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Rival Dynasties 0.99L

--The shortest description possible, in my opinion, looks like this:

Ever found it strange for an archer to grab a sword and get bonus to damage?
Or, strange for a peasant to be unable to use a sword, an armor, even requiring a research just to grab any item?
Or again, stupid that archers can mount hippogryphs but you can't just find a damn horse and put your footman on it?

Well, if you ever wondered if there was a map where all of this could be fixed/improved, and alot of possibilities added, it exists. Right here.

The even better news is that all you can think of (okay, almost) is not only possible, it's also made simple and automated.
While the type is "altered melee" (doesn't fit that well to me), you are not forced to have buildings and units, you can have a superior hero instead.

--Now to sum it up, this is not just a map, it's a whole new and improved world!

That is made possible by the use of advanced helpful mechanisms made exclusively for this map.

This world resembles real life in many of its aspects such as people aging up, logical possibilities and restrictions, the environment which is living, active and exploitable, the sizes of units and the environment, and so on.
Yet, all the heroic-fantasy lore features are in: that means you can use magical spells, items and effects, there are undeads, demons, and all the various races, etc...

--That takes me to the next point: strategies are unlimited.

You can unlock new Techtrees (Science, Magic, Alchemy, Nature and Darkness) and subtechtrees, creating and using synergies/combinations between them. You can evolve, morph, team up, train, combine your units to get new types of fighters/builders/whatever for your plans towards victory.

--Easy start:

The game comes with a short and helpful introduction, and a minigame tutorial, so that you get the grasp safely, easily and efficiently.
There are also many tips, infoboxes in units, and pop-up help texts to remind you of important things, exactly when you need them.


Some examples of all this can be found in the details and the screenshots below, but the only way to really get how it feels, is to try it yourself.

(For all of you number lovers, this game uses:
-15 custom doodad-types;
-more than 60 researches, not counting the multiple levels some of them have;
-Over 230 custom unit-types;
-Over 420 triggers;
-More than 750 abilities and buffs.)


The world

Imagine 12 players scattered over 4 realistic islands of a rich and beautiful country.
-Trees regrow, animals respawn, you can tame them, and make mounted units out of them
-The day and night cycle influences many aspects of the gameplay
-There are at least 4 different ways to make gold out of the terrain, like planting things and selling the spices gathered, among other things,
-You can find neutral things that can be captured to give you various kins of advantages...

Those players all represent their own Dynasty, and came to claim this land as theirs. They shall succeed, or die.
Rules and standards

Imagine that everything they do, unlike in ladder warcraft 3, obeys rules of realism:
-Units don't come out of the blue, they are civilians who were born a house somewhere, got trained at some point or learnt some technology, became a soldier, an engineer, an arcanist or whatever else, then took his gear at the blacksmith before going to battle;
-They cannot hold 2 swords and a shield, since they have only 2 hands;
-Warriors cannot use bows, or rods. They rather get a shield and a sword (or 2 swords), plus some appropriate armor;
-When a vampire is exposed to daylight, he burns to death;
-Heroes do not revive, for a really good reason (see a few lines below);
-All units have realistic size. There is no peasant taller than a house and barely smaller than the biggest trees;
-All units have skills, they can improve them in battle, or by training safely in their city;
-and much more...
Gameplay features

Yet, they were given almost unlimited possibilites, strategically talking:
-They have access to 5 techtrees, not to mention the basic human structures;
-They could theoretically use all of them at once if they please (not spreading too much in the techtrees, to stay efficient, is up to you);
-They can benefit from synergies between those techtrees, to customize their strategy,
-They have to choose from a variety of different weapons, shields, armors, boots and other items,

*-There is a -Solo mode (you could call it RPG mode) where you don't have to worry about units: you only use your Kings. A mode for wanderers, micromanagement haters, assassins or lazy people;

-And the best part, all of this is made fast and simple, by using advanced automated teaching, training, capturing and equipping systems!
For example to turn 5 women into 5 longbow archers equipped each with Arachnian bow, an armor, and Quiver with quality arrows, it takes 2 clicks.

