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Assassins v4.1 +AI

What is Assassins?

Assassins is a Hero Arena map of the Deathmatch variety.
Each player controls a single assassin and pursues other players and neutral creeps.
The objective is to be the first to reach the kill limit.

Watch this tutorial by Hempa|Goia to get an idea of what gameplay looks like:

Game Modes (player 1 only):

-dm # ~-- Deathmatch Mode with # kill limit
-tm2 # ~-- 2 Team Deathmatch Mode with # kill limit
-tm3 # ~-- 3 Team Deathmatch Mode with # kill limit
-ctf # ~-- Capture the Flag with # flag limit
-hm # ~-- Hitman Mode with # kill limit

Camera Modes (player 1 only):

-fpoff ~-- resets all camera views to the default bird's-eye
-fpon ~-- changes all camera views back to the WoW-like first person

Weather Modes (player 1 only):

-weatheron enables periodic random climate change that affects gameplay
  • wind: a couple tornadoes will spawn, slowing nearby players
  • rain: lightning will strike randomly and damage areas of the map
  • snow: snowmen appear randomly on the map and block pathing
-weatheroff disables the weather

Commands (all players):

-ms ~-- shows hero's movement speed
-exp ~-- shows hero's experience gain rate

  • 12 players with FFA, 6v6, and 4v4v4 gameplay
  • Choose 1 of 20 different assassins, each with a unique ultimate ability
  • Unique spell learning system where better abilities cost more
    • Press Esc to bring up your spell books to purchase up to 17 of 40 different abilities
      • Book of Assailment: choose 2 of 9 different offensive abilities
      • Book of Assassination: choose 2 of 9 different offensive abilities
      • Book of Deception: choose 2 of 11 different defensive/deceptive abilities
      • Book of Aegis: choose up to 11 of 11 different passive abilities
  • Intuitive keyboard hotkeys correspond with their position on the screen
  • AI allows for offline play
  • Item shop: purchase various items, many are perishable
  • Armorer shop: purchase various weaponry that can be combined
  • Custom scorescreen at the end of the game - 25 different awards

This patch was created by SentryWiz.

  • Mana Regeneration Items (Sapphire and Ice Sapphire) now give proper 200% and 400% mana regen
  • Immolation re-made and working with new stats (20/30/40/50/60 Damage, 220 Range)

  • Bots now buy combat items according to their main stat and use them
  • Raider, Mountain Giant, Assassin, Banshee, Necromancer, Rifleman now have unique non-used names
  • Fixed Crypt Lord bug - sand trap removes all negative buffs so he can't die underground
  • Make teams split evenly automatically (ie. if -tm2 is selected and the last 4 slots are empty, mode is corrected to -tm3)
  • Noob leaving now removes all buffs from the hero so they won't die after they leave
  • Chameleon Spell:
    • Fixed bug where Assassin did not appear when creep died
    • Levels 4 and 5 don't crash the game anymore
  • Mountain Giants Unique can only be dealt by him now (dog or chameleon no longer triggers it)
  • In ctf, a team zone damage kill now says killed by "a team zone shield" instead of killed by ""
  • In ctf, if player leaves the game while holding the flag, the flag now drops

