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Custom MPQ

Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Well believe me I want to believe it does too. But I'm led to understand that with the newest/er patches, Blizzard moved the MPQs away into the Blizzard launcher thing (and/or turned them into "CASC"s), which would mean locally replacing the MPQs with custom ones (via SEMPQ or anything else) won't work. :<

But I'd love to be wrong on that one.
Level 2
Jul 15, 2016
Chaosy I have another problem here. Is I can import icons into war3mpq, but when I use it as a icon for my spell in world editor and i pause the game then i see green colors icon appear. Even i had import the BTN and DISBTN icons
Level 2
Jul 15, 2016
Well I was to importing resource into mpq files to help reduce the map size and i did not want to edit any files that belongs to mpq.
I have a few question here:

1. Can we edit the files mpq files inside the mpq? if cant then why?
2. I only want to import resource into mpq files only, so will there be any consequence?
3. After I had import(not edit) the files into the mpq and use it in my map, can i still play online? Such as garena and battle net.
4. Anyone who download my map at internet will they only can play on lan only or online?

(I just want to ask to confirm only, because I heard about other said do not touch the mpq files.)

Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Hello... @Chaosy I need your help, direly!
How may I change the unit stats such as gold cost in the mpq editor?
I just want it for the campaigns.
I changed the night elf archer cost to 160 from 150 in the Custom_V0 UnitBalance.slk file and the game crashes when I load a campaign map that uses the night elf archer unit (presumably all campaign missions?).
I changed it in the War3.mpq and nothing happened (no change in gold cost) so I changed the file in the War3x.mpq and then it's when the game crash...
Weird because I've for example replaced a footman model (again from the TFT mpq, ROC mpq basically does nothing when I make changes).

I'm on patch 1.29.2

Your help will be divine...


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
You don't.

You can change unit stats in the campaign editor. The reason to use a MPQ is to avoid the map file size limit and changing stats does not impact map size. Not to mention if your map is of a recent-ish patch the map size limit is increased or removed, I don't remember exactly.
Level 24
Dec 3, 2020
Oof okay.
I have no problem just changing the campaigns UI text file to load my custom edits of the missions.
I just make a campaign and then export each map and all the data and then import it back into that map.
I even managed to add 2 extra missions to the ROC Human campaign.
The missions don't show tho but can be accessed either through the "motherland" cheat or when clicking the "Continue Playing" button after winning the mission.

I wonder if it's gonna work with the "Show custom game button" trigger (to show the new missions).
Presumably not because the missions are just in a normal folders inside the Maps folder that is just named Campaigns and not in an actual campaign file (w3n).
But I need to test it...

I will edit this comment with the result, since it may be very useful to others reading this thread.

Edit: the trigger "show custom game/campaign" button does not work, as expected...

Just 1 more thing @Chaosy:
So I can edit all the files in the mpq except for the slk ones?
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