Due to the rules of realism, there are many resources available:
Gold is gained by:
-Exploiting gold mines;
-Exploiting gems, special precious minerals that must be found by specialized units before exploiting them for great benefits;
-Planting. You then harvest the valuable production of your plants for periodic extra gold income,
-Killing creeps and enemy units. Killing player-owned units also grants a Domination income;
-Trading with your allies, through the use of specific units;

Materials are what replaces wood. Their purpose is almost the same.
Get some by cutting trees, exploiting rocks and whatever else could be used for construction and this kind of works.
The goal

Their only goal in the end, being to destroy all enemy Kings (heroes).
That way their Dynasty remains the only one with a leader able to rule this country, and they win.

Well when you add up all of this, you get Rival Dynasties.

--- --- ---> Screenshots <--- --- ---

Description of heavy sword.

Someone's last King just died, and it was the last King of that team. The other team thus won, and you can see their archers celebrating in front of footies from the defeated team, who stopped fighting because they lost their leaders.

Teal sends footies with heavy gears and alchemic gears to war.

Teal's achemy-gear-equipped footies are assaulting blue's town, and his defenses don't seem capable of handling these guys.

This is the ability you use on your Women to turn them into Archers.

Here we can see a Beastiary, with tamed horses (and some birds) gathered around it. They will be used to make Mounted Archers, Knights, and such things.

Some buildings from the Darkness techtree. I am going Ghost, Death and Demon subtechtrees on this shot.

Ghost town

Haunted Shack sacrifice

The result: i am using just a few haunted shacks there to summon a small army of Ghosts at the entrance of my techtree-less village. I could use them all at once for a massive temporary ghost invasion if needed.

Here we see teal's highly militarized kingdom. He dedicated the hill to troop training, we can see many of them with various gears, and a Spirit of the Great Elders watching over the Kings.

The detailed -help menu, giving you informations about everything you may want to know.

My guys who got killed in front of yellow's fortifications. He blocked the way to his base with walls and placed lancers uphill to eliminate invaders. I'll have to find another way or bring ranged units.


Some elite fletchers near a blacksmith under construction.
You can see the archery camp that trained them, selected in the background.
Remember that they were women a second ago. He used the training on them, making them longbow archers. Then he used the elite training to get those excellent archers.
The mouse is over a buff given by an achievement legacy.

Now that the blacksmith is ready, pink uses it to give his elite troops some gear that fits them.
One click is enough to give all the items you can see in the inventory, to All the archers at once. Yea seriously. Enjoy.
Note that this specific blacksmith is specialized in range weapons, so it can provide the best bows.
You can see a wild horse on the left.

This is a decently big attack of pink's fully geared soldiers (you can probably see their light shields in their hands) on an eastern town.
Light blue's nicely geared army of archers, mounted archers and lancers comes to save the day (in the background).

Turns out pink's army was not correctly equipped to face highly trained ranged enemies.
He can come with anti-arrow coats instead of melee armors next time for better results.
You can see the corpses of pink's footies and some light blue soldiers, on the floor.
You can also see their gear lying on the ground where they died.
That gear disappears after some time like all abandoned items.

To optimize his gold income, purple has planted a wide field of spice-producing plants.
The marketplaces automatically harvest the production every day.
The wells provide healing for the plants so that purple's field doesn't need any special attention. That is why there are no women taking care of the plants in this screenshot.

With all that gold, purple has developed high level Science techtree technologies.
While he still has knights (in the background), you can see his gunners on the left, next to his high tech weapon-producing building.
You can also picture a part of his heavy assault transport (codename Golden Hawk) in the sky to the right.

Somewhere else in purple's base. You can see he's developping multiple techtrees.
Along with Science, he went Magic too: his armored mounted flying spellcasters (codename Seraphims) are training their combat skills in the middle.
There are other bird-mounted fighters on the right.
The Tower of the birds (on the left) allowed purple to capture the birds to get those units.
By now, you may have noticed that wild birds are flying everywhere on the map. They are the neutral passive points over water, on minimap.
The Glorious flag in the background gives them speed and accelerated training in the area around it.

