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Armored Skeleton

A simple armored Skeleton I meshed up because I didn't find one when searching here on the Hive.
Nothing special, but I thought maybe some people might find it useful.

Has footman animations, and also the Skeleton Birth and Death animations.
I'm not a modeler by any means, and this is just a simple geomerge, if you think that anything should be fixed, I'll try my best.

All credits should go to Direfury, Anvil, HappyCockroach and Paultaker. If any of these authors want me to take down this, there would be no problem at all.

-(Hopefully) made his attack animations more slashy and less smacky.
-No longer scratches his back with his shield on his birth animation.
-Spine looks more attached to his waist (I think).


-Sword's blade by Direfury: Death Knights
-Sword's handle by Paultaker: Curved Sword
-Armour by HappyCockroach: CryptKnight
-Base model by Anvil: Skeletal footman

Hopefully the changes make the model look at least slightly better.

Armored Skeleton (Model)

Armored Skeleton Portrait (Model)

Okay. Eveything is now fixed. That was mentioned beforehand. I approve it, but please next time check the permissions beforehand, if you decide to use any mesh from another Creator.
Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
Well, the sword movement in Attack-2 looks a bit strange (the angle can be more horizontal). Before that, it's excellent, very useful for some like a Scourge techtree, or a Dungeon RPG.
Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
Mhhhh... A frost and a fire version would be excellent. Some geoset on the head, the sword, the hands and the chest can be enough. I don't know to much, but I think you can change animations with Mdlvis. You should add the modelers to credit list (on the top, the profile page), and clarify if you have explicity permission to uploead this.
Level 10
Apr 22, 2015
What do you exactly mean by frost and fire?
I have no experience at all with editing animations, but I'll try later.
All the models I've used are free to edit with credits given, and I already requested for the other authors to be added to the top, guess I'll have to wait a bit.
Of course, if any of the authors have a problem with this being uploaded, I'll take it down.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Looks very nice, but doesn't these skeleton warriors seem a little bit too 'clean'?
Both their armor, helmet and weapon are, if you ask me, in a oddly perfect condition considering that these skeletons were warriors that got killed and later raised from the dead.
Level 10
Apr 22, 2015
Consider these as Grave Guards/Wights from warhammer, being more than just a simple reanimated soldier.
I guess I could make another version with the armor more fallen apart, maybe.
As for the texture, that's the armour I found that fit the most, and since this is a model I made for my campaign, I'm trying to stay away from custom textures.
Thanks for the feedback!
Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
Firstly: Draugr Deathlord with it's skin rotten off.

Secondly: Please get the Permission of the other Members first before you post something or at the very least notify them. Also link the parts you took.

In this case you should notify them. Leave a message on their profile page.

- Please fix the models animations. You can either ask someone else or do it yourself. It doesn't really matter to me.
- Also make the model more connected. The Spine doesn't connect with the hips. You can see what i mean if you view "Stand - 2" animation.

Please Update the model only after you notify the members and let them speak their opinions.
Level 10
Apr 22, 2015
Is it a bug on my end that the armor sticks to things after they die?

Check that the Unit with that model has the Combat - Death tag as "Can't Raise, Doesn't Decay", and also the death timer to 5 seconds, I believe that should fix that problem.

Firstly: Draugr Deathlord with it's skin rotten off.

Secondly: Please get the Permission of the other Members first before you post something or at the very least notify them. Also link the parts you took.

In this case you should notify them. Leave a message on their profile page.

- Please fix the models animations. You can either ask someone else or do it yourself. It doesn't really matter to me.
- Also make the model more connected. The Spine doesn't connect with the hips. You can see what i mean if you view "Stand - 2" animation.

Please Update the model only after you notify the members and let them speak their opinions.

Skyrim/Elder Scroll models are most needed.

I've already posted on the profiles of the other members related. If I get answers and those are positive, I'll then update the model with the suggestions given.
Thanks a lot!
Level 7
Jul 17, 2018
In my humble opinion, this model pleases me, but I think the shoulder pads should also have the player's color...TeamGlow, I think it's called :grin:
Level 10
Apr 22, 2015
Alright. Seems good so far. Permissions are alright. There is just one little thing to fix:

One Geoset is referenced by 2 geoset animations.

Use the Sanity Tester for help.

I want to believe that it's done. Thanks for the fast review.

In my humble opinion, this model pleases me, but I think the shoulder pads should also have the player's color...TeamGlow, I think it's called :grin:

The shoulders seem like a nice place for teamcolor, maybe if I revisit this model I could add either that, a TC shield or a plume on his helmet.