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[FINISHED] Spells and Systems Contest #3

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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Welcome to The Hive Workshop's

Spells & Systems Contest #3

The Spells & Systems Contest is mostly like a mini-contests due to its low requirement, time limit and prize. The aim in each contest is to make a spell that matches the specification included below. To win, you simply have to try your best to make the given spell while considering the main judging points (see below).
This contest's theme is


You have to make an ability that relates to Consumption. Consume their soul, eat them (consume them literally), it doesn't matter. It just has to consume something, somehow.
1. Post your own work only!
2. Only one (triggered) spell should be sumbitted.
3. Don't protect your map!
4. Do not use custom sounds, icons or models that boost your spell's effects!
5. Your spell must support multiple levels (at least 2)!
6. You cannot use WEU's advanced functions!
7. The test-map should provide proper testing of the spell (low cooldown, many/respawning creeps, etc...)
8. Both JASS and GUI are allowed.

If you break the rules, you will be disqualified from the contest.
To enter, simply add a reply saying you will enter. You must edit that post, and attach your finished spell there!
Do not reply more than once to make it easier to find who's taking part and who is not. Do not reply unless you wish to take part, only Administrators/Moderators may reply as much as they want about the contest (even if not entering).
You have 6 days to submit/modify your spell, and one day (Sunday) will be used for testing the spells and announcing the winner.

You can not enter this contest, if you
-have a negative reputation
-won the previous spells & systems contest.
Judging will follow a formula:

1. Idea (5 points) - Originality and execution of the idea is the goal.
2. Triggering (5 points) - Making efficient, leakless, and simple (as possible) triggers is the goal.
3. In-game playability (3 points) - Making sure your spell is easily understandable (tooltip, not overcomplicated) to the average player, as well as having a practical use in x game type is the goal.
4. Visual effects (2 points) - Making a nice-looking (but not too complicated) effect, while not hugely hindering the spells playability value (excepting spells with this theme, such as a spell that masks the screen for enemies of the caster) is the goal.
A spell can earn a maximum of 15 points. It's simple, the contestant with the most points will win.
The winner's prize will be 10 reputation points, and earn a spot in the "Spells/Systems hall of fame" (list of winners of this contest).
However, the winner cannot participate in the next contest.
You have 6 days to work on and submit your spell.

The deadline is: 30.06.07 (saturday), in GMT.

Good luck!
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
If anyone has any future suggestions about the contest, rules, or the rating system, please feel free to post them, but remember to try to conserve yourself to one (edited) post in this thread, with the exception of administrators and/or moderators, who should not excersize this rule in most situations anyways.

And sorry for the double post, but I'm trying to keep the contest itself distinct from comments as to it.
Level 11
Jul 12, 2005

Consume.. I can't say that'll be an easy one, heh..
I'll figure out something interesting.

PurplePoot: Heh. I, anyways, could think of a ton of spells right of the bat >_>. It's not that hard if you stray from the standard literal consumption, to something like... well, take Drain Mana, which could be said to consume their mana. It doesn't have to be named Consume XXX, it just has to be that sort of idea.

Not much interest for the 3rd contest Purple.. :S Well, it's just better for us (Kixer and me) :D
I got a great idea for the spell.

I'm finished.
Spell: Infest
Transplants a leech into the target that sucks life out from the body, and transfers it to the caster. The leech "works" faster if the target is not moving.


  • Infest 1.00.w3x
    14.3 KB · Views: 322
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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Ok im in...
Just got to think of a spell.

Edit :
Purple, did you get my email? I sent it to your gmail account. Its about how I cant upload my spell and I needed you to do it for me...
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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Yeah, maybe... I'll raise it for discussion among the staff.

In other news --



Idea: 4 points. Parasite spells have been done many times before, but the effect of this one was quite nice on the other hand.

Triggering: 4 points.

-You could have compressed the DamageDisplayPeriod and DisplayDamage into one number, with 0.0 being no display.

-Try to stay away from TriggerSleepAction

call SetUnitExploded(trg,ExplodeOnDeath())
Should probably be
if ExplodeOnDeath() then
    call SetUnitExploded(trg,true)
to help prevent interference with other spells.

-You create a new timer that deals with EVERY parasite EVERY TIME a parasite is cast?

Ingame: 2 points. Flawless except that it occasionally did weird amounts of damage (39/46) at level 3 when it should have ONLY been able to do (26/52) according to the tooltip.

Visual Effects: Looked fairly nice, and didn't confuse the spell's effect with eyecandy.


Idea: 4 points. Suck-their-soul spells have been done alot before, but this one certainly captured it nicely ;)

Triggering: 4 points.

-You don't ever need to store 0 or null in a gamecache (that's what an empty slot returns)

-You should probably use OrderIDs instead of OrderStrings

-You should probably null your timers. Some people say there can be problems with this, but I've personally never had one.

-Work out PercentTo255(40) yourself (it's a BJ) since it's constant

-You never use f in Soul_Attraction_CreateSoul()

Ingame 2 points. Hard to get used to at first, since the tooltip is an evil wall of text. Also, the fly height on the soul looks a bit bad.

Visual Effects: 1 point. Hard to tell when you stop channeling (animation doesn't change), and the choice of effect was probably not the best.

Congrats Paskovitch for 1st place, and Kixer for a great followup of 2nd. Too bad we couldn't have more contestants, but I'm glad you guys entered anyways.

We won't be having a contest this week due to lessened summer activity, and hopefully next week's will get some more activity.

Also, pask, you'll have to wait a bit on your rep points (till Wolv/Ralle/Archian/Bob sees my request to give 10 to you) as I can't dole around as many as I want whenever I want.
Level 4
Dec 14, 2004
You were already thinking about doing a 2 week contest, so why wait till next week to start it? You should test the 2 week idea now cause I was going to keep joining it but checked on these threads too late. Otherwise you'll jsut have your contest end in 2 week anyway, and probably with less activity.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Well I lost oh well...
Like I said in my message to Purple, the spell was a long way from being finished but I didn't have enough time because of the due date...
Congrates to Pask, and I cant wait for the next Contest...
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