• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Goblin Technomage by Rizz_Boomer

I finally finished the Technomage and can proudly say: "Shes Epic!"
Gave her the Demoness-Animations, added a Dissipate and a small Suprising Animation.

Although nobody really was able to help me with the animations I kept my word and uploaded her for everyone, who has been rejected on a request and to motivate them to realise the requests by themselves.

Nontheless Hope you enjoy it!

Goblin, Rizz_Boomer, Rizz, Boomer, Technomage, TMage, EPIC, Woman, Female

Goblin Technomage by Rizz_Boomer (Model)

20:46, 10th Nov 2008 General Frank: The upper arms could use some love, aswell as the mouth and the googles. Fuck it, I approve. Awesome man!
Level 8
Mar 18, 2005
4/5 for a great model and perfectly fitting animations, whirlwind was a bit strange though with ice as well as fire.

Huge problem here is the attachment points, for example the hands are actually her wrists. And another problem is that some spots, like her shoulderpad, are not enclosed and therefore from certain angles are ugggggly!
Level 1
Nov 10, 2010
Great to see a female goblin at last. have hoped for a while for something capable of being 'hero' in a map! 4/5 (weapons dont really match her class)
Level 5
Dec 12, 2014
This is very awesome! One question though~~

I am putting your model into the game and am currently looking for a voice file that fit this character. Sadly the game itself does not really have a voice type that fits her. Any suggestions?

Also this icon is made for your model, for those who might be seeking it:

Your Sincerely,
A Supporter :infl_thumbs_up: