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Arthas Campaign - Undead

Arthas Campaign - Undead
Created by [The]Blood_Head - Sagi5533

Map Info:

After Arthas and Jaina had assulted Zul'Farrak, Arthas was crowned the new king of the survivors of Lordaeron. As Lordaeron's fate remains unknown some major forces will be invloved in Azeroth's new destiny.


- This is a sequel for Arthas Campaign - Humans.
- For each chapter there's special Difficulty system.
- The Campaign is not editable.

Campaigns Progress:

Arthas Campaign - Humans
Arthas Campaign - Undead
Arthas Campaign - Orc
Arthas Campaign - Curse of the Worgen
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????

Characters and Screen Shots:

Bloody The Seeker:
After betraying Humanity by delivering the book of Medivh right into the Scourge's hands, Bloody has joined the ranks of the Scourge as the first Demon Knight. Bloody will have a major role in this campaign and some secrets of his past will be reveled.


Lord Uther:
While his fate unkown, Lord Uther was ambushed by Bloody and Kel'Thuzad.
Lord Uther will have also a major role in this campaign..


Kel'Thuzad is the founder of the cult of the dammned and one of the principal agents of the lich king, responsible for the spreading of the plague of undeath across Lordaeron. Originally a Human Mage of the Kirin Tor, Kel'Thuzad was stayed under the influence of the Lich King. After bringing the plague to Lordaeron under the pretense of being under the orders of Mal'Ganis he was slain by King Arthas, and later ressurected as a lich by Mal'Ganis.


As Arthas and Jaina were investigating rumors of plague, they were attacked again and again by the forces of the Scourge posing as the personal army of the dreadlord Mal'Ganis. Mal'Ganis rised an powerful zombies army at Stratholme and failed to lure Arthas into slaying his own citizens. Mal'Ganis then went to Silvermoon and resurrected Kel'Thuzad after a short and quick merciless Slaughter of the Elves..


Tichondrius :
Tichondrius is the leader of the Nathrazim of the Burning Legion, under the command of Kil'Jaden.
in this timeline Tichondirus will be playable by the players with new demonic powers.. He will have to face major decisions through this timeline.


Prologue: Fate of the Scourge:

Chapter One: The Demon Lord:

Chapter Two: New Force in Lordaeron:

Chapter Three: Return of the Burning Legion:

Chapter Four Interlude: Lone Wolf:

Chapter Four: Forgotten Shores:

Chapter Five: Twitchy Living:

Chapter Six: Frostmourne Hungers:

Chapter Seven Interlude: Arthas, My Son:

Chapter Seven: Storm In Arathi:

Chapter Eight: Fallen Lord:

Bouns Chapter: What's Next?:

Difficulty Choose for each chapter:

Change Log:

Cheats for now are enabled
Difficult system on every chapter
The Campaign is not editable


Special Thanks:

Gottfried - consulter for Lore

CY The UnGodly

New Graveyard - by MasterHaosis
Bishop Hero - by HerrDave
Scarlet Buildings - by NilasAran_39 & Elrat
BTNDeathCurse - by BLazeKraze
Cannons - by paulH
Scarlet Archer - by Agugrom, Sexylycan
Scarlet Crusade Paladin - by SpoofyMcPackerson
Scarlet DOC Footman - by John_Drake, Blizzard Entertainment, Peacegetter
WestfallChurch - AnimE, Rem
Frontier Tower Lordaeron - by NilasAran_39
Pack 'Possession Stone's Mouth "v.1.4 - by NilasAran_39 , the Storm the Shadow, Elrat , WebSteR
Brewer - by IrokeZ
Altar of the Dwarf - By Pins
Castle - By Mr. Bob
ChertogSlavi - Mr. Bob
House Simplest - By eubz
Norse Stronghold - By Mr. Bob
quarters - by Mastro, Rem
Towers - by uGre
Academy Kurdai - Keth
Ogre Worker - by Dron
DwarfArchMage - By Sellenisko
Dwarven Hero - By Direfury
Dwarf Rifleman - by Direfury
Dwarven Workers - By Vermillion Edict
Dwarven Guardsman - By Vermillion Edict
Dwarven warrior - By Frankster
Elementalist - By Vermillion Edict
RagnarosMinion - By Sin'dorei300
Plated Footman - by HappyTauren
Hanged Man -
RoyalFootman - by HateCrew
BE LightWarrior - by DeathBringer
Stormwind Vanguard - Submitted by takakenji
Villager Grandma - by Foxxjuh
Human Paladins - by Direfury
Hero Wild Dwarf Berserker - by Kael Theron
Galen Trollbane -by CloudWolf
Guard_Armor_Stromgarde - by paladinjst
HeroRogue - by Sorvaltis
Stromgarde Footman - by takakenji
Footman Javelineer - by Eagle XI
Tree_Flowering - by eubz
Pine Trees - by Fingolfin
Sargeras - By Vaanel

