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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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A unit model for modern or futurist warfare.

Please give credit if used.

28/01/2010: New version

walker, bipod, modern, mechanic, war, marine, machinegun, gun, mech, mechwarrior

GroundWalker_TwinGun (Model)

19:07, 31st Jan 2010 DonDustin: nice futuristic model. The amount of variations you made is a plus too




19:07, 31st Jan 2010
DonDustin: nice futuristic model. The amount of variations you made is a plus too
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
wow..... rofl dude. I dont know how you did this, but you really messed up the stand animation. You have a duplicate geoset of the marine "driver" in the cockpit and on the stand animation, the 2 duplicate geosets move in different directions so it gives it a very "LSD-esq" afterimage effect. Delete on of the geosets.
Interesting idea, making the headlight a sort of status icon.
I would like to see you put more work into this model as this is obviously your "AATURRET2 Model but with legs. or vice-versa. and the only thing connecting the legs to the body is a very thing square plate.
You REALLY like that wheel-connector piece of the steamtank geoset. because i would say that damn near 50% if not more of this model is the same geoset over and over again. and they are all quite poorly geomerged into each other, wireframes colliding and overall just looking sloppy
the death and decay seemed creative, those animations have potential, but the legs go apeshit-crazy when it explodes, but you should really make the model disappear or fall underground at the end of the decay animation, like all the other wc3 models, otherwise the geoset will remain on the field ingame and be in everyone's way and be an overall very annoying line of sight blocker.
the walk animation is...promising... in a way. it doesnt look good at the moment, but im sure if you tweaked it a bit, it would come out much better. right now it looks like a chicken-head-bobbin', swimmer. the legs aren't really making contact with the ground so much as they are sliding through the ground.
.... overall, this needs a lot of improvement
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
so you ONLY changed 1 thing? you got rid of the thin-plate pelvis and opted for a BOX.... of all the things you needed to fix :/ there is still a double geoset of the marine, the legs are still going crazy on the death and decay animations, the walk animation still needs work, and the legs are completely uneven. When you look at it head on, the left leg is shorter than the right leg AND it's crooked. I dont see why you updated it without fixing these other problems
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
Well i am very glad to see tha you are trying very hard to fix this. This last update is better. but there are still some problems. I am glad that you fixed the crazy-movement of the legs on the death and decay, both death and decay animations seem fine now. The new legs look.... alright, the feet are a bit flat but overall fine. The only thing that needs fixing on the legs now is the UV wrap, right now, the legs are only UV wrapped on one side, (you probably used the extrude tool, didnt you) Well, because of this, the front and top of the legs look horrible and the texture on it is stretched, please UV map that because right now that part looks terrible. You managed to fix that "trippy" effect on the stand animation when the 2 geosets of the marine move at different times. HOWEVER the DUPLICATE geoset is STILL there, it is taking up precious KB space. Also, try to remove some other unnecessary geoset data, 157KB is very large for a model like this. And finally, the walk animation needs a lot more work... still. It looks even worse now with the new legs, the feet and completely punching through the ground. it's not walking, it is pedaling a bicycle.

ALSO: instead of spending so much time updating every single variation of this model, (twingun, minigun, rocketpod etc) just work on fixing one model at a time, and submit it, and see if there is ANYTHING ELSE that you need to fix, before applying those changes to all the other models and then having to change them all again.

This model is getting better, just fix those problems and im sure that you will have a great model in no time
Level 21
Mar 19, 2009
I dit not used the extrude tool. I'm simply hard bad on UVMapping :)

Twin marine geoset: needed for the pilote ejection.
For those models, I could ban him. But not for the complete model GroundWalker_Heavy.
But after all, Warcraft Maps allow now 8GO. I'm like you, I like light models, but actually @the moment I want to make better models than my Stars one, which are light.

Walk animations: Trying to do like the AT-ST Walkers in Starwars, but the movement is hard to reproduce ^^

Other models: they are all submodels of the walker called GroundWalker_Heavy (no idea why he does not appear on the last update models, but it is in my profile.

So: fix GroundWalker_Heavy is what I do. Other models needs only geoset removing+animation deleting+Mdlvis optimization, so 10 minute per model after I finish the GroundWalker_Heavy