  • Items:
    • Increased the time it takes for the potion to heal (20 -> 30 seconds)
    • Ice Sapphire - reduced movement speed reduction to 30%
    • Hex: duration 2.4 -> 2
    • Forked Lightning: damage 240 -> 200
    • Storm Bolt: damage 350 -> 280, duration 1.5 -> 1.2
    • Deluge: range 1000 -> 600
    • Changed cost of Wards to 250 -> 200
  • Abilities:
    • Added a 4th book for Advanced Combat abilities:
      • Tetsubishi
      • Fireball
      • Magnetic Link
      • Repel
      • Nest of Bees
      • Tempest
      • Leap
      • Buckshot
      • Grenade
      • Unique Ability
    • Rewrote Tetsubishi more efficiently
    • Increased cooldown on Shuriken (6 -> 8), Kunai (8 -> 9), and Javelin (5 -> 7)
    • Added a 1 second cast time to Cicada
    • Added 1 to the ability points gained per level
  • Heroes:
    • Druid - Storm Crow Form: bonus vision 200 -> 0
    • Raider - Diabolic Leash: changed timeout between pull backs 3 -> 2 seconds
    • Improved Mountain Giant (base armor 0 -> 3)
    • Improved Lich slightly (base armor 0 -> 1)
  • Interface:
    • Updated quest section
    • Removed damage floating text
    • Added game ending sound
    • Added spell name floating text
  • Game Modes:
    • Changed the maximum CTF mode limit from 25 to 10
    • Changed default kills back to 20
    • New Game Mode: Hitman (-hm XX)
      • Each player is assigned a target (creating a circle of hitmen)
      • A hitman takes half damage from his target
      • Killing a target results in double points and a new target: the target's target
      • Bonus gold and AP are awarded to the last hitman alive in a circle of hitmen
      • A second string of hitmen will be created as the hitmen from the original circle die
        • The last hitman that died becomes the target of the second-to-last one that died
        • The last hitman standing in the current circle becomes the missing link in the current string of hitmen which creates a new circle
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Reduced the experience given from killing a hero to make creeping more worthwhile
    • Made Ability Shops appear as soon as you choose your hero
    • Reintroduced the double damage for last place, but now it doesn't start until 5 minutes in

* Fix Warden unique (Vengeance) - now works after being hit with Kunai
* Reinstated kill limits (50 for dm, 60 for tm)
* Added an "-unstuck" command



* Reduced disable durations for items
* Removed Leaf of Resurrection
* Raised cost of AP 120 -~ 150


* Thunder Clap: reduced manacost
* Dog Bone: reduced duration to 30 seconds but made dog faster
* Shadow Decoy: reduced life per image
* Reduced invisibility durations
* Reduced damage dealt by Javelin
* Fixed Kunai tooltips
* Fixed Critical Strike tooltips
* Nerfed Death Knight unique (Feast)
* Reduced stun limit of Assassin unique
* Nerfed Lich's ult
* Reduced movement speed and vision of storm crow and disallowed tetsubishi


Mortar Team
* Changed cast point time and attack point time (1 second was way too long)
* Fixed "targets allowed" so he can attack Snowmen


* New loading screen
* Rebalanced all the heroes' physical attributes (Str, Agi, Int, damage, etc.)
* Resized all the heroes and added hero glow to non-standard heroes (model by Lord_Assasin)
* New game balancing system - exp gain rate changes based on relative level (a player behind in levels will have a high EGR)
* Removed the double damage buff - why should you be rewarded for dying first?
* New optional weather system (see Commands section)
* Blademaster - remade Unique: now bladespins slowly upward and then slams down after 3 seconds slowing enemies
* Tauren Chieftain - reduced Fracture damage 300 to 200
* New item - Legendary Crossbow (Voodoo Wand, Voltaic Blade, and Storm Hammer)
* New item - Ability Points (you can now purchase 1 AP for 120 gold)
* Significantly improved AI - now they upgrade their spells
* Adjusted Ability Points per Intelligence - INT/5 to INT/6+2

* new host-only command: -weatheron/off enables/disables periodic random climate change that affects gameplay
- wind: a couple tornadoes will spawn, slowing nearby players
- rain: lightning will strike randomly and damage areas of the map
- snow: snowmen appear randomly on the map and block pathing
* new general command: -exp shows your current experience gain rate (a player behind in levels will have a high EGR)

Game Modes
* -ctf ~-- a damaging aura is in place and invisible units are revealed near flags
* -dm, -tm2, -tm3 ~-- removed the upper kill limit - many requests for this
* Added 4 new heroes
* Neutral creeps now get stronger over time

