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[Trigger] Another question:D

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make a trigger that runs when player dies. condition should be hero.
create a countdown timer that expires in the time u want. then respawn. this would be easier if u use normal timers.

also plz post in the appropriate section next time. this forum is for fixing triggers and scripts that have problems. WEHZ is for how to make triggers and scripts.
Level 8
Mar 5, 2011
make a trigger that runs when player dies. condition should be hero.
create a countdown timer that expires in the time u want. then respawn. this would be easier if u use normal timers.

also plz post in the appropriate section next time. this forum is for fixing triggers and scripts that have problems. WEHZ is for how to make triggers and scripts.

oh ok. what do you mean normal timers?
Level 8
Mar 5, 2011
I made here a trigger but the numbers won't show. What could be the problem?

  • Revive Hero
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • ((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Unit Group - Add (Dying unit) to RevivableHeroes
      • Set TempReal = (((Real((Hero level of (Dying unit)))) x Hero_Revive_Time) + 3.00)
      • Set PlayerNumber = (Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))
      • Countdown Timer - Start ReviveTimers[PlayerNumber] as a One-shot timer that will expire in TempReal seconds
      • Set ReviveTimers[PlayerNumber] = (Last started timer)
      • Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for ReviveTimers[PlayerNumber] with title Revive in
      • Set RevivableTimersWindows[PlayerNumber] = (Last created timer window)
      • Countdown Timer - Show RevivableTimersWindows[PlayerNumber] for (Owner of (Dying unit))
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Try to use "Triggering Unit" as often as you can. Replace all those Dying Unit for Triggering Unit. Also replace all the "Owner of Triggering Unit" for "Triggering Player".

In your variable editor, go to the RevivableTimer and RevivableTimerWindows and set their Size to 12. These aren initialized automatically as others, you have to specify the amount of array indexes you're going to use.
Level 8
Mar 5, 2011
Is this efficient?

  • Revive Hero
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • ((Triggering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to RevivableHeroes
      • Set TempReal = (((Real((Hero level of (Triggering unit)))) x Hero_Revive_Time) + 3.00)
      • Set PlayerNumber = (Player number of (Triggering player))
      • Countdown Timer - Start ReviveTimers[PlayerNumber] as a One-shot timer that will expire in TempReal seconds
      • Set ReviveTimers[PlayerNumber] = (Last started timer)
      • Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for ReviveTimers[PlayerNumber] with title Revive in
      • Set RevivableTimersWindows[PlayerNumber] = (Last created timer window)
      • Countdown Timer - Show RevivableTimersWindows[PlayerNumber] for (Triggering player)
another thing is how can i set the numbers from 00:00:00 to just whole number?
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