• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Anduin Lothar

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
Sir Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Azeroth.

Took a bit longer than expected, but here he is. This is probably my best work so far, especially texture and animation wise, and I'm quite pleased with the overall result.

The filesize is a tad bigger than usual, but this guy also has more animations than my other models and I already pushed the texture quality as low as I'm comfortable with.

Please remember to test ingame before criticizing, as some things look better ingame than in any of the viewers.

Non-optimized texture.

Give credits if you use and enjoy ;)

UPDATE: Fixed a small bug in Stand Channel animation.

UPDATE 2: Optimized the filesize a bit by linearizing animations. Please report any animations issues you run into.

  • Fixed all severe warnings in the sanity checks and greatly reduced number of unused tracks
  • Tweaked his eyes a bit to look less beady and derpy
  • (Finally!) fixed the ribbon so it actually fits the shape of the blade
UPDATE 4: Fixed issue with texture artifacts pointed out by @Voidwalker

Anduin Lothar (Model)

Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
UPDATE: Figured I might as well fix some small issues with my older models, so starting here with Lothar:
  • Fixed all severe warnings in the sanity check and greatly reduced number of unused tracks
  • Tweaked his eyes a bit to look less beady and derpy
  • (Finally!) fixed the ribbon so it actually follows the shape of the blade instead of crossing it
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Level 7
Jul 8, 2005
When I first checked out the newly updated model, I wasn't sure if it was just me, my version of Windows, Magos' Model Editor, or what else. But I detected that there was something off, which is I saved the updated file in a different folder (to avoid replacing my previous download), and I believe that the attached texture file is of lower quality than the previous one.

I took a few screenshots:
Lothar - before (L) and after (R) 1.jpg
Lothar - before (L) and after (R) 2.jpg
Lothar - before (L) and after (R) 3.jpg
Lothar - before (L) and after (R) 4.jpg

(Left being the original model/texture, right being the newest one, which indeed has more artifacts than the former.)

It may be the Model Editor, it may be intended, it may be the optimizer tool's fault; it may not be readily noticeable in-game and therefore irrelevant altogether - but I still felt like point it out, especially if Tauer might start going through his older models in a similar way.

Apart from that, the model is and has always been obviously incredible, all around in terms of design, animations and execution of the source concept. It's a great addition to any project set in and out of the WCIII universe and to the site overall.:grin:
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Interesting! It's probably because I used a different setting for the compression value when I converted the texture this time. I don't remember how much compression I used when I originally uploaded this – if you don't mind, could you tell me the exact filesizes of the two textures you have?

UPDATE: Looks like I accidentally uploaded a texture where I had experimented a bit with a sharpening filter which resulted in artifacts. Should be fixed now. Might still look a bit different than before because I still don't remember the exact compression value I used before. Thanks for pointing this issue out @Voidwalker !
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Level 2
Aug 23, 2023
This model blew my mind! You've made a completely unique unit here. It was like seeing the Paladin in WC3 for the first time again.

Level 4
Jan 9, 2024
Another Awesome work, Tauer ! In my opinion, it is the best model made about him! Thank you so much!

Do you know if there are any campaigns that use it? This character deserved a campaign telling his story, for him to be the main character and show his story from beginning to end.