Game Modes
* New game mode: -ctf (Capture the Flag)
* The number of Ability Points awarded per level is the hero's Intelligence/5
* Added 2 more levels to all general abilities (now 5 levels)
* Added abilities
| - Javelin: Long range alternative to Kunai and Shuriken
| - Thunder Clap: AOE slam that slows movement and attack
| - Mend: Heals target friendly unit
| - Impede: AOE movement speed slowing aura
| - Focus: Reduces Concentration time
| - Regenerate: AOE health regeneration aura that requires Concentation
* Revised Abilities
| - Barrier creates a spell absorbing shield instead of armor
| - Ghostmaker stuns units as well
| - Level 5 Mind's Eye now reveals portions of the map (instead of pings)
| - Level 4 and 5 of Chameleon spell deal damage to the killing unit
| - Level 5 Smoke Bomb prevents attacks
| - Level 4 and 5 of Cicada Technique cause AOE stuns
* Removed abilities Caltrops, Sleeping Potion, and Evasion
* Less armor per AGI, Less AS per AGI, Less hp per STR
Bug Fixes -
* Fixed most, if not all, of the "mega memory leaks" @Dark-Assassin
* Stopped the final score-screen from pushing the awards down
* Removed Pooky so that he can't be killed and split the server (he will be back)
* Heroes can no longer attack allies above 10% health @Thar & Omniman
* Spellbooks now go away when the hero casts a spell so they aren't laying around

Commands -
* Removed -random command; random hero is now a button on the hero selector

Game Modes -
* -tm2 XX ~-- same as -tm XX, but now 6v6 instead of 4v4
* -tm3 XX ~-- 3 team deathmatch 4v4v4 with a kill limit of XX
* XX range for -dm is now 10 - 50 @rockminstrel
* XX range for -tm is now 20 - 75 @rockminstrel

Gameplay -
* Added 4 players to the map; now a 12 player game
* Added 50% more terrain to the map
* Added 4 more heroes
| - Assassin ~ 400 range, Agility, Unique: Flicker
| - Lich ~ 600 range, Intelligence, Unique: Cloudburst
| - Blood Mage ~ 400 range, Intelligence, Unique: Omnicast
| - Raider ~ 100 range, Strength, Unique: Diabolic Leash
* Blademaster
| - main attribute agility -~ strength
| - rebalanced attibutes per level
* Demon Hunter
| - main attribute agility -~ strength
| - rebalanced attibutes per level
* Shaman ~ Spark
| - jumps a lot faster
| - duration 7 -~ 5 seconds
* Shadow Hunter ~ Ophidian Wall - duration 15 -~ 7 seconds
* Banshee ~ Ghost - damage 75 -~ 100
* Crypt Lord
| - rebalanced attibutes per level (more STR)
| - Sand Trap - pit duration 10 -~ 7 seconds
* Tetsubishi
| - 100/150/200 initial damage
| - 32% -~ 16% damage/distance
| - no longer hurts teammates
* Evasion - 15/25/35% -~ 10/20/30% chance to evade
* Max level for heroes 20 -~ 30 @rockminstrel
* Less mana per INT, Less armor per AGI, Less hp per STR
* Spellbooks now have inventory for the sake of combining items

Interface -
* new hero selection layout; choose race, then hero
* scoreboard doesn't show up until game mode is selected
* scoreboard now shows team kills so you can tell who is winning
* final scorescreen
| - scores read horizontally now so that all 12 players will fit
| - removed hero name, remaining gold, and remaining ability points
Bug Fixes -
* Fixed respawn triggers so players will always respawn correctly
* Stopped the final score-screen from refreshing and push the awards down
* Gave Pooky mad regen so that he can't be killed and split the server (temporary fix)