Edited by me:
GrommashHellscream - by Tauer, skin edited by Sagi5533
KingArthas - by Sagi5533
ScarletBanner - by Sagi5533
StrmogardeBanner - by Sagi5533
RockingKingArthas - by Sagi5533
Sound Voices of Brox
Campaign's Menu
Preview map - Photoshoped by me, with Blizzard's Arthas Photo and Ghostrider

From WoW Expansions
Two Steps From Hell
Dream Evil

Zombies Race - Chapter 7 - CY The UnGodly

Preview map Picture:

Author's notes:

This Campaign has a sequel: Arthas Campaignn - Orc. I want to add also 2P Campaign for it, but I guess I'll foucs on it later. If you have any ideas/offers/willing to help in thee campaign leave a comment/private me :)


Arthas Campaign - Undead (Campaign)

Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Oh geez, I'm so embarrassed! Here, I thought this was a a thread to leave thought out, respectful feedback for the creator... I didn't realize Mike the Bloomman would smugly respond to people when his feelings get hurt over something entirely arbitrary. My mistake, I'll make sure to work around you in the future since you just can't bear it.

Please refrain from bombing off topic; no one cares what you can't bear (sort of rhymes!), thank you in advance.

Back to actual feedback, what I will clarify more on is that map 4 here simply felt out of place in terms of difficulty in that it's inconsistent with both the Human and previous Undead maps for the reasons that I listed. I did not say it was too hard, but there were elements that artificially added unneeded frustration. The other Undead maps could stand to be a bit harder on Medium to match this, or map 4 could have one or more of those irritants removed to align more with the rest of the campaign.
Level 7
Jun 9, 2015
imo its doable, mass nerubs with web are good enough, acolytes for repair of wagons too.
time is ok, i spent 9 minutes killing the blocked passage. without doing that, i would've had 13 minutes
to retrain units and kill the hero along with two thirds of the remaining light blue's buildings (13 minutes after loosing all of units and heroes to the hero)
starting gold seemed ok to me but i guess not everyone manages their available resources in the same way (such as staying for majority of the mission on low upkeep)

sure its a harder mission, but doable - although i ended up using whosyourdaddy, as i did not save back then (wasn't willing to spend another hour to re-do that mission from start, would have failed due to time limit) - now i do

if you want to experience hard mission, have a look at last mission of lord candor's campaign (lordaeron's legacy) - although that might seem hard to me and for you it could be easy. its a matter of how one does things.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
LOL, I liked Broxigar SAurfang introduction at the end plus Sargeras's return. I hope the Orc campaign is glorious such as the last two campaigns.
Also, its seems that even if Arthas hadn't taken frostmourne, someone else will, and will do the same crimes he did. At least arthas resisted the lich king's will as long as he could till Sylvanas and the alliance defeated him... poor soul, his heart was human even in the end
Level 3
Jul 8, 2017
Haven't played this one yet, but once I do I'll come back with some feedback and a rating. Hope you're gonna release an Orc/Horde campaign, as well as a Night Elf one. Perhaps when you complete the pack you can rework and polish the entire thing up, and release it as a whole. Would be amazing! Thanks and keep up the good work!
Level 2
Aug 10, 2016
i am having a problem with the chapter when bloody was fighting uther when he found the blade.
it crashes after he kills him when he returns.
any help????????????
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
i am having a problem with the chapter when bloody was fighting uther when he found the blade.
it crashes after he kills him when he returns.
any help????????????
I think you're gonna need version 1.28.5
i have it when i played this campaign, and i didn't have any problems
Level 1
Jul 28, 2017

cannot play undead 04
same Problem than hassanbob posted on Oct2, 2016:

i see the Chapter Four Interlude: Lone Wolf:
and after that comes Chapter Four: Forgotten Shores: there is no thing only dark Screen

my Version is 1.21b

pls help
Level 1
Jul 28, 2017
Thank you Verb8im, now its working!

But there is an other Problem coming up, i cannot save the game neither the custom campaigne nor a usual game with bots

my Version is

someone another idea? thanks =)
Level 8
Apr 26, 2016
Zul'Farrak, Arthas was crowned the new king of the survivors of Lordaeron. As Lordaeron's fate remains unknown some major forces will be invloved in Azeroth's new destiny.
Boun chapter: what's next :/

Gut dang it how come I never notice this b4 :( cuz I notice two spelling error.

Invloved(wrong spelling) involved(correct spelling)
bouns(wrong spelling) bonus(correct spelling
Solider should be soldier(just in case for people doesn't spell the word, soldier right.

Your welcome :)
Level 5
Sep 3, 2017
Hi sagi! I've been watching playthroughs of this project and I signed up here, just to tell you that I really love it so far. My only bit of criticism is...


