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Fighters of Honor v0.8

Fighters of Honor
Created by Izanagi
Ten years after the wars between the races, The humans announced a stadium that will test warriors from races to races, that will be divided in to two teams, The Knights and The Silverhand.
Warriors are gathered from the orcs, humans, elves,nagas, blackrock clan warriors, trolls, undead, and also satyrs!

You ! Pick a warrior and fight for your honor!
Custom Abilities!
->In the game, you can buy abilities that you want!Costs 25/30 gold for each ability!
Custom Models!
->You can pick any type of model you want!(e.g you want an orc warrior!Just step in to the orc dude in front of the circle of power!)(Abilities are same!)
Smooth gaming!
->The game is all LEAKLESS and free of lagness(except if the connection isn't good enough)
There are 7 arenas for the red player to choose!Each arena will have it's own uniqueness
You will select a warrior model at the start of the game.
Your warrior will gain 2 gold each 8 second and also you must use it to buy a skill or upgrade it!
Each level will increase it's damage or it's slash count like Quickstrike/Rapidstrike
The red player will select the targeted kills to achieve in order to win the game








N/A yet
Open below to view skills
The most basic slashing attack to the enemy around the target.
Effect:Does 7/7.5/10/11/12/16 damage to the enemies around the targeted area.

The warrior strikes enemies around the warrior randomly dealing damage to the random unit.
Effect:Does 3/4/5/5/6 slashes to enemies dealing 9/10/10/11/15 damage each slash.

The warrior strikes the targeted warrior dealing damage in a row.
Effect:Strikes continuously to a target dealing 9/10/11/11/15 damage in each slash.

The warrior strikes the targeted warrior knocking it back.
Effect:Does 7/7.5/10/11/12/16 damage to the target and knocking it back.

The warrior crushes the ground causing a fissure dealing damage to the warriors in a line.
Effect:Does 7/8/9/10/11/ damage to the target and knocking it back.

The warrior becomes invisible for a set of duration.
Effect:Becomes invisible for 11/12/13/14/15 and also increase the movespeed by 25%/50%/75%/100%/125%.

The warrior stomps the ground stunning warriors giving an advantage to the warrior to do skills to the stunned warriors.
Effect:Stuns for 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 second(s) and also damaging enemy warriors by 9/10/11/12/15.

-Blizzard Entertainment
Very special thanks to SooSCaRy in Garena for giving me spell ideas and arena ideas

-First Release

-Added a bound system that will move warriors that moved out from the arena
-Toushirou model by Peper added in to the warriors list
-New Icons

-Added 1 new Model! the Thrall on foot! using a longsword
-Re terrained some arenas, fixed some game text
-Added a Hall of Fame for the end of the game.

Heroes and fixbugs!
[TD]----------[/TD][TD]--------------------Izanagi Presents--------------------[/TD][TD]----------[/TD]

colosseum, coliseum, warriors, fighters, fighter, warrior, race, races.

Fighters of Honor v0.8 (Map)

17:17, 26th May 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved
I will test this friend, and eubz, why did you downrate it?

EDIT: Review, GhosT style. If you have any questions, send me a VM.

Atmosphere - 1/5 -
Shit. I hated it.
-The music. Was horrible. Change it to something else, ANYTHING else.
-The terrain. Was horrible. Flat, Blizzard cliffs, looked generally plain and bad. Little, if no doodads.
-The models. At least three models had crappy portraits, however they themselves seemed alright.
-The spells. Poor effects. Could've used some better models.
-The presentation. Very bad. And there's no info or anything.
To sum up, it looked like a very badly done arcade game from a 6 yr old.
Gameplay - 2/5 - Very very dull.
All the warriors are the same, save their models. I would rather 3 unique fighters than 10 clones.
The spells and the way spells are purchased is uninspired and boring. Add some appeal to it, spice things up. I especially dislike how the spells are bought.
Eventually, every hero is the exact copy of itself with the exact amount of gold and the same set of skills.
You could limit the amount of skills bought to 4 or something, and also find some other way to gather gold, such as generating creeps.
This map feels REALLY REALLY empty, gameplay-wise (well, it is spammed with doodad effects).
Fun - 3/5 - It's a guilty pleasure, but I like its style and what you aim to achieve.
-Cool idea, I like this kinda of arcade-y/hack'n'slash gameplay, and, although the features are very poor and basic, this map allows players to kill time :p
-Fast and easy to play. A casual Wc3 player will enjoy playing this.
However, fun co-incides with atmosphere and gameplay.
I would give it a fun factor of 5, if it looked good and played nice as well, as they complement each other. However, right now, the map is VERY monotone and replayability levels are sub-zero.
Creativity - 4/5 - As I said, I like this idea. It's kinda like Diablo, yet has a good hero-arena feel to it.
I don't believe many people have made a map similar to this in gameplay or theme.
I guess it could be more creative, by adding twists and turns instead of the generic-ness this map currently has.
Storyline - 3/5 - A big meh.
-Short, concise, simple. I don't mind that, but...it's too simple. Could expand on it a little.
-Um, Silverhand ARE Knights. You should've put real conflicting forces, such as the Knights versus the Demons, or something.
-Fighters of Honour doesn't really make sense. They aren't really fighting for honour, they're just randomly slashing swords about at each other. They are basically gladiators. I'd recommend a name that reflects the 'arena-ness' of it, such as 'Undying Conflict', or 'Sons of Battle'.
Overall - 13/25 - 2.6/5 - [3/5] - This map is clearly not finished, in fact, on the finished-0-meter, your map is negative 10.
It has potential, demonstrated by its fun and creativity, however, it direly needs to be improved in the areas of:
-Presentation (you need to improve terraining and map polishing)
-Uniqueness of the gameplay and features (you could add more modes or something, vary the fighters and the spells etc.)
-and Excitement (it is VERY dull, as of now. The theme and the gameplay itself is just so generic and empty, fill it up)

Bugs/Errors - One time, when it was showing me the Arenas, there was a point where there was just a flash of concentrated lag, and I noticed like a 10000 sfx going up at once.
Last edited:
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Dude why is one skill's hotkey is "A",WTF?
Edit:eek:h yeah its almost a passive,except its not