Commands -
* Added a -random command for players to choose a random hero

Gameplay -
* Blademaster ~ Bladestorm - countering effect now stops with the spin
* Banshee ~ Ghost
| - cd 20 -~ 15 seconds
| - duration 40 -~ 20 seconds
* Demon Hunter ~ Demonic Portal - felhound attack damage 60 -~ 40
* Spell Breaker ~ Spectral Glaive - damage per hit 25 -~ 20
* Rifleman - strength per level 1.2 -~ 1.1
* Mind's Eye now only pings enemy units that are alive and have not left the game
* Kunai
| - cd 5 -~ 8 seconds
| - damage interval 3 -~ 2 seconds
| - duration 15 -~ 6 seconds
* New item: Monocle - allows normal vision at night
* New item: Sentry Wards
* Mines
| - cost 120 -~ 300 gold
| - charges 1 -~ 2
* Fire-Eater Scroll
| - damage 200 -~ 250
| - cost 200 -~ 150 gold
* Potion now has 10 seconds cd to prevent spamming
* Perfect Amethyst - regen 25 -~ 20 hit-points per second

Interface -
* Helmet - corrected recipe tooltip for Firehand Gauntlets
* Sapphire and Emerald - clarified tooltips to prevent confusion
Bug Fixes -
* Fixed Tetsubishi for players 7 and 8
* Stopped respawn indicator from showing for leavers
Bug Fixes -
* Made gate break when Pooky takes damage
* Kunai Spray (second choice) now levels up when upgrades are purchased
* Fixed multiboard for missing player slots
* Friendly fire no longer counts as kills

Gameplay -
* Rebalanced all of the ability costs (too many changes to mention)
* Banshee ~ Haunt - ms of ghost 300 -~ 250
* Crypt Lord ~ Sand Trap
| Can now move while underground and with no collision, but movement causes a clouds of dust
| Can now cancel the spell (like Chameleon Spell)
* Demon Hunter ~ Demonic Portal - base attack damage of Felhounds 23 -~ 60
* Rifleman ~ Scattershot
| increased damage per frag 250 -~ 300
| increased collision size of frags 80 -~ 120
| increased range 2000 -~ 3000
* Shadow Hunter ~ Ophidian Wall - improved the snake ward damage 23-26 -~ 41-46 (with splash)
* Shaman ~ Spark - stun duration 1 second -~ 1.5 seconds
* Spell Breaker ~ Spectral Glaive - 30 damage 4 times per second -~ 25 damage 10 times per second
* Sprint - changed from +10/20/30% ms to +8/16/24% ms
* Bash - changed from 10/20/30% chance to 2 second stun -~ 10/15/20% chance to 1 second stun
* Indicator shown 3 seconds before a hero respawns so other players are warned
* Vision given to player 3 seconds before respawn in the area of respawn
* 100 bonus armor given to respawned heroes for 5 seconds
* Respawn time is now proportional to kills rather than level
* Money proportional to number of deaths is given to each player once per second

Interface -
* Added Flamestrike casting effect to Necromancer's unique ability
* Changed summon spellbook effect to toonboom
* Added a 2 second fade filter to the end of the game
* Custom score screen for end of game (using a multiboard)
| Includes hero, level, score, gold, ability points, combos, and 25 awards
Bug Fixes -
* Reworked Kunai so that it doesn't lag anymore
* Changed the refresh rate on FP camera positioning to reduce lag
* FP camera now remains locked to hero on respawn

Game Mode -
* Made -fpon the default camera view

Gameplay -
* A lot of new permanent items:
| Includes: Hatchet, Boots, Headgear, Gloves, Chipped Emerald, Chipped Sapphire, Buckler, Rod, Knife, Club
| New Armorer shop placed next to the old shops
| Weapons can be combined to make more powerful weapons with abilities
* Potions now combine to one slot when purchased

