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Unknown Problem at Map

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Level 4
Sep 27, 2018
Hello, first at all I'm using the Quenching mod to make my Campaign.

I've done all the map, the problem is that I don't know why, Warcraft closes for me, I've tried everything to get solve but nothing works.
The moment that it happen is when I complete a mission objetive, and it passes to a cinematic mode in one part of the cinematic suddenly it closes my as I mention.

I've used this triggers:

  • Actions
    • Set VariableSet SaltarEnd = Verdadero
    • Trigger - Run MusicaOff <gen> (checking conditions)
    • Sound - Clear the music list
    • Sound - Stop music Immediately
    • Sound - Setup all volume channels for cinematics
    • Sound - Play DarkVictory <gen>
    • Selection - Clear selection for Player 1 (Red).
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in P1Units and do (Unit - Hide (Picked unit))
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in P2Units and do (Unit - Hide (Picked unit))
    • Cinematic - Turn cinematic mode On for (All players)
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Camera - Apply PMuerte for Player 1 (Red) over 0.00 seconds
    • Camera - Rotate camera -44.00 degrees around PNicho for Player 1 (Red) over 2.00 seconds
    • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Angle of attack to 332.00 over 2.00 seconds
    • Wait 2.00 seconds
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Cinematic - Fade out and back in over 2.00 seconds using texture White Mask and color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Wait 1.00 seconds
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Unit - Make MNichoM face (Position of Nicho) over 2.00 seconds
    • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from MNichoM named Lord Nicholas Buzan: Play Nicho3 <gen> and display Insensato... Mi mue.... Modify duration: Add 2.00 seconds and Wait
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the chest of MNichoM using Objects\Spawnmodels\Human\HumanBlood\HumanBloodKnight.mdl
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Arthas named Arthas: Play Art7 <gen> and display Tu |c00FFFF00Orden|.... Modify duration: Add 2.00 seconds and Wait
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from MNichoM named Lord Nicholas Buzan: Play Nicho4 <gen> and display Aun no entiendo... .... Modify duration: Add 2.00 seconds and Wait
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Distance to target to 1000.00 over 2.00 seconds
    • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the chest of MNichoM using Objects\Spawnmodels\Human\HumanBlood\HeroBloodElfBlood.mdl
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Wait 3.00 seconds
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Set VariableSet FinalCam = (Current camera)
    • Animation - Change MNichoM's animation speed to 10.00% of its original speed
    • Unit - Kill MNichoM
    • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the chest of MNichoM using Objects\Spawnmodels\Human\HumanBlood\HeroBloodElfBlood.mdl
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Wait 2.50 seconds
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Camera - Apply FinalCam for Player 1 (Red) over 0.00 seconds
    • Animation - Change MNichoM's animation speed to 60.00% of its original speed
    • Wait 2.00 seconds
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Destructible - Kill Trozos de roca 1758 <gen>
    • Destructible - Kill Trozos de roca 1759 <gen>
    • Sound - Stop DarkVictory <gen> After fading
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in P1Units and do (Unit - Unhide (Picked unit))
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in P2Units and do (Unit - Unhide (Picked unit))
    • Camera - Reset camera for Player 1 (Red) to standard game-view over 2.00 seconds
    • Wait 2.00 seconds
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Cinematic - Turn cinematic mode Off for (All players) over 0.20 seconds
    • Sound - Reset all volume channels to 100%
    • Unit - Unpause all units
    • Wait 2.00 seconds
    • If (EscaparEnd Equal to Verdadero) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
    • Trigger - Run MusicaOn <gen> (checking conditions)
    • Set VariableSet SaltarEnd = Falso
I leave the moment where I think it brokes. Also I leave the map.
PS: I am not an expert editting
Thank you for read!


  • MapNicho.w3x
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