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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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An simple work after long time,fishing hook :)



BTNHook5 (Icon)

02:46, 10th Apr 2016 Sin'dorei300: Commented. 22:29, 18th Apr 2016 Sin'dorei300: It would be nice to see some improvements. Awaiting update.
I suggest to keep just one worm(the yellowish one, for example).
Try to draw a texture on the hook and increase definition of the whole thing.
Make the blood more visible. Better draw just few large blood drops seeping, than many droplets spurting out of the worm.
Also, i think you could experiment(try) with the hook's position a little(maybe rotate it a bit and zoom it in more, if possible) to reduce the unused space even more.