On the other side of the map (this battle was East vs West mode, as seen on the rumors board), dark green is training his basic archers to high levels of skill.
You can see the text saying that their class-related basic skill has leveled up (Skill Up) over the heads of 2 of them.

Earlier in the game, dark green was training his lancers around there too.
You can see his social builders exploiting a gem for high gold benefits, in front of his mighty but precious King (he's near a grass spot).

There you can see a big swamp with many resistant creeps (sludges) heading for pink's captured fishing mechanism (another player can step in the control point to re-capture it).

That screenie is just there to show how the heaviest sword looks, on elite footies (infantry).
You can also read the global message displayed when a King dies by the sword of an enemy (as opposed to by aging).

Somewhere in pink's extended town, you can see one of the hidden (from minimap) best shops, the first panda.
He sells fire fire/earth related legendary items meant for [-Solo] players.
You can also look at pink's variety of buildings, each of them serving a precise purpose.

*Sorry for the lack of -Solo gameplay screenies, i only thought about taking shots in that game, and there was no -Solo there.


This is the result of alot of testing, criticism, fixing and innovation, and months of work (the first version was hosted on battle.net 3 years ago). I have to thank all the beta testers, who help(ed) me with improving this. Beta testing is still in progress, but the map gives fairly enough entertainement to be played and re-played already.

The official forums, if you wish to join the beta testers, to find hosts, to drop suggestions, report bug, or whatever else:
RD at Dj0zmaps.goodforum.net.

**Unit models:
-General frank, Dark Hunter1357, Iristle, kaycei, Ergius, low_kwality, Mephestrial, Cavman, Talon the mage, gassamzed, Olofmoleman;
-Rightfield for Fiery globe model
-donut 3.5 and HappyTauren for Skeleton King
-JetFangInferno for dark force field (zombifytarget) and Grudge aura (Black aura)
-Nasrudin for Dark angel
-communist_orc for Haunted shack
-Sephiroth_VII for FATMAN
-HappyCockRoach for Lotus
** SFX models:
-Mc !, Chriz, Sew, Jo27killed, Evil buddha, Sansui, Whitehorn, Hellish hybrid, xXMephistoXx, Dionesiist, Bob hoil, Warblade, and Ale tuskarr for item models and other stuff, especially Whitehorn for the spinner
-Thrikodius for Lightning shield item
-Kitabatake for Armor16 (dark armor), bag extension model
-BurninRose for the Wind shaman's missile
-Callahan for the lotus' missile
-BlackRockClan, leetslay, GreyArchon;
Dmazzz for the Darkness
RED BARON for Jupiter
**Loading screen:
-Kalis for the mountain king artwork modified for the preview and loading screen
-Dan van Ohllus, N00byStance, WILLTHEALMIGHTY, Blizzard entertainment, The Hive Workshop, for a variety of things.

-There is now a -roll command.
-Quest menu (F9) more eye-friendly.

-Improved tooltip for Get Out.
-Shortened and improved tooltips for Blacksmith, Barracks, Archery Camps, Sentry Tower, all Kings.
-Sentry shot, Guardian shot and Rain of arrows renamed in more explicit ways.
-Train Archers now mentions the cost per unit at the top of the tooltip.


-Village center and its upgrades:
Attack speed no longer depends on the amount of units loaded.
Hiding inside it no longer requires a specific unit type (Women).
Foodcost no longer increases for upgrades.
Increased attack speed.
No longer has Battle Stations, Leave the Center.
Now has Enter Structure, Get Out.
Improved tooltips.

-Mud defense post and other tower types:
Using it no longer requires a specific unit type (Man).
No longer have Leave tower, Tower Garrison.
Now have Enter Structure, Get Out.
Improved tooltips.

