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Demon Hunter Icon Pack

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Demon Hunter Icons


Spell Icons

- Demon hunter 'Take off' or 'Rain from above' ability icon.
- Demon hunter 'Spectral Sight' ability icon
- Demon hunter 'Immolation Aura' ability Icon (Male and Female)
- Demon hunter 'Sigil of Flame' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Reverse Magic' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Blade Dance' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Chaos Nove' (FireStyle) ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Consume Magic' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Dark Slash' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Feast of Souls' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Fel Devistation' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Infernal Strike' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Mana burn' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Netherwalk' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Shattered Destiny' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Soul Rend' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Spectral Dash' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Vengeful Retreat' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Firey Brand' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Demonic Leap' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Demonic Cleave' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Inner Demon' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Eye of Leotheras' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Demonic Stomp' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Final Transformation' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Demonic Avoidance' ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Evasion' (Blood elfe style) ability Icon
- Demon hunter 'Throw Glaive' ability Icon

Unit Icons
- Demon hunter Unit Icons (Morphed/Non-Morphed, Male/Female)

- Changelog -
EDIT 07.05.2024: Moved Armor and Items to another bundle!
EDIT 07.05.2024: Fixed ATT, UPG and SSH Icons for all Icons!
EDIT 07.05.2024: Added some new spells!

Demon Hunter 'Blade Dance' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Blood Corruption' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Chaos Nova' Spell (Raw Fire-Style) (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Consume Magic' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Dark Slash' Spell (Icon)

Demon hunter 'Demonic Avoidance' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Demonic Cleave' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Demonic Leap' Spell (Icon)

Demon hunter 'Demonic Stomp' Spell (Icon)

Demon hunter 'Evasion' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Eye Beam' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Eye of Leotheras' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Feast of Souls' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Fel Devastation' Spell (Icon)

Demon hunter 'Final Transformation' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Firey Brand' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Immolation Aura' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Immolation Aura' Spell (Female) (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Infernal Strike' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Inner Demon' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Mana Burn' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Netherwalk' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Reverse Magic' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Shattered Destiny' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Soul Rend' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Spectral Dash' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Spectral Sight' Spell (Icon)

Demon hunter 'Throw Glaive' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter 'Vengeful Retreat' Spell (Icon)

Demon Hunter Wing Icon (Icon)

Female Demon Hunter (Icon)

Female Demon Hunter Morphed (Icon)

Level 10
Dec 16, 2017
Mana burn, feedback, immolation, evasion, demonic cleave, warglaive throw, fel power, demonic critical, warglaives of azzinoth, fel stomp, and didn't think of the rest yet, but any fel illidan icon should do it.