Interface -
* Added a 1.5 second black fade-in filter at the start of the game
* Future Game Modes (open to suggestion):
| Capture the Flag
| | - 2 or 3 teams
| | - Steal other teams' flags to score
| | - Abilities and attack disabled and slowed when carrying flag
| | - Flag drops on death
| Keep Away
| | - Each player tries to hold onto the flag for the most time
| | - All players get flag holder's vision
| | - Flag drops on death
| Survival
| | - Each player has a set amount of lives
| | - When a player is out he is given full vision of the map to watch the rest
| Team Survival
| | - Same as survival, but with teams (6v6, 4v4v4, 3v3v3v3)
| Zones
| | - Teams (6v6, 4v4v4, 3v3v3v3)
| | - There are 5 zones
| | - A zone can be controlled by being stood on for a duration
| | - Every 10 seconds each team gets a point per zone controlled
| | - Game is over after a preset time
| Gladiator
| | - Only the gladiator can score
| | - All players get gladiator's vision
| | - The gladiator has increased armor, damage, etc.
| | - Whoever kills the gladiator becomes the new gladiator

Go to GetAssassins.com for the latest version and gameplay info
Email any suggestions or bugs to [email protected]

Assassins, Camera, Arena, FPS, First, Person, Deathmatch, Fun, Cool, Team, Player, 12, 4v4v4, 6v6, FFA, AI

Assassins v4.1 +AI (Map)

18:46, 11th Nov 2009 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 1
Aug 30, 2011
Baintastic said:
Put a time limit on mines (or knockback!)

Don't think knockback is good idea... there are 4 mines, you step into 1, get knockbacked and avoid the other mines xD

Baintastic said:
maybe decrease the AP cost of Tempest by 1, and from Bolas by 3

Tempest decrease is good, i think 10 ap prize for Bolas is good, fair long duration, nice range, blocks regen from potion and reveals invi units ( i think so, cause in dota it's working like that xD) so should stay at 10 or maybe decrease by max of 1

I also noticed that burning shuriken reduces armor of the target, you should add that to the tooltip :p
Level 8
Aug 21, 2009
Don't think knockback is good idea... there are 4 mines, you step into 1, get knockbacked and avoid the other mines xD
that was the point of adding knockback: to prevent spamming.

Tempest decrease is good, i think 10 ap prize for Bolas is good, fair long duration, nice range, blocks regen from potion and reveals invi units ( i think so, cause in dota it's working like that xD) so should stay at 10 or maybe decrease by max of 1
yeah, that was by suggestion, but I agree with you that bolas is well-worth the price as far as immobilizing spells.

I also noticed that burning shuriken reduces armor of the target, you should add that to the tooltip :p
Level 9
Jul 27, 2010
lame... here, I'll just post the ideas.

Assassins Future Changelog (to-date):

    • Game #270 lich got glitched when ulted by death knight, and he couldn't move and we couldn't even see him
    • Fix weather - rain doesn't seem to work properly in non-single-player games
    • Mountain Giant Unique makes creeps run away
    • Tauren Chieftain Unique doesn't always make targets move
    • team doesn't earn money and exp after scoring
    • player can hold onto the flag and delay the game (make a friendly attack cause the player to drop the flag)
    • images should not be able to score with the flag
    • I got the frost attack sapphire item on the Tauren Chieftain, but it wasn't working.
    • try to fix the window where players can die while purchasing the first level of their spells.
    • fix concentration for Sand Trap
    • align learn and ability tooltips for Burning Shuriken
    • buckshot can now upgrade.
    • Items:
      • Make more "super" items like the crossbow
      • Put a time limit on mines (or knockback!)
      • Limit the number of Amethysts that can be carried
      • Add tooltips for the active item abilities
      • Decrease mana cost for forked lightning
      • Add item that reduces respawn time
      • Combined items should have better stats
      • Some sort of guide for the item tree
      • New item: Eye of Sargeras
        • Monocle + Sentry Wards
        • Provide Extends your vision at night + place ward(count down: 2 min)
    • Abilities:
      • Give all uniques 3 levels
      • Increase the range of thunderclap and reduce AP cost
      • maybe decrease the AP cost of Tempest by 1, and from Bolas by 3
      • reduce manacost of chameleon. make it not change unit's colors
      • Increase manacost of Kunai
      • Nerf Sand Trap
    • Heroes:
      • Rebalance all heroes with the excel sheet
    • Game Modes:
      • Provide a way around the kill limits
      • make -hm reassign leaving target
    • Miscellaneous:
      • Add runes
        • money (20 x level)
        • mariokart-style lightning
        • low gravity
        • no friction
        • grow
      • Improve AI (make them purchase items)
      • Reduce agro range of creeps
      • put an maximum on respawn time