-Bow studies:
Renamed. Now only has 2 levels.
Now required for making all arrow-shooting towers.
-Sentry Multishot now requires Advanced Bow & Arrows.

-The Mana Mastery school no longer includes "Dispel", it was erased.
-Portal now has an exact pathing map. This means units can no longer walk through the "solid" parts of its model.

-Kings now have more HP than their non-hero equals.
-Lowered effect of Evasion abilities.
-Lowered food cap. Interfact updated.

-Flying Dutchman:
Lowered attack speed and max damage.
Increased damage loss per bounce.

-Archer (old version) has been replaced by a new one based on Longbow archer.
There is now only 1 type of non-hero foot archer.

-Modified name of Evasion abilities.
-All instances of the word "fletcher" replaced by "archer".

-Smoothened edges near water.
-Added fog.

-Improved SFX on Shield of the Dead's effect.

-Succeeding the Vampire minigame is now possible.
-Failing the Tower Garrison minigame should now be possible.
-Disabled the Importance of Weapons minigame because of a bug ruining the minigames after that one.
-The Exploit Gems minigames should now have the appropriate Exploit Gems ability.

-Fixed the starting camera (it shows your units when it's supposed to).
That means you can once again choose your patriarch.

-Unit for choosing patriarch is now Patriach picker (new) instead of Royal children undercover.
This way you're not shown icons of heroes you cannot get yet.
There are also no longer any useless buttons. As a result, it's much neater: All you see is the 3 icons of the available heroes.

-The -hints command is now -help (now you can -h too). F9 updated.
-Slightly improved some of the periodic tips, and the -help command is now more noticeable there.

-Max food reduced (now 220).

-House materialcost, build time and hp slightly reduced.
-Marketplace cost and build time reduced.
-Mud defense posts now have the same materialcost (slightly reduced compared to non-royalgrade mud defense post matcost).
-Blacksmith and all its specialized versions have reduced costs.

*Planting (research) no longer requires Nature. You still need Nature to plant Plagueleaves though.
-Plants costs rebalanced, usually lower.
-Gold from every single spice money increased (6 -> 10) and extra gold from autoharvest increased (+2 -> +4). All fields updated.
-Harvest spices aoe reduced: now 1200x1200. Autoharvest is now 8:00 AM instead of 5:00 PM.

-Granturismo and Nosturismo now have " - transport " at the end of their name, and hotkey.

-Social builders no longer randomly stop exploiting gems.
-Find the gems (commitee) now has lower manacost, updated and improved tooltip.

-Modified icon locations for making new Kings.
-Removed the need for a parent of the same class.
That means you no longer need a Chieftain father to make a Warlord son, for example. You only need the appropriate research (infantry for Warlord).

-Improved bird autocapture: unfinished Tower of the Birds can no longer perform it; less memory leak; no longer enforces food limit.
-Fixed bird autocapture tooltip.

-Changed location of marketplace researches and reduced their cost.
-Reorganized build menu for Military scientist.

-Reduced attack speed of Knights and Cavalry.
-Cavalry jump now has a hotkey, reduced cooldown, higher manacost.

-Hut now has lower materialcost, food production and buildtime.
-Fixed Hut tooltip.

-Wind shamans now less resources, but more food (3).

-Fixed cost and improved tooltip for equip horses.

Fixed tooltips for all rods, fixed & improved tooltip for meta armor.

-Removed some useless visuals from: Inspiration aura, Triumph aura, Stygian aura, all Village center-type auras, Capital city,


-Repair times and costs fixed (with the formula) for alot of buildings.

-Reduced/Nullified the lag caused by the whole plant system (all leaks (10!) seem removed).
-Reduced/Nullified the lag from bird autocapture (inside-loop leak removal).

-Fixed Capture animals: error message always shows at correct location, materials cost reduced, leaks removed (~6), tooltip updated.

-Minor terrain changes (balance and cosmetics)

-Vampire base damage increased.

-Fixed some grammar.

