Border: human-options-menu-border.tga

So with file names like that, the gameplay constants must look like this:
Image - Console Texture 4: Image - Console Texture 4: HumanUITile04.TGA
Image - Game Menu Border: Image - Game Menu Border: human-options-menu-border.tga

One last problem: Item tooltips! Black or deep purple text is not readable on dark gray background. (Words like Unique, Warlock, Legendary, etc.)

Unique, Warlock, Legendary
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Level 1
Sep 9, 2020
Currently has a chance to crash/drop players on start, so you may not have a full game anymore after loading in. Difficulty update doesn't seem to work, but there might just not be any text confirming it changed. The heroes are super cool and the map is a lot of fun though! Just needs a stability update.