I'm not really too broken up about Thrall's death, but it is a bit of a plot hole, because Thrall was not in Ashenvale at the time. Only Grom was.

*end of spoilers*

Other than that though, I've really enjoyed the game's story and I'm very much looking forward to the orc campaign. Though the apparent Return of the High Elves campaign has me the most intrigued. (I trust this means that Sylvanas hasn't been forgotten?)
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Hi sagi! I've been watching playthroughs of this project and I signed up here, just to tell you that I really love it so far. My only bit of criticism is...


I'm not really too broken up about Thrall's death, but it is a bit of a plot hole, because Thrall was not in Ashenvale at the time. Only Grom was.

*end of spoilers*

Other than that though, I've really enjoyed the game's story and I'm very much looking forward to the orc campaign. Though the apparent Return of the High Elves campaign has me the most intrigued. (I trust this means that Sylvanas hasn't been forgotten?)

Hi Jstryker :)
I've been watching those playthroughs of my campaign myself, I really like them it gives me ideas, knowning the players opinions, finding out about more bugs and more..


As I've explained this before, Thrall in my opinion had to die. in Blizzard's story he was way too major character. This will give a new story for the Horde, Alliance and maybe to all of Azeroth. This will give me much more things to change like the future of the horde, their relations with the aliiance, maybe with the trolls, taurens, blood elfs, undead..


Can't say much about the High Elves campaign since I'm stuck in the middle of the Orcs campaign for a while. There's progress but I think I'm trying too hard to work on a chapter that's way too hard just for me to handle, so I made it shorter. anyways the Orcs campaign will be REALLY awesome in my opinion. :)
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Hey @sagi5533 Now that i think about it.

What about Yogg-Saron? Both Alliance and Horde only noticed Yogg-Saron's escape, due to Arthas's Reign as Lich King.

If Yogg-Saron's Escape isn't noticed then it would be a terrifying experience for the whole World.

Yo Haudrauf, To be honest that's really far far away from my This Campaign's story, don't forget that RoC + TFT are ending 4 years before the lich king woke up o_O I don't think I can involve him, sadly. Unless One of the future sequels that I mentioned as "Arthas Campaign - ????" will include him.
Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
Yo Haudrauf, To be honest that's really far far away from my This Campaign's story, don't forget that RoC + TFT are ending 4 years before the lich king woke up o_O I don't think I can involve him, sadly. Unless One of the future sequels that I mentioned as "Arthas Campaign - ????" will include him.

It would be cool to see Arthas (and others) fight against Yogg-Saron in the future expansions.

It would be something like: "Arthas Campaign - The Escape of the old Nightmare"
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
It would be cool to see Arthas (and others) fight against Yogg-Saron in the future expansions.

It would be something like: "Arthas Campaign - The Escape of the old Nightmare"

Cool name, But still really far ahead and I'm not even sure I will have time for it xD

You should really make the villagers run away from you in Undead Mission 2, similar to the Rain of Chaos Undead Mission 1, and they should alert guards.

It might be really hard to trigger Since there are tons of villagers around that map, but I guess that's something that will be added in future updates. :)

any news about the orc campaign?
i really want to play it :D

Still in progress I'm afraid, At the moment I'm working on it alone until I finish the major parts. later there will be sill much more to be done before uploading it. anyways no clue I'm afraid :/
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
I liked the campaign overall, and how the message is being delivered, that if Arthas hasn't taken frostmorne and betrayed all humanity, someone else will, like Uther as we have seen here and his Burning friend who took the cursed blade. Also, I fail to see the link to Arthas' story. In this story, Arthas did his duty as a paladin, and later on became the king, but there is no relationship between him and this campaign at all, only the scene of him finding his dead father cinematic, that's all. I think you should either change the following campaigns' names or make a direct link to Arthas' story, because currently it seems that his story has ended. He protected his people, upholded his duty as a paladin, became the king, cheers. End of story. Just a few suggestions, that's all, but generally speaking I loved the campaign.
Hoping to play Orc campaign and see Kiljeaden's epic return. Can't wait to see how the story progresses.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
I liked the campaign overall, and how the message is being delivered, that if Arthas hasn't taken frostmorne and betrayed all humanity, someone else will, like Uther as we have seen here and his Burning friend who took the cursed blade. Also, I fail to see the link to Arthas' story. In this story, Arthas did his duty as a paladin, and later on became the king, but there is no relationship between him and this campaign at all, only the scene of him finding his dead father cinematic, that's all. I think you should either change the following campaigns' names or make a direct link to Arthas' story, because currently it seems that his story has ended. He protected his people, upholded his duty as a paladin, became the king, cheers. End of story. Just a few suggestions, that's all, but generally speaking I loved the campaign.
Hoping to play Orc campaign and see Kiljeaden's epic return. Can't wait to see how the story progresses.

