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Codename Askellon

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Level 13
Oct 10, 2009



There's Xenos Amongst You
Inspired by Parasite, Metastasis and a splash of Warhammer 40k, a fellow crewmember has been infected with an unknown alien organism. End it before it ends you!

Deception Matters
A custom chat that uses Blizzard's new UI natives allows instantaneous changing of player names, and some Aliens can even chat as other players!

Space Travel
Pilot the Askellon through deep space or enter its smaller combat ships; Mine minerals to gain permanent power boosts... And maybe even find the source of this infestation!

Rebooting the Askellon
Something has damaged the Askellon during your escape; find out what, fix the damage and warp out of this terrifying sector.

Alien Evolution
The Crew repairs while the Alien evolves and hunts; Being aggressive rewards you with other infested Crewmembers and further alien evolutions.

Bullets... In the Third Dimension
Bullets collide with walls and terrain, use your dexterity as an Alien to jump over lead and slay humans!

Contextual Interaction System
Sick and tired of seeing games with an "Interact" ability? Now just right click to do things; enter vents? enter ships? mine asteroids, research, upgrade? All done with a single right click.

Dynamic Lighting System
Each floor on the Askellon has its own internal Power Generator, destroy those to shut down the lights and make all humans suffer!

And More
Customizable weapons and attachments, unique dance animations, blood testing, space combat and Alien AI are just some of the current features Askellon offers. And there's much more to come

Codename Askellon is still in active development, check out some of the upcoming content below:
- Story driven exploration, land on different planets and a satellite
- More Alien Evolutions
- More Weapons and Attachments
If you're interested in becoming a beta tester come join our community!

The Codename Askellon Discord Server



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Level 12
Jan 30, 2020
Not ike I have much time to participate to the beta (yet), but you have all my support, I love all projects that shine by their originality !!!
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
The main issue with maps in the same genre is that there is not enough to do for the non-evil players. This often leads to people being more aggressive than they normally would, either team killing due to a small offence or doing something else game-ruining. If the humans could have a way to develop throughout the same, it would lessen this problem significantly.
Level 11
Jul 4, 2016
Looks like it could easily be the next big hit in the "Who's the killer in space genre" maps. But I seconded tulee's concern. The previous similar maps made playing humanity so agonizingly dull. Hopefully, this won't be the same case here.
Level 13
Oct 10, 2009
The main issue with maps in the same genre is that there is not enough to do for the non-evil players. This often leads to people being more aggressive than they normally would, either team killing due to a small offence or doing something else game-ruining. If the humans could have a way to develop throughout the same, it would lessen this problem significantly.
Absolutely agree.

I'm planning to mitigate this by adding things to do in the interim, small "quests" per role.
- Pilots; Mine in space and explore planets once they have been thoroughly identified by the Captain (Only problem here is how do I keep content fresh per game?)
- Inquisitor; Track the purity seals you have placed on players, smite them if they become heathens

While also giving the humans a "goal" to progress towards, which will be warping to the final sector that (probably) has salvation for them.
V1.0 probably wont have the warping mechanic yet, but I've got it sitting there in the backend. Gotta cut down that scope so I can get this out
Level 11
Jul 4, 2016
I'm going to echo a concern in the old metastasis thread, but I hope this inquisitor won't be too overpowered as that can be abused and will make things less fun by limiting freedom. Like how it is in SC2 Parasite, shivers..
Level 13
Oct 10, 2009
I'm going to echo a concern in the old metastasis thread, but I hope this inquisitor won't be too overpowered as that can be abused and will make things less fun by limiting freedom. Like how it is in SC2 Parasite, shivers..

The inquisitor is fairly different to how the Psion or Android functions in Sc2's Parasite.
It's the same as a basic Crewmember with the following changes:
- Can never benefit from or receive Gene Splicing
- Starts with Purity Seal ability, placing it on players gives you bonus XP and improves their regeneration and armor for 5 minutes
- Can later receive Smite, a delayed single target nuke that only deals damage if the target is Alien, or received Gene Splicing and stuns only if they are running away ( during the delay )

Ideally it's more a support role, with it's lack of Gene Powers being made up for in the inclusion of Smite
Level 13
Oct 10, 2009
Hey everyone, thanks for being patient.
It's been a long and eventful journey but I've finally got what I'm happy enough with to be the first public version.

Come check it out and give me some feedback!
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