-Players now start the game spread equally around the center.
That means now, you need to find a spot to build first, then you settle a base.
There are more than enough gold mines for everyone, not to mention you don't absolutely need a gold mine anyways.

-A new triggered mechanism was added to Antirush: player units are invulnerable.
That solves some problems.
-Antirush now has a timer displayed top right of the screen.
-It now lasts much longer (1 day).

-Some start texts that were showing up all at once were separated.

-Moved tutorial area for players who were in bizarre spots.

Terrain overhaul
-The central island is now a neutral town.
It is now directly llinked to all continents.
Most other links between continents were removed.

-Continents are now bigger (hence the new name, they no longer look like islands at all).
-The tiny islands between continents no longer exist (and whatever was on them too).
-The sea/rivers now look much deeper.

-Areas are now much better defined, with fewer and smaller entrances, and usually wide room inside the area.
That makes it easier to build in areas of your choice, and easier+more useful to build walls and towers to defend them.

-Walkable river parts are now much easier to differenciate from impassable ones.

-Grottos and eggs no longer look like shops on the minimap.

-Gold mines can now be exploited by 2 units at once (2 civilians inside the mine at the same time)
-Gold mines now have less gold at start (8000. Now tiggered)
-Time spent in the mine while mining reduced by 25%.
-Mines should now be exploitable by multiple players at once.

Kings a.k.a heroes
-Experience gain is faster: less XP required for levelup, more XP based on enemy unit level given.

-You can now learn aoe damage spells only once every 2 levels.

-Re-synchronized their attack damage and attack speed with the unit they are based off.
This results in noticeably better attack for all of them (vampire the most, the recent rebalance had screwed him up much).

-Slightly increased Shockwave damage and cooldown. Improved tooltip.

*Archer Kings
-Nerfed Flaming Arrows, now it makes sense compared to the regular unit one. It was totally imba.

*Magus Kings
-Reduced damage, cooldown and manacost of Burning Spear.

-Fixed his spell's manacosts with the new general formula.
-Bat Legion buffed: cooldown lower at all levels, manacost now decreases. Fixed tooltip.
You can now learn it only once every 2 levels.
-Totally rebalanced Dark Wind (except damage).

-Houses and Royal residence no longer produce any single point of food.
-Marketplace is now a requisite for House and Royal residence.
Marketplace tooltip much improved.

-Bookshelf now requires Council.
You can no longer sell items to a bookshelf.
-Plagueleaves and Well now require Nature.
-Sentry and Guard towers now require Archery camp.
-Council now requires lumbermill.

*Civilian now builds the walls (horizontal and vertical) and Sentry towers.

*Social builder now builds Stacked residences.
-Stacked residences now require town center.

-Walls no longer dissipate blight.
-Fixed social builder armor (now same as civilian, = 0 ).

-Planting and Gem exploitation are now Instant Researches (this is sort of a new concept).

-Politics buttons relocated.
-Ballistics & height renamed: Ballistics.

-Blacksmith evolution buttons relocated.

*Engineer no longer builds: the walls; Sentry tower; Stacked residence.
-Now builds: Guard tower; Glorious flag; The Arches of Triumph.

*Military scientist no longer builds: the walls; Guard tower; Glorious flag; The Arches of triumph.

-Animals storage now has same requisites as beastiary.

-Naturalist no longer builds Sentry tower.


-Updated interface for gold and the day/night cycle.

-Building menu icons relocated for civilians, social builders, engineers, military scientists.

-Improved/fixed many tooltips (vampire...) and stats (buildings...).

-Improved some King animations.

-Removed the lag created by spice harvest.

-Gunner training cost rebalanced.

All other changelogs can be found at the Rival Dynasties subforum in the link provided.

*Protected map.

