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Corrupted Archer


A reforged corrupted archer to accompany the infamous Lady Sylvanas.

- Glowing red eyes
- Black tears from eyes
- Dark purple plates
- Socketed red crystals
- Icon to match

Updated cover art

Corrupted Archer (hair diffuse) (Texture)

Corrupted Archer (Icon) (Icon)

Corrupted Archer (main diffuse) (Texture)

Corrupted Archer (main emissive) (Texture)

Corrupted Archer (weapon diffuse) (Texture)

the shoulderpads could be replaced with skull-ish things, also her loincloth and boots could be weathered and teared
I don't really have any experience in modelling, so I have no idea how to replace the shoulderpads. However, I could defenitly look into some weathered loincloth and boots.
Thx for the feedback :D