Congratulations on the engagement Bain.

You did forget something. The Druid of the Talon's unique? Swimming on the ground.
Level 1
Jan 1, 2014
Hey Baintastic love the map, I've been playing straight for the past 3 days.

Just a few bugs I found:
-Sometimes kunai will not go on cd after casting it. I believe this is due to the target going out of sight during the casting which causes the spell to cancel however the projectile still fires and hits the target.
-Sometimes when trying to jump up and down certain cliffs with the leap ability, my character will jump directly vertical and then land in the same position, then afterwards my character will have no collision size and will be able to walk up and down cliffs and through trees and units until I cast leap again.
-The shamans unique ability (cant remember what its called) will sometimes multiply when it is bouncing between two targets who are very close together so there will be 2 shock balls bouncing between them which often results in 2 instakills lmao
-Buck shot will sometimes deal damage but not knock the enemy away when they are too close to me.

Those are all the bugs I found but one more thing, I feel like ranged characters are just inherently more powerful than melee characters no matter what. This is all just from testing with AI and there are abilities that help melee units auto attack such as bola and blink but its still very frustrating when melee units auto attack animations are very slow making it almost impossible to attack running targets as well as I have to spend AP just so I can actually attack people who are running away.

Even considering these I still love the game PLEASE keep up the great work. I would give u a rep and a 5/5 if I knew how to but I made this account just now so I could comment on your game haha.

Edit: oh I have to have had my account for 10 days before I can rate :(
Level 8
Aug 21, 2009
Sometimes kunai will not go on cd after casting it. I believe this is due to the target going out of sight during the casting which causes the spell to cancel however the projectile still fires and hits the target.
This has to do with the way I implemented Kunai. Originally, I was basing it off of Shadow Strike, but for some reason this spell would occasionally crash the game so I based it on Acid Bomb. Unfortunately, Acid Bomb was already being used for Burning Shuriken, so casting the spell actually creates a dummy unit that casts an Acid Bomb. If your hero is interrupted during the cast, the dummy unit will still follow through on the spell, causing the symptoms you are seeing. I don't really know of a way to fix this since it's already a work-around for a bigger problem.

Sometimes when trying to jump up and down certain cliffs with the leap ability, my character will jump directly vertical and then land in the same position, then afterwards my character will have no collision size and will be able to walk up and down cliffs and through trees and units until I cast leap again.
This is strange; I've never seen this happen.

The shamans unique ability (cant remember what its called) will sometimes multiply when it is bouncing between two targets who are very close together so there will be 2 shock balls bouncing between them which often results in 2 instakills lmao
Yes. This has to do with the way the spell was written. I know it looks glitchy, but I actually loved the way it turned out so I left it that way.

Buck shot will sometimes deal damage but not knock the enemy away when they are too close to me.
This is because buckshot is a circular explosion centered in front of the caster. What you are seeing is the target being pushed toward you. In this particular case, it looks stupid, but the target still ends up taking knockback damage from colliding with you.

Those are all the bugs I found but one more thing, I feel like ranged characters are just inherently more powerful than melee characters no matter what. This is all just from testing with AI and there are abilities that help melee units auto attack such as bola and blink but its still very frustrating when melee units auto attack animations are very slow making it almost impossible to attack running targets as well as I have to spend AP just so I can actually attack people who are running away.
That has always been the trade off with melee vs range. I tried to compensate for it by making melee attacks hurt more or giving them better stats.