Rival, Dynasties, Dynasty, King, Empire, Kingdom, Royal, Aging, Age, Realistic, Epic, Vampire, Gear, Tame, Taming, Mounted, Tech, Evolution, Melee, Ev

Rival Dynasties 0.99L (Map)

10:58, 16th Dec 2009 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
Some new screenshots added, i didn't have time in that game (my allies won too fast) to get the ones you wanted though, supertoinkz.
At least now there is a part of the Darkness techtree represented. I'll get more screenies including these 5 equipped mounted archers.
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
CWeener's Mini-Mod Review. #2


I will give my full review now, or you can see my final rating at the bottom.

Now, the triggers.


The Terrain,

The terrain of this has room for improvements and seemed to be the weak point of the entire map.

Point #1&2
See? You need more Environmentals. They are very important in any terrain, from Lava to Ice.
Point #3
Now, This can be fixed with a little reworking of the ramp, but it shouldn't be hard to see what I'm talking about here. There are these voids in multiple places.
Point #4
Now, here, you need more tile variation (and merging.)
If you added environmentals, it wouldn't hurt either. ;)

Object Editor Work,

This all looked good. All the imports worked, DISBTNs were in order. Color may have been a bit excessive in some points, but overall a good job here.

The gameplay,

The gameplay was alright, played with 2 friends, and we had fun for a bit. There were no major bugs, or anything to really affect it. It had some pretty cool systems as well, but nothing over the top.

All in all this map was just about average, of course the tree system was nice, the dialogues and settings were nice, the quests gave great info, it just feels like it's missing something to me.

My final rating,
3.5/5 -> 4/5 (Recommended)
Last edited:
Level 1
Mar 30, 2011
Can you plz add an AI for standerd mode for people who dont play online Thx if you do it.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
Nope, as you can see i'm answering rightaway that they're not abandoned. It just took some time to get used to this editor again after so much galaxy editing, and i had to get my tools working on this new computer.
Also, all my regular beta testers are gone, or moved to sc2 (and i did too for the most part) so when i came back to war3 there was noone to get feedback from.
I plan to finish at least Avatar & Chaos Colossus this summer, and i might be able to do something from this map right here Rival Dynasties. Depends on how it goes.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
Could be anywhere between next monday and mid-september, but that is if there's still anyone on battle.net playing something else than dota or those other massively bot-hosted maps.. in which case i won't make an update just so we few players can enjoy it alone vs cpus who do nothing, you see.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
I am currently on summer vacation, like last year, and i'm surprised to see that apparently war3 is still alive. Like last year. I prefer warcraft's lore over Starcraft's anyways, and Diablo just doesn't have the same... thing. Well.

I'm much more of a game designer now than i ever was before, and i'm questioning myself.

So this post is basically a poll: should i revive this map or not? As in, are there enough players interested in this? (in which case i'm answering in advance that there will Not be AI sadly).

I tried hard to revive my Avatar map last summer and ended up extremely disappointed by the impossibility to get a full house over a whole day of hosting the map on b.net, and this is why i'm asking whoever might be interested, about this one.
Level 11
May 11, 2008
I personally say WC3 isn't what it used to be, the reason why you can't get full house is because on how infested the servers are with host bots, Blizzard does absolutely nothing about them and left Warcraft 3 to rot pretty much.

As much as I want to say yes, I think your time is better spent on something else.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
I see. Would there be a way to have a website or private channel in some organized manner, that would allow players to gather and create private games, share the gn in said site/channel then play tranquilly?

I mean, do you happen to know about any other map that survives in a similar way?
Level 11
May 11, 2008
I see. Would there be a way to have a website or private channel in some organized manner, that would allow players to gather and create private games, share the gn in said site/channel then play tranquilly?

I mean, do you happen to know about any other map that survives in a similar way?

You mean other than DOTA maps? :p Well honestly only the AoS type of maps "survived" it, the rest will have to be private sessions.

As for a site to gather folks and play, I haven't heard of one but I guess it doesn't hurt to gather some from here and see if people are going to join or not?
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008
Could try that out. I'll see which one of my maps seems to raise the most interest for revival, and spend some free time on it to see if a revival is worth it at all (learnt from past mistakes). So, private sessions it is. Let's see what can be done.

Thank you for the quick responses by the way.