Secret Characters?

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Level 3
May 17, 2005
I just want to be able to make a tavern with all the hero's and only having 1 hero aloud to be chosen and inorder to play as the other ones you have to finish the map with that hero then when you go back to the tavern ( Next time you play the map ) allow you to choose the hero you have unlocked. Also if its possible to create a save / load system.

Examples would be very helpful and if you were to explain it please make it very simple i am quite a noob when it comes to this stuff. Thanks
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Possible Answer?

If you want unlockable heroes, you might want to create a password system.

Like, to unlock the necromancer you need to steal the necromonicon, and when you pick it up you get a password.

Next time you play the game, type the password and voila! The necromancer will be available in the tavern.

I don't know how to trigger that exactly, but that is the only way for a multiplayer map. As far as I know, a map will reset completely when reloaded. Thats why most RPG's don't have ongoing quest chains that last 20 quests.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Or, experience. I played a map where you need a certain amount of experiences for different heroes. So, you can after player finishes the map give him 100 exp, and a code to save, and after load. So next time he plays the map, he loads the code, gets 100 exp and can use more heroes that require 100 exp. How to trigger this, I have no idea.
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