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Icon Recolor

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Just recolor the Orc's research icons from the War Mill:
Steel, Thorium, Arcanite Melee Weapons
Steel, Thorium, Arcanite Ranged Weapons
Steel, Thorium, Arcanite Armor

and the Human's Improved, Advanced, and Imbued Masonry research icon

recolor all of them into a black, obsidian-looking icons (like make the Steel Melee Weapon's icon into a black obsidian-forged axe something like that).

Thanks in advance.
Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
Hey so I had a go at this and it's nothing special but if you like my "test" icon, I could do the rest in about a day or two. Hopefully. :p

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Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
Alright so I did the other armour icons but two things before I do the rest:
  • Do you want all the Tier 1 icons to have an "aura?"
  • Do you want all the Tier 2 icons to have different coloured "auras?"
I've posted the icons below to see what you think. There's not much to work with the first tier armour but the other two came out alright. As for the different auras, the Thorium icon has a blue tint and then it becomes orange for the Arcanite upgrade. I can give the T2 a different coloured aura or give all the icons that neon purple glow. I also touched up the T3 icon. Up to you in the end! :D

Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3
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You already got my taste! This is far way better than what I wanted it to look like! There's no need change the aura color. I like how you made the black-colored parts, because it's black but can still be seen in a black background.

If you have better ideas to make it look more badass for Fel Orcs, please do so if that doesn't bother you. Still, I wanna thank you so much. I wish I could see you and give you a smooch :grin:
Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
Alright! I finally got some free time and managed to alter the remaining icons but I didn't know how to make them more Fel Orc-ish so I kept the same theme. I ended up doing the "alternate" icons because in-game, they're listed as melee. The spoiler explains it if you're interested.

Basically there are two versions of the Orc melee upgrade and the ones that have "Arcanite" in the name are the icons with the sword. I had already recoloured the sword versions by the time I found out. :/

This is BTNOrcMeleeUpThree in the WC3 files
This is BTNArcaniteMelee in the WC3 files

I was going to post my images yesterday but then realised I hadn't done the Masonry upgrades, as well as the melee icons with the axes, and that the jpeg files cannot be converted into blp (but jpg can -_-). Thanks Blizzard. I was then going to upload them as blp files but I couldn't directly save them as such, so I exported them all again as bmp files instead. That and people wouldn't be able to view the images without converting them back to bmp/jpg/tga after downloading them.
Anyway, they're done now. Here you go!

Obsidian Edge Set:


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

I can attach all the icons in a zip file so that you can download them in one go but I'd rather get one last tick of approval before I do that. Just in case. :p
Yeah, Blizzard didn't name their icons properly. Deym. Anyways;

Woah! This is so freakin' awesome. I wanna marry you now. :grin:

Obsidian Edge Set:


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

This is so cool! Can't wait to use it in my altered melee! I really love the shield. The axe and spear looks so cool, although I prefer them to have a darker theme, like the axe's blade has the same color/partially lighter-colored black like in the middle of it, and switch the black and gold color in the spear. Also, I would like to see the Masonry tiers more darker, and maybe some neon purple glow in the cracks in its tier 3 icon. But this is too much of a request. No need to do this. It's already cool.
As for the Sword Tier, since you already made it, I'll keep it just in case. Thank you for everything.

Damn, can't give any more rep. Sorry 'bout that.


  • Untitled.png
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Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
Yeah I did the axes after the others and didn't realise I 'black out' the wrong part (as in the blade). Personally I think it came out looking pretty good; it gives the image a nice contrast and accentuates the gold highlights. Similarly with spears but I can switch it around; life's a bitch at the moment so it might be while before I get back to you on this one.

As for the Tier 3 masonry, I initially tried to give it a purple glow along what is now the silver section at the top and on the top-right part of the stone but I couldn't get it to work. I'm not as pro as I used to be! xD But I'll give it another go soon with your idea of the neon glow coming out of the cracks. Brilliant idea by the way!

I was worried that if I made the icons too dark, they'll come out pitch black when you have them disabled. By the way, do you need the DISBTN versions of these as well?

Lastly, I attached a zip file of all the icons for you or anyone else who wants to download the whole set rather than one by one. Again, life got in my way recently so I didn't get a chance to upload it earlier. I'll be back with the modified axes and spears soon but in the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to use the current icons as placeholders. :D

P.S.: Don't worry about the rep, I'll never be able to catch-up to Dr Super Good anyway! :ogre_hurrhurr:


  • Obsidian Edge.zip
    176.7 KB · Views: 62
Yeah it the axe and the spear already look good. A darker axe and spear is just my suggestion. Yeah sure I can wait for that :) Goodluck on life btw ('cos u said life's a bitch).

Maybe make a lighter DISBTN? Would that look good? I dunno, is it better to use another DISBTN or just use Blizzard's DISBTN to save a little kb?
(I might use a ReplaceableTextures\SecondaryButtons\BTN---.blp path to save some kbs)

Already using your icons. Thanks bruh :* give me a smooch!
Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
Okay so I didn't get around to editing the axe and spear icons over the weekend due to becoming an apparent socialite out of nowhere (the "life is a bitch" thing was more of a figure of speech :p).

As for the DISBTNs, I quickly put these together. I chose what I thought were the darkest and lightest icons just to get a feel of the two extremes here. At a second glance, I guess I could make some of them a bit darker considering they're DISBTNs; no-one is gonna care all that much right? o_0 If you're wondering, all I did was remove the border and added a black layer on top of each icon with a 50% opacity.

Level 8
Jan 28, 2016
I'm ordering a recall on my beloved icons. Read below.

I probably should've done this much earlier but I decided to import a few icons into a map to see how they would look in-game. To my horror, I discovered that for some reason the icons turned blue in-game. Did this happen to you xyzier, or anyone else who has imported my icons into their map yet?

I've been trying to fix this over the past day or so but to no avail. Not sure what's the exact cause of this but it has something to do with the icons being saved as bmp files. I made a few copies as jpg and tga and they work perfectly in-game (they kept the right colours) so I can re-upload them as jpg, or even tga files! :p


As for the modifications of the axe, spear and masonry icons, I managed to make something out of the axe and masonry. I darkened the blades of the axes and gave the cracks in the masonry that purple glow. Well, I tried at least! The spears are giving me a bit of headache though; I can't quite match the colour of the gold centre yet I'm determined to make it happen. I've got a couple of ideas on how I can possibly pull this off so I'll give it another shot or two. I'll post what I end up with spears soon but for now here's my axe and masonry prototypes.


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

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