Glad to hear you liked the campaign, also you are right Arthas didn't apper here much because I wanted to build up the story around him. you will find out later how :)
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
Hello sagi5533 it's me Kjmaster208(this is my second new account just for err you know new start/beginning and i already put my former account into robot description so don't worry laddie and lass) and i play your campaign and i sai it was really really great. You did really inspire me of imagining your campaign a lot during my free time.

Anyway i'm looking forward to play orc campaign
Level 1
Dec 25, 2017
Hey Sagi! I have a problem with campaigne files. I can play only the first three mision, when I reach the fourth mision the game send me in the campaigne menu and I can't play animore. Please you can helpe me?? The mision are so awesome and I want very much to play. If you want I can send you a video with the problem.P.S. The human campigne work perfectly.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Hey Sagi! I have a problem with campaigne files. I can play only the first three mision, when I reach the fourth mision the game send me in the campaigne menu and I can't play animore. Please you can helpe me?? The mision are so awesome and I want very much to play. If you want I can send you a video with the problem.P.S. The human campigne work perfectly.
Are you playing the newest version of warcraft 3? (1.28)
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
No, I am playng the 1.21 version.
Almost all of the recent maps made on hiveworkshop would be made to be compatible with a with version 1.28 (some exceptions, but as a general rule you need to have the latest version of warcraft 3 (1.28)).

Version 1.21 is actually very outdated, there were many maps made unplayable even by version 1.24. The 1.28 has also rendered some pre 1.28 maps unplayable if the editor is based on 1.28.

I would suggest you find a way to get patch 1.28. The majority of people who have problems with maps in campaigns normally find that after updating to 1.28 there is no problem. The only other reason i have seen for maps not playing is possibly due to the computer being a MAC.

In your case, i feel very certain you will be able to play the campaign after you update to 1.28. Keep in mind to copy you save files though, i think the new update deletes them.

I know it might not be easy updating to 1.28 if you have been playing on 1.21 all this time, but you should have almost zero issues with most recent maps on hive with 1.28, and i think most people will not try to help you fix the problem you are having until they at least know you are on the latest version of warcraft 3.
Last edited:
Level 1
Dec 25, 2017
Almost all of the recent maps made on hiveworkshop would be made to be compatible with a with version 1.28 (some exceptions, but as a general rule you need to have the latest version of warcraft 3 (1.28)).

Version 1.21 is actually very outdated, there were many maps made unplayable even by version 1.24. The 1.28 has also rendered some pre 1.28 maps unplayable if the editor is based on 1.28.

I would suggest you find a way to get patch 1.28. The majority of people who have problems with maps in campaigns normally find that after updating to 1.28 there is no problem. The only other reason i have seen for maps not playing is possibly due to the computer being a MAC.

In your case, i feel very certain you will be able to play the campaign after you update to 1.28. Keep in mind to copy you save files though, i think the new update deletes them.

I know it might not be easy updating to 1.28 if you have been playing on 1.21 all this time, but you should have few issues with most recent maps on hive with 1.28, and i think most people will not try to help you fix the problem you are having until they at least know you are on the latest version of warcraft 3.
Thanks very mucy dude!I wil try.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Hello sagi5533 it's me Kjmaster208(this is my second new account just for err you know new start/beginning and i already put my former account into robot description so don't worry laddie and lass) and i play your campaign and i sai it was really really great. You did really inspire me of imagining your campaign a lot during my free time.

Anyway i'm looking forward to play orc campaign

Hey mate glad to hear from you :D as usual, the campaign is on the work. I've free time this weekend so might give it a good push

Hope you can be able to continue playing the campaign without problems.

Hope it worked out thank you for helping him ^^

I promise. He works on it, if he has time. He's very far already in his progress, but i will say no more. I don't want to spoil it for everyone. :)

Yup, still in progress. going well lately to bee honest. still got a lot of work..
I might upload a vid of the campaign's prologue, but don't count on it though xD

P.S just added a Thread about the Orcs campaign, including a vid of the prologue. comment your thoughts guys hope you like it.
Arthas campaign - orcs thread
Last edited:
Level 1
Mar 8, 2018
I've been having a slight issue, when I go to open this campaign my screen goes black and changes the hand to an skeletal one but then my mouse won't move and the screen never changes from black. Sound still plays though. Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix this? The previous "Humans" Campaign worked fine for me.
Level 9
Mar 29, 2015
I've been having a slight issue, when I go to open this campaign my screen goes black and changes the hand to an skeletal one but then my mouse won't move and the screen never changes from black. Sound still plays though. Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix this? The previous "Humans" Campaign worked fine for me.

You might need to update to the latest patch. If you have it, then try redownloading the campaign