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How to open Vertex Modifier?

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Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
I read a tutorial about removing weapons from models. When I try to open Vertex Modifier I get an error "Component 'COMDL32.OCX' or one of it's dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid". I checked the tutorial at Running the programs and downloaded the files. I still get the error. Does anyone know how to fix it or is it possible to remove weapons without the Vertex Modifier?
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
... That's really odd ... Is the portrait a seperate file or is the portrait a camera included in the model? Also, show us what you get when you try to view the camera. If you don't see anything, then you changed the model's file name.
It should be the same as the portrait's name except for the _portrait part.
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