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HOW CAN I !!!!

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Level 8
May 15, 2004
how can i use different skins on the same model on the same map. there is 3 different marines - firebrat - marinelight - medicmarine. i cant use medicmarine, the pathway doesnt work and i cant use the other skins i've made even when i renamed them, they have to be named marine01.blp wich is for the model file marinelight.
i want to have 3 marine types in my map i want the firebrat - marinelight - medicmarine.

someone please tell me what i can do. :roll:
Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
You have to extract and convert the model it's based on to mdl (with Yogbuls File Converter). Then copy the model twice and open it with Notepad. Change the Textures path (use Ctrl+F9 to find Textures) to whatever you want the skin's path to be on both of them and convert them back to mdx. Then import them into the World Editor and use the original path for one of the skins, and the new paths on the other two.
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