Thanks for playing - I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Level 1
Jan 1, 2014
This is strange; I've never seen this happen.

I did some more testing and I found that standing as close to the edge of a cliff as possible seems to be the culprit. I tested it with 2 characters, the banshee and the crypt lord and it happened to both of them and occurred at all levels of the spell. I also tested multiple different cliffs and it worked on most of them. Heres a screenshot I took of the after effects.

EDIT: played another game today and the leap bug occurred when I was standing directly in front of someone


  • Screen Shot 2014-01-03 at 1.42.37 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2014-01-03 at 1.42.37 PM.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 112
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
The Hive Workshop Official

Map Reviewer: Hell_Master
Map Name: Assassins
Map Author: Baintastic



It is really great to see some maps such as this that has more than one gameplay type which means more enjoyment. This is quite original to me and I salute you for making a map like this.

Score: 67/100


Presentation looks quite good even without much use of BB Codes that adds to its beautiful visuals but with just text modifers such as colorizers and different types of fonts. Presentation also is brief but proves to give much information about the game. Great job and expect a great rating here.

Score: 88/100


Minimap Image and Loading Screen looks good and fits. Tooltips looks good though I would suggest also giving some brief and important descriptions to the item abilties instead of just writing down the item ability's name in items such as what it does and if there are incase some important infos such as how much damage it does or such, please do write it down, Quest Menu looks neat and gives alot of information, icons for all fits and no green or broken icons of some sort, models and SFX works perfectly fine and that is all.

Score: 60/100


Terrain is good though I would suggest decorating the shallow water parts of the map by putting some little amount of doodads/ destructibles in it such as water doodads or environmental doodads. Remove the spammed waterfalls in the map also because it makes the game lag like hell when going there. Other than that, the terrain looks good and good job for that!

Score: 56/100


Not the person to judge deeply of triggers so most likely, some of my points here are inaccurate so please do point out my mistakes. Triggers looks neat and organized though the game lags like hell as always when I go or engage myself with the enemies and fight with creeps. I do think this is some fault in the triggers but I could not point out exactly what's the main trigger it is. You should find it out and fix it because it is quite bad that way especially this is a Hero Arena/CTF game.

Score: 54/100

Object Data

Everything looks fine and well. Stats fits with each units and their abilities aswell. File size is very small knowing it is fun to play.Much points for that and great job!

Score: 82/100


Gameplay looks good. I like that you can have different game types here. It does not exactly focus on just simply kill-to-win but there are more things to do like in Capture the Flag, there is a different role to fulfill also.

You could add some more items in it and bettery yet upgradable items also.

Score: 71/100


Give some more informations to item abilties instead of just writing down their name. Write down some important infos in it to be noted by players.

A little amount of doodads/destructibles to the shallow water parts of the terrain and also avoid spamming waterfalls (the area with many waves, as far as I know those are spammed waterfalls) because it lags like hell when you do that.

Fix the lag that happens in-game when fighting or engaging heroes or creeps.

More items would be better for this map seeing that there are more possibilities for a map like this that contains quite few for me.


Final Score: 68.286/100


Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers)
Level 1
Jan 18, 2014
Loved the map bro keep updating it plsss..oww and the ai gaming is cool 2 but can you make them player-like moves,you know what i mean.. hehe anyways nice job!... :D Enjoyed
Level 1
Jul 1, 2011
It's been a long time. Gonna download this now and test it :). I don't know if you remember me, I posted a long time ago about a bug in the chameleon spell where when you die while 'inside' a creep you disappear forever. I never did find out how that happened, sorry bout that :(. I think it had to do with the other spells i had with me or with a specific character. Glad to know this is back tho my bro and I are gonna test this for bugs and post it asap.
Level 1
Apr 3, 2009
DM mode should be made so setting 100 or more kills is possible.
50 